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*गरीबों की सहायता में उतरे बिहारी विधायक*_बंटी चौधरी कर रहे हैं पहल_*आर०जे० हेराल्ड ब्यूरो:**नई दिल्ली:*सिकंदरा विधायक स...

*गरीबों की सहायता में उतरे बिहारी विधायक*

_बंटी चौधरी कर रहे हैं पहल_

*आर०जे० हेराल्ड ब्यूरो:*

*नई दिल्ली:*
सिकंदरा विधायक सुधीर कुमार , उर्फ़ बंटी चौधरी बताते हैं कि वे प्रतिदिन करीब 500 जरुरतमंदो के बीच रोज राशन व अन्य आवश्यकतानुसार सामग्रियों को पहुँचा रहे हैं। विदित हो कि कोरोना वायरस को रोकने हेतु लॉकडाउन की घोषणा से कई लोगों को खाने-पीने में परेशानी हो रही है। कामकाज ठप होने से दैनिक मजदूरों की कमाई भी बंद हो गई है। परिणामस्वरूप बहुतों के पास खाने के लिए पैसे भी नहीं हैं। ऐसे में बिहार राज्य के सिकंदरा विधानसभा क्षेत्र सहित आस पास के इलाकों के गरीब व जरूरतमंद लोगों को खाद्य सामग्री वितरण किया जा रहा है।

*मौसम ने विमान को भेजा कोलकाता*_राँची का विमान कोलकाता में_राँची :खराब मौसम के कारण दिल्ली से राँची आने वाले गो एयरवेज क...

*मौसम ने विमान को भेजा कोलकाता*

_राँची का विमान कोलकाता में_

राँची :
खराब मौसम के कारण दिल्ली से राँची आने वाले गो एयरवेज का विमान राँची के जगह कोलकाता में हुआ लैंड। 1 घंटे तक राँची एयरपोर्ट में लैंड करवाने का किया गया प्रयास ।खराब मौसम का असर राँची एयरपोर्ट में देखने को मिला।

*General Rawat is back*_New chapter in History of  Indian Defence_RJ Herald bureau :New Delhi :Retired from the service ...

*General Rawat is back*

_New chapter in History of Indian Defence_

RJ Herald bureau :

New Delhi :
Retired from the service on last day of the year 2019, Gen. Bipin Rawat joined as CDS (Chief of Defence Staff) of India, on the initial day of the year 2020. He is the first person who joined as CDS in India. He will coordinate the all three defence forces of India, and create a team work between Army, Air Force, and Navy to eliminate the threats for the nation.

*"रण जीत" कर ली विदाई*_आईजी के पद पर अंतिम  तैनाती_आर०जे० हेराल्ड ब्यूरो :राँची :पुलिस मुख्यालय, राँची परिसर में श्री रं...

*"रण जीत" कर ली विदाई*

_आईजी के पद पर अंतिम तैनाती_

आर०जे० हेराल्ड ब्यूरो :

राँची :
पुलिस मुख्यालय, राँची परिसर में श्री रंजीत कुमार प्रसाद, भा0पु0 से0, पुलिस महानिरीक्षक (संगठित अपराध) अपराध अनुसंधान विभाग, झारखण्ड एवं प्रक्षेत्रीय पुलिस महानिरीक्षक, संथाल परगना प्रक्षेत्र, दुमका के वार्धक्य सेवानिवृत्ति के अवसर पर ‘‘विदाई समारोह‘‘ का आयोजन किया गया। इस समारोह के अवसर पर श्री कमल नयन चौबे, भा0पु0से0, पुलिस महानिदेशक, झारखण्ड ने श्री रंजीत कुमार प्रसाद द्वारा विभिन्न पदों पर रहकर उनके द्वारा किये गये कार्यों की सराहना करते हुए उनके उज्जवल भविष्य की कामना की तथा पुलिस मुख्यालय परिवार की ओर से उन्हें भाव-भीनी विदाई दी गयी।

