Taiwo Fowowe

Taiwo Fowowe MercyofGod


We are walking in the light of God. No evil will befall us in the day nor in the night. We are serving a living God who never sleeps nor slumbers; he will protect and keep his own people. The high hand of the Lord is upon us all. Strength for the troubled soul and courage for the fainting heart.
Our Lord God Almighty is bigger than every mountain, bigger than every tribulation and affliction of life; our God is bigger than the mountains of challenges and evildoers we can and cannot see. Our God is greater than any individual's problems, higher and more powerful to deliver us from any adversity. We have beheld Satan fall in Christ Jesus as lightning from heaven. Likewise, we shall continue to see the fall of evildoers, and the plans of the wicked shall continue to fail every day.
A thousand may fall on our right hand and ten thousand on our left, but no evil shall come near us. And say this personally, in faith and boldness before the throne of grace, that "only with my eyes will I see the reward of the wicked; because the LORD God is my refuge, and under the shadow of the Almighty is my hiding place, for me and everything that concerns my household.
Nothing bad will happen to you, and no plague will come near your home. The Lord shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you and yours in all your ways. Our eyes shall witness good things in life, and it can only continue to get better; we shall continue to override every plan of the devil. Hallelujah, death has lost its sting upon us. Hallelujah, in Christ we have victory.



We have gone by the ram-like lion situation because that wasn't the deal. We perceive the reality most could imagine but couldn't fathom the depth is about to hit the land.

A woman was rescued from the swamp but didn't want to forgo such an environment for the drain and plain land but to move to another swampy area with less overflow. This woman must have been wealthy before the unpleasant situation that befell her land, so she still thought to herself about the woman in charge of her possession without knowing that the loss of contact and connection meant she had nothing left after the destruction.

Only if some know that you are only in charge of what is yours that is in your custody, but that which is with another without trace or connection is lost, and maybe lost forever in this kind of situation.

Two children lost their parents just as some other neighbors lost theirs also, but they also thought they could survive on what their parents left behind without knowing the purse was empty. Either the source was destroyed or robbed.

These children searched for their parents but couldn't see their dead bodies; they even cried to wake the dead body of their neighbor's (children's) mother, but all to no avail.

How could this kind of person's be pacified and encouraged? The children carried the bad armed weapons and began to fire at different directions without minding who might get hurt; this they did because they were heartbroken and left helpless.

This will be evident in those places that look more like the advanced city in the land, where their drivers are rugged and wreckless.
Not long after, some of the armed forces bodies were littered around and carried by truck. The evil that broke out from the north is just the lion-like situation but of a stubborn ram, as first revealed last year. But this will break out and spread from those of most noble composure in the recent complaint.

This is the vision of the things revealed and have been perceived for a long time, and now if the dark-skinned man is not transformed (exchanged) for the light-skinned man, then there must be more because those who think they are protected and protecting others will be tempted to continue what they don't know the end but dreadful at the same time.

When the ignorant don't know what they are gearing towards, then it's best for those who want to be sane for a while and desire their peace to remain silent. But become insane when the trumpet is to be sounded, because the will of God is to sound the alarm when the time comes so that the blood of the innocent will not be recorded on our account.

The end result is either a change (transformation) or threat to life and office for those concerns. Either you are seen and accepted to be free by others or you perish by the delusion that you are free because of the services that an arm of flesh can render to protect and preserve you. But let wait and see if the foolish of them will still see this as a phase that will surely pass or not come to pass, because the example may have to be set straight.

If this sounds like a disturbing vision or a threat to oppressors, then you should know there is no greater threat to life for the masses than weaponizing poverty and hardship.



Blessed is the name of God for ever and ever, for wisdom and might belong to him. Our God does not change, but he changes the times and the seasons; he removes kings and sets another up. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.
He reveals the deep and secret things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him. Nothing is hidden from him; he knows everything happening at different places at the same time. The LORD God is Almighty; he has the power to raise up the humble and abase the proud. He gives more grace to the loving and those poor in spirit.

