Creative Society Iceland

Creative Society Iceland The international project "Creative Society" was initiated by people around the world. On May 11, 2019, at the global online conference “SOCIETY.

Consumerism dominates in today’s society, and we all see that it has played itself out, which is leading humankind into a dead-end. THE LAST CHANCE”, people raised this issue and expressed a common opinion that building a new creative society is a vital necessity. The unique format of the conference inspired people to take action because they were able to express their sincere opinion and take res

ponsibility for their own lives and our common future. At this stage, we set out the goal of finding out from people around the world whether they want to live in the Creative Society as well as of informing the public about this possibility. Here you will find videos produced by people from more than 180 countries around the world. Join this initiative and visit website:
E-mail: [email protected]


Heimurinn er kominn á steypirinn á barmi hruns. Loftslagshamfarir, stríð, átök og hatur rífa mannkynið í sundur. Niðurtalningin er hafin og við höfum engan tíma til að eyða. Ætlum við að lúta í lægra haldi fyrir hinum óumflýjanlega dauðadómi, eða munum við sameinast og byggja upp nýja, örugga framtíð?
Þú hefur Þitt er valdið til ákvörðunar að ákveða.
Vertu með okkur þann 2. desember 2023, klukkan 17:00 GMT fyrir alþjóðlegan málþingið í beinni útsendingu fyrir allt mannkyn ‘Alþjóðleg kreppa. Ábyrgðin'.
Þessi vettvangur mun leiða í ljós hinn átakanlega sannleika um heimskreppuna sem ógnar tilveru okkar. Þú munt læra:
Hvernig hamfarir í loftslagi eru af völdum geimhringrása og plánetuferla sem eru ekki fólki háð og eru enn af óviðráðanlegum orsökum.
Eru til svæði á jörðinni þar sem hægt verður að lifa af loftslagsárás?
Hvernig hamfarirnar munu magnast og hafa áhrif á hvert heimshorn í náinni framtíð og gefa dæmalausum hamförum og þjáningum lausan tauminn.
Hvernig við getum komið í veg fyrir þessa atburðarás. Lausnir
Þetta málþing er ekki fyrir hina viðkvæma eða fáfróða. Það er fyrir þá sem sinna sannleikanum og hugsa um fjölskyldur sínar.
Þetta málþing er skipulagt af sjálfboðaliðum Skapandi félags (Creative Society), sem er fólk eins og þú frá mismunandi löndum og með ólíkan bakgrunn.
Málþingið „Alheimskreppa. Ábyrgðin´´ verður þýtt samtímis á 100 tungumál svo allir geti nálgast þessar mikilvægu upplýsingar.

✅ Þú getur horft á málþingið án ritskoðunar á Skapandi félags (Creative Society) rásinni á Rumble:
👍 Horfa á fyrri alþjóðlega málþingið „„Alheimskreppa. Úrræði er til.:
💠 Opinber vefsíða alþjóðlega verkefnisins Skapandi félags (Creative Society):
📩 Netfang: [email protected]
▶️ Gerast áskrifandi að Telegram rásinni okkar til að vera uppfærð um yfirstandandi atburði líðandi stundar:
▶️ Twitter:
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Heimur okkar er kominn á steypirinn barmi stórslyss. Mannkynið er í útrýmingarhættu. Óskaplegar náttúruhamfarir um allan heim taka líf hundruð þúsunda manna. En við viljum ekki sjá þennan sannleika. Við lokum augunum fyrir því. Brátt getum við ekki gert það.

2. desember 2023, klukkan 17:00 að miðtíma Greenwich, á Alþjóðlegu malþingi á netinu „Alþjóðleg kreppa“. Ábyrgðin “, munum við í fyrsta skipti og án ritskoðunar læra um hvað ógnar plánetunni okkar og mögulegar lausnir sem eru til.

Við erum að nálgast tímamót þegar plánetan okkar verður eins líflaus og Mars. Okkur er logið að og sannleikanum er að leyna um það sem raunverulega er að gerast á plánetunni okkar. Þeir sem reyna að opna augu heimsins verða fyrir ritskoðun og ofsókn.

