Lunar Comics

Lunar Comics Follow the story of Yukino "Snow" Maeda as she learns of the strange power she was born with and wha

Snowbound is the story of Yukino "Snow" Maeda, a teenage Japanese girl living in Canada. One day she learns she carries a great power, lost to the world and thought by many to be only a myth anymore. However, with this knowledge comes a dark shadow, seeking to take her power for itself. Yukino must learn how to use her power and the truth behind its disappearance, before the shadows consume her whole world.

Hey there, lovelies! How're you all doing?Sadly this isn't an update to talk about comics, though things ARE moving behi...

Hey there, lovelies! How're you all doing?

Sadly this isn't an update to talk about comics, though things ARE moving behind the scenes. Instead, this has to do with things going on in my life.

My family has decided to move out of the city I live in, as we cannot continue to afford living here. My folks are basically retired and I don't have my own feet down enough to go on my own. As such, I'm looking to sell a lot of old merchandise I have to reduce how much stuff I have to move.

I've attached photos of all the bead art I have that I'm selling, with a two-dollar coin in each photo for size reference. I'm also selling copies of Snowbound chapter 1 and Star of Destiny chapter 1, as well as the few Snowbound hats I have at a discount. If you're interested in anything, please send me a message. Payments are to be through Paypal, unless you are local (Western GTA) and can meet in person. Prices don't include shipping if needed since I don't know what that will be offhand. A photo for the hats will be included in the comments once I get one taken.

Items & Prices

1. Zelda FF Style Bead Art (Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf, Midna, Ocarina of Time Link, Skyward Sword Zelda) - $5 each, $15 for four.

2. Dragon Ball Z FF Style Bead Art (Piccolo, Krillin, Goku, Gohan) - $5 each, $15 for four

3. Undertale Large Bead Art (Frisk, Chara, Sans, Muffet, Mettaton, Undyne, Papyrus) - $15 each, $25 for two. I have very few numbers for some of these and won't be making more once sold.

4. Other Large Bead Art (Mega Man, Caulifla from Dragon Ball Super, Cybersix, Samus from Metroid, Jasmyne from Snowbound, Roll from Mega Man, Sailor Mars from Sailor Moon) - $15 each, $25 for two

5. Small Bead Art Sets (Chrono Trigger, Undertale, Dragon Ball Super, Overwatch, Sailor Moon, Full Metal Alchemist, Mega Man, Cardcaptor Sakura, Panty & Stocking, Princess Mononoke, Rick & Morty, Banjo-Kazooie, Samus from Metroid - $3 each, $5 for two, can be made into a keychain or a magnet.

Snowbound and Star of Destiny books are $10 each. The Snowbound Hats are $40 each (Basically what I paid for them).


Hi everyone! Sorry it's been a while!

I just want to let everyone know that I'm doing a special stream today, starting at 9 AM EST! I'll be replaying the story of Final Fantasy 14 every Sunday until finished as a lead up to the next expansion, Endwalker! Please come by!

My friend William Kage recently released the demo for the game he's making, Otosan! If you're a fan of Earthbound, I'd r...

My friend William Kage recently released the demo for the game he's making, Otosan! If you're a fan of Earthbound, I'd recommend checking it out! You can play it on your browser here:

New 16-bit RPG, inspired by SNES classics like FF6 and EarthBound.


Hey everyone!

I... didn't realize it had been over two years since I did a proper update. I honestly feel really bad about this. Before I make the post I had planned to make, let's talk. I'm gonna speed through things so as to not take too much time.

So over the past year and a half, since I made my last post at all, I began working night shift. I began in one store and eventually moved to days in another store. When COVID-19 hit, I switched to night shift in that new store in order to reduce my chance of getting sick and to protect a family member who was high risk.

Recently, I was promoted to assistant night manager. For now, the position is temporary (the old ANM became the assistant grocery manager on days, but he's only there until the current AGM comes back from maternity leave in March) but will become permanent if things change. I'm hoping it does for reasons I'm about to get into.

Right now, Snowbound chapter 2 is almost done drafting. I had actually hoped to have drafting AND character art done by the end of August, but things changed. To sum it up briefly, one of the artists I work with had a baby recently. They have a lot on their plate and are unable to do a lot of creative work. As such, I'm keeping my stuff back until things are more stable for them. If I still have the position I have now when we're able to continue, I'll be putting Snowbound chapter 2 into full development.

