The New Malawi

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SKC PRESSER FUNERAL UPDATE.1. Autopsy has been done today for all the bodies by independent Autopsy specialists. The fam...


1. Autopsy has been done today for all the bodies by independent Autopsy specialists. The families did choose independent Autopsy specialists as follows, 2 from KCN, 1 from College of North Calorina and Dr Charles Dzamalala.
2. Casket for VP has landed from South Africa.
3. Program for VP starts tomorrow as follow.
4. H.E will lead the procession to church at St Patrick's in Area18
5. The body of the VP will lay in State at Parliament building from tomorrow up to Sunday morning.
6. Mass funeral ceremony has been shifted from Civo Stadium to Bingu Stadium on Sunday.
7. Condolence books have been opened in all city councils of this country.
8. The VP made use of aircraft after his office made a request through his PS.
9. The Aircraft last inspection was in March 2024.
10. Next inspection was in July 3024, where by flying nozzle was going to be changed.
11. The profile of the crews were as follows. Pilot Sambalota, Major Floress Seleman and Aidin.
12. Major Sambalota was trained in South Africa and had a military flying certificate.
13. Major Seleman was trained in South Africa and had two flying certificates.
14. Aidin was trained in Zimbambwe.
15. The Aircraft lost contact at 10:10am on Monday.
16. CIVIL AVIATION started looking for Aircraft soon after.
17. After failing to locate the Aircraft, the AVIATION started crosschecking with their counterpart in Zambia, Tanzania, Karonga and Likoma.
18. The weather on the day specifically the whole northern region it was foggy and sight was zero.
19. Practice in the military. When any tragic happens, investigation is instituted to find out what went wrong to cause the tragedy.
20. MDF instituted an investigation to find the cause in partnership with aviation officials. The results are reported to the MDF and the MDF reports the same to govt officials
21. Civil Aviation can do an investigation on their own or they can lobby for other investigators across the globe.
22. The MDF requests the citizenry to avoid sensational reporting of the tragedy to avoid bringing confusion in the country.



His Excellency Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, President of the Republic of Malawi accompanied by the First Lady, Madam Monica Chakwera, on Thursday lead Malawians in sending off the remains of former First Lady during President Bakili Muluzi's regime, Madam Shanil Dzimbiri in Lilongwe.

Sombre faces filled the Sunset Funeral Services premises in Kanengo, to see off the remains of Dzimbiri, who lost her life in a tragic plane crash, alongside the country's Vice President, Dr Saulos Klaus Chilima and seven others.

Former Presidents Dr Joyce Banda and Dr Bakili Muluzi - former husband to the deceased; Atupele Muluzi; high ranking government officials, political leaders from different parties, the Clergy, business captains and family members were all present to witness the event.

Archbishop George Desmond Tambala of Lilongwe Diocese presided over a requiem mass in honor of Dzimbiri, before the body left for Balaka District, where her remains will be interred on Friday.

Earlier in the day, the people witnessed the repatriation of six other bodies to their various resting places who also lost their lives in the crash.

Speaking on behalf of President Chakwera, Minister of Local Government and National Unity Richard Chimwendo Banda said the President is so devastated with the death.

He said Madam Shanil Dzimbiri played a vital role to the country's development both as first lady and a Member of Parliament.

"She worked so hard in the upliftment of women in her time as first lady and also as a member of Parliament," he emphasized.

Ben Mankhamba, a family member called on the people to remember his family in their prayers.

WINNIE SAVES AND SERVES  THE TRUTH FOR PRESIDENT  CHAKWERATo those who are saying ndege siinafike ku Mzuzu, nditangomva ...


To those who are saying ndege siinafike ku Mzuzu, nditangomva kuti ndege ya VP yasowa I personally contacted Winnie Nyondo, i thought it's just Facebook rumors as usual ku Malawi. I asked her what really happened with VP plane is it true that it is missing?

Such a positive woman, at first she told me me kuti ndege inafika kuno ku Mzuzu koma tinangomva sound sitinaione kaaamba ka nyengo siilibwino kuno ku Mzuzu, koma anaibweza kuti ibwelere ku Lilongwe kuti siingathe kutera.