En við fólk getum ekki sætt sig við slík örlög. Við höfum tækifæri til að bjarga ekki aðeins okkur sjálfum heldur líka plánetunni. Vísindamenn hafa leitað í þrjátíu ár að leið til að forðast hrikalegasta stórslys. Við höfum rétt til að þekkja allan sannleikann.

Þessi sannleikur verður birtur fyrir heiminum 2. desember 2023 klukkan 17:00 að miðtíma Greenwich, á Alþjóðlegu malþingi á netinu „Alheimskreppa. Ábyrgðin.“

Ekki missa af tækifærinu til að mæta á þetta málþing ef framtíð þín og ættingja þinna þér er ekki sama. Það getur verið síðasti möguleiki mannkynsins til að forðast stórslys á heimsvísu. Mundu að það er aðeins eitt skref á milli okkar og fullkominnar eyðileggingar.

2. desember 2023, klukkan 17:00 að miðtíma Greenwich, horfðu á málþingið á þínu tungumáli á



The End of America: How to Survive the Upcoming Cataclysms
Do you want to know the truth about the future of America and the world? Do you want to learn how to protect yourself and your family from the inevitable disasters that are already happening and will only get worse? Do you want to discover the real reason behind the climate cataclysms and the catastrophic events that are threatening our planet? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to watch the online national conference “Global Crisis. America at the Crossroads 2024”. There you will learn:
About the real and imminent threat that America and all living beings on Earth are facing, and why it is not President Putin or a third world war.
What devastating and unavoidable cataclysms will happen in the next 5-7 years, and how they will affect every aspect of your life and the lives of your loved ones.
The two possible ways out of the current situation.
What steps you need to take to ensure your safety and survival in the upcoming difficult and dangerous times.
Join the online conference America at the Crossroads 2024 that will be held on October 7th at 17:00 GMT on

Why is the Creative Society a way out?

International Online Forum "Global Crisis. There is a Way Out" with simultaneous interpreting into 150 languages:

Forum trailer for “Time Is Running Out. Join the Greatest Event in History”

⏩ It's Inevitable | Scientific Report Has Opened the Eyes of the World to the Truth About Climate:

💠 Official website of the Creative Society International Project:

📩 Email: [email protected]






SEPTEMBER 10, 2023
🌊 LIBYA was hit by Storm Danielle, which had previously severely affected Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria.
Imagine, only for 24 hours it rained 40 times more than the norm of the month!
As a consequence, the overflowing dams could not withstand such an onslaught. At night, when most people were asleep, the water rushed on the port city of Derna and destroyed a significant part of it to the ground.
More than 11,000 lives were known to have been lost and more than 20,000 were missing. The city's mayor has stated that the death toll is likely to be much higher. Many casualties are still found in the sea and in the ruins of houses.

📍 Natural disasters are gaining unprecedented momentum, leaving behind catastrophic consequences.
For more details, see our new report.

🆘 MOROCCO: A powerful earthquake with a magnitude of about 7 wiped out entire villages in seconds, turning them into one giant pile of rubble. In some places, the damage is so severe that it is impossible to tell where one house begins and another ends. Streets are gone, replaced by dangerous narrow passages among the ruins.
Because of their geographical location, some villages are difficult to reach, so little attention is paid to them - people are left to face the disaster alone.

SEPTEMBER 8–15, 2023
🌀 SPAIN: In early September, most of the country was hit by storm system Dana. But as it turned out, that was just the beginning.
🔹 More than 50 towns in Navarra province were affected by a powerful downpour of hail.
🔹 Large hailstones caused damage in the province of Biscaya.
🔹 In the province of Castellon, a squally wind with gusts up to 130 km / h led to a massive fall of trees.
🔹 Heavy rains affected the region of Murcia. Flows of muddy water in some places filled the streets of Molina de Segura.
🔹 Due to numerous floods on the roads a transportation collapse began in Madrid.

SEPTEMBER 9–15, 2023
💦 RUSSIA: Due to a powerful downpour and debris flows flooding occurred in the city of Derbent, Republic of Dagestan.

SEPTEMBER 9–15, 2023
💦 USA: Heavy rains triggered dangerous localized flooding in Massachusetts.. A state of emergency was declared in the city of Leominster.

🆘 A new eruption of the Kilauea volcano began in Hawaii. Since the beginning of this year he erupted for the second time.