श्री रंजीत कुमार प्रसाद ने अविभाजित बिहार राज्य में वर्ष 1984 में पुलिस उपाधीक्षक के पद पर योगदान दिया। श्री प्रसाद वर्ष दिसम्बर 1985 से जून 1987 तक प्रशिक्षण के उपरान्त क्रमशः पुलिस उपाधीक्षक (मुख्यालय), भागलपुर, पुलिस उपाधीक्षक, शहर, भागलपुर, अनुमण्डल पुलिस पदाधिकारी, सदर, मधुबनी, पुलिस उपाधीक्षक, विधि-व्यवस्था, गया, अनुमण्डल पुलिस पदाधिकारी, हाजीपुर, पुलिस उपाधीक्षक (अप0अनु0विभाग) पटना, अनुमण्डल पुलिस पदाधिकारी, दाउद नगर, औरंगाबाद के पद पर रहे। वर्ष 2000 से वर्ष 2002 तक ये (अपराध अनुसंधान विभाग) पटना में पदस्थापित रहे। इसके बाद इन्होंने क्रमशः अनुमण्डल पुलिस पदाधिकारी, बाघमारा, धनबाद, पुलिस उपाधीक्षक, जैप-5, देवघर, अनुमण्डल पुलिस पदाधिकारी, बेरमो, बोकारो तथा अपर पुलिस अधीक्षक, पलामू के पद पर पदस्थापित रहते हुए अपने कार्यों का सफलतापूर्वक निर्वह्न किया। वर्ष 2009 से श्री प्रसाद, समादेष्टा, आई0 आर0बी0-3, चतरा, पुलिस अधीक्षक (ग्रामीण), जमशेदपुर, पुलिस अधीक्षक (नगर), राँची, पुलिस अधीक्षक, निगरानी ब्यूरो, राँची, पुलिस अधीक्षक, देवघर, पुलिस अधीक्षक, रामगढ़ तथा पुलिस अधीक्षक ( अपराध अनुसंधान विभाग ), राँची के पद पर पदस्थापित रहते हुए अपनी कार्यक्षमता को प्रदर्शित किया। पुलिस उप-महानिरीक्षक के पद पर प्रोन्नति के उपरान्त अप्रैल 2015 से मार्च 2017 तक पुलिस उप-महानिरीक्षक, पी0टी0 सी0, हजारीबाग, अप्रैल 2017 से मई 2018 तक पुलिस उप-महानिरीक्षक, एस0आई0बी0, झारखण्ड राँची, जून 2018 से जुलाई 2018 तक पुलिस उप-महानिरीक्षक, ए0सी0बी0, राँची, झारखण्ड के पद पर सफलतापूर्वक अपनी सेवायें दीं। वर्ष 2018 में पुलिस महानिरीक्षक के पद पर प्रोन्नति के पश्चात् इन्होंने पुलिस महानिरीक्षक (संगठित अपराध), अपराध अनुसंधान विभाग, राँची के पद पर रहते हुए साथ-साथ प्रक्षेत्रीय पुलिस महानिरीक्षक, संथाल परगना प्रक्षेत्र, दुमका के पद पर भी अपनी सेवायें दीं, जिन पदों से वे सेवानिवृत्त हो रहे हैं।

इस विदाई समारोह में श्री पी0आर0के0 नायडू, महानिदेशक (मुख्यालय), झारखण्ड, श्री अजय कुमार सिंह, अपर पुलिस महानिदेशक (विशेष शाखा), श्री अनुराग गुप्ता, अपर पुलिस महानिदेशक, ( अपराध अनुसंधान विभाग ) झारखण्ड, राँची, झारखण्ड, श्री आर0 के0 मल्लिक, अपर पुलिस महानिदेशक (आधुनिकीकरण), झारखण्ड, श्री मुरारी लाल मीणा, अपर पुलिस महानिदेशक (अभियान), झारखण्ड, श्री सुधीर झा, पुलिस महानिरीक्षक (झा0स0पु0), झारखण्ड, श्री साकेत कुमार सिंह, पुलिस महानिरीक्षक (अभियान), झारखण्ड, श्री अखिलेश झा, पुलिस उप-महानिरीक्षक, (विशेष शाखा) श्री देवेन्द्र ठाकुर, पुलिस उप-महानिरीक्षक (अपराध अनुसंधान विभाग) श्रीमती ए0 विजयालक्ष्मी, पुलिस अधीक्षक, ए0टी0एस0, झारखण्ड, श्री अनुप विरथरे, वरीय पुलिस अधीक्षक, जमशेदपुर, श्री सुनील भास्कर, पुलिस अधीक्षक (अपराध अनुसंधान विभाग) एवं डॉ0 शम्स तब्रेज, ए0आई0जी0 टू0 डी0जी0पी0, झारखण्ड के अतिरिक्त पुलिस मुख्यालय के अन्य सभी पदाधिकारी एवं कर्मी उपस्थित रहे।
कार्यक्रम का संचालन डॉ0 शम्स तब्रेज, ए0आई0जी0 टू0 डी0जी0पी0, झारखण्ड के द्वारा किया गया, जबकि कार्यक्रम के दौरान श्री आर0के0 मल्लिक, अपर पुलिस महानिदेशक, आधुनिकीकरण, झारखण्ड ने भी श्री रंजीत कुमार प्रसाद के योगदान की सराहना की।