Then she continued saying kuti zikuoneka kuti inakafikanso Likoma for alternative solutions, mwina kuti adikire pang'ono for fog to clear a bit. And she continued saying kuti, it seems yakhala ikuzungulira ndithu for some minutes kuti mwina adikireko for clearing of fog, koma kenako zinalephera kutero.

Panalibe amene amadziwa kuti what was really happening in our thoughts timaganiza kuti basi yabwelera ku Lilongwe ndipamene timamva kuti ndege ikusowa. She continued saying kuti then we started searching, mmawa mmene timakaipeza ndege kuti yachita ngozi maganizo anga ndiakuti mwina amaona ngati atha kutera for emergency landing ndipa flat area not knowing kuti ndipaphiri due to highly concentrated fog plus rain.

And she continued saying mwina poti amayendetsa ndi mai kapena akanakhala bambo akanatenga risk ndikutera pa Mzuzu airport koma poti tsiku la tsoka ndila tsoka basi ndi ngozi koma tipemphe Mulungu atitonthoze tonse ndife olira.

Ndikudandaula a president because amawatenga a VP ngati mwana wawo. Kuyankhula zolakwikwa against president kapena MCP ndikulakwa chabe. Ineyo ndikuona kuti ndingozi basi Jones. Koma tiyeni tonse tiwapemphelere a president athu akudutsa muzambiri.

Winnie Nyondo was interviewed by Wantali Savala Gogoda

AIR CRASH INVESTIGATIONSAir Transport is considered one of the safest modes of transport because over the years manufact...


Air Transport is considered one of the safest modes of transport because over the years manufacturers have learnt the art of manufacturing of aircraft. Part of this learning curve has involved learning from previous mistakes that only come to light after accidents.

When the unlikely accident happens, professional investigators, through careful study, analysis and examination rely on data that is stored in two important parts fitted to the plane: Flight Data Recorder (FDR) and Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR).

The Flight Data Recorder

The FDR onboard the aircraft records many different operating conditions of the flight (from 25 hours continuous). By regulation, newly manufactured aircraft must monitor at least eighty-eight important parameters such as time, altitude, airspeed, heading, and aircraft attitude.

The Cockpit Voice Recorder

The CVR records the flight crew's voices, as well as other sounds inside the cockpit (in the last 30 minutes before crashing). The recorder's "cockpit area microphone" is usually located on the overhead instrument panel between the two pilots. Sounds of interest to an investigator could be engine noise, stall warnings, landing gear extension and retraction, and other clicks and pops. From these sounds, parameters such as engine rpm, system failures, speed, and the time at which certain events occur can often be determined. Communications with Air Traffic Control, automated radio weather briefings, and conversation between the pilots and ground or cabin crew are also recorded.

The CVR recordings are treated differently than the other factual information obtained in an accident investigation due to the highly sensitive nature of the verbal communications inside the cockpit.

Both the Flight Data Recorder and the Cockpit Voice Recorder have proven to be valuable tools in the accident investigation process. They can provide information that may be difficult or impossible to obtain by other means. When used in conjunction with other information gained in the investigation, the recorders are playing an ever increasing role in determining the Probable Cause of an aircraft accident.

Air crash investigation is highly technical and it involves a number of stakeholders. In our case we will have to rely on international investigators and agencies like NTSB and FAA to help us in our investigation. That will add credibility to the results and enhance chances of acceptance by all concerned.

With the goodwill and desire for transparency coming from the president, we believe that professional investigators will be allowed to do a highly professional job and help demystify the air crash that has taken the invaluable life of our State Vice President and those of others around him and dispel all rumours being mongered and conspiracy theories being propagated.

In the interim, let’s mourn our beloved with dignity.

MATUPI ANYAMAKUKA  LERO KUMAPITA KOKAYIKIDWAMkulu wa apolisi m'dziko muno a Merlyn Yolamu wati matupi a Chisomo Chimanen...


Mkulu wa apolisi m'dziko muno a Merlyn Yolamu wati matupi a Chisomo Chimaneni komaso Lukas Kapeni omwe anali ogwira ntchito ku Malawi Police Service, ayikidwa m'manda lero Lachinayi osati Lachisanu monga zinalengezedwera poyamba.

