Bole Veracity

Bole Veracity We are committed to breakthrough and transmit a releable information supported by evidences and inte


Baga Ayyaana irreechaan isin gahe. Ayyaanni Kun kan jaalalaa, kan gammachuufi kan milkaa'inaa isiniif haa ta'u.
Ayyaana gaarii!

EID Mubarak to all my Muslim friends.

EID Mubarak to all my Muslim friends.


የፊንፍኔ ከተማ መስተዳድር ለቦረና ወገኖቻችን 102M birr ድጋፍ አድርጏል፡፡
ከንቲባ ወ/ሮ አዳነች አቤቤንም ሳናመሰግን አናልፍም!!

ለወገን ደራሽ ወገን ነውና ለምስኪኑ የቦረና ወገኖቻችን እንድረስ።

ለወገን ደራሽ ወገን ነውና ለምስኪኑ የቦረና ወገኖቻችን እንድረስ።


Unity for my People!


ጉባኤው ታግዷል!

| የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ ቀዳማዊ መሠረታዊ የሠራተኛ ማኅበር በስካይላይት ሆቴል ጠርቶት የነበረው ዓመታዊ የጠቅላላ ጉባዔ በፌደራል የመጀመሪያ ደረጃ ፍርድ ቤት ታገደ።

የጠቅላላ ጉባዔው ትናንት ሐምሌ ሀምሌ 7 ቀን 2014 ዓም የተጀመረ ሲሆን በጥሪው ላይ እስከ ሐምሌ 9 እንደሚጠናቀቅ ተገልጾ የነበረ ቢሆንም ዛሬ ፍርድቤት በሰጠው ትእዛዝ ከቀኑ 6:05 ሰዓት ጀምሮ ጉባኤው እንዳይካሄድ ታግዷል።

ጠቅላላ ጉባኤው የታገደው የስራ አስፈጻሚ አባላት 'ጉባኤው የተጠራው ከሊቀመንበርነት በታገዱት ኢ/ር ተሊላ ዱሬሳ በመሆኑ ህገወጥ ነው' ብለው ክስ በማቅረባቸው ነው።


📌New application announcements

Ethiopian Airlines would like to train and hire qualified candidates for the positions mentioned below.
Job Title: - Trainee Pilot / Trainee Pilot Instructor
Required Qualification; - BSC Degree in Electrical /Electronics /Aeronautical /Mechanical / Civil/ Industrial/ Chemical/ Computer / Software / Electronics and Communication/ Hardware Engineering/ Physics/ Mathematics / Statistics/ Computer Science/ Information Science/ Information Technology or any Engineering or IT related fields with a minimum CGPA of 2.75 from recognized Ethiopian Higher Institutions and Colleges.
BSC/BA degree in any other field of study with a minimum CGPA of 3.00 from recognized Ethiopian Higher Institutions and Colleges & a minimum of ‘B’ in 10th grade EGSEC in Mathematics, Physics and English each or 50% grade point in Ethiopian University Entrance Exam in Mathematics, Physics and English each.
N.B: Age Limit: For Trainee Pilot ≤ 25 Years’ Old
For Trainee Pilot Instructor ≤ 27 Years’ Old
Height requirement:
▪ For Trainee Pilot Instructor
Male - Minimum 1.68 Meter Female –Minimum 1.65 Meter
▪ For Trainee Pilot
Male - Minimum 1.70 Meter Female –Minimum 1.65 Meter

Application Date: May 23, 2022 – May 26, 2022 (online applications only)

Please Note the following points:

▪ Make sure you fulfill all the stated qualifications
▪ During application, please attach a scan copy of all your supporting documents & educational credentials only in PDF format including but not limited to:
▪ 8th grade ministry card and birth certificate only from city administration (If your age is not stated on 8th grade ministry card)
▪ Grade 10 certificate
▪ Grade 12 certificate
▪ Temporary Graduation Certificate
▪ Renewed kebele ID card (back and forth)
▪ Any applications made before or after the Sta

EId Mubarak for all Muslim Brothers and Sisters.