SEPTEMBER 9–15, 2023
💦 USA: The cyclone brought heavy rains, squally winds and large hail to the Phoenix area in Arizona, USA.

💦 On the same day, heavy rains flooded the streets of Maastricht in the NETHERLANDS.

Looking at all those catastrophes that fall on the planet, the question arises: "Why is this happening?"

🔴 The reason for this progression lies in the destabilization of the planet's core due to the arrival of poorly understood radiation from space. This new additional energy causes the core temperature to rise and affects magma flows that rush toward the surface of the Earth's crust, forming faults, causing earthquakes, and heating ocean waters.

🔵 The heating of the ocean increases the amount of evaporated water from its surface, which then, cooling in the atmosphere, falls back on the earth with anomalous showers and hail.

🔥 And in those places where magma is close to the surface, we observe fires, which are difficult to extinguish, because in the depths all the processes are accompanied by the formation of gasses.

The climate crisis is worsening, and this is a common misfortune. It is urgent to unite all scientific potential to solve the global problem - the survival of humankind.
For more details, please visit the "Creative Society" website.

👉 Climate. Adaptation or Urgent Resuscitation?

👉 Prevention of Disasters

Official Channel of the Creative Society Project:

Subscribe to your Telegram Channel and stay up to date with current events:

📧 E-mail: [email protected]


Frankfurt, Germany 🇩🇪💕

📸: .bub.fotografie


Urgent Address by Egon Cholakian to All Rational People on the Planet.
In his urgent address, Egon Cholakian explains how Siberia threatens the existence of all humanity and why global media remain silent about it. Egon Cholakian stated that there are two threats leading humanity to the brink of its existence: cosmic influence on our planet and the demise of the world's oceans. The global scientific community now faces the task of promptly establishing a unified international scientific center, pooling efforts, and finding methods to eliminate these threats looming over humanity.

In his urgent plea to all rational individuals, Egon Cholakian emphasized that today, the prevention of a planetary catastrophe hinges on each sensible person, regardless of their education or specialization. Will we be able to survive? It now depends on every person capable of comprehending the essence of the problem and acting in accordance with that understanding.

As Egon Cholakian stated:

I am now addressing all rational and thoughtful individuals. If you feel the gravity of the situation and the magnitude of the looming threat, and if you can draw parallels between the climate graphs that amply project the progression, and see the alarming exponential rise of catastrophes, then I implore you, please do not remain silent.

➡️ This video is being published on our channel because it contains vital information about addressing the climate crisis, which pertains to the survival of all humanity.

The video is used under a publicly granted permission for free reproduction and distribution, as published on the source's website:


Urgent address to the leaders of all countries, the global scientific community, and all of humanity!

NASA and CERN scientist, a leading expert in climate change and national security issues Egon Cholakian sounds the alarm! In his appeal, he points out the obvious facts of a drastic global climate change on Earth, the exponential increase in climate disasters and anomalies around the world, which in the coming years may lead our planet to imminent destruction.

Egon Cholakian urgently calls for all necessary measures to be taken to organize a collective interdisciplinary climate study by the best scientists. He emphasizes that this issue is pressing and of utmost importance for the survival of all life on our planet!

Egon Cholakian is an international tax law professional and particle physicist, a lobbyist in the US Congress and the White House, a member of CERN Laboratory's “Future Circular Collider” project team and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's National Ignition Facility user team. He is a lecturer and a member of the International Association of Intelligence Educators.

He currently acts as a federal lobbyist on Capitol Hill, and a registered foreign agent with the U.S. Department of Justice. In total, Egon Cholakian has worked with four US presidents. In his current work, Egon Cholakian focuses on issues related to climate change and national security.

➡️ This video is published on our channel because it contains extremely important information about solving the climate crisis problem, which concerns the survival of all humankind.

This video is used based on the public permission for free reproduction and distribution, published on the source website


At the end of July 2023, a heat wave in the Mediterranean led to severe forest fires. The fire affected Greece, France, Turkey, Croatia, Portugal, Italy, Algeria and other countries.
🔥 GREECE: The disaster affected several regions, including the islands of Rhodes, Euboea, Corfu, the central regions and the southern part of the Peloponnese Island. The fire even reached the outskirts of the country's capital, Athens.