In addition, I'm currently working on a game. It's not the game I first wanted to make (which I will talk about one day), but it's still something I'm enjoying. I'm re-learning C # programming and learning how to use Unity to make an action platform game in an 8-bit style. I plan to give updates on it whenever I can make a big update. Expect those in the future.

This about sums things up for now. I'm sorry to have disappeared for so long!


Hi-ho loves!

As I said would be happening, I'm doing a creative stream starting in a few minutes from when I post this, working on sprites for the game I mentioned in my last update! If you can, come hang out!


Hi-ho, loves!

It's been quite a while since I did a proper update. Sorry about that. There's been some things going on since Otakuthon that I wanted to talk about but just... never made time. Since I wanted to make an update for something today, I figured I might as well cover it all.

Before I get into the more serious stuff, let me get some of the lighter/easier stuff out of the way.

First, I won't be doing any cons this year. In fact, I don't think I'll be doing cons for the foreseeable future. The reasons for this is explained in the heavy stuff

Next, I'm currently working on developing my own game! I don't want to give away too much, but I'm fine with sharing the concept. It's a "puzzle" game, but the puzzles are actually the complex thinking of people! It's meant to teach empathy as it requires people to understand the struggles of the characters you're helping (with a bit of help by "reading" their hearts to know what emotions are overwhelming them) and then help them get things together. Right now I'm working on a demo, which I'll release for everyone to try out. Once the demo's out, I'll see how people take to it. If it's popular, I'll launch a crowdfunding campaign to develop a full game. In the meantime, I'll try to share some of what I'm making for it here, though these updates won't be often as I'll instead make big development update posts.

Okay, that's it for the light stuff. The heavy stuff begins here. If you're not interested in reading about my own personal issues, you can take off now.

Still here? Okay then.

So let's start from the top, starting from Otakuthon.

Otakuthon itself was, for the most part, okay. However, two things that marred the weekend itself were just general poor sales (despite a lot more product compared to previous years, I sold about as much as I had the year before) and the fact that I had $100 stolen from me. Overall, though, it told me that doing cons was not something I could viably do without different products that will attract people. To be more specific, I need more books (I did think of some others that involve pixel art, but they're not really viable for me to do at this time). I need to continue Snowbound and Star of Destiny, I need to get other stories made. I need to attract a larger audience. So for the time being, I've decided to not do cons at all.

It's AFTER Otakuthon that things get... bad. The day after Otakuthon, while I was on the train home to Toronto, I suffered an anxiety attack. It was the second time in my life having one, the first time having occurred maybe a year or two before and only lasted for 30 seconds or so. This time, however, it lasted hours. I have said this to friends and I'll say this for all of you: if not for the person who I sat beside on the train (who got on the train at the next station after I got on, of which I had that attack half way between), it's most likely I would not be alive today. Suffice to say, I got through things thanks to that person.

However, that anxiety attack has more or less driven my mental state since. In a lot of ways, it's made me very nervous to continue pursuing writing. I have, on a few occasions, thought about giving it up. No, I'm not giving up. Despite these concerns, writing is far too important to me. However, it's certainly been very difficult to figure out HOW to proceed. This is what led me down the path of making a game; I can write, I can do pixel art and I used to do computer programming. If I can get my hands on the right game engine and learn to use it, I could make a game and could potentially continue that way.

But then we hit another major issue: finances. To put it short, I don't have a job right now. I've been looking since August (with a much stronger search since mid December), but that anxiety attack has caused issues here; I find myself being almost too selective. Fearing another anxiety attack, I'm only looking at jobs where I think I'll be able to function without issues; places where I have little interaction with others or where the number of people I have to interact with at a time is highly limited, or even places where I'm comfortable in the work environment (and overall isn't high paced, as high pace can also lead to anxiety problems). Essentially, I'm trying to avoid a location where I'm going to get another anxiety attack all together because I won't have the benefit I had when I worked for my father in the past (which was that if I needed a break because of mental stuff, I could get it off without question). This, sadly, writes a LOT of potential jobs off my list. For reference of how many it writes off, since December 16th I've applied for a total of 9 jobs... while I've otherwise seen likely over 800 postings.