A blessed man is the one who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful. The man delights in the law of the LORD, and in his word he will meditate day and night. Such a man shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water that brings fruit in its season; his leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he does shall prosper. So there is a power and grace that can make a tree not dry up; there is an abundance of water that can make a tree survive all seasons, and its leaves will still be fresh.

You can be renew (fresh) in all seasons when you are planted by the riverside or when you are being watered regularly as a plant with the word of God, even though your faith is yet to be part of those planted by the rivers of water. When you are blessed and prepare more than the circumstances a particular time may bring your way, you will stand in the midst of what many would have thought would bring you down, and if you are persuaded enough, you will be an encouragement to others to stand as well.


When you have something good to do and are about to take ground, you will know that there are powers and principalities ...

When you have something good to do and are about to take ground, you will know that there are powers and principalities that are forces contrary to your success and victory. But when you worship and serve the Lord your God in truth, letting all men, including you, be the liar because the word of God stands forever, and him being the holy One and uncorrupted in the midst of his people, you will have the experiential knowledge of his power that is able to deliver and save.

All other men can say it all by your action and perspective, but you can know in Christ there is a hidden truth that is only revealed to those that believe; it's a formula that is at the centers of all others, but not so many work by it but by the law because men often see and express the captive and the oppressor in their imagination, not those who are free, but we're made humble to serve.

How can a slave become the king without thinking and acting like those that first enslave him, and how can the king think and act as though he or she is in the same jungle with others, because surely this world is made a jungle through the good and evil of men, and no one is escaping alive.

It's an enlightenment for those who are wise and not befuddled with the noise and deception of the world that they are not going to escape with whatever they take pride in and boast of here, because there is a place where all mouths will be shut up without force and all boasts will end without persuasion, but only your work and mercy will speak for you.

For those who have made the world their home as though they will be here forever, we say they think and reason like the foolish and blind animals, who don't know that either he gets hurt in the jungle or his owner brings an end to him or her.

Some animals can still perceive and discern, but who has deceived and blinded some with lies that they couldn't even perceive things that are beyond their control and normality?

Search if you are still the one living or another nature living through your being, and search the word of truth and life to know if you are still living by the word or under the schoolmaster. For those in whom sin has lost its power (sting), which is the law of death, they are not under obligation to tell you the truth but are willing if only you can come out from among them because the pearls cannot be throned to the dogs.

You (Him) telling a person you have come for a certain people when you have come to deliver all is not a lie but preserving the word of life. If you are true and sincere with God, brother, you will know him, but if not, he will forever remain hidden even when he is willing to reveal himself to all.

You have to accept your shortcomings that you are not that smart or strong; you should know when your deception is turning you into a fool, thinking you are fooling others without knowing others are getting wiser because you thought you had fooled them; thereby, you become the one fooled by them.



Blessed be the name of the Lord. I believe it is well with our spirit, soul, and body in Christ Jesus.
The light and glory of God will radiate upon your life, and your health, strength, business, mind, and heart will prosper day by day. Every day will be a stepping stone to higher ground. The Lord will heal your heart, open the door of joy and laughter, and take away sighs and pain.

The faithfulness of God shall make us whole, and his love and kindness shall keep us going and safe. May the light of God take away confusion and disappointment, and his mighty hand make every crooked way straight. As we lift up our eyes to the holy One, may he send us light and speed from heaven, fight our cause, deliver the oppressed, and make a cry of joy be heard in the house of the barren.

Your body, spirit, and soul are of the Lord and created by him; no evil shall come near your dwelling. The protection and covering of God are upon your life; evil arrows are going back to their senders; long pain or lasting grief shall dry up. As for those looking up to God for a change and miracle in their health and endeavors, may the ancient of days visit you with his host for a change, healing, and transformation.