A Yolamu amayankhula ku nyumba yachisoni ya Sunset ku Kanengo munzinda wa Lilongwe komwe kuli mwambo operekeza matupi a anthu anayi omwe adafa pa ngozi ya ndege ku Chikangawa m’boma la Mzimba Lolemba.

A Yolamu ati kusinthaku ndi kamba ka upangili omwe azachipatala awapatsa ati potengera kuti malirowa ndi angozi.

Thupi la Chisomo Chimaneni likaikidwa m’mudzi mwa Makwaule, mfumu yaikulu Chilowoko m’boma la Ntchisi ndipo a Ken Zikhale Ng'oma ndi a Sam Kawale ndiomwe akupelekeza malirowa m'malo mwa mtsogoleri wa dziko lino a Lazarus Chakwera.

Mbali inayi, thupi la Lukas Kapheni likaikidwa m’mudzi mwa Mazinga, mfumu yaikulu Santhe m'boma la Kasungu ndipo a Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda, Jacob Hara komaso a Simplex Chithyola Banda ndi omwe akupelekeza malirowa m'malo mwa mtsogoleri wa dziko lino a Lazarus Chakwera.

TEN FAST FACTS ABOUT SAULOS CHILIMA 1. Saulos Klaus Chilima (SKC) anabadwa mu chaka cha 1973 pa 12 February ndipo kwawo ...


1. Saulos Klaus Chilima (SKC) anabadwa mu chaka cha 1973 pa 12 February ndipo kwawo ndiku Ntcheu.

2. SKC anali ndi Bachelor of Social Science degree in Economics komanso Master of Science degree in Economics zomwe anatengera pa school ya ukachenjede ya Chancellor College. Komanso anakatenga Ph.D. in Knowledge Management ku school ya Bolton (University of Bolton) ku United Kingdom.

3. SKC anali mkhristu wa Katolika ndipo amwalira ali mkhristu.

4. SKC wasiya mkazi (Mary Chilima) ndi ana awiri.

5. Asanayambe active politics (ndale) SKC wagwirapo ntchito ndi ma kampane osiyanasiyana kuphatikizapo Uniliver, Coca-cola komanso Airtel Mw komwe anali Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

6. SKC wakhalapo Vice President wa dziko lino kuchoka mchaka cha 2014-2019 ndi chipani cha DPP komanso 2020-2024 ndi Tonse Alliance.

7. SKC ndi mmodzi mwa akulu akulu omwe anayambisa chipani cha United Transformation Movement (UTM) mu chaka cha 2018, ambiri amadziwa kuti, Chilima ndi mwiniwake kapena kuti ndamene anayambisa chipani cha UTM.

8. SKC anali close friend (nzake) wa malemu Ralph Kasambara, komanso Ralph Kasambara anali Lawyer wa SKC. Anthuwa aphunzira limodzi sukulu pa Chancellor College.

9. SKC ndi otchuka (High profile figure) yekhayo yemwe pa anthu 84 omwe anatchulidwa ndi a president kuti anachita zachinyengo ndi Zunith Satar anamangidwa ndikulowa khoti, ndipo mlandu wake anauthesa lawyer wa SKC atapempha kuti mbali ya boma ipeleke mapepala ena omwe amati ndi umboni omwe a MDF anakana kupeleka.

10. SKC wamwalira tsiku lomwe nzake Ralph Kasambara amalowa mmanda pa 10 June 2024 pa ngozi ya ndege yomwe inagwa ku mapiri a Nthungwa ku Chikangawa mu boma la Nkhata Bay.

SKC anali mfana oganiza bho, mfana oti ukalakwisa amakufunisa kuti nde “nde life yabwanji imeneyi.”

RIP Chilima

ZACHISONIMai Shanil Dzimbiri Muluzi anasiya kalata yofotokoza dongosolo la Imfa yawo. Koma. Nzovuta kumvetsa izi Koma ta...


Mai Shanil Dzimbiri Muluzi anasiya kalata yofotokoza dongosolo la Imfa yawo.

Koma. Nzovuta kumvetsa izi Koma taonani.

CAPTAIN NUS ICHITA NGOZIBus ya Captain yomwe imachokera ku Karonga yagundana ndi Minibus ya Mponera.Ngoziyo yachitika ka...