So I find myself in this position of having no money, which I need to be able to, y'know, live as well as to fund making more of Snowbound and Star of Destiny, but also being unable to find adequate work due to worry about my mental issues causing... well, issues. So suffice to say, it's stressing me out to no end. Ultimately it's up to me to figure out, but I wanted to keep everyone in the know.

If you read all this, thank you. Just knowing you read it means a lot. If you want to try and help out and if it's alright with you, I want to offer a suggestion. While there's nothing significant anyone can do to help me out, there is still one thing that you can do if you want to help out in some way: watch my streams over on Twitch. I've been streaming Monday to Thursday from 7 to 9 PM EST (2 hours) for over a year now and, despite over 150 followers, I've yet to make affiliate. This is because I've yet to meet the required number of average viewers per stream. Getting more people in the stream consistently will allow the channel to hit affiliate. With affiliate, people can then subscribe to the channel and it can earn a small bit of money (I don't expect people to subscribe. I'm just pointing out why affiliate is good). Having more people also helps with Twitch showing the stream to others who might be into it. I'm also soon going to be doing regular streams regarding the game I'm making, so if you're interested in knowing more about that then there ya go! So if you can help with this, here's the link to my Twitch page:

Sorry I've not posted in a while. I've sadly not really had much to post until now. I'm working on a game with a friend ...

Sorry I've not posted in a while. I've sadly not really had much to post until now. I'm working on a game with a friend of mine. Right now I'm trying to finish a frontal shot sprite of one of the characters. However, I'm unsure which of these looks best for showing back legs. What do you think?

The past few days, I've been working hard on making some sprites for Queenie, an alpaca with a love for fashion from a game I'm working on with Sarah! However, I don't know how to get the legs right in her front shot! What do you think?

Hi-ho loves!My friend Joichi released her first episode of her comic, Soul Guardian, earlier today! Please go take a loo...

Hi-ho loves!

My friend Joichi released her first episode of her comic, Soul Guardian, earlier today! Please go take a look and give her your support!

A young teen girl wakes up in a ruined city where she meets a Black Hound and a young man who says he's a Soul Guard. Is she really dead..? but to her distress, the girl's memories are fragmented and she can only recall her name.

Hi-ho loves!Sorry for posting this so late!I'll be at Otakuthon this weekend at table 490 in the Artist Alley!If you're ...

Hi-ho loves!

Sorry for posting this so late!

I'll be at Otakuthon this weekend at table 490 in the Artist Alley!

If you're going to be there, be sure to stop on by!


Hi-ho loves!

I have an update to make regarding Snowbound, and sadly it's not good news. Recently, Mayshing (our drafter and character inker) had an emergency in her family. Her mother had to go to the hospital for something very serious. While her mother is doing okay now, Mayshing lives in the US. This, of course, means medical bills are going to be coming up that she and her family will need to take care of. As such, Mayshing needs to focus on higher paying jobs to help pay these bills.

As much as I want to get Snowbound chapter 2 going, I also know I'm on the lower end of paid work for her. Between losing some time we needed to get things done and the need for her to take higher paid jobs, I told her to go ahead and focus on other jobs over Snowbound. This, of course, means Snowbound chapter 2 won't be done for summer conventions. It may not even be done this year. While this sucks, it's a necessary action. Her family and their well being comes first.

Catch ya later!


Hi-ho loves!

So I wanted to put it out there that I made a Discord server for my Twitch channel. If you'd rather not rely on me remembering to post about streams here and you have Discord, you can come join there!

Hope to see you there!



Hi-ho loves!

Due to a scheduling error on my part, there won't be a stream tonight. I'll be doing a make-up pixel art stream on Wednesday, however! Sorry about that!

It'll still be the same time as today's stream was to be!



Hi-ho loves!

This upcoming Sunday, April 1st, I'll be doing more small sprites and taking requests on my stream! This isn't a joke! Come by and make a request if you have it! This is your early warning! Stream will start at 8 PM EDT! If you have a Twitch account, you can follow me now and be notified the moment I go online!

Hope to see you there!



Hi-ho loves!

This Sunday (March 11th), during my Pixel Art stream I'll be taking requests as I make a bunch of small, Zelda-style sprites. If you're interested in seeing that and making a request (Though I will only be doing OCs for friends and specific individuals whom I've already chosen), please join! The stream will be at 6 PM EST (Or EDT, since it IS about to be Daylight Savings, but... I'm still saying EST) on my Twitch page:

I hope to see you there!