The Spirit of God is coming upon you, and your head shall be anointed till your vessel overflows with the bounty of God's blessing, power, and glory. May the good Lord give us this day and our daily bread, forgive our sins as we forgive others, help and empower us not to yield to temptation, and deliver us from ourselves and the devil.
Yours is the kingdom, LORD, the power, and the glory forever and ever. Amen


Happy new month!The Lord bless and you you

Happy new month!
The Lord bless and you you


Though your body needs rest, never let your spirit fall asleep in this evil and dark world, for your own good, and for the manifestation of your glory awaits those who are ashamed, and the brightness of your light in Christ awaits those who are in darkness, if there is any hope and word that can liberate them from the shadow of death.

For heaven does not rejoice over a person who returns to darkness, nor can those who are blind and without help in the world afford to lose you to their evil and wicked circle, because they await your manifestation and victory in Christ, so that the world may see Christ in them through your labor of love (work) and glorify the Father of Glory for his presence and reign in the affairs of men.

Jesus can identify with you as he did with Lazarus, though you may not see nor perceive it yet, and it may seem late. When Lazarus was sick, it was reported to Christ, but he chose to visit him after his death. He thought of him as sleeping, and he still found it possible for Lazarus, who was dead in body but asleep in spirit, to wake him up. Even though you fell asleep or off the path, the grace of God that brings salvation is reaching out to you today. Only believe and trust, and you shall be made whole and free of guilt and shame.

You might have been lukewarm for so long, and the Spirit of the living God seems to have left you on your own. You might have gone far in bad things, evil, and wickedness, but the Lord comes today and says unto you, "Come forth out of the dead, come out among those who are evil and work in darkness, for you will now work in the newness of life, and the light of the glory of God shall shine upon you."

The Spirit of the living God that makes and keeps alive is coming upon you mightily today, and you are neverthe same; you go from strength to strength and glory to glory. The King is coming in all his glory and manifestation. Let your heart be fixed on Christ in full assurance and hope that the Father, who promised through Christ, is able to do the same through his Son in your life.

Sing and rejoice above your sorrow and shame; praise his holy name; let the sense and reasoning of joy awaken in you; and let your soul rejoice in the Lord ever more. You are awake to your position, responsibility, and purpose in the kingdom, which you are to manifest in the world through Christ's might and grace.

Awake, awake, says the Lord your God; put on your strength, you who have been called by his name and redeemed by his blood; put on your lovely robes and a smile of joy on your face. With a new nature in Christ Jesus, you are made holy and bearers of God's glory on earth; there will be no more shame and sorrow for you. Shake yourself from the dust; arise, and sit down, son and daughter; loose yourself from the bo***ge of self-pity, pride of life, and the captivity of the enemy. This is the birthing and proceeding of the sons and daughters of Zion; the latter shall be greater than the former, and the God of revival shall send his former and latter rain upon the thirsty soul.

Let the dry land break forth in joy, and let the nations rejoice. Like fire, like a flood, let the adversaries of your people, oh Lord, be swept away one after the other. Let the system they want to collapse fall upon them as a building, and let the fire they want to use to destroy and bring to darkness fall upon them like thunder. Let those who obey and trust in you find peace and make a way for everyone of us where there is no way.

God is powerful and mighty; he made a way in the red sea. Let the walls of Jericho fall down flat, the walls set to hinder the progress, joy, and improvement of the standards of living of your people, fall upon the tormentors and oppressors.



There are days you may complain about the very little things, and there are days you will appreciate every little thing that has come your way. The time you will complain about the darkest moment and the time you will appreciate and value the experience.

There is a time for everything under the heavens. There is a time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to pluck up things that are planted. There is a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to break down and a time to build up. There is a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance. There is a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. There is a time to get and a time to lose; a time to keep and a time to cast away.

There is a time to reap and a time to sow—a time to keep silence and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to dislike; a time of war and a time of peace. Now what is the gain of workers who toil in their labor all through? This is the labor established from the foundation of the world in the knowledge of good and evil for men to exercise themselves in it.

The Lord God has put in place the time for it to rain upon the earth, the time for it to be dry, and the time for it to be cold and hot. Good and evil were the order of the day since men fell short of the glory of God. There are times when you will be accepted almost entirely for what you are doing, and there are days when you will be disliked or hated for it. A season will still come when you will be loved for what you have been hated for when people know you better or understand you better.

