Photographer/videographer, or advertising/ public relationship person is needed in Laos Model Magazine to represent my billboard publication division from Times Square NYC. I plan to pay $3000.00 per month part time for 20 hours per week, that is $25.00 per hour side gig for the right person. Thank you very much or [email protected]
Examples of billboards and price list
Prices from $300.00 to 5k depends on duration, content, etc
I need a photographer/videographer to take pictures and videos that I can post on Times Square Billboards for my clients. I need that person to find new additional clients and serve my existing client book. Need more PR and advertising agencies to subscribe to my advertisement fulfillment productions and to do more drop shipment advertisements.
About me
I do campaigns for businesses including publications on Times Square NYC. Posting video of your billboard will most likely give you a significant engagement boost; I have data to prove it. I can send my media kit. The way it works, there are four options: 1. You get paid to be on billboards as a talent for a client. 2. You can pay to be on billboard. I have from 300.00 and up deals. 3. We can trade if it makes sense. 4. Drop shipment / fulfillment advertisement or white label. I can send you a few links as examples of my billboards. I average 40 billboard premieres per month, many of my clients experience revenue growth like www.VetVittles.com . I average 15 millions monthly views on FB on my 700 pages with over 4 million followers combined. I do mostly YouTube and ig
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