This community was created by women for women so we would have a place to come and share ideas about the things that matter to us. Here you will find recipes, the hottest fashion trends, helpful tips on kids,home decorating,gardening ideas, health and fitness tips, and for those days when you need a really good laugh we will be sure to bring you a few girlfriend giggles too. We will also always sh
are motivational/inspiration quotes to help you get through your day. Women are the heart of the home and women are what makes Life Around Home. We are so happy to have you and thank you for "liking" our page. Our motto is Live Inspired and it is our hope that you will find your inspiration here at "Life Around Home." Remember, this is your community, take advantage of it, have fun along the way and feel free to like first and share anything you find on our page with your friends. In order to protect you and your friends privacy we reserve the right to delete comments that breach our House Rules. We love to hear from you, we want to know what inspires you! Feel free to share your pictures,ideas, or recipes with us. Please remember that the things you share with us you would also share with your family. PLEASE and THANK YOU
(Disclaimer: Life Around Home may not necessarily own all of the photos,recipes and quotes posted on this page. We utilize many sources when searching for content and will give credit to the source if known. If we use a picture,recipe,quote etc that belongs to you, please let us know so we can give you the proper credit or we can simply take it down. For more info feel free to contact me: tracy@lifearoundhome.) Thank you & Live Inspired!