
kuenselnews For news and current developments in Bhutan and all things related to Bhutan.

Former Foreign Minister D**o Tshering received the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold, and Silver Star from Japan's Ambassado...

Former Foreign Minister D**o Tshering received the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold, and Silver Star from Japan's Ambassador to Bhutan Satoshi Suzuki today.

The Japanese government announced the conferral of the award to the longest-serving minister on April 29, 2021, in recognition of his contribution to strengthening the bilateral relations between Bhutan and Japan. The award couldnโ€™t be presented in person then due to the pandemic.

Lyonpo is the first Bhutanese to receive the award from the Government of Japan.

Lyonpo served as the ambassador of Bhutan to Japan from 1999 to 2008.

Open letter from RCSC Chairperson to civil servants issued today

Open letter from RCSC Chairperson to civil servants issued today

HMS launches tailoring course for its supporting staffHis Majestyโ€™s Secretariat launched a specialized tailoring course ...

HMS launches tailoring course for its supporting staff

His Majestyโ€™s Secretariat launched a specialized tailoring course for its support staff in the Elementary Service Personnel (ESP), General Support Personnel (GSP), and Operational (O) categories yesterday.
70 people employed across various projects and agencies under His Majestyโ€™s Secretariat, who expressed an interest in learning to tailor, are participating in the 3-month long course.
This is part of a series of trainings that HMS is planning to offer its employees, as an opportunity for them to learn new, income generating skills.
The initiative is in accordance with Royal command granted to the civil service earlier this month, to explore suitable trainings for support staff. During an Audience to a group of heads of civil service agencies, His Majesty The King expressed concerns over the financial stability of civil servants in the ESP/GSP categories post retirement. His Majesty commanded that agencies create opportunities for their employees to gain new skills which they may be able to use to generate income later in life.
In line with this Royal Command, HMS piloted the tailoring program, which it was able to do in record time and with minimal expenses, using the resources from the HOPE project, which has conducted basic tailoring courses for wives of armed force personnel over the years as a Royal Project.
HMS hopes that these trainings, which it intends to carry out with prudent budgeting to avoid outsized expenditure, will enable employees to become more resilient and encourage a culture of lifelong learning throughout the public service.


Bhutanese going to Australia is a new trend. It is a new trend because of the sheer number of people leaving the country. Is it a cause of concern? Yes, it is. No, it is not.

๐—ช๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ ๐˜„๐—ฒ ๐—ป๐—ฒ๐—ฒ๐—ฑ ๐˜๐—ผ ๐—ธ๐—ป๐—ผ๐˜„ ๐—ฎ๐—ฏ๐—ผ๐˜‚๐˜ ๐— ๐—ผ๐—ป๐—ธ๐—ฒ๐˜†๐—ฝ๐—ผ๐˜… 3. What are the symptoms of Monkeypox?Monkeypox illness often begins with flu-like ...

๐—ช๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ ๐˜„๐—ฒ ๐—ป๐—ฒ๐—ฒ๐—ฑ ๐˜๐—ผ ๐—ธ๐—ป๐—ผ๐˜„ ๐—ฎ๐—ฏ๐—ผ๐˜‚๐˜ ๐— ๐—ผ๐—ป๐—ธ๐—ฒ๐˜†๐—ฝ๐—ผ๐˜…
3. What are the symptoms of Monkeypox?
Monkeypox illness often begins with flu-like symptoms:
- Fever
- Headache
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Chills
- Muscle aches
- Backache
- Exhaustion
Within 1-3 days (sometimes more) after the appearance of fever, a rash develops, often beginning on the face, then spreading to other parts of the body.
Symptoms usually begin 7-14 days after infection, but it could be anywhere between 5-21 days. The illness typically lasts 2-4 weeks.

Ministry of Health, Royal Government of Bhutan

His Majesty The King granted an Audience to the 2019-2022 cohort graduating from the Royal Institute of Management today...