फोटो : कमल नयन चौबे (भा०पु०से०) पुलिस महानिदेशक, झारखंड (बाएँ), रंजीत कुमार प्रसाद (भा०पु०से०) सेवानिवृत्त (दाएँ)

*Rawat : The new History in Indian Defence*_General Bipin Rawat is now the Commandant of Indian Defence Forces_RJ HERALD...

*Rawat : The new History in Indian Defence*

_General Bipin Rawat is now the Commandant of Indian Defence Forces_


New Delhi :
As General Bipin Rawat, concluded his service as Chief of Army Staff, Indian Army on last day of the year 2019,he will be the first Chief of Defence Staff of India. The post has been created in the very same year. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced about the respective post on the eve of Independence Day from the Red Fort. Indian Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), has some change in uniform. The shoulder rank, the car flag, the belt buckle and the cap. The logo pertaining to the CDS, has the mixture of the logos of all three defence forces of India, and a National Amblem.The car flag contains the logo of CDS and a tricolour on the red background. Now, General Bipin Rawat will enjoy all these insignia,which is given below.

*Thank You General Rawat*_27th COAS got the final guard of honour_RJ HERALD BUREAU :New Delhi :General Bipin Rawat, from...

*Thank You General Rawat*

_27th COAS got the final guard of honour_


New Delhi :
General Bipin Rawat, from 5/11 Gorkha Rifles, concluded his service as Chief of Army Staff, Indian Army on last day of the year 2019. He gave the charge to Gen. Manoj Mukund Narvane from 7 Sikh infantry, as the 28th Army Chief of Indian Army.
Now, it is a coincidence that all three defence chiefs are from the same batch. Chief of Naval staff, Indian Navy; Admiral Karambir Singh and General Mukund Narvane are the schoolmates. Whereas, Chief of Air Staff, Indian Air Force ; Air Chief Marshall Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauriya joined them in National Defence Academy.

*झारखंड में सोरेन सरकार*_हेमंत बने मुखिया_राँची:राज्य के 11वें मुख्यमंत्री के रूप में  हेमंत सोरेन ने शपथ ले ली है। झारख...

*झारखंड में सोरेन सरकार*

_हेमंत बने मुखिया_

राज्य के 11वें मुख्यमंत्री के रूप में हेमंत सोरेन ने शपथ ले ली है। झारखंड मुक्ति मोर्चा के कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष हेमंत सोरेन को राज्यपाल द्रोपदी मुर्मू ने पद और गोपनीयता की शपथ दिलाई। हेमंत दूसरी बार राज्य के मुख्यमंत्री बने हैं। वे साहेबगंज के बरहैट एवं दुमका सीट से विधायक चुने गए हैं।

Rajya Sabha passes Citizenship Amendment Bill_______________________________________CITIZENSHIP AMENDMENT BILLThe Rajya ...

Rajya Sabha passes Citizenship Amendment Bill

The Rajya Sabha passed the Citizenship Amendment Bill after a marathon debate stretching more than six hours.



New Delhi
With a majority of 125 is to 99 the Rajya Sabha passed the Citizenship Amendment Bill on Wednesday after a marathon debate that extended for more than six hours. The Citizenship Amendment Bill seeks to provide citizenship to religious minorities-namely Hindus, Sikh, Jain, Buddhists, Parsis and Christians-who entered India from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh on or before December 31, 2014.

The Bill was passed by the Lok Sabha on Monday and will now go to the Rashtrapati Bhavan for President Ram Nath Kovind's assent.

The Citizenship Amendment Bill has triggered protests in various states in the Northeast. Curfew has been imposed in Guwahati, Assam, till indefinite time to control deteriorating law and order situation, amid massive protests over the Citizenship Amendment Bill.

