An original creation by Alroy Jovi, 'Axtelera Ray: Rise of Astrone' is an epic fantasy tale which blends superheroes and mythology. It has been surmised and illustrated since 2009 by Jovi himself and his team of exceptionally-talented individuals. The first book, ‘Axtelera Ray: The Chronicles of Astrone’, is being written by British fiction author, M. Gallagher, best known for his unofficial novel
isation of the popular videogame, Final Fantasy VII. A FREE download of the 40-page preview edition of 'The Chronicles of Astrone' can be found at
To mark the 10th anniversary of the project’s conception, we are thrilled to share with you this documentary film about our forthcoming novel series:
More information is available at our website,
The current concept of Axtelera Ray was first introduced in 2009, and it is the ambition of the production to create a unique universe which can be enjoyed by children and adults alike through novels, television, stage, games, and cinema. It is a story which depicts the conflict between good and evil in a new way, capturing the imagination of thousands, fusing the idea of gifted individuals with real life and history. In addition to numerous traditional global themes, the series borrows characters and ideas from Norse, Greek, Roman, Celtic, Persian, Asian, Egyptian, Mayan, Native American, African and Polynesian mythology among others. "The term 'Axtelera Ray' does not bear any meaning in Greek, Latin, or any other language. However, Axtelera Ray represents power itself."
- Alroy Jovi
"I've been writing for a number of years and have participated in some very cool projects, but I have never been part of anything quite as exciting as this."
- M. Gallagher
To date, work is underway on the following novels in the series:
#1 Axtelera Ray: The Chronicles of Astrone
#2 Axtelera Ray: Order of the Star Spell
#3 Axtelera Ray: Race to Dertrox Fountain
#4 Axtelera Ray: The Atrix Pearl of Theia
#5 In process
#6 In process
Contact us at: [email protected] or [email protected]
Axtelera Ray links:
http://www.Axteleraray.Org #!/axteleraray
Soundtrack on iTunes:
Soundtrack on Spotify:
Soundtrack 001 :
Soundtrack 002 :
Soundtrack 003 :