What is the future of Maa County Politics & Politricks? Who is the future? Will Youth &Women find the long promised "fut...

What is the future of Maa County Politics & Politricks? Who is the future? Will Youth &
Women find the long promised "future leaders" space in this tough crossword puzzle?
The beauty of history, it has a tendency of predicting the future; we can always give learning ear.

Full story as written by Caleb Losikany

It’s Easter Season and Jesus is risen and I’m not doing much writing now. I’m reading the Bible. Even an old train stops once in a while. As I did. Also, it was a Jesus weekend. Praise God. It’s also holy week—or betrayal week—depending on your Judas personality type. Thankfully Caleb is...

In a jaw-dropping revelation, the controversial gospel artist James Selempo has sent shockwaves through the industry by ...

In a jaw-dropping revelation, the controversial gospel artist James Selempo has sent shockwaves through the industry by flaunting his extravagant new car purchase. Dubbing his opulent vehicle "baby Ai," the artist took to WhatsApp status to showcase his newfound prosperity, leaving fans and critics alike in a state of bewilderment. However, this revelation comes on the heels of a tempestuous chapter in Selempo's musical journey....

In a jaw-dropping revelation, the controversial gospel artist James Selempo has sent shockwaves through the...


Good Morning

In a notable and forward-looking decision, President William Ruto of Kenya has unveiled a transformative plan to transfe...

In a notable and forward-looking decision, President William Ruto of Kenya has unveiled a transformative plan to transfer the management of Amboseli National Park from the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) to Kajiado County. This strategic move reflects the government's resolute commitment to enhancing local involvement, community empowerment, and sustainable conservation efforts. The transfer of Amboseli National Park's oversight to Kajiado County is an indication to the government's recognition of the paramount role that local communities play in safeguarding and preserving their natural treasures....

In a notable and forward-looking decision, President William Ruto of Kenya has unveiled a transformative...

Baraka Hospital, an NGO health facility run by the WE Charity in Narok County's Narok West Constituency, was once celebr...

Baraka Hospital, an NGO health facility run by the WE Charity in Narok County's Narok West Constituency, was once celebrated as a symbol of blessings for the community it served. However, recent events have tragically transformed it into a death den, raising serious questions about negligence, secrecy, and the need for immediate action. Why is Baraka Hospital now a place of tragedy, despite its name meaning "blessings"?...

Baraka Hospital, an NGO health facility run by the WE Charity in Narok County's Narok West Constituency, was once celebrated as a symbol of blessings for the community it served. However, recent events have tragically transformed it into a death den, raising serious questions about negligence, secre...


In a world where friendships are forged and broken at the drop of a beat, and where fame can transform dreams into haunting nightmares surfaces an electrifying hit, "Enkai ake Nayiolo Enaingua," by Sanino Bless and James Selempo, and had taken social media by storm, enchanting the hearts of fans far...

In a world where friendships are forged and broken at the drop of a beat, and where fame can transform dreams into haunt...

In a world where friendships are forged and broken at the drop of a beat, and where fame can transform dreams into haunting nightmares surfaces an electrifying hit, "Enkai ake Nayiolo Enaingua," by Sanino Bless and James Selempo, and had taken social media by storm, enchanting the hearts of fans far and wide. But little did anyone know that behind the captivating melody lurked a tangled web of intrigue and betrayal....

In a world where friendships are forged and broken at the drop of a beat, and where fame can transform dreams into haunting nightmares surfaces an electrifying hit, "Enkai ake Nayiolo Enaingua," by Sanino Bless and James Selempo, and had taken social media by storm, enchanting the hearts of fans far...

In a web of political intrigue and tension, Kenya finds itself on the edge as key Azimio leaders face a calculated crack...

In a web of political intrigue and tension, Kenya finds itself on the edge as key Azimio leaders face a calculated crackdown, leading to the recent disappearance of their prominent leader, Raila Odinga. As the nation holds its breath, the missing pieces of this high-stakes puzzle leave citizens questioning: where is Raila Odinga, the enigmatic leader at the center of it all?...

In a web of political intrigue and tension, Kenya finds itself on the edge as key Azimio leaders face a calculated crackdown, leading to the recent disappearance of their prominent leader, Raila Odinga. As the nation holds its breath, the missing pieces of this high-stakes puzzle leave citizens ques...

In the complex political landscape of Kajiado, the power struggle between former UDA gubernatorial candidate Katoo Ole M...

In the complex political landscape of Kajiado, the power struggle between former UDA gubernatorial candidate Katoo Ole Metito and Governor Joseph Ole Lenku has taken center stage. Katoo, determined to assert his influence, has orchestrated a plan to boost the presence of Kajiado Central MP Elijah Memusi at a high-profile event in Namanga. This move, involving the hire of a chopper, signifies Katoo's intention to flex his muscles and challenge Lenku's authority.