Bus ya Captain yomwe imachokera ku Karonga yagundana ndi Minibus ya Mponera.

Ngoziyo yachitika kamba mavuto la ma Brake

MAGANIZO ANU NDIOTANIAmalawi ena okonda Chipani cha UTM  akufuna mkazi wamalemu  vice president  akhale  vice president ...


Amalawi ena okonda Chipani cha UTM akufuna mkazi wamalemu vice president akhale vice president wadziko.

Iwo akuti izi zichitile pofuna kulemekeza malemu zimenezi maiko ena amapanga ngati ifa yake ndi ngozi monga DRC etc mwana wa president anakhala president kunoko mayiwa amalize masiku asalawa kuti tivotenso mu 2025.

Zimenezi mukugwirizana nazo kapena palibe vuto kapena pali vuto . Tiuzeni amalawi

UPDATE ON PLANE CRASH FUNERAL Malemu Captain Flora Selemani Ngwirinji, ochokera m'mudzi wa Kasalika, mfumu yaikulu  Chim...


Malemu Captain Flora Selemani Ngwirinji, ochokera m'mudzi wa Kasalika, mfumu yaikulu Chimaliro m'boma la Thyolo ndi m'modzi mwa ma payiloti omwe amayendetsa ndege ya mtundu wa Dornier yomwe inagwa mnkhalango ya Chikangawa lolemba itanyamula wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko lino a Saulos Chilima ndi anthu ena asanu ndi atatu.

Polankhula ndi Zodiak kum'mawaku, amalume ake, a Harneck Mataka komanso a Stephen Mataka ati ndi odzidzimuka ndi imfayi, ponena kuti malemu Ngwirinji anali mzati wa mtundu wawo.

Malipoti akuonetsa kuti Captain Ngwirinji adali payiloti oyamba wa mkazi mdziko lino mu 2015.

Malinga ndi amalume akewa, ngati sipakhala kusintha, thupi la Captain Ngwirinji yemwe wasiya mwamuna ndi mwana m'modzi lilowa m'manda Lachinayi pa June 13, 2024 m'bomali.

From ZBS

AS WE WAIT FOR MDF RESCUE TEAM UPDATE Passengers who were in the plane are as follows:-1. His Honour Dr. Saulos Klaus Ch...


Passengers who were in the plane are as follows:-

1. His Honour Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima
2. Madam.Mary Chilima
3. Mr. Lukas Kapheni
4. Mr. Chisomo Chimaneni
5. Ms. Gloria Mtukule
6. Ms.Shanil Dzimbiri
7. Mr. Dan Kanyemba
8. Mr. Abdul Kingstone Lapukeni

GooooooaaaaaallllllllFinal Result Equatorial Guinea  1-0 Malawi


Final Result

Equatorial Guinea 1-0 Malawi



KODI ALIMOYO?Ndege yomwe inanyamula wachiwiri wa president wadziko lino ikusowa.Anthu ogwira ntchito ndikukhala mbali ya...


Ndege yomwe inanyamula wachiwiri wa president wadziko lino ikusowa.

Anthu ogwira ntchito ndikukhala mbali yaku Raiply ku Mzuzu anawona ndege ina ikugwa ndipo adziwitsa apolisi ndi a MDF.

Wina yemwe amakwera nawo ndi Shanil Muluzi.

Zambiri za ngoziyi zikubwera ndi reporter wathu yemwe WAFIKA pa crush site mkati mwa Chikangawa Forest

DEAD OR ALIVE?The plane has crash landed in Raiply In Mzimba, rescue team has rushed there , we don’t know if the VP and...


The plane has crash landed in Raiply In Mzimba, rescue team has rushed there , we don’t know if the VP and the crew are all ok.

Rescue Teqm from Mzimba have rushed to the crash site

Anthu Ku Nkhatabay  awayamikira kwambiri President  Chakwera popanga zotheka kuti mwambo.wa maliro wa Ralph Kasambala uy...

Anthu Ku Nkhatabay awayamikira kwambiri President Chakwera popanga zotheka kuti mwambo.wa maliro wa Ralph Kasambala uyende chonchi

GET WELL SOONTiwafunile kuchila mwansanga AposAtle Kapenga.Awa ndi  bambo a oyimba wina otchuka yemwe dzina lake ndi Wax...


