
Lightmissionmediatv ONLINE TV SERVICES we speak to nations

John Legend rubbing shoulders with Barbie and Bobi

John Legend rubbing shoulders with Barbie and Bobi

Statement by the Ugandan leader of opposition (Hon. Joel senyonji) A few days ago, I saw this baseless propaganda making...

Statement by the Ugandan leader of opposition (Hon. Joel senyonji)
A few days ago, I saw this baseless propaganda making rounds. I had chosen to ignore it but am told it is misleading some people who have not been following the goings-on. For the record, when I was COSASE Chairperson we investigated Uganda Airlines and put together a scathing report which was signed by the committee members, there was not even a minority report because the entire committee agreed that what was happening at Uganda Airlines was simply unacceptable. We exposed the grand corruption at Uganda Airlines.

I handed over the report to the Speaker and Clerk to Parliament, and it was then uploaded onto the Parliament portal where it was accessed by all MPs. Shortly there after, the Speaker declined to have the report presented on the floor of Parliament, claiming it had "leaked". Of course this was deliberate and I have raised it repeatedly in the past.

For those who think propaganda will stand in the way of the accountability questions being asked by Ugandans, THINK AGAIN!

What do you think of this family

What do you think of this family

ON THE BULLET PROOF VEHICLE AND THAT TALK OF "370M"Story by Bobi Wine Out of ignorance and sheer malice, some regime apo...

Story by Bobi Wine

Out of ignorance and sheer malice, some regime apologists, in response to our hard stance on corruption, have deliberately and repeatedly tried to drive the following false narratives:

1. That Museveni 'forgave us' some taxes on the bullet proof vehicle.

2. That I was paid gratuity of 370m when I left Parliament.

1. On the first issue, that bullet proof vehicle was legally imported and subjected to all legal processes. We had brought it under someone else's name because we knew how they would react if they immediately knew it was Bobi Wine's car. It was taken to the Directorate of Interpol in Kololo and they fully cleared it. It was then taken to the forensics department of police in Naguru, and they too cleared it. Then we took it to URA and they did their own independent verification and assessed the relevant tax of 88,612,027/= which we paid in full.

For several months, regime authorities raised no issue whatsoever. It was until we transferred the vehicle into my names that they panicked and tried to look for every reason to impound it. First, they claimed that bullet proof vehicles require the clearance of the ministry of defence, but there was no law to back this claim. After that, they wrote to us claiming that it was undervalued. They claimed that when the police first inspected it, they did not realize it was bullet-proof!!! You can imagine! They then asked us to hand it back to them, which we did in April, 2021.

Also, following the discovery that it was my car, they sacked the URA, Interpol and Forensics staff who cleared the vehicle. Some of them were even summoned by CMI for interrogation and detained. The man in whose name the car was imported had to run away from the country after receiving numerous threats.

We immediately sued the Commissioner General of URA through our late brother, counsel Wameli Anthony. (Civil Suit No. 67 of 2021). It is then that they wrote back to us to claiming that the car was undervalued. They claimed that instead of the 88,612,027/= initially assessed, they should have charged 337,698,776.25/= (Over three hundred million shillings).

As everyone can see, if the car belonged to any other Ugandan, they would never have asked for any extra money or even asked to re-inspect the vehicle. We believe that after realizing that this was my vehicle, they wanted to re-examine it and understand its features (or even plant some devices in there). No wonder, when they took it away, it was subjected to inspection by SFC and CMI operatives.

Anyway, we applied for review of this outrageous tax in accordance with the law, and issued a notice to also sue them before the Tax Appeals Tribunal. After more than two months from the time they impounded it, they wrote to us returning the vehicle, and because they are a bunch of politicians doing Museveni's bidding, they claimed it was him who instructed them to hand it over. Even then, they claimed that the imposed tax was still outstanding, perhaps out of shame. They have never followed it up again because they know they had no legal basis whatsoever.

Therefore, MUSEVENI DID NOT FORGIVE US ANY TAX ON THAT VEHICLE. URA simply had no legal basis to impound it!