Reporters and eyewitnesses talk about these and other events in our new report.

🆘 GREECE: At first no one paid much attention to the fires that started on the ISLAND of RHODES on July 18: the locals were used to the fact that the forest burns every year. Like many tourists, they were watching the crimson glow and smoke in the sky with indifferent curiosity.
But after the fire came close to the area of hotels, according to eyewitnesses, people were engulfed in a terrible panic. Spontaneous evacuations began. The roads were jammed, there were not enough buses, and people not only drove, but also walked with suitcases right along the road. In total, about 30,000 people left their homes and hotels.

The fire severely affected the entire southern part of Rhodes. Many settlements and thousands of hectares of land were burned, many animals, including rare ones, died.

🔥 ITALY: An abnormal heat in Italy created a fire emergency on the island of SICILY, where the fire caused huge damage to the environment and agriculture. Tired firefighters simply did not have time not only to extinguish the fires, but even to reach all the calls.
The temporary closure of the two major airports effectively isolated the region, further exacerbating the difficult situation on the island.
The city of Palermo was literally surrounded by flames. Many families were evacuated from dangerous areas. Unfortunately, there were reports of several fatalities.

⚠️ ALGERIA: On the other side of the Mediterranean Sea, fires were blazing over northern and eastern Algeria. This year, the wildfire season in the country worsened due to an abnormally strong heat that heated the air to almost 50 ⁰С.

Entire villages were trapped in the fire. According to preliminary data, already more than thirty people did not survive this tragedy.

🔥 TÜRKİYE: In long-suffering Türki̇ye, forest fires continued the series of terrible disasters destroying the country. The fire engulfed Antalya, Manisa and Kahramanmaraş. From the evening of July 24, the flames approached the resort town of Kemer.
The winds caused the flames to spread over a vast area.

🔴 CANADA: In another part of the Northern Hemisphere, fire continues to burn the land at a record rate. In total, the flames have already destroyed more than 11,000,000 hectares of land, which is about three percent of the country's total forest area.
Information about casualties and the injured is very scattered. Unfortunately, there are no exact figures available yet.

Recently, scientists have started talking about the excessive rise of deep hydrogen and methane along tectonic faults and cracks in the Earth's crust as the main cause of fires.
Fires ignited by these gasses are difficult to control. They are uncontrollable and catastrophic.

And unfortunately, this is not the only problem humanity is facing. Every day, reports from various countries around the world reveal destructive hail storms, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, and other disasters.

At the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity", scientists presented an accurate mathematical model of growing climate catastrophes. They gave clear, scientifically supported answers to the following questions:
🔹 What is the true cause of climate change?
🔹 What will happen on the planet in the coming years?
🔹 And is there a way out for humankind?
Study this information and join the international volunteer team of the Creative Society Project.

🌎 Our channel Climate Crisis covers global problems of humanity: cataclysms, cataclysms of the week,climate change, global warming, climate, cataclysms today, natural disasters, disasters, natural cataclysms, storm, flood, heat wave, glacier melting, global climate change, drought, earthquake, warming, fires, record snowfall, mudslide, tornado, heat wave, flooding flood, tsunami,what is happening to the world.
The Greatest Event in History will tооk place on April 22, 2023,at the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out"

👉 Prevention of Disasters

👉 Opportunities and Prospects

Official website of the Creative Society project:

Subscribe to your Telegram Channel and stay up to date with current events:

📧 E-mail: [email protected]


Jesus Christ is one of the most well-known figures on our planet. Even today, over 2,000 years later, His words ignite the hearts of many people. Jesus brought knowledge of how to live in peace and joy: "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." (John 13:34).

So why is our society, where one in three people profess Christianity, facing numerous crises today? We can't seem to find common ground, and our world is on the edge. Where did we go wrong? Why have we forgotten the words of Jesus? Who is Jesus to us, and are we following His commandments?

On July 22, 2023, a unique event will take place for Christians worldwide: the International Online Conference "Global Crisis. Who Is Jesus Christ to Us?" Thanks to the volunteers of the Creative Society project, this event will be simultaneously translated into 70 languages and broadcast on all social networks and streaming platforms worldwide. Join the live stream, and share this event with your friends, family, and everyone you know!