Hi-ho loves!

I wanted to give an update that Snowbound chapter 2 is back in swing.

Christine (Snowbound's drafter and now character artist, as Anna won't be continuing with us) and I are working out if we can get the drafting done in time to allow for a late June/early July print. We have an idea of how many pages we need to get done, but the trick is how much work she has otherwise. Assuming no delays with background or toning, the rate we'd need to hit to finish the drafts is 3 pages a week from now until the end of May. The problem is, Christine can only guarantee 2 a week which would finish up at the end of July. We'll see how it goes, though. We'll still be trying to hit it.

In the meantime, for those wondering where I disappeared to, I've recently been doing regular streaming in an attempt to build both myself as a brand and to generate more of an audience. I've been streaming playing video games, making pixel art and, starting tomorrow, D&D sessions with some friends. If you're interested in any of this, you can follow my Twitch account which is linked below. Don't have a Twitch account to use to follow? Well, while it IS free to make an account, you can also follow me on Twitter, also linked below, to find out when I go live. Don't have a Twitter account either? Well geez, fine.

Streams are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, all starting at 6 PM EST. Sometimes things can start late, but usually it's 6 PM EST.

Hope to see you there!

Hi-ho loves!One last thing from me for now. I recently opened up doing pixel art and bead art commissions! If you're int...

Hi-ho loves!

One last thing from me for now. I recently opened up doing pixel art and bead art commissions! If you're interested and want to help me survive, take a look over here:

Reposting this with some newer and better made sprites included, plus providing some additional info. Hi-ho, loves! I’m taking pixel art/sprite and bead art commissions, since I currently don’t have...


Hi-ho loves!

Just had this shown to me and I absolutely died from loving it, so I wanted to share it with you all!

artsyjazzy is the one who runs the Snowbound Fandom Unite! Be sure to give her your support and love!


My friend Carrie, the maker of the Snowbound hats I take to cons, has opened up a new business called Wink Ware! Please go give her a like!


Hi-ho loves!

I've been rather quiet lately. Sorry about that. Between work, sleeping due to being excessively tired and trying to get various things started, I've not really been talking a lot here. So let me take a moment to explain... a lot of things.

For the unaware, for many years now I've worked on and off with my father to make money and try to fund my comic work. However, most of the time this money goes to covering my living costs. I've been trying to explore ways to earn money, especially through things I actually enjoy because... let's be real, I don't enjoy working with my dad. There's all sorts of extra stress related to working with a family member, and I already don't feel I'm cut out for the line of work even before factoring that it's for a family member. Recently I was laid off, which was to be expected, which gives me a lot more time to try out new things that let me work creatively and could possibly help me earn more money.

Here's a list of all the ideas I want to try out to see if they could offer some help:

1. Making Let's Play videos on Youtube with my friends and I. This would also include doing livestreams of video games, though the frequency of this would depend on how many people are interested.

2. Making a "review" type show, where the idea is to talk about stories from various media and basically discuss controversial ideas and opinions and what leads to them to this. One example would be an episode talking about Undertale and how the game IS designed with a villain, but so much of the fanbase is vehemently against this idea because it would negate a lot of the ways people view the game. The main things holding me back on this are that I need to be able to work with people who are passionate about the stories I talk about, who can understand my argument and can objectively tell me if I make a convincing case. I also want to include people besides myself in this, to allow me to do things like case studies to see how specific groups of people view something.

3. Making more sprites and pixel art to expand my bead art, which would include doing livestreams to show me make the sprites. In fact, I'm at a point where I now feel confident enough to open commissions for pixel art! You can find details about that right here. There are options for getting just pixel art or getting bead art as well:

4. Start up a comic project with a different approach compared to the chapter approach that both Snowbound and Star of Destiny have, allowing for more frequent updates. Providing I can get enough started, I hope to run this every 2 weeks.

So this is my plan at the moment. I'm going to give myself a period of time to execute all this, which I'm hoping all of you will help support since... well, the more these things I can do myself are supported, the more money can be earned and given to the artists to get Snowbound and Star of Destiny on a regular schedule! So if any of this interests you, please let me know! Knowing which ideas people are interested in (Except #4, since that's one I still rely on someone else for) gives me an idea of what to work towards.


Hi-ho loves!

It began snowing here yesterday! So it means I can use this for the first time!