On Wednesday, responding to objections raised by the Opposition parties, Union Home Minister Amit Shah told Rajya Sabha that Article 14 of the Constitution (which talks of equality before law) does not stop Parliament from making laws with reasonable restrictions. "We are giving Indian citizenship to a class and not anyone in particular," Amit Shah said.

On the Opposition's questions about why Muslims have been excluded from the Citizenship Amendment Bill, Amit Shah said, "I am surprised that the people aren't appreciating the fact that six religions are included in the bill but are raising questions on Muslims have been left out."

"Muslims have been excluded in this bill because it covers only those minorities who were persecuted on grounds of religion in these countries. The state religion of these countries (Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh) is Islam and there is hardly any chance of Muslims being persecuted on religious grounds. But even if there is any Muslim in these countries who feels persecuted, he/she can apply for Indian citizenship in the ordinary manner. In the past five years, the Narendra Modi government has granted Indian citizenship to 566 Muslims from these countries."

Speaking in defence of the Citizenship Amendment Bill, Amit Shah said this Bill was necessitated because the country was partitioned in 1947 on religious grounds. "Had the country not been partitioned on religious ground, the Bill would not have been required," Amit Shah said.

Responding to the concerns raised by people in Assam, Amit Shah said, "I assure the people of Assam that the government will take care of their culture and linguistic identities." Amit Shah also told the House that the Citizenship Amendment Bill will not affect the rights enjoyed by Sikkim under Article 371. "There will be no dilution of Sikkim's rights," he said.

Hitting out at the Congress party for opposing the Citizenship Amendment Bill, Amit Shah said, "The statement given by Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on the Citizenship Amendment Bill and the statements given by the Congress party are same. The statements that Pakistan PM gave on surgical strikes, airstrikes and Article 370 were the same as the ones given by the Congress party."

On Tuesday, Imran Khan in a tweet said: "We strongly condemn Indian Lok Sabha citizenship legislation which violates all norms of international human rights law and bilateral agreements with Pakistan. It is part of the RSS 'Hindu Rashtra' design of expansionism propagated by the fascist Modi Govt."


Tens of thousands of protesters against the CAB descended on the streets of Assam, clashing with police and plunging the state into chaos of a magnitude unseen since the violent six-year movement by students that ended with the signing of the Assam accord.

Though no party or student body has called a shutdown, protesters, a majority of them students, fought pitched battles with security forces in the restive state, including in front of the secretariat, the seat of the BJP government.

Police fired tear gas shells and baton-charged protesters, who fought back. The volatile situation has led to the administration placing restrictions on internet and imposing curfews in certain areas.


काँके विधानसभा के जदयु प्रत्याशी डॉ० अशोक कुमार नाग ।

India destroys three terror launch pads in Pakistan________________________________________INDIAN ARMY STRIKESThree terr...

India destroys three terror launch pads in Pakistan

Three terror launch pads in Neelam valley - opposite the Tangdhar sector - have been destroyed in the artillery strikes in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK).



New Delhi
In a major counter-offensive after Pakistan's unprovoked firing, the Indian Army on Sunday carried out heavy artillery strikes targeting four terror launch pads and several Pakistani military positions in Neelam Valley in PoK, killing 6-10 of their soldiers and as many terrorists, Army Chief Bipin Rawat said.

The Indian retaliation came a day after Pakistan military resorted to firing in Tangadhar sector of Jammu and Kashmir along the Line of Control to assist infiltration by terrorists, killing two Indian Army personnel and a civilian. Three others were also injured in the attack.

The retaliation has caused substantial harm to the terrorist infrastructure across the Line of Control (LoC), Rawat told media on the sidelines of an event. "So far, as per the information available with us, 6-10 Pakistani soldiers have been killed and nearly as many terrorists," the Army Chief said, adding that more information on terrorist casualty was being obtained.

"Three terror camps have been destroyed and on the fourth one also, we have caused severe damage," he said. If Pakistan continued with such activities, the Indian Army would not hesitate to retaliate, the Army chief asserted.

The army targeted the terror camps in Jura, Athmuqam and Kundalsahi among others in PoK using artillery guns, after credible inputs that a large number of terrorists were operating there. According to sources, 10-15 terrorists were staying in each of the facilities at the time of the attack, the most significant offensive since India carried out the Balakot strike in February.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh spoke to the Army Chief and has been keeping an eye on the evolving situation along the LoC, government sources said.