There is no permanent condition or situation in life, because there will be days you will be criticized for what you did know how to do, and there will be days many will have nothing to say other than to appreciate you or keep their peace and be silent. So you can't afford to please people because seasons come with different timing and chances, and you can't tell what they will bring, but you can be in charge of the story by the grace of God, as the Lord will be the author and finisher of our expected end.
Those who accept you in the morning may deny or betray you in the night, so you can't try to manage situations by trying to please men at the expense of your progress and shining in God's glory.

As much as we count by time, we humans are the ones limited by time; our God is not limited nor hindered by time because he is always on time. So don't relate with God by men's calendar because the arm of flesh will fail, and time will fail you in doing some things, but his grace is sufficient to bring everything to time.

Our time is in God's hands, because if you can be predicted all through or most of the time, you can be hindered and restricted from reaching the destination. God created the season for it to rain and the time for it to be dry and bring more heat. People could read and see the sign in the sky even by the feeling of the weather, but the weather predicted and what we can feel is not enough to judge if it will rain or not. And not enough for us to force it to rain or not because we believe the time has come.

There is an expectation from every man, and at a particular age and phase of life, man is predicted and discerned to do some things, and not doing the things expected may seem to be him or her going against the system or the nature of a thing. Time and season come, but don't be troubled so much about it that you lose your peace and the real essence of life. You will find meaning in peace and your real person, not the cat and rat race. The road that leads to destruction is often wide and generalized.



The Lord Jesus once told his disciples to go into Judaea again. But his disciples were astonished and said, "The Jews of late sought to stone you, and you are about to go there again? Jesus answered them, saying that there are twelve hours in the day. And if any man walks in the day, he will not stumble because the light of this world is present with him. But if a man walks in the night, he will stumble because there is no light in him.

You can't fight with the devil at night; you need light. Don't struggle with those who exercise their duties in the dark when no man who can challenge them is not there, but carry the light of this world in you to resist and nullify the plans of the wicked.

Don't go out in the night if you don't have light that is able to save and make all see what is happening around you; go out in the day when all can see, especially your Lord and Savior. So if you walk in light, you can't be afraid of failure because, even if disappointment comes, you will see and know the reason why because you can see. But those of us who know our God will act valiantly and work wonders.

If no one can rebuke the day to turn night by force, though there might be forces to dim the light, and though temptation and tribulations come, no evil can overcome you during the day except you surrender or lay it down.

Your day and night here on earth can be lightened by the marvelous light of God. Don't be afraid or discouraged from going back to where they rejected and despised you. Be encouraged to still follow up with those who reject and disbelieve the gospel, "the good news," because you don't know when the harvest will come.

The purpose of the "but now a failure" action of some is to put the nation into darkness and destruction by pulling the power line down, but the evil effect has been neutralized and has no effect on our path in Jesus name.



Beloved of God in Christ Jesus, comparison and unnecessary competition will put you in confusion, raise your fear, and lower your self-esteem. Fear creates thoughts and a sense of reasoning that can lead to failure. Even when some exceed a limit they set, they may still look for others to compare themselves with because they do not believe in themselves enough to know that they are the first image that needs growth before checking others.

Everyone is open to different opportunities, revelations, and informed knowledge at a particular time, so there is a tendency to act differently. Those who compare themselves with others to be commended are not wise because they can be weighing themselves against the wrong standard and personality.

Two men went into the temple to pray; one was a Pharisee, and the other was a publican. The Pharisee prayed to God, first thanking God that he wasn't like other men, who are extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even publicans. He mentioned that he fasts twice a week and gives tithes for all that he possesses. But the publican stood afar off and would not even lift up his eyes so much to heaven because he knew he didn't deserve to be shown mercy. He then asked God to be merciful to him as a sinner.