EId Mubarak for all Muslim Brothers and Sisters.


Kenyan runner Abel Mutai was only a few meters from the finish line, but got confused with the signs and stopped, thinking he had finished the race. BA Spanish man, Ivan Fernandez, was right behind him and, realizing what was going on, started shouting to the Kenyan to keep running. Mutai did not know Spanish and did not understand.

Realizing what was going on, Fernandez pushed Mutai to victory.

A reporter asked Ivan, "Why did you do this?" Ivan replied, "My dream is that one day we can have some sort of community life where we push ourselves and also others to win."

The reporter insisted "But why did you let the Kenyan win?" Ivan replied, "I didn't let him win, he was going to win. The race was his."

The reporter insisted and asked again, "But you could have won!" Ivan looked at him and replied: "But what would be the merit of my victory? What would be the honor of this medal? What would my Mother think of it?" The values are transmitted from generation to generation. What values do we teach our children and how much do you inspire others to earn? Most of us take advantage of people's weaknesses instead of helping to strengthen them.

Rest of the World should learn from Ivan.

© African Voice


Stay Safe.

Ramadan is not about loosing weight, it is about loosing Sins.

Ramadan is not about loosing weight, it is about loosing Sins.


Ethiopian Airlines Appoints Its 38-Year Veteran Mesfin Tasew as CEO


Legendary Ethiopian Airlines CEO Tewolde GebreMariam quits after 37 years

The longserving CEO of Africa's largest airline Ethiopia Airlines has stepped down, citing ill health. Starting at the firm in 1985, he become CEO in 2011. He leaves behind a strong legacy, the envy of other African airlines who struggle to match Ethiopian's operational efficiency.

Tewolde GebreMariam is a towering figure of African aviation, dragging Ethiopian Airlines through a profound modernization process, and running the state-backed company profitably, in comparison to many continental peers.

“I pay tribute to the work of a man who has led Africa’s largest airline for over 11 years”, says Abdérahmane Berte, head of the African Airlines Association (AFRAA).

“Under his leadership Ethiopian Airlines became the largest African airline. A position maintained for many years”, he says. “For the sake of history I also note the important role of Ethiopian Airlines as one of the founding companies of AFRAA.”

source The Africa click me for more


Baga baatan hooggantoota keenya. Hidhaan qoraasuma gootaati akkuma jette ulamtee waayillankee waliin baga hawaasa bal'aatti makamte. Warra hafes rabbi nuuf haa hiiku.

Maal balleesse Karrayyuun???

Maal balleesse Karrayyuun???