Kajiado’s former UDA gubernatorial candidate Katoo Ole Metito has come out big to boost the appearance of Kajiado Central MP Elijah Memusi at a function in Namanga tomorrow. Katoo has heavily…

In a remarkable turn of events, Bishop Zablon Laizer, a Tanzanian based in Arusha, has taken the music industry by storm...

In a remarkable turn of events, Bishop Zablon Laizer, a Tanzanian based in Arusha, has taken the music industry by storm once again. His captivating song, "Eitu aikata Emiri Enkai," which translates to "God has never been defeated," has not only won the hearts of Tanzanians but has also united people from different tribes in Kenya. The internet exploded with excitement as individuals enthusiastically shared the song on platforms like WhatsApp, TikTok, and Facebook....

In a remarkable turn of events, Bishop Zablon Laizer, a Tanzanian based in Arusha, has taken the music industry by storm once again. His captivating song, “Eitu aikata Emiri Enkai,” whi…

Following the court ruling that deemed the appointment of 50 Chief Administrative Secretaries (CAS) unconstitutional, th...

Following the court ruling that deemed the appointment of 50 Chief Administrative Secretaries (CAS) unconstitutional, there has been speculation and discussion surrounding President Ruto's intentions. Many are questioning whether this was a deliberate move or an unintended consequence. The court ruling sparked a flurry of conversations on social media platforms, with Kenyans expressing diverse opinions. One influential voice in the discourse was Robert Alai, the Kileleshwa Member of the County Assembly (MCA)....

Following the court ruling that deemed the appointment of 50 Chief Administrative Secretaries (CAS) unconstitutional, there has been speculation and discussion surrounding President Ruto’s in…

In the golden land where poets rove,Let me weave a tale, a tapestry of love,Of Moran and the road that intertwine,With t...

In the golden land where poets rove,
Let me weave a tale, a tapestry of love,
Of Moran and the road that intertwine,
With the vibrant spirit of the Maasai in time.

Upon a hill, Moran stands tall,
A Maasai warrior, proud and enthralled,
His eyes alight with ancestral fire,
Gazing upon the road, his heart's desire.

The Maasai, a people strong and true,
Their traditions etched in nature's hue,
Their lives entwined with the land they tread,
In harmony, they journey, spirit widespread.

And there, before him, stretches a road,
A path that weaves through stories untold,
Like a serpent, winding through Maasai lands,
Connecting distant tribes, joining hand in hand.

The road, a lifeline, pulses with life,
As Maasai warriors embark on their strife,
Guided by ancient wisdom's gentle sway,
Walking in rhythm, both night and day.

Moran and the road, a sacred dance,
Rooted in culture, they embrace the expanse,
He stands as a guardian, steadfast and true,
Protector of traditions, forever imbued.

Oh, Moran, embodiment of Maasai lore,
Keep watch as the road stretches evermore,
With your courage, guide the tribe's stride,
Preserving their heritage with unwavering pride.

And poets, like me, find inspiration grand,
In the Maasai's footprint upon the land,
For within their lives, a tale to be told,
Of resilience, unity, and hearts that unfold.

So, let our words flow, like rivers wide,
Celebrating Maasai spirits, undenied,
In the tapestry we weave, their story shines bright,
Honoring their existence, day and night.

By Kaaji Luke

In a stirring address delivered in Kamukunji, the charismatic Azimio leader Raila Odinga captivated his ardent supporter...

In a stirring address delivered in Kamukunji, the charismatic Azimio leader Raila Odinga captivated his ardent supporters, imploring them to join him in a bold act of civil disobedience—a tax boycott. With an impassioned call to action, Odinga vowed to lead his followers in a series of spirited anti-Ruto rallies until the Finance Bill 2023 is repealed, firmly believing that this collective resistance would bring about the change they sought....

In a stirring address delivered in Kamukunji, the charismatic Azimio leader Raila Odinga captivated his ardent supporters, imploring them to join him in a bold act of civil disobedience—a tax boyco…

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!Keeps Them Manie, Diana Daido, Tall Man, Francis Kukan, Ki...

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!

Keeps Them Manie, Diana Daido, Tall Man, Francis Kukan, Kisaka Leez, Jenifer Lanoi, Osarru Noah Ololody, Nkumum Jackson, Timothy Mako, Hassla Robin Kilesi, Sumare Ole Kurraru, Sam Ole Kiook, Rodrick Koech, Joel Dapash, Joshua Koiseta, Kip Kel, Parsakei Snr, Jacob Sarite, Kaaji Leswam, Ole Munku Kool Junior, Sision Sision, Charles Korir, Ole Nasuju, Ezekiel Ketere, Samuel Supeyo, Joe Oiturrur, Duncan Naisho, Alfred Shicheti, Nabaala Nicholas

Stephen Letoo, a paragon of journalistic excellence and a dedicated advocate for his community, has etched his name inde...