Jesus was with the Father from the beginning to know the ways of men who trusted in their own view of things and men who praised to commend or judge themselves or others. So at the end of this parable, which is the reality of many, he affirms and stands the ground that the publican went home justified rather than the other: for every one that exalts himself shall be abase, and those that humble themselves shall be exalted.

Brethren, as much as the Lord would want to encourage and cheer you up, he wasn't in any way considering your feelings or emotions before the reality of a thing. Don't be deceived; if you are getting better or happier because you are still seeing those who are doing less than you or are poor, your glory is like a v***r because when those you are belittling rise or stop giving you the expected honor and gesture, you will be the one to lower yourself because the courage and inspiration will go down automatically because you have often attached your happiness and success to others incapability and unrighteousness. There will be days you will feel those you are looking to be below you will not satisfy you enough to rate yourself, and you will be tempted to go for what you can't or do more than you can sustain, which is the beginning of frustration.

If you always want to call darkness light and represent darkness as light, maybe you find fulfillment and courage in bringing others down so that you can rise, but know that you are already condemning yourself to not being worth what you profess to be. You can't kill others courage or ideas and expect yours to grow without hindrance or hitting the stumbling block. You cannot kill others to stay relevant or be alive and expect to live in joy and fulfillment because the memory will continue to hunt. Even when the conscience is dead, some may be suffering for what they don't know, which they brought upon themselves.


Up from the horrible pitJoseph was a dreamer, and because he continued to dream big, his brothers envied and hated him f...

Up from the horrible pit

Joseph was a dreamer, and because he continued to dream big, his brothers envied and hated him for that. They conspired to kill him, but not directly with their hands, but with a natural death caused by them.
At the sight of him on the field coming towards them, they stripped him of his coat, his coat of many colors. He was thrown into an empty pit without water by his own blood brothers, but he was later lifted up and sold to the Ishmeelites for twenty pieces of silver, and they brought Joseph to Egypt.

Joseph was a dreamer, and he didn't give up dreaming to become whom the LORD God has revealed to him to be. While in the pit, he didn't give up because of his brother's rejection and betrayal. You could have been stripped of your pride, or the most important thing and of value to you, physically, financially, and emotionally, but that shouldn't be the end because that's not the end for a seed taken from its mother branches, because if the seed is planted again, there is hope for growth and to become great again.

Many could have thought that was their end in the empty pit without water and food, and some could have thought of committing su***de because they lost hope for just a few hours, days, or even years.
Some who are privileged or stronger may want you to die of hunger and thirst by making life hard because their expectation could be your death or loss of focus.
Some may want to frustrate you at your place of work or office, so you give up on your dream. They could strife by blocking all the available ways and opportunities, but never yield to their oppression and suffocation. The Lord, who made a way for Joseph out of the horrible experience, could make a way that you couldn't imagine, and the way sometimes may not be what is pleasant but also a way forward.

Joseph was brought to Egypt, and Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, captain of the guard, and an Egyptian, bought him out of the hands of the Ishmeelites. The LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man, and he was in the house of his master, the Egyptian. When his master saw that the LORD was with him, the LORD made all that he did prosper in his hand. Joseph found grace; his master made him overseer over his house, and all that he had he put into his hand; and the LORD blessed the Egyptian's house for Joseph's sake.

Shortly after all these things, Joseph was lied against by his master's wife, who wanted to have sexual in*******se with him but failed when Joseph ran away. The same woman told the people and her husband that Joseph wanted to r**e her but was left alone when she shouted.

Potiphar was angry and vexed when he heard what his wife said about Joseph and put him in prison, a place where the king's prisoners were bound. But the LORD was with Joseph, shewed him mercy, and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison. And the keeper of the prison committed to Joseph's hand all the prisoners that were in the prison, and whatever they did there, he was the doer of it. The keeper of the prison didn't doubt Joseph's ability and trust to lead others in the prison; because the LORD was with him and the things he did, the LORD made it prosper.