ይድራስ !
#ቃሊቲ !
ከረዳት ፕሮፈሰር ጎንደር ዩኒቨርሲቲ

በቅጡ ሳልሰማክ ጠላሁክ!
ሰምቼክ ሳልረዳክ ፈረጅኩክ!
ሳላውቅክ በስምህ ብቻ ጠላሁክ!
በስምህ ብቻ አክራሪ ነህ ብዬ ፈረጅኩክ!
ግን በጥሞና ሰምቼክ ስረዳክ፣ የዋላህን ሳጠናክ፣ የተናገርከውን ሁሉ ቁጭ ብዬ ሳደምጠው ተፀፀትኩኝ! ስለ አንተ የተጋትኩት በሙሉ ውሸት ሆነ! ከሚኒሶታ እስከ ካልጋሪ፣ ከአትላንታ እስከ UK ድረስ በአፋን ኦሮሞ ያደረካቸውን ንግግሮችና ቃለመጠየቆች አስቶርጉሜ ሰማውክ! ሀገር ቤት ከገባክም በኋላ የሰጠከውን ቃለመጠየቅ በሚገባ አዳመጥኩኝ! የጥላቻ ንግግሮችን፣ አክራሪነትህን ፈልጌ ፈልጌ አጣሁኝ! ደከመኝ ሳልል እንከን ፍለጋ ሁሉንም በድጋሜ አዳመጥኩኝ! ግን አልተሳካልኝ! ጭራሽ የፖለቲካ Genius መሆንክን አረጋገጥኩኝ! ተዚያ በኋላ ያንተን ንግግሮች የማደምጠው፣ ለመማር፣ በፕሮፌሲህ ለመገረም፣ ያ ልጅ እንድህ ብሎ ነበር ብዬ የሚጠሉክ እንዲያውቁክ ሆነ! ተሆነ ጊዜ በኋላ ፁህፎችህን ፍለጌ ማንበብ ጀመርኩኝ! ከ"The failed journey of Oromo Liberation front" ጀመርኩኝ! በጣም ገረመኝ! ደፈር ነህ! ተዝያ በኋላ ስለ አባይ ግድብ፣ ስለ Arab Spring የፃፍከውን በሙሉ አነበብኩኝ! የተለየህ ሰው መሆንክን አረጋገጥኩኝ! ስለ አንተ ብዙ ብዙ ማለት በፈልግም እንዳላሰለችክ ብዬ ስለፈራሁኝ ለዛሬው እዝህ ጋር ይብቃኝ! ብቻ ግን ግርም የሚለኝ ነገር ምን እንደሆነ ታውቃለህ? ሀገርህ ለማዳን የተደላደለ ኑሮህን ትተክ መጥተህ በየ ክልሉ እየዞርክ ስታረጋጋ እኛ ደግሞ ሀገር ሊያፈርስ ነው ብለን ሆሆሆ አልንብክ! ከክርስቲያን እናትና ከሙስሊም አባት ተወልደክ ሳለህ እኛ ግን አክራሪ ሙስሊም ነው ብለን ሆሆሆ አልንብክ! ስለ ሰላማዊ ትግል ቀን ተሌት ስትሰብክ እኛ ሀገራችንን በጠመንጃ ሊያተራምስ ነው ብለን ሆሆሆ አልንብክ! ሆሆሆ ብለን የሀው ወጋችንን አገኘን! እንኳንም ታሰርክ! አንተ ባትታሰር ስንቱ ነገር ይሰብክብ ነበር! በማይመለከትክ የስንቶቻችን እርግማን ይወርድብክ ነበር! እውነትና ንጋት እያደር ነው የሚወጣው ባሻዬ! ያንተ እውነትና ንፅህናክም እያደር ይወጣል! ጌታዬ ሳለውቅክ የረገምኩህን እርግማን በሙሉ ለአብይ ያድርግልኝ ዘንድ እለምናለው! ሳያውቁክ የሚረግሙክን ደግሞ እንዲያውቁክ የተቻለኝን ሁሉ ለማድረግ ቃል እገባለው! አይ ካሉ ደግሞ እርግማኑ ለእራሳቸው እንዲሆን ጌታ እየሱስን እማፀናለው! አሳሪዎችክ እንዲታሰሩ፣ የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጃልን የፈፀሙ ዘራቸው እንዲያጥር ዘውትር ጌታን እለምናለው!
ከሰላምታ ጋር!
ረዳት ፕሮፈሰር ፀጋነሽ በላይነህ

The fact on the ground.

The fact on the ground.

Do not be fooled by false slogans.

Do not be fooled by false slogans.

The Legend.

The Legend.

Read and explore the world.

Read and explore the world.


The goal scored at Wollegga Stadium was a free kick targeted up on us.


The 21st Speaking animals...the retards.


39 & 40...The most historical numbers I will always keep them in my memory. The number 40, I hope you will realize the dream of the ever oppressed people.
The Truth always prevails.


Yaa waaq dhugaa abbaa dhugaatiif galchi!!!


Baratuu baraan darbaa
Dhihaaf barii lakkaa'ee
Akkamiin rafnee bullaa
Tasgalteetu nu gaaga'e.


Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it will always get you the right ones.


Dear our Bovera followers, we are here to serve you 24/7 by transmitting a reliable information to you and also intertaining you. Bear with us until we start our job in our full capacity.


Addis Ababa



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