His Majesty The King granted an Audience to the 2019-2022 cohort graduating from the Royal Institute of Management today.
In an informal conversation with the 746 graduates and RIM staff, His Majesty spoke about our challenges as a nation, concerns over issues we face today, and our way forward if we are to secure a bright future for Bhutan.
Before addressing these topics, His Majesty shared some advice, especially for the younger graduates, who have much of their lives and careers to look forward to.
His Majesty said that to achieve all our goals and aspirations, it is of utmost importance to be consistent and persevere- with discipline, even our smallest daily efforts can add up to big results.
His Majesty pointed out that if a person works 8 hours a day for 30 years, they spend roughly 80,000 hours of their lives working. It is, therefore, important for people embarking on their careers to choose something they are passionate about, as they will be spending so much of their lives engaged in doing what they have chosen.
Finally, His Majesty advised them to choose a career that enables them to continue learning and growing- in these changing times, if we are not constantly upgrading our skills, we will invariably fall behind.
His Majesty said that Bhutan is going through a transformation because we have a window of opportunity in which to forever change the course of our future, and ensure that our children inherit a successful nation.
โ€œThere can be no greater act of compassion than to be strong, resilient and unwavering for the sake of our childrenโ€™s future,โ€ His Majesty said.
His Majestyโ€™s foremost concerns were about the economy- individual prosperity is held back because of the size of our market and because of a lack of substantial export of goods and services.
While infrastructure and education are the foundations for building a strong future, these are our weaknesses at present, His Majesty said. There is a great deal of work to be done to improve physical infrastructure and our regulatory environment before planning a more vibrant economy.
We can no longer rely on hydropower to be our sole source of revenue, due to greater competition and uncertainty in the sector. In addition to this, the cost of delivering services in Bhutan is very highโ€“ there is a lot of inefficiency in how we manage public funds which are meant to the people.
These are challenges we need to address if we are to change the course of our future. However, His Majesty expressed confidence in the bureaucracy and government of the day to seize the opportunity and take whatever steps are needed to ensure that Bhutan is successful. His Majesty also expressed confidence in the people of Bhutan, who, above all, love our country, to make all the sacrifices necessary to take on challenges with strength and determination.
Our advantage, His Majesty said, has always been that Bhutan enjoys a degree of goodwill and interest from the rest of the world. There is a quality about Bhutan and her people which has inspired others to see us as unique and special.
This is a source for optimism, and something we must build upon. In a world where knowledge and skills are increasingly becoming cheaper and more accessible, values are still precious. In such a world, our true advantage is being dependable, reliable, and trustworthy.
This must become our anchorโ€“ something to build as our national identity as Bhutanese.
The 24th Convocation ceremony of RIM was held earlier this morning with the Prime Minister as Chief Guest. This was the first convocation ceremony held by the institute since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The graduates belong to Masters of Business Administration, Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Management, Post Graduate Diploma in National Law, and Diploma in Financial Management. In addition, graduates from two additional courses- Graduate Diploma in Accounting and Certificate in Accounting, which targeted De-Suups in collaboration with the De-Suung Skilling Project, were also part of the convocation ceremony.

His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck


Starting tomorrow (10 August 2022), NECS in collaboration with De-suung Office and most of the agencies tagged below are conducting a mass cleaning campaign leading up the 23 Sept 2022 border re-opening and beyond. The program is aimed at managing our ever increasing waste problem by bringing on board all the relevant stakeholders including the general public. Please join us to help serve you better! ๐Ÿ™

National Environment Commission
Zero Waste Bhutan Guide Association of Bhutan Bhutan Red Cross SocietyGuide Association of BhutanThimphu Dzongkhag Administration De-suung - Guardians of Peace Thimphu Thromde Tourism Council of Bhutan Clean Bhutan Bhutan Broadcasting Service Bhutan Toilet Org Dr. Toilet.Bhutan Taxi Association Prime Minister's Office - PMO, Bhutan Royal Bhutan Army HQs Ministry of Works and Human Settlement, Royal Government of Bhutan Royal Bhutan Police Greener Way Royal Office for Media Clean City Green Bhutan Services Waste Handlers of Bhutan Waste Warriors,Bhutan Royal Commission for Urban Development Thimphu Greening Initiative Royal Civil Service Commission, Royal Government of Bhutan Bhutan For Life Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation

His Majesty The King and His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo offered prayers and Karmi Tongchoed at the Kuenrey of the Ta...