Meanwhile, Pakistan Foreign Office spokesman Mohammad Faisal denied that the Indian Army targeted terror camps in the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) and said it can arrange a visit of diplomats from P5 nations to the area to expose Indian "falsehood".

Spokesperson of Pakistan Military Major General Asif Ghafoor, in a series of tweets, claimed a total of five Pakistani civilians were killed in the Indian strikes. Pakistan also summoned Indian envoy Gaurav Ahluwalia to condemn the firing by Indian troops.

A senior Indian Army official rejected Ghafoor's allegations and claims.

In a statement, the Indian Army said Pakistani Army initiated unprovoked cease fire violations to assist infiltration by terrorists into Indian territories in the Tangadhar sector last evening.

"As a result calibrated escalation of area weapons was undertaken by the Indian side in which terrorist launch pads and several Pakistan Army posts giving incidental protection to these launch pads and certain gun positions were hit," it said.

It said Indian Army retains the right to respond at a time and place of its choosing in case Pakistan Army continues to assist terrorist activities across Indian borders.

Rawat said, "Ever since the abrogation of special provisions (for Jammu and Kashmir), we are getting repeated inputs about infiltration by terrorists from across the border.

The sources said Pakistan has been trying to push terrorists into Kashmir to trigger unrest.

Soon after government announced its decision to reorganise Jammu and Kashmir on August 5, the Army was put on high alert along the LoC to effectively repulse any possible Pakistani misadventure.

The sources said the pounding of Pakistani positions and terror camps cannot in any way be compared to surgical strikes carried out by the Indian Army in September 2016 on terror launch pads across the Line of Control.

Sourav Ganguly becomes president of BCCI___________________________________NEW BCCI PRESIDENTFormer Indian captain and p...

Sourav Ganguly becomes president of BCCI

Former Indian captain and player Sourav Ganguly has been named as President of Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI).



Former Indian cricket team captain Sourav Ganguly has filed his nomination for the post of BCCI president, unopposed. Jay Shah and Arun Singh Dhumal are all set to join Sourav Ganguly's team as BCCI's new Secretary and Treasurer respectively. The 47-year-old Ganguly was holding the post of president of the Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB) before this post.

Sourav Ganguly shared an image on twitter where he met with former BCCI president Anurag Thakur, Arun Singh Dhumal, Jay Shah and some other members who will assume new posts in the BCCI under Sourav Ganguly. Anurag Thakur's younger brother Arun Dhumal is most likely to be named the new treasurer and Union Home Minister Amit Shah's son, Jay Shah is set to become the new BCCI secretary.

Sourav Ganguly will lead the BCCI till 2020. He will be given a cooling-off (rest) period after holding a position in the board for 6 years. He also already served about five years of tenure in state cricket board. As per the rules, a member can’t hold any position for more than nine years in the board.

CBI arrests P Chidambaram in INX media scam case__________________________________________P CHIDAMBARAM ARRESTED BY CBIA...

CBI arrests P Chidambaram in INX media scam case

After two days of high political drama, former finance minister P Chidambaram has been arrested by the CBI.



New Delhi
Former finance minister and Congress leader P Chidambaram was on Wednesday (August 21) night arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) from his Jor Bagh residence in New Delhi, an hour after he made a dramatic appearance at the All India Congress Committee (AICC) headquarters. He was taken to the CBI headquarters. Chidambaram earlier appeared at a press conference almost 24 hours after going "incommunicado" in the wake of the Delhi High Court turning down his anticipatory bail plea in connection with the INX Media scam case.

Minutes after his appearance, teams from both the CBI and the Enforcement Directorate arrived at his posh Jor Bagh residence. In unprecedented drama, CBI officials scaled the wall of his house to gain access.

The Supreme Court earlier listed for August 23 Chidambaram's anticipatory bail plea seeking protection from arrest in the INX Media case. No mention of Chidambaram's plea was made in court after the Ayodhya land dispute hearing came to an end on Wednesday. A team of officers from the CBI arrived at Chidambaram’s posh Jor Bagh residence late last night but could not find him home. The high court denied the anticipatory bail plea to Chidambaram, saying he seems to be the "kingpin" and "key conspirator" in the case and needs to be interrogated in custody for the investigation to be effective.