Tiwafunile kuchila mwansanga AposAtle Kapenga.

Awa ndi bambo a oyimba wina otchuka yemwe dzina lake ndi Waxy Kay. Amavuta Chamba kwambiri

HH BWERA NDIKUPHUNZITSE NGAMBWINGAMBWI WA MAGETSI-ChakweeaMtsogoleri wa dziko la Zambia wati atumiza nthumwi ku dziko la...


Mtsogoleri wa dziko la Zambia wati atumiza nthumwi ku dziko la Malawi kuti adzaphuzire momwe dziko lino lakwanilitsira kuthana ndi vuto la kuthima thima kwa magetsi.

Izi zadza dziko lino litakwanitsa kuthetsa vuto lakuzimazima kwa magetsi pansi pa utsogoleri wa masomphenya wa Dr Lazarus chakwera zomwe zapangitsa maiko ena mchigawo chino cha Africa kuzaphunzira ukadaulo omwe Boma la Chakwera likugwilitsa ntchito mdziko muno.

Kuchokera chaka chatha kufika lero dziko la Zambia lakhala likukumana ndi mavuto othima kwa magetsi mpaka maola 14 patsiku zomwe zapangitsa kuti chuma cha dzikolo chiyambe kutsika.

DPP IKANA CHISANU!I am reliability informed that the family of late Hope Chisanu urgently brought this matter to the att...


I am reliability informed that the family of late Hope Chisanu urgently brought this matter to the attention of Professor Peter Mutharika, Mrs Gertrude Mutharika and the DPP.
But there is no response and no action taken.
Professor Mutharika was yesterday heard in the corridors of his residence in Nyambadwe, Blantyre murmuring something like this does not concern the DPP.

He dismissed it without shedding tears.
What Professor Mutharika has forgotten is that the violent and murderous DPP used, misused and abused Mr. Chisanu on many party errands, including insulting President Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera on MBC when the state broadcaster was under the control of the DPP.
Mr Chisanu lost his integrity and dignity as a journalist because of the DPP.

It is sad now to learn that Professor Mutharika used or is it abused him like a used condom and has been discarded, sadly in death away from home when his relations are knocking in all doors seeking help.

DPP yowuma mitu itionetsa zinthu chaka chino.

By Dick Kashoti.



There is an intelligent girl by the name Bertha Phiri aged 19 from Katukumuka Village, T/A Chakhazain in Dowa. She is a Form 4 student at Chamkango Secondary School. She has been chased because of Fees balance amounting to MK20,000.

Those willing to assist can pay the school fees to this School bank account NBM :1007469914

For more information you can call the guardian on these numbers 0997042777 and 0999155130.

GABA WAKALAMBA?- General MabedieCoach Patricki Mabedie akuti Gabadinhoo Mhangoo akukula so Amalawi phunzirani kukhala wo...

GABA WAKALAMBA?- General Mabedie

Coach Patricki Mabedie akuti Gabadinhoo Mhangoo akukula so Amalawi phunzirani kukhala wopanda Gaba basi.

Inu mukuonapo bwanji?

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ZATIVUTA KU JONIMtsogoleri wa Gulu la Sena Universe Fabiano Kear yemweso amadziwika kuti Fabzy wamwalira m'dziko la Sout...


Mtsogoleri wa Gulu la Sena Universe Fabiano Kear yemweso amadziwika kuti Fabzy wamwalira m'dziko la South Africa usiku wathawu akuba a mfuti atamuombera pa Shop pomwe iye amagwilapo ntchito.

Mmodzi mwa oyimba komanso manager wa gulu-li Dyson Seva wati Fabzy anamuombera pa mtima nthawi yamadzulo kufikira chamma 9 koloko usiku mmene madotolo amati wamwalira.

Pakadali pano dongosolo la Maliro silinadziwike koma malingana ndi Seva, akhale akulengeza posachedwapa.

UTHENGA WA CHISONIKhansala wa dera la Mikongo ku Mangochi, Adam Chinyangala wamwalira atachita ngozi ya njinga yamoto.Mn...


Khansala wa dera la Mikongo ku Mangochi, Adam Chinyangala wamwalira atachita ngozi ya njinga yamoto.

