Did you know that composers for video games typically don't receive performance royalties for their music? We sat down with Trivium Studios to understand how the worlds of music placement and video games can collide. Find out more about sync opportunities and royalties by checking out our Sync Crash Course: https://songtr.st/3VLLnUg
Habla El Lenguaje De La Industria Musical
Un aspecto de la edición musical (o publishing) que puede hacerla aún más confusa es toda la terminología específica que la acompaña. 😩 ¡Habla el lenguaje de la industria musical por accediendo a nuestro glosario de publishing musical! https://songtr.st/3yEsbib
Estimate your royalties!
What publishing royalties has your song earned? 🤔 Our Royalty Estimator tool can help you find out! 🤓 Search for your song, enter your split, and we'll calculate how much you could be earning in publishing revenue from streaming. https://songtr.st/3VhDyFt
¿Te sientes abrumado por la posibilidad de tener que registrar tu trabajo a nivel global solo? No estás solo. Afortunadamente, el marco de registro de Songtrust, fácil y rápido, te ahorrará ⏰ y 💵. Si tu música se está reproduciendo en el extranjero, aprende todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la recolección global de regalías. https://songtr.st/3WGmlXr
Are you collecting all the royalties your songs generating? While today, it's more possible than ever to reach listeners around the world, accessing global publishing royalties (on your own) isn't so simple. There's where Songtrust come in. Learn more about global royalty collection: https://songtr.st/4dDKWC7
Overwhelmed by the possibility of having to register your work globally solo? You're not alone. Luckily, Songtrust's one and done registration framework will save you ⏰ and💰. If your music is streaming overseas, learn everything you need to know about global royalty collection: https://songtr.st/3WxgcfX
Starting to look for sync opportunities? Or maybe you're wanting to fully understand the process for an active sync pitch? Level up your sync knowledge with our free, on-demand sync webinar: https://songtr.st/4bgRNQ1
Expand your knowledge of music publishing and the music business with quick, informative monthly emails about managing your rights, collecting your royalties, and building your career wisely. Subscribe to the Songtrust Insider newsletter today: https://songtr.st/3U5QCfj
Check out Songtrust on YouTube!
Elevate your music publishing knowledge through video. If you're not already a subscriber, join us on our YouTube channel and be the first to know as our team and special guests break down music publishing basics and complexities, and so much more. See you there! https://songtr.st/39QGlA2
Licencias de Sincronización y Publishing Musical
No solo pueden las tarifas de sincronización por adelantado ser una forma de ganar dinero con una sincronización. A menudo, los artistas pueden ver un efecto cascada, incluyendo un aumento en streams después de que se emite su colocación de sincronización. Obtén más consejos y conocimientos sobre licencias de sincronización y publishing musical en nuestro curso intensivo gratuito. https://songtr.st/3vDhds3
Songs Splits at BMI vs Songtrust
Find out how to register your song splits correctly and maximize your earnings. If you're affiliated with BMI, this video is especially for you. Register for our free Splits and Royalties Crash Course to learn more about how splits can impact your $$. https://songtr.st/3TfmmiW
Storing Your Song Split Sheets
Con frecuencia, los músicos pierden sus splits de canciones en colaboraciones. En el momento en que acuerdes los splits, cómo Yelena, haz que todos firmen una hoja de reparto y cárgala inmediatamente a una plataforma donde todos tengan acceso fácil. Accede a nuestra plantilla de hoja de reparto definitiva registrándote para nuestro Curso Intensivo de Splits en español: https://songtr.st/3wjFzqy
Oftentimes, musicians lose track of their song splits on collaborations. The moment you've agreed upon splits, like Yelena, have everyone sign a split sheet, and upload it immediately to a platform where everyone has easy access. Access our Ultimate Split Sheet template by register for our Splits Crash Course in English: https://songtr.st/3V64SqL
Songtrust Royalty Estimator
What publishing royalties has your song earned? Our Royalty Estimator tool can help you find out! Search for your song, enter your split, and we'll calculate how much you could be earning in publishing revenue from streaming.
Collecting Royalties for Internationally Streamed Musicians
If your music's top streaming markets include international cities, it's crucial you have at least a high-level understanding of how global royalty collection works and of course, ensure you're set up to fully access your income generated. Register for our expert curated crash course to get the inside scoop. https://songtr.st/49nUGy9
Global Royalty Collection & Sub-Publishing
Sub-publishing agreements are an essential part of the music business ecosystem. Learn about this often overlooked piece of the global royalty collection puzzle 🧩 (and more!) with our crash course: https://songtr.st/3OyG4n2
Songtrust - 66th GRAMMY Awards
Congratulations to all 7 Songtrust clients and writers who contributed to #GRAMMY-winning works across 4 categories (Recording Academy / GRAMMYs)!
🏆 Reed Berin on Barbie: The Album | Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media
🏆 Alexandria Dollar, Jordan L'Oreal, Leslie Johnson, NIQ Maximus & Mario Torres on Lecrae's Church Clothes 4 | Best Contemporary Christian Music Album
🏆 Alexandria Dollar & Jordan L'Oreal on Lecrae and Tasha Cobbs Leonard's "Your Power" | Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song
🏆 Spencer Stewart (repped by Good Company) on Laufey's Bewitched | Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album
Recursos de Songtrust en Español
Entendemos que cada músico forja su propio camino dentro de la industria musical. ¡Eso incluye su conocimiento formativo en el negocio de la música! Consulta nuestra colección de recursos en español y encuentra el que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades en cualquier etapa de tu carrera. https://songtr.st/4bqjzdF
Songtrust: Best of 2023 Playlist
As we close out 2023, we wanted to share songs by Songtrust clients that were recognized across the charts and for various prestigious awards this year. 🏆 Listen and save our "Best of 2023" playlist on Spotify. https://songtr.st/3trnaHs
Songtrust on YouTube
Elevate your music publishing knowledge through video. If you're not already a subscriber, join us on our YouTube channel and be the first to know as our team and special guests break down music publishing basics and complexities, and so much more. See you there! https://songtr.st/39QGlA2
Anyone currently experiencing songwriter's block? ✋🏼 Here are our top tips for knocking down that wall.