In the prison, Joseph continues to lead, enlighten, and interpret other prisoners dreams, not thinking of what they could offer him first but what he could offer because he knows the freedom of a particular prisoner who is visionary and faithful could be the freedom of many.
He later interpreted the dream of the king's butler and baker, who had offended their lord, the king of Egypt. He gave each of them the interpretation of the dream, in which the chief butler was to be restored back to his position, but to the chief baker, he was revealed to be hanged by Pharaoh.

Even while in prison, Joseph didn't give anyone false hope; he told them the true interpretation of their dreams: one was to regain his position and live, the other was to lose it and thereafter die. Though Joseph has told the chief butler to remember him when he regains his freedom and post, the butler has forgotten him.

In all that happened, Joseph still followed along, knowing wherever he went or may be, all things worked together for his own good because he feared and loved God to not have committed evil against his master or anyone or sin against God's word, and he was called according to God's purpose; for whom God did foreknow, he also did predestinate to fulfill his will.

When the LORD would favor Joseph and the appointed time because Pharaoh could have had the same dream before then, he made the King "Pharaoh" have a dream that no magicians or wise men could interpret except Joseph. And that was how Joseph was elevated and enthroned in Egypt as the second in command (prime minister), and he was recommended by the chief butler who first forgot him.

No man is forgotten in life. Once you continue to grow and renew your strength, moving by the marvelous light of Christ from glory to glory, when you are needed and when the appointed time comes, those who need your service will look for you, bless you, and promote you, as you have also added value and meaning to their life and purpose.

Giving up at some point may not make your dream come true with the opportunity coming your way. There is always an equilibrium point where what you have to offer will meet the opportunity and the good that is coming your way, even if it's a one-time opportunity for some, which they shouldn't misuse.
Life itself is more of an attraction than a force, because what you attract by value and true nature is easy to keep. But it is hard and seems impossible to keep what you are always forcing to come into alignment with yours.

No matter the condition, continue to grow and do what you know how to do best, because in moving forward, regardless of the challenges and hindrances, your glory and light are going to shine for others to see. Moving forward even when you don't know where your dream and purpose are leading you; moving forward even when you don't have a clear picture of tomorrow; moving forward even when it doesn't look like it (expectation and desire).
Moving forward even when it seems you are moving from one pit or fire to another trouble. Moving forward when all seems dreadful and dark. Let your hope come alive even when you are tired and have no clue what is happening or what to do.

Daniel was thrown into the lions den because of false accusations, but the LORD delivered him. Even King Darius wrote to all people, nations, and languages that dwell in all the earth and made a decree: In every dominion of his kingdom, men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel, for he is the living God and stedfast for ever, and his kingdom cannot be destroyed, and his dominion is to the end.
"He delivers and rescues, and he works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth, who have delivered Daniel from the power of the lions." So Daniel prospered in the reign of Darius and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian.

Your steadfastness as a believer, unwavering faith, obedience, and faithfulness can make kings, nations, and languages worship our God Almighty and make your way prosper. You don't have to fight for a particular religion, but to manifest the glory of God through Christ Jesus, that our God is able, abundantly able, to deliver and save his people and all nations that put their trust in him.

Our Lord was crucified on the cross of Calvary but still gained victory over death, loose the captive, and was resurrected on the third day from the dead.
It's not yet over, brethren, though we will all die someday, but even in death, it's not yet over, for we have overcome death by the blood of the Lamb's testimony and the salvation and sanctification of our soul.

O ye ka dupe
O ye ka dupe (2xce)
Ara san
Ategun fe
Iji ja, ko gbe wa lo
O ye ka dupe

We can hear the sound, see the thunder, and see as it lights up the dry land and trees.
Thanks be to God, we are not drowning in the troubles of life.
Thanks be to God, though the thunder and lightning are loud and dreadful, we are not destroyed.
Thanks be to God, we are not blown away by the boisterous wind.
We are heading home, and we are there safely.
Thanks be to God, who gave us this victory.

Genesis 37:23–28, 39:1-23, 40:7–23, 41:8–46, Daniel 6:16–28, Romans 8:28–29





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