Sorry I've not posted in a while. Been focused on all sorts of things over the past few months! I'm still alive, though! To prove it, here's a picture of my sister's cat sitting on my lap!


Hi-ho loves!

I'll be streaming tonight starting at 7:30 PM EST (about 2 and a half hours from now)! The first hour or so will be something light hearted that I can play with friends and viewers. After about 9 PM, I'll be switching to some horror game. I've not decided what just yet. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to give them.

Here's a link to my Twitch page, if you want to follow me and know the moment we start up!


Hi-ho loves!

I decided to challenge myself last night after looking at an old sprite I had made YEARS ago, back when I was involved with a Mega Man community (which were the folks who ended up getting me to want to become a writer). Below you can see the old and new versions of the villain from Star of Destiny, the old being made way back in 2001 or 2002 while the new is just 2-3 hours work in the past few days.

I'm honestly surprised with how it came out, especially considering I know I can fix a TON of stuff on the new one still.

Also worth noting, this new sprite is almost entirely from scratch. It uses the head of another sprite, though modified to fix the character's design.


Hi-ho loves!

In one of my post-Otakuthon updates, I mentioned about expanding the pixel art I do. Well, I'm now trying to determine what I should be expanding into. While I have specific plans for my large bead art (The Last of Us, Sailor Moon, some more Undertale, Dragon Ball Super, Chrono Trigger, Panty & Stocking and Cybersix are all on my list for what I wanna do), the small options allow for a lot more options. As such, I'd like to find out from all of you what you'd want to see!

To begin with, here's a list of games, shows and other properties I'm already considering. If you want to see specific characters from any of these, tell me who you want as I'm going to limit how many I make from each thing (I'll put in brackets how many I'm going to make for now).

Chrono Trigger (3)
Final Fantasy (4)
Splatoon (2)
Shovel Knight (2)
Mega Man (3)

Little Witch Academia (2)
My Hero Academia (3)
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (3)
One Punch Man (2)
Dragon Ball (4)
Naruto (4)
Love Live (2)
My-HiME (2)
Panty & Stocking (2)
Sailor Moon Outer Senshi (All)
Full Metal Alchemist (2, to go with Ed, Al, Winry and Armstrong)
Cardcaptor Sakura (2, to go with Sakura and Syaoran)

If you have a suggestion not on my list, go ahead and suggest it. If you have a character you'd want to see from my list, say who! Also, share this status out so more folks can see it. Here's what the pixel art looks like, with a 3DS card and a Canadian loonie to compare for size!


Hi-ho loves!

Well, I said I was gonna do this even though part of me just wants to keep working on sprites, so here we go! First up, ConBravo!

For those who don't know, ConBravo is typically my favourite convention to go to. It has a relatively small size, having less than 4600 people in 2016, and I don't really mind it. I'm familiar with the staff at ConBravo, to the point where I even put together some special bead art of ConBravo's mascot - named Connie - this year. While they didn't really sell, I gave them to the con's head who will be giving them to others at some point in the near future if he's not already.

As normal, the attendees, the staff and the other artists were all super friendly and great to talk with. Even when I'm disagreeing with someone about something, there's a good deal of respect that I think some cons lack. I also got to spend my weekend sitting next to Ocean in Space, whom if you don't know her you need to fix that. I'll wait. Done that? Cool, so Ocean is awesome. I love getting to sit by her and have someone to chat occasionally with, though I should get better at that. XD

ConBravo 2017 was the first convention where I considered the pixel art to be under a true test. Unlike Forest City Comicon, ConBravo appeals to gamers, making pixel art more viable here. Sure enough, the sales also showed this. I saw more sales this year than I had in previous years at ConBravo, which started a chain of hopeful optimism that would continue into the next week.

This was followed a week later with Otakuthon, where the pixel art did even better and beat out what I had last year. While I wasn't seated next to anyone I knew, I ended up becoming friends with an artist by the name of YAMsgarden, who made a really cool Undertale animation and who loved the pixel art I had made. I'll admit that Otakuthon was slow for me. Not because of lack of sales, no no. I had more sales than I did last year (And a lot of those sales were thanks to the admin of Snowbound Fandom Unite, who had brought all her friends to my table). It was slow because, for the first time since I did Atomic Lollipop, I didn't have a helper or someone I was sharing my table with. This meant I was basically stuck at my table for most of the time. My neighbours did help me out by covering me when I really needed to get away, since they had three people and I shared some of the excess area behind the table I had so they weren't cramped up, but for the most part I was stuck and it made the days so slow. If not for friends popping by and helping me with food, I'd have been in big trouble!