💠 Official website of the Creative Society international project:

📩 [email protected]

📌 Follow us on:

▶️ Official Telegram channel in English:

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We live in a time when we can hardly be surprised by anything. But the latest climate news about what's happening not only on Earth, but also beyond, can make everyone think.

In our new report, see FIVE FACTS proving that something strange is happening to the planet:

JUNE 2023
1️⃣ EARTH: Although the Northern Hemisphere's hottest weather usually occurs closer to August, June 2023 saw many temperature records from Canada to China.
According to observations, the average global temperature at the beginning of June exceeded the norm by 1.5 ⁰С.

2️⃣ JULY 3, 2023 was the hottest day on Earth in the history of observations!
According to the National Center for Environmental Prediction, the average temperature was 17.01 ⁰C.

JUNE 2023
3️⃣ SUN: According to the Royal Observatory of the Belgian Solar Impact Data Analysis Center, the average monthly number of sunspots in June 2023 reached a 21-year high.

4️⃣ JULY 2, 2023 The Sun had its most powerful X-class flare in 20 years!

2023 YEAR
5️⃣ ATMOSPHERA: A study published in early June 2023 in Geophysical Research Letters shows a significant increase in turbulence in clear skies.

Since 1979, due to climate change, severe turbulence has increased by 55%, and this process will increase, scientists warn.

We would like to draw attention to the fact that the climate phenomena occurring on the planet and beyond it are interrelated. Every week, every day, there are many cataclysmic events happening around the world.

🌊 PHILIPPINES: A state of disaster has been declared in several provinces. The cause was flooding caused by heavy rains. Overflowing rivers have inundated at least 12 towns and more than 200,000 people have been forced to flee the onslaught of water.

💦 NORTH AUSTRALIA: July began with unseasonably heavy rain in northern Australia. Rainfall of 10-15 times the monthly average was recorded in places on the 2nd and 3rd.

JULY 2, 2023
💦 USA: Extreme rainfall is particularly dangerous for major cities. It fell double the norm of rain in CHICAGO, and the life of the metropolis for a long time was paralyzed.

JULY 4-5, 2023
💦 CHINA: And in China, the municipality of Chongqing and Yunnan experienced the worst flooding in 50 years. Downpours in the southwest of the country led to the evacuation of more than 95,000 people. Unfortunately, it was not without casualties.

JULY 4, 2023.
🌊 NIGERIA: Floods have also affected the west of Africa. The capital of KATSINA STATE experienced a massive downpour, resulting in flooding of homes and loss of life.

JULY 4, 2023.
💦 ITALY: On the same day, the Italian city of MILANE received more rain and hail in 3 hours than usual for the first two weeks of July.

JULY 5, 2023.
🌀 THE NETHERLANDS: The strongest summer storm in the country's history, dubbed Poli, hit the Netherlands. Wind gusts reached up to 146 kilometers per hour.

JULY 5, 2023
💦 PAKISTAN: The largest city of many millions, LAHORE, was hit by a month and a half of rainfall in just 10 hours, breaking a thirty-year-old record.
Navigating the flooded streets became impossible. But the saddest part is that the flooding claimed the lives of several people.

JULY 6, 2023
🌊 MONGOLIA: Several neighborhoods in Ulan Bator went underwater after heavy rain damaged a dam on the Selbe River.

JULY 6, 2023
🌀 SPAIN: A storm and torrential rains hit the town of ZARAGOZA. People fought desperately against the water elements, trying to save their lives. But the raging torrents easily swept away everything in their path.

The scale of the rampage confirms that climate threats can only be tackled using a holistic approach.

Only a united humanity can create the necessary conditions for a comprehensive study of the causes of the climate crisis and a way out of it.