His Majesty The King and His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo offered prayers and Karmi Tongchoed at the Kuenrey of the Tashichhodzong for General Bipin Rawat, the Chief of Defence Staff of the Indian Armed Forces, his wife Mrs Madhulika Rawat, and 11 armed forces personnel who lost their lives in a helicopter accident yesterday.
His Majesty The King and His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo have sent messages of condolence for the bereaved families, and the government and people of India.
General Bipin Rawat, who visited Bhutan several times during his career, will be remembered as a friend by the people of Bhutan.
The Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, Chief Operations Officer of the RBA and senior officers of the Armed Forces, along with the Indian Ambassador, the heads of IMTRAT and DANTAK, and representatives of the Indian community in Bhutan, joined the ceremony to offer a thousand butter lamps.

His Majesty The King offered prayers and Karmey Tongchey at the Simtokha Dzong this morning for Anthony Smith, CBE, who ...

His Majesty The King offered prayers and Karmey Tongchey at the Simtokha Dzong this morning for Anthony Smith, CBE, who passed away in London on November 28th.
Anthony Smith was the President of Magdalen College, University of Oxford, from 1988 to 2005- a period which included the time that His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck was studying there.
He was a friend of Bhutan, and helped strengthen Bhutan's relations with the United Kingdom, personally mentoring many Bhutanese students who went to Oxford.
His Royal Highness Prince Jigyel Ugyen Wangchuck and other alumni of Oxford University, as well as those who knew Anthony Smith, joined the ceremony to offer prayers and a thousand butter lamps.



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The Bhutan Power Corporation (BPC) management has suspended the director accused of sexually harassing a female employee, according to BPC CEO Sonam Tobjey.

The CEO signed and issued a suspension order yesterday.

The CEO said that as per the BPCโ€™s service rules and regulations, 2016 once the CEO has constituted an inquiry committee, the accused must be suspended simultaneously.

โ€What I did was as per the service rules,โ€ the CEO said. โ€The director will remain suspended until the inquiry is complete and disciplinary action is taken against the accused, if true.โ€

As per the service rules, the director will receive 50 percent of his basic salary.

โ€Although it requires the committee to complete the investigation in 10 days, I have asked them to expedite, โ€ CEO said.

The committee consists of three senior female officers, one legal officer and the HR division.

โ€The investigation should be complete by next week and the report should be with me," the CEO said.



Breaking Major changes in Covid-19 protocolsThe government announced the following changes in the Covid-19 protocols wit...


Major changes in Covid-19 protocols

The government announced the following changes in the Covid-19 protocols with immediate effect:

1. The three weeks mandatory quarantine period for all travellers coming into the country will be reduced to two weeks.
The Ministry of Health has been advised to re-design and decide the testing strategy to heightened health surveillance during the two weeks in the quarantine. The surveillance team has also been advised to devise the testing pattern and facilitate the exit of those who have completed two weeks quarantine, if eligible.
The two-week quarantine will be applied to all inbound travellers, irrespective of vaccination status and country of origin.

2. The existing business operation time will be extended from 9pm to 10pm for low-risk areas and from 8pm to 9pm in high-risk areas. The business outlets are reminded to maintain the highest level of COVID-19 protocols. However, everyone must practice the crowd size of 25 or 50 percent, whichever is the minimum.

3. All indoor and outdoor sports will be allowed in full strength throughout the country. Tournaments and matches are allowed without spectators but those in the high-risk areas will require clearance from local taskforces.
The organisers must enforce all COVID-19 norms and dissuade any sort of gathering of non-players in the vicinity at all times.
Match organisers are to confirm the vaccination status of the players and disallow participation of those who have not taken the vaccine despite being eligible. It is only reasonable and professional to do so, given the risks involved for the individual as well as other players.