Otakuthon also caught me by surprise. Despite being an anime convention, it was pretty split with what stuff did and didn't sell. Undertale sold the most in terms of any single series, followed by Sailor Moon and FMA. However, the new Rick & Morty beads I had made also sold decently (With Rick possibly being the most sold single character! I need to double check this), while Princess Mononoke beads saw no sales despite the fact that Princess Mononoke herself was probably the most common cosplay I saw. It's kind of bewildering to think about.

Overall, I enjoyed both of these cons and I don't really intend to stop attending them.


Hi-ho loves!

Sorry I've not done the con report post just yet. After writing the other one, I kinda slept the whole way on the train. I'll work on it tomorrow. though!

Drew Byrne is creating comics and animations! | Patreon

Hi-hi loves!

So Otakuthon has come to an end and I'm finally in my train home! I figured now would be a good time to write an update about things. This will be about the future of my comic writing and pixel art as opposed to being about the cons themselves. That will come a bit later.

The test run of bead/pixel art is officially over, and it's proven to be a success. Both ConBravo and Otakuthon saw increases to how much money I made in past years with mostly original stuff, proving that the bead/pixel art is a way to proceed down the road. What matters now is expanding upon it while cutting out what doesn't work.

With that said, the "medium" size doesn't work. As such, it won't be continued at all, and anything I made at that size will not be restocked. I'm a bit sad about this, as I do admit I like the style and would like to continue it, but all three conventions I've done with them have seen little to no sales at that size.

The small and large sizes, however, are going strong. As such, these will be expanded on. I already plan to make small sprites of characters from My Hero Academia, Little Witch Academia, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, The Last of Us, Castlevania, Mega Man, Dragon Ball, Naruto and Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, while also expanding on what I've made for Undertale, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Full Metal Alchemist, Overwatch and Rick & Morty (maybe. Depends on if people would want pixel art of Jerry).

I'm also hoping to make large pieces for The Last of Us, Legend of Zelda, Sailor Moon and Full Metal Alchemist, along with the last expansion of the Undertale line (along with changing Sans and Frisk). When this is all done, everything but the Undertale pixel art will be available in the Lunar Comics online store.

I'm also now taking commissions from these sizes! I'll detail prices for those interested, but for now I'm limiting to these two styles while I work on my spriting ability.

Finally in regards to pixel art, I'm going to attempt something new: I'm going to develop full scenes in pixel art. I had seen someone do something similar at ConBravo and had seen even larger pixel art at Forest City Comicon last year, and I think I could expand that into something cool. These will be very limited items (one or two at most of each), and as such will cost a lot more, but they'll come with frames and should hopefully look amazing. I'll be testing the idea out with an Undertale piece of Frisk vs Sans.

So with all this talk of bead art, where does this leave the comics? Well, let's be clear: I want to be a writer first and foremost. I want the comics to be what I focus on. However, the pixel art has proven to be a bit more viable for making money while I try to build larger audiences, and that's important: I need to be able to make money when I attend conventions, so that I can pour that money back into my comics. This means that, technically, my comic work has to be on the back burner. It'll still be progressing, just not at the speed I'd want. I won't be giving up on this, so don't worry!

With that said, if you're a fan of my comic work and want to see it be made faster, you should consider supporting me on Patreon. Actually, if you're a fan of my pixel art you should do this too, so I won't need to work a main job to finance my comic work! The way Patreon works is you give a small donation every month, which I turn will give to the artists I work with to get comics made. In exchange for your donation, you'll get previews of things I'm working on. Just for some context, if every person who followed me gave $5 a month (about 200 people), then I'd be making enough money to produce a full chapter every 3-4 months instead of 1-2 years. Once again, all the money made on Patreon goes to the artists. I don't keep a penny of it for myself. This is optimally the rate I'd want to be doing right now, since it'd be a rate I could maintain along with the pixel art. Once I reach a point where I can phase out the pixel art to a minimal level (as I don't think I want to ever retire it outright), I'll focus on getting faster production rates in comics.

You can find my Patreon page right here:

That's about all for now. Next is the con report!

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