Stephen Letoo, a paragon of journalistic excellence and a dedicated advocate for his community, has etched his name indelibly in the annals of Kenyan media. His astute analysis, unwavering commitment to cultural preservation, and genuine connection with the people have positioned him as a celebrated figure who transcends the boundaries of his profession. As Letoo continues to navigate the complex world of politics and media, his influence will undoubtedly shape the discourse and inspire generations to come....

Stephen Letoo, a paragon of journalistic excellence and a dedicated advocate for his community, has etched his name indelibly in the annals of Kenyan media. His astute analysis, unwavering commitme…

Paran Africa Limited is on the verge of making history as they launch the very first Maasai broadcasting television chan...

Paran Africa Limited is on the verge of making history as they launch the very first Maasai broadcasting television channel owned by the Maasai. This groundbreaking media group, consisting of Paran TV and Paran Radio, is set to cater exclusively to the Maa counties of Narok, Kajiado, Samburu, Laikipia, Baringo, and even reaching Arusha Mjini in Tanzania. The primary focus of Paran Television will be to showcase the unity of Maa and act as a custodian of Maasai culture....

Paran Africa Limited is on the verge of making history as they launch the very first Maasai broadcasting television channel owned by the Maasai. This groundbreaking media group, consisting of Paran…

Love knows no boundaries, and in the world of entertainment, unexpected relationships often captivate the public's atten...

Love knows no boundaries, and in the world of entertainment, unexpected relationships often captivate the public's attention. Two prominent figures in the Maa entertainment industry have recently ignited a firestorm of controversy by announcing their unexpected relationship. DJ Queen, known for her exceptional talent as a female DJ and Popular Tiktoker, has taken to social media to reveal her romantic involvement with Leshao Leshao, an artist hailing from Kilgoris....

Love knows no boundaries, and in the world of entertainment, unexpected relationships often captivate the public’s attention. Two prominent figures in the Maa entertainment industry have rece…

In a highly contentious session in Parliament, the Finance Bill 2023 was narrowly passed, with 176 MPs voting in favor a...

In a highly contentious session in Parliament, the Finance Bill 2023 was narrowly passed, with 176 MPs voting in favor and 81 MPs opposing the controversial bill. The voting process, which saw a total of 257 lawmakers actively participating during the second stage reading, has ignited widespread criticism and raised significant concerns about the government's commitment to its campaign promises, as well as the potential burden on hustlers and the general public....

In a highly contentious session in Parliament, the Finance Bill 2023 was narrowly passed, with 176 MPs voting in favor and 81 MPs opposing the controversial bill. The voting process, which saw a to…

Recent events have cast a veil of uncertainty over the whereabouts and well-being of Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Mus...

Recent events have cast a veil of uncertainty over the whereabouts and well-being of Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. Speculations are running wild, fueled by rumors suggesting a shocking revelation about his life and health. The president's sudden disappearance from public view has sparked concerns among Ugandans and individuals online, raising questions about his safety and whether there may be a more sinister explanation behind his absence....

Recent events have cast a veil of uncertainty over the whereabouts and well-being of Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. Speculations are running wild, fueled by rumors suggesting a shocking …

Parents forced to drop off and pick up their children to and from school for fear of Hyenas.Read more…

Parents forced to drop off and pick up their children to and from school for fear of Hyenas.

Read more…

Residents of the Irmirui area, Isinya, now live in fear after a group of hyenas attacked three people on Monday. School children of Kikayaya primary and the environs have been warned to be more vig…

In a surprising turn of events, Senator Seki found himself isolated within the UDA party as top-ranking officials expres...

In a surprising turn of events, Senator Seki found himself isolated within the UDA party as top-ranking officials expressed their support for Governor Lenku. The occasion was the UDA delegates meeting held at Bush Camp in Kajiado, where Seki had planned to launch a scathing attack on the governor. However, his plans were disrupted by the unexpected praise and endorsement of Lenku by UDA Secretary General Cleophas Malala....

In a surprising turn of events, Senator Seki found himself isolated within the UDA party as top-ranking officials expressed their support for Governor Lenku. The occasion was the UDA delegates meet…

In a resounding call for effective governance and a unified Maasai community, Governor Joseph Ole Lenku took center stag...