🌎 Our channel Climate Crisis covers global problems of humanity: cataclysms, cataclysms of the week,climate change, global warming, climate, cataclysms today, natural disasters, disasters, natural cataclysms, storm, flood, heat wave, glacier melting, global climate change, drought, earthquake, warming, fires, record snowfall, mudslide, tornado, heat wave, flooding flood, tsunami,what is happening to the world.
The Greatest Event in History will tооk place on April 22, 2023,at the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out"

👉 The Right of Choice

👉 Opportunities and Prospects

Official website of the Creative Society project:

Subscribe to your Telegram Channel and stay up to date with current events:

📧 E-mail: [email protected]

the sun,turkey,bali,russia,china,netherlands,philippines, chongqing,canada,chicago,chicago weather,climate change,whistleblower,severe turbulence,solar flare,italy,temperature anomalies,abnormal heat,weather update today,news today,breaking news,latest news,severe weather,seconds from disaster,weather update,disaster management,climate,top news,forecast,weather today,weather news,flooding,flash flood warning,chicago weather,pakistan,ulaanbaatar,climate crisis,news,drought news


💬 ‘The most important thing is equality among people. We want people to be equal, to have the right to learn, travel, live wherever they want, and pursue what they love,’ says Christian Stefanescu, an economist from Romania.

🎤 The guest of today's international discussion will share what caught his attention and why he began to study the Creative Society Project, as well as which topics presented at the Forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out" resonated with him most. of all. Let's also talk about the benefits of the Creative Society, which are guaranteed to us by the 8 Pillars, and how to implement it in our lives in the coming years.

Dear friends, the success of the Creative Society project depends on our support. Join in! Take a chance to improve your own life and the future of your children!

🌍 International Online Forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out" with simultaneous interpreting into 150 languages:

➡️ The Forum in English:

➡️ 8 Pillars of the Creative Society:

➡️ Video "Climate Cerberus":

➡️ Official website of the Creative Society International Project:

📩 [email protected]

▶️ Official Telegram channel (in English)

▶️ Twitter:

▶️ Facebook:

▶️ Instagram:


Is it possible to have a world without presidents, parliaments, and even less so dictators? This will only become a reality in the Creative Society, where everyone's voice is equally important in decision-making.

📽️ In a new episode of the show "I'm In," hosts Julia Dudley Najieb and Lennice Jabari Najieb Muhammad will explore the topic of self-governance, which was covered in detail at the Forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out."

▶️ What will self-governance look like in practice?

▶️ Electoral Platform will provide transparent and responsive decision-making

▶️ Economist John Perkins on the current death economy

Dear friends, now it is very important to keep on the wave of informing and to spread the Forum among your friends and acquaintances, and in all social networks. Share the link to the event. Together, let's make people aware of the incredible perspectives and opportunities that the implementation of the Creative Society opens up for us.

Now the future of humanity is in the hands of each and every one of us!

🌍 International Online Forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out" with simultaneous interpreting into 150 languages:

➡️ The Forum in English:

➡️ 8 Pillars of the Creative Society:

➡️ Video: Climate Cerberus:

➡️ Official website of the Creative Society International Project:

📩 Email: [email protected]

➡️ Join the volunteer team of the Creative Society project:

▶️ Official Telegram channel (in English)

▶️ Twitter:

▶️ Facebook:

▶️ Instagram:


"It is time for you to enjoy your life. It is time for you to stop working to the bone, where you have to work two, three jobs and look at another way in the Creative Society", says Julia Dudley Najieb, co-host of the fascinating show "I'm In," in which her husband, Lennice Jabari Najieb Muhammad, and she continue to discuss the Forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out," namely the topic of the new economic model that was developed and proposed by experts from around the world.

Topics of today's broadcast:
🔹 Voskhod MPC. Transparency and control of financial flows of society
🔹 New currency. Why is it important for the new currency to be digital?
🔹 Limitation of wealth. What will happen to excess funds?
🔹 New opportunities for entrepreneurs. Interest-free loans, no taxes for small and medium-sized businesses

Dear friends, now it is very important to keep on the wave of informing and to spread the Forum among your friends and acquaintances, and in all social networks. Share the link to the event. Together, let's make people aware of the incredible perspectives and opportunities that the implementation of the Creative Society opens up for us.

Now the future of humanity is in the hands of each and every one of us!

🌍 International Online Forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out" with simultaneous interpreting into 150 languages:

➡️ The Forum in English:

➡️ 8 Pillars of the Creative Society:

➡️ Video: Climate Cerberus:

➡️ Official website of the Creative Society International Project:

📩 Email: [email protected]

➡️ Join the volunteer team of the Creative Society project:

▶️ Official Telegram channel (in English)

▶️ Twitter:

▶️ Facebook:

▶️ Instagram:




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