Holding that the INX media scam was a "classic case of money laundering", the court said the twin facts which have weighed to deny pre-arrest bail to Chidambaram are "gravity" of the offence and "evasive" replies given by him to questions put to him while he was under protective cover extended to him by the court.

Chidambaram, 73, also failed to get any immediate relief from the Supreme Court that was approached shortly after the high court cancelled the interim protection from arrest, paving the way for the CBI and the ED to apprehend him.

The CBI team, which reached Chidambaram’s home hours after the high court verdict, left the premises after confirming he was not present. A team of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) also arrived later.

The CBI team, which comprised a few officials of the superintendent of police rank, did not make clear if it had gone to his residence to arrest Chidambaram for alleged irregularities in foreign investment clearance to INX media during his tenure as finance minister.

Officials said that the team returned to the CBI headquarters and discussed with senior officers the future course of action.

Later on Tuesday night, the CBI again visited Chidambaram's house and pasted a notice on the gate. Signed by CBI investigating officer and Deputy Superintendent of Police R Parthasarathy, it directed the former minister to present himself within two hours of the receipt of the notice for further investigation in the case. The communication was emailed to Chidambaram as well.

The CBI had registered an FIR on May 15, 2017, alleging irregularities in the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) clearance granted to the media group for receiving overseas funds of Rs 305 crore in 2007 during Chidambaram's tenure as finance minister. Afterwards, the ED lodged a money laundering case in this regard in 2018.

The Congress party questioned the actions of the probe agencies against Chidambaram, asking what was the tearing hurry when the Supreme Court was slated to hear his appeal on Wednesday morning.

Congress leader Anand Sharma said that Chidambaram has sought an appeal in the Supreme Court on Wednesday. "His bail was rejected today but what was the urgency for the ED and the CBI to haunt him tonight?" he asked. “This is not a criminal trial. What is happening today is not good for democracy.”

Party leader Manish Tewari, in a tweet, said, "Unrelenting, insidious and vindictive persecution of P Chidambaram and his family is an insult to the rule of Law as it stands constituted in a democracy."

Chidambaram maintained a stoic silence and kept himself away from the media after the judgment. When the news of this setback reached him, the former finance minister was in the Supreme Court along with a few junior lawyers.

Chidambaram met senior advocates Kapil Sibal, Abhishek Manu Singhvi and Salman Khurshid, all Congress leaders, in the apex court for deliberating his further course of action.

Ravi Shastri reelected as India head coach___________________________________COACH HUNTThe Kapil Dev-led CAC announced t...

Ravi Shastri reelected as India head coach

The Kapil Dev-led CAC announced the decision on Friday.



Ravi Shastri has been reappointed as the head coach of the senior men's Indian team and will remain in charge until the T20 World Cup of 2021 to be played in India. The confirmation came on Friday (August 16) evening following the completion of the selection process by the Kapil Dev-led Cricket Advisory Committee (CAC).

"Being a current coach, knowing the boys well, knowing the problems well, what has to be done. He was well versed with the system. Somebody knows the system and somebody who knows the players well has an advantage," said Anshuman Gaekwad, one of the members of the CAC.

Shastri, 57, was one of six applicants shortlisted for the job, although as incumbent coach, his candidature to the recruitment process was given an automatic entry. Other applicants shortlisted for the interview included Lalchand Rajput (India team manager at WT20 2007), Robin Singh (former India fielding coach), Tom Moody (Sri Lanka coach at WC 2007), Mike Hesson (New Zealand coach at WC 2015) and Phil Simmons (West Indies coach at WT20 2016).

The CAC revealed that Mike Hesson and Tom Moody finished second and third respectively in the standings on the basis of their impressive presentations. Each of the interviewed candidates was marked out of 100 on parameters including: Coaching Philosophy, Experience of Coaching, Achievements in Coaching, Communication, Knowledge of Modern Coaching Tools.

The interviews were conducted on the morning of August 16 by CAC members, Dev, Shantha Rangaswamy and Anshuman Gaekwad. While Rajput, Hesson and Robin Singh were present in Mumbai for the interview, Moody and Shastri made their presentations remotely through video conferencing. Simmons, who recently coached Afghanistan at the 2019 World Cup, excused himself from the running citing personal reasons.

