Bustle your morning with this delicious and nutritious strawberry and yoghurt smoothie! This drink is perfect for breakfast or lunch, and it's perfect for those hot summer days.
If you're looking for a delicious and nutritious drink to perk you up in the morning, take a sip of this strawberry and yoghurt smoothie! This drink is perfect for breakfast or lunch, and it's perfect for those hot summer days. Give it a try today and see for yourself how tasty and refreshing it is!
Strawberry and yoghurt smoothie
🍓 Ingredients
- 4 cups frozen strawberries (240g)
- 1 cup yoghurt (236 ml)
- ½ cup orange juice (118ml)
- 1 tablespoon sugar ( 1 tablespoon honey)
🍓 Preparation
- Remove the stems from the strawberries and wash them
- Add the strawberries , sugar, yoghurt, orange juice and ice cubes in the blender and blend for 20 seconds
- Pour the smoothie into Glass ( add syrup - optional )
Enjoy the smoothie while it's chill
- 4 ኩባያ በረዶ የያዙ እንጆሪዎች (240 ግ)
- 1 ኩባያ እርጎ (236 ሚሊ ሊትር)
- ½ ኩባያ ብርቱካን ጭማቂ (118 ሚሊ)
- 1 የሾርባ ማንኪያ ስኳር (1 የሾርባ ማንኪያ ማር)
- ያዘጋጀነውን እስትሮበሪ ግንዱን አስወግደን እናጥብና የጁስ መፍጫ ውስጥ እንጨምራለን
- በመቀጠል እርጎ፣ የብርቱካን ጭማቂ እና ስኳር በመጨመር ለ20 ሰከንድ ያህል በጁስ መፍጫ ማሽኑ እንመታዋለን
የተመታውን ስሙዚ በብርጭቆ ላይ በመቅዳት በፍጥነት ማቅረብ
🍓ቀዝቃዛውን በመጠጣት ይዝናኑ 🥰
Bustle your morning with this delicious and nutritious strawberry and yoghurt smoothie! This drink is perfect for breakfast or lunch, and it's perfect for th...