"Sungrammata" is an Ancient Greek term that means "written compositions". It was used most notably by Plato in his work The Phaedrus, where he argues that speech is preferable to writing. Writing, unlike speech, cannot respond to the reader's questions. The written composition is the basis of our knowledge of history, philosophy, and science. Most of what we know about Plato is due to inscriptions
made long ago - sungrammata. The site is dedicated to written compositions of a philosophical, political and artistic nature.
“There is always a surprise in store for the anatomy or physiology of any criticism that might think that it has mastered the game, surveyed all the threads at once, deluding itself, too, in wanting to look at the text without touching it, without laying a hand on the ‘object’, without risking – which is the only chance of entering into the game, by getting a few fingers caught – the addition of some new thread.” - Derrida, Dissemination
Sungrammata would love to publish your work. If you have an essay, a creative piece, a film or book review or even a short musing, the site encourages you to submit it for consideration. Works can be accompanied by images. All works of merit will be published in full and without adulteration.