Shastri's reappointment was widely expected given his working relationship with India captain Virat Kohli. The latter even publicly voiced his support for Shastri at the pre-departure press conference ahead of the tour of West Indies.

"With Ravi bhai, all of us have a great camaraderie, everyone in the team shares mutual respect [with him]. And we have done really well together as a group," Kohli had said at the time.

"Yeah, we will definitely be very happy if he is continu


*अविभाजित पंजाब की झलक दिखा रहा रैड्डीशन*

_14 से 25 अगस्त तक पंजाबी अनलिमिटेड_

*आर०जे० हेराल्ड ब्यूरो:*

राजधानी के होटल रैड्डीशन ब्लू में अगस्त माह का विशेष आयोजन किया जा रहा है। इस आयोजन का शुभारंभ बुधवार 14 अगस्त से होगा और यह 25 अगस्त,2019 तक चलेगा। आयोजन का नाम "पंजाबी अनलिमिटेड" दिया गया है।
इस कार्यक्रम में विशेष यह है कि इसमें अविभाजित पंजाब के व्यंजनों का तड़का लगने वाला है। अविभाजित पंजाब जैसे : लाहौर,अमृत्सर, सियालकोट, गुरदासपुर, इत्यादि शहरों के व्यंजन, मुँह का स्वाद बढ़ाने वाले हैं।
इसी विषय पर होटल के मुख्य शेफ रामचंद्र उराँव ने आर०जे० हेराल्ड से विस्तार से बात किया।

संवाददाता : अंकित सिन्हा
विडियो जर्नलिस्ट : विवेक राज सिंह

Shushma Swaraj passes away at 67 after Heart Attack____________________________________________SHUSHMA SWARAJ DIEDSushma...

Shushma Swaraj passes away at 67 after Heart Attack

Sushma Swaraj had a kidney transplant in 2016 and had opted out of contesting Lok Sabha polls earlier this year for health reasons.



New Delhi
Sushma Swaraj, former external affairs minister and senior BJP leader, passed away on Tuesday night. She was 67. The senior BJP leader was brought to AIIMS around 9:30pm and was straight away taken to the emergency ward. AIIMS doctors said she died of a cardiac arrest.

"A glorious chapter in Indian politics comes to an end. India grieves the demise of a remarkable leader who devoted her life to public service and bettering lives of the poor. Sushma Swaraj ji was one of her kind, who was a source of inspiration for crores of people," Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in a series of tweets. Several senior ministers, including Harsh Vardhan, Rajnath Singh, Smriti Irani Prakash Javadekar, reached AIIMS after she was admitted to the hospital.

Swaraj had put out a tweet in the evening congratulating Prime Modi after the Centre's move to revoke special status for Jammu and Kashmir and bifurcate the border state into two Union Territories secured Parliament's approval. "Narendra Modi ji - Thank you Prime Minister. Thank you very much. I was waiting to see this day in my lifetime," she had said.

Prime Minister Modi, in his tweets, hailed Swaraj as a "prolific orator and outstanding parliamentarian" and said she was admired and revered across party lines. "She was uncompromising when it came to matters of ideology and interests of the BJP, whose growth she immensely contributed to," Modi said.

"An excellent administrator, Sushma Ji set high standards in every Ministry she handled. She played a key role in bettering India's ties with various nations. As a minister we also saw her compassionate side, helping fellow Indians who were in distress in any part of the world," he said.

"Extremely shocked to hear of the passing of Smt Sushma Swaraj. The country has lost a much loved leader who epitomised dignity, courage & integrity in public life. Ever willing to help others, she will always be remembered for her service to the people of India," President Ram Nath Kovind tweeted.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said he was deeply shocked and anguished by the sudden demise of an extremely valued colleague. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said, "Deeply shocked to learn of the passing away of Smt Sushma Swaraj. Difficult to accept this news. The whole nation grieves, the Foreign Ministry even more so."

The Congress condoled her demise. "We are saddened to hear about the untimely demise of Smt Sushma Swaraj. Our condolences to her family and loved ones," the party said. "I'm shocked to hear about the demise of Sushma Swaraj Ji, an extraordinary political leader, a gifted orator & an exceptional Parliamentarian, with friendships across party lines. My condolences to her family in this hour of grief. May her soul rest in peace. Om Shanti," Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said on Twitter.