Mneneri wa polisi ya Mangochi, Amina Tepani Daudi, wati ngoziyi idachitika dzulo madzulo m’mudzi mwa Chingo m’mbali mwa msewu Bakili Muluzi Highway pamene khansalayu anagwa pa njinga yomwe amayendetsa.

Daudi wati Chinyangala amachokera mtauni ya Mangochi kulowera ku Namwera pomwe adalephera kuwongolera bwinobwino chifukwa chothamanga kwambiri zomwe zidapangitsa kuti agwe ndikugubuduzikira mbali ina ya msewu pomwe adawombana ndi njinga yamoto inanso.

Khansalayu adavulala kwambiri m’mutu ndipo adamwalira atafika pachipatala cha boma la Mangochi.

LOTO NDI MPHAMVU!!Mbappe komwe wachoka ndikutali ndipo Mulungu anali naye plan..Maloto kumalota.. nthawi zina amatheka


Mbappe komwe wachoka ndikutali ndipo Mulungu anali naye plan..

Maloto kumalota.. nthawi zina amatheka

HIDDEN FACTS ABOUT NGULUYANAWAMBE!Seems like many people in Malawi dont follow issues. Ngulu ya Nawambe House is under c...


Seems like many people in Malawi dont follow issues.

Ngulu ya Nawambe House is under control of High Court. There is an injuctions that no one should use or manage it. The family and Mama Kadzamira are fighting over Kamuzu's Will over this and some other properties in Lilongwe.

Only that the court case has taken years to be concluded.

Mama Kadzamira or Kamuzu family cannot fail to utilize this house but they are both barred by the courts.

Until the courts decide, the house will continue being useless as it is now

BULLETS YATHA BASIMwaungulu wapita pa 110 million Chaziya wapita pa 45 Milion Pomwe Nkhoma wapita pa 70 million What a m...


Mwaungulu wapita pa 110 million

Chaziya wapita pa 45 Milion

Pomwe Nkhoma wapita pa 70 million

What a move to TP mazembe

Zikumveka kuti Chawa akufunidwa ndi team ya Kaizer Chiefs ndi Sundowns

ZIKITHEKA!!Mnyamata wochokera dera lamfumu yaikulu Mwanza m'boma la Salima, Chinsinsi Luka, yemwe ndi alubino.Tsopano mn...


Mnyamata wochokera dera lamfumu yaikulu Mwanza m'boma la Salima, Chinsinsi Luka, yemwe ndi alubino.

Tsopano mnyamatayu wati ndiwosangalala kamba kanyumba yomwe boma lamumangira.

NTHAWI YAFIKALilongwe ilandileni PDP pa Masintha Ground pa 9 June 2024.


Lilongwe ilandileni PDP pa Masintha Ground pa 9 June 2024.

IS SHOOT TO KILL BACK?Police in Blantyre have shot and killed a suspected hardcore criminal, recovering a gun, three rou...


Police in Blantyre have shot and killed a suspected hardcore criminal, recovering a gun, three rounds of live ammunition, a police uniform, handcuffs and a teargas launcher with five canisters.

National police spokesman Peter Kalaya jas said that these items were stolen from Nyungwi Police Unit in Chiradzulu. The suspect, Mike Banda, 36, and his accomplices allegedly attacked a police officer and stole these items there.

Kalaya reported that during a recovery operation, Banda, attempted to escape, prompting the officers to fire two fatal rounds.

This marks the third incident this year where officers have fatally shot suspects.

Security expert Aubrey Kabisala has ruled out a silent shoot-to-kill order but acknowledges that some instances may require police officers to protect themselves when dealing with dangerous criminals.

Enzo Maresca has signed with Chelsea as the new head coach from July 1 on an initial five-year deal, with a club option ...

Enzo Maresca has signed with Chelsea as the new head coach from July 1 on an initial five-year deal, with a club option of a further year.

Enzo Maresca: “To join Chelsea, one of the biggest clubs in the world, is a dream for any coach”.

“I look forward to working with a very talented group of players and staff to develop a team that continues the club’s tradition of success and makes our fans proud”.


Victoria Avenue, Blantyre
Rajshahi Division


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