4. Relaxations will be further reviewed and considered upon the completion of vaccination of children from 12 to 17 years, which is due by mid-September. Announcements will be made accordingly. In the event of any indication of local transmission, these changes in COVID-19 protocols will be immediately withdrawn.

A press release from the PMO state: "However, it is important to note that we are taking measured, conservative steps without compromising the benefits we have accrued until now to secure our nation from the pandemic."
It stated that the changes are being introduced at a time when some countries are imposing more restrictions amid the increasing spread of the disease. We are able to do so with due veneration to His Majestyโ€™s leadership and concerted efforts of all frontline workers and the solidarity of the people of Bhutan.

"Here, we also thank all those who came forward to make the nationwide vaccination campaigns a success and well-wishers who were part of Bhutanโ€™s Covid-19 prevention efforts. As we intensify the surveillance and continue to monitor the situation closely, we urge everyone to observe basic Covid-19 health instructions of wearing masks, hand washing and avoiding crowd with sincerity and diligence."

It stated that with the emergence of newer viral variants, each more aggressive than the other, this is not the time to let down the guard. "Please take care of yourself and your loved ones."

Source: Prime Minister's Office - PMO, Bhutan

His Majesty is in Jomotshangkha after a five-day trek from Merak in Trashigang

His Majesty is in Jomotshangkha after a five-day trek from Merak in Trashigang

His Majesty is in Jomotshangkha

His Majesty is in Jomotshangkha

His Majesty The King arrived in Jomotshangkha yesterday after a five-day trek along the eastern border. His Majesty started the trek from Merak on June 8, accompanied by His Royal Highness Gyaltshab Jigme Dorji Wangchuck and the Prime Minister Dr Lotay Tshering.


Bhutan's first Covid-19 patient expresses his gratitude to Bhutan.

No new cases in the last 24 hours.Meanwhile, 21 people are being declared recovered taking the national recovery rate to...

No new cases in the last 24 hours.

Meanwhile, 21 people are being declared recovered taking the national recovery rate to 88.20%.

Just In: Bangladesh Ambassador to Bhutan handed over 1.5 million vitamins to Gyalpoi Zimpon at the Trashichhodzong this ...

Just In: Bangladesh Ambassador to Bhutan handed over 1.5 million vitamins to Gyalpoi Zimpon at the Trashichhodzong this morning.

The consignment was offered by the Prime Minister of Bangladesh to His Majesty The King. The vitamins will be distributed to the elderly across the country to boost their immunity.

Breaking7th positive Covid-19 case detectedOf the 262 Covid-19 PCR tests performed today, 1 tested positive. The 24-year...


7th positive Covid-19 case detected

Of the 262 Covid-19 PCR tests performed today, 1 tested positive.

The 24-year-old is the first Bhutanese man to test positive for Covid-19. He returned from the Middle East yesterday and was placed in a quarantine facility in Paro. He is yet to be moved to the isolation ward. @ Thimphu, Bhutan

6th Covid-19 positive case detectedOf the 13 tested by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) yesterday, a person who returned ...

6th Covid-19 positive case detected

Of the 13 tested by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) yesterday, a person who returned from the Middle East has tested positive.

The person who was placed in a quarantine facility in Paro has been moved to the isolation ward in Thimphu.

This makes it the 6th case in the country.

Oorka chilli comes to market The famous Trashiyangtse chilli (Oorka solo) has hit the market in Trashigang. A kilogramme...

Oorka chilli comes to market

The famous Trashiyangtse chilli (Oorka solo) has hit the market in Trashigang. A kilogramme costs Nu 350 in Doksum and Trashigang towns.

Wangringmo, Phuyang and Manla villages in Trashiyangtse are the first to supply the market with the produce each year.





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