In a resounding call for effective governance and a unified Maasai community, Governor Joseph Ole Lenku took center stage during the Women Empowerment event organized by the Enkanasa-Nailepu women group in Keekonyokie Ward Kajiado West. With his characteristic eloquence and wit, the governor urged leaders to focus on their specific roles and refrain from encroaching upon the responsibilities of others....

In a resounding call for effective governance and a unified Maasai community, Governor Joseph Ole Lenku took center stage during the Women Empowerment event organized by the Enkanasa-Nailepu women …

Rise of LGBTQ Acts in Ewuaso Nyiro Sparks Outrage

Rise of LGBTQ Acts in Ewuaso Nyiro Sparks Outrage

Ewuaso Nyiro, Narok County – In a shocking turn of events, the traditionally conservative Maasai community in Ewuaso Nyiro finds itself grappling with an unprecedented phenomenon—the emergenc…

In a truly inspiring display of unwavering commitment to environmental conservation and awareness, Caleb Soitanae Losika...

In a truly inspiring display of unwavering commitment to environmental conservation and awareness, Caleb Soitanae Losikany, a highly regarded advocate for climate change in Narok County, led a series of impactful initiatives to commemorate World Environment Day. Taking place in the beautiful setting of Ololung'a Subcounty, the event saw the planting of 250 tree seedlings at significant locations, including the DCC office and Ololung'a Subcounty Hospital....

In a truly inspiring display of unwavering commitment to environmental conservation and awareness, Caleb Soitanae Losikany, a highly regarded advocate for climate change in Narok County, led a seri…

Speaking at Leshuta, Narok West, during the Homecoming Ceremony of Hon. Soipan Kudate, Cabinet Secretary for the Ministr...

Speaking at Leshuta, Narok West, during the Homecoming Ceremony of Hon. Soipan Kudate, Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change & Forestry, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua cautioned Members of Parliament who opposed the financial bill, dismissing any hopes of diverting funds to their favored local projects, including infrastructure and road developments. Drawing inspiration from a recent encounter at St....

Speaking at Leshuta, Narok West, during the Homecoming Ceremony of Hon. Soipan Kudate, Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change & Forestry, Deputy President Rigathi Gac…

Kajiado County Governor Joseph Ole Lenku, alongside a multitude of enthusiastic residents, led the county in a momentous...

Kajiado County Governor Joseph Ole Lenku, alongside a multitude of enthusiastic residents, led the county in a momentous celebration of the 60th Madaraka Day anniversary. The vibrant event took place in Ewuaso town, specifically in the Ewuaso Ward of Kajiado West Subcounty. This commemoration held tremendous significance for the entire nation, as it marked a significant milestone in Kenya's history as an independent state....

Kajiado County Governor Joseph Ole Lenku, alongside a multitude of enthusiastic residents, led the county in a momentous celebration of the 60th Madaraka Day anniversary. The vibrant event took pla…

Madaraka Day is an occasion to celebrate our diversity, unity, and resilience as a people. It is a time to embrace our s...

Madaraka Day is an occasion to celebrate our diversity, unity, and resilience as a people. It is a time to embrace our shared heritage, cultural richness, and the indomitable spirit that binds us together. Let us cherish the tapestry of our nation and celebrate the unique contributions each individual brings to the mosaic of our society.

Happy Madaraka Day!

In an event marked by political significance, Steve Lenamarle has been elected as the fourth Speaker of the County Assem...

In an event marked by political significance, Steve Lenamarle has been elected as the fourth Speaker of the County Assembly of Samburu. The vacancy arose when former Speaker Fred Lengees resigned from his position to assume the role of the United Nations' Senior Field Security Officer for South Sudan. Lenamarle, who previously served as the Chief Officer for Education, was sworn in as the new Speaker following a successful election....

In an event marked by political significance, Steve Lenamarle has been elected as the fourth Speaker of the County Assembly of Samburu. The vacancy arose when former Speaker Fred Lengees resigned f…

Kajiado County is currently witnessing a political storm as the governor' serves his last term. Deputy Governor Martin M...

Kajiado County is currently witnessing a political storm as the governor' serves his last term. Deputy Governor Martin Moshisho, Senator Peris Tobiko, and Hon. Tarayia Ole Kores have emerged as the key players eyeing the gubernatorial seat. However, Governor Lenku's recent criticism of Moshisho and his promise to form a Maa political party add intrigue and uncertainty to the already complex situation. As Kajiado's succession politics unfold, all eyes are on Lenku's endorsement, which will undoubtedly shape the path forward....

Kajiado County is currently witnessing a political storm as the governor’ serves his last term. Deputy Governor Martin Moshisho, Senator Peris Tobiko, and Hon. Tarayia Ole Kores have emerged …




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