Acoustic levitation #science #scienceexperiments #scienceismagic #scienceathome #sciencetok #jurij0001 #physicsfun #physicstok #sound #engineeringstudent #levitation #scientistscantanswer #physicsteacher
Acoustic levitation #physics #physicstok #physicsfun #physicsteacher #physicsquestions #scienceexperiments #science #scienceathome #scienceismagic #jurij0001 #YuriKovalenok
Acoustic levitation #physics #science #scienceexperiments #physicstok #physicsteacher #jurij0001 #scientistscantanswer
A thing that loves the warmth of light #physics #physicstok #physicsfun #physicsteacher #physicsquestions #science #scienceexperiments #scienceismagic #scienceathome #jurij0001 #YuriKovalenok #kovalenok #scientistscantanswer
AC motor on the shadow pole effect #physics #physicstok #physicsfun #physicsteacher #physicsquestions #electricalengineering #jurij0001 #scientistscantanswer
A homemade Stirling engine #physics #physicstok #physicsfun #physicsteacher #physicsquestions #physicsexperiment #jurij0001 #scienceexperiments #art #scientistscantanswer
A shot from a homemade gun #physics #physicstok #physicsfun #physicsteacher #physicsquestions #physicsexperiment #physicsclass #jurij0001 #science #scientistscantanswer
A simple device for demonstrating the Ampere force #physics #physicstok #physicsfun #physicsteacher #physicsquestions #physicsexperiment #jurij0001 #scientistscantanswer
A small ion motor rotates under the action of high voltage #physics #physicstok #physicsfun #physicsteacher #physicsquestions #physicsexperiment #scientistscantanswer
A small task. Determine the frequency of the oscillating circuit of the metal detector search coil #physics #jurij0001 #science #physicstok #physicist #scientistscantanswer
A good amplifier #physics #physicstok #physicsfun #physicsteacher #physicsquestions #physicsexperiment #physicsclass #physicist #scientist #scientistscantanswer
A good amplifier #physics #physicstok #physicsfun #physicsteacher #physicsquestions #physicsexperiment #physicsclass #physicist #scientistscantanswer #reelsfb
A jet trolley. Authors of the project: Sevastyanov Konstantin, Reshetnikova Ksenija MIPT #physics #physicstok #physicsfun #physicsteacher #science #reelsfb #physicstok
A new device for sound receiving #physics #physicstok #physicsfun #physicsteacher #physicsquestions #physicsclass #jurij0001 #physicsexperiment #reelsfb #physicstok
A new engine or a new sound? #physics #physicstok #physicsfun #physicsteacher #physicsquestions #sound #new #invention #jurij0001 #art #school #reelsfb #interesting
A new form of oscillatory motion? #physics #motion #engineering #engineer #students #study #teacher #physicsteacher # school #college #interesting #reelsfb