Swaraj had a kidney transplant in 2016 and had opted out of contesting Lok Sabha polls earlier this year for health reasons. She is survived by her husband Swaraj Kaushal and daughter Bansuri.

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A film without Doubing, by a student of St Xavier's College, Ranchi... Please support...

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Article 370 removed as Kashmir gets special status_________________________________________370 SCRAPPED FROM J&KJammu an...

Article 370 removed as Kashmir gets special status

Jammu and Kashmir will also be "reorganised," said Home Minister Amit Shah, with the state's bifurcation into two union territories, Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.



New Delhi
In a historic move, Article 370 has been revoked in Jammu and Kashmir. In preparation for this move, the state witnessed increased security deployment over the weekend while top political leaders were placed under house arrest last night and curfew was imposed on Monday morning.

Modi government's decision will have a big impact on the lives of Kashmir residents. Here's a look at the special privileges hitherto enjoyed by J&K that now stand to be revoked:

Special status for J&K

Article 370, which came into force in 1952, empowered J&K to be be a near autonomous state since it limited the Centre's authority to just external affairs, defence, finance and communication. This provision allowed J&K to have a Sadar-e-Riyasat for governor and prime minister in place of a chief minister till 1965 as well as its own flag and constitution.

Furthermore, revoking Article 370 will allow the Centre to declare emergency in the state except in case of a war. Currently, the Union Government needs the concurrence of the state government to even declare a financial emergency in the state under Article 360.

As per the Constitution (Application to Jammu and Kashmir) Order, 2019, in place of this special status, all the provisions of the Constitution will henceforth be applicable.

Unique privileges under Article 35A

Article 35A, which comes under Article 370, proscribes non-permanent residents of J&K from permanently settling in the state, buying immovable property, acquiring land, applying for government jobs or any kind of scholarships, aids as well as other public welfare projects. The people of J&K will now lose these benefits associated with the permanent resident certificate.

Article 370 protected the state's demographic character

Kashmir is India's only Muslim majority state. "GOIs intention is clear & sinister. They want to change demography of the only Muslim majority state in India, disempower Muslims to the extent where they become second class citizens in their own state," M***i tweeted earlier on Monday. She went as far as to call the abrogation "another partition along communal lines". But that is a sentiment echoed by many in the state - the abrogation of Article 370, and by extension Article 35A, is seen to open the floodgates so as to speak, enabling Hindus from other parts of India to migrate to the state and thus engineer a demographic transformation.

Legislative powers

J&K Assembly will no longer be in a position to clear any significant bills within the state - the balance of power will shift in favour of the Union government. Significantly, in the absence of an elected government in the state the presidential order reportedly states that the state's governor shall exercise the powers of the elected government.

Preferential employment opportunities

Under Article 35A no outsider could bag a government job. Companies in the state were even forced to hire only locals. The revoking of this rule intends to level the playing field. In a blog post in March, BJP stalwart and former Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had claimed that Article 35A crippled J&K's ability to raise financial resources - despite not having enough of it - and denied its people a booming economy, economic activity and jobs. "No investor is willing to set up an industry, hotel, private educational institutions or private hospitals since he can neither buy land or property nor can his executives do so. Their ward cannot get government jobs or admission to colleges. Today, there are no major national or international chains which have set up hotel in a tourism-centric State. This prevents enrichment, resource generation and job creation," he penned.

Right to protect its state borders

J&K's special status had thus far shielded it from the applicability of Article 3, which provides for re-drawing state boundaries or the creation of a new state. The bifurcation of the state of Jammu and Kashmir into two Union Territories (UTs) - Ladakh and J&K - is hence pinned to the abrogation of Article 370. "Keeping in view the prevailing internal security situation, fuelled by cross border terrorism in the existing state of Jammu and Kashmir, a separate Union Territory for Jammu and Kashmir is being created. The Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir will be with legislature," Shah announced in Rajya Sabha. He added that this has been a long pending demand of people of Ladakh.

Of course, there are some Kashmiris who are celebrating the government's decision. The Article, also referred to as the Permanent Residents Law, had thus far barred a woman (belonging to the state) from any property rights if she marries a person from outside the state. The provision also extended to the children of such women as they do not have any succession rights over the property. The revoking of Article 370 ends the age-old discrimination against women of J&K who chose to marry outsiders.







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