2. The second claim is even more ridiculous. I have never received 370,000,000/= from Parliament, and I challenge anyone who says that to produce proof of the same.

The only payment I received after leaving Parliament was out of the mandatory savings scheme, established by the Parliamentary Pensions Act, 2006. Every month, Parliament deducts 15% off every MP's salary under this savings scheme. The law mandates the government to also make a contribution. It is the equivalent of NSSF for other sectors, because MPs do not save under NSSF. So this is not a favor from anyone but a mandatory payment guaranteed by law. It extends to every person who serves as Member of Parliament. Moreover, it is calculated based on the time you spend in Parliament, which is why I got much less than other MPs since I joined Parliament through a by-election. Actually at that time, if you were not yet 45 years of age and had not been in Parliament for more than 5 years, you could not even opt to keep your savings there. (See Section 13 of the Act.)

I hope this clarifies both matters. The deliberate attempt to divert the population from seeking answers using false narratives and propaganda must be rejected and treated with contempt!

Shared storyThe new scam in town by Boda boda riders.So today I moved out of Cairo Bank along Kampala Road, I had a docu...

Shared story

The new scam in town by Boda boda riders.

So today I moved out of Cairo Bank along Kampala Road, I had a document I wanted to deliver to my business partner in downtown for signature.

I got a boda guy who promised to deliver me down town and then move me to Wandegeya. The journey was bumpy as I later realized that the rider was high on drugs.

But for peace, I kept my cool but his riding was the rudest with him picking hard talks with almost everyone including tax drivers.

First forward we arrived at my destination in Wandegeya, I pulled out money and handed him a 10000 note, he gave me a balance of 4000 and left in peace, just before I could settle down, the same goon was following me that I have given him a fake note!!

To my recollection, I had picked the note from the money I just picked from a bank.

The guy became loudy and violent as I tried to explain to him that am sure my money was genuine, at this point he was mobilizing other boda boda mob at me, he was at this point suggesting how he was calling police on me!! For peace, my collegeu whom I was joining, calmed me down and and I pulled out more 6000 and I paid him again, at this point

I was wondering why the bank would give me fake notes. We asked him to give me the fake note such that I can take it back to the bank , the fool refused and he pocketed it safely and rode off.

After he moved, the security guard at the place told us that this was the 2nd incidence he was witnessing just today Monday.

So you realize that this is the most new trick to rip us in town, he comes with his fake notes and keep exchanging them in trickery.

I am posting this to alert the next victim
Be alert, don't hand over big notes to bodas if u can
by redpepper

*EARLY MORNING PRAYER FOR TODAY (PSALMS 23)*.                                                                           ...

*EARLY MORNING PRAYER FOR TODAY (PSALMS 23)*. Father, thank You that You want my cup to run over with blessings that go way beyond what I have faith for. Thank You that You just keep pouring and pouring Your grace and favor into my life. I believe that You are going to do exceedingly abundantly above all I can ask or think. In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit I pray and believe.

Museveni Did Not Forgive Me Any Tax For My Bullet proof Car”- Says BobiAt the spark of the Mpuuga Shs500m issue that cau...

Museveni Did Not Forgive Me Any Tax For My Bullet proof Car”- Says Bobi

At the spark of the Mpuuga Shs500m issue that caused hi troubles with his party which even asked him to resign from his position as parliamentary commissioner, Bobi Wine has also been accused of mismanaging the party with his wife and brothers.

Well, Mpuuga declined the request by his to resign and he also said Bobi Wine and the party have no powers to clip his wings as commissioner, instead parliament has the powers like they did to Zaake.

through our late brother, counsel Wameli Anthony. (Civil Suit No. 67 of 2021). It is then that they wrote back to us to claiming that the car was undervalued. They claimed that instead of the 88,612,027/= initially assessed, they should have charged 337,698,776.25/= (Over three hundred million shillings).

As everyone can see, if the car belonged to any other Ugandan, they would never have asked for any extra money or even asked to re-inspect the vehicle. We believe that after realizing that this was my vehicle, they wanted to re-examine it and understand its features (or even plant some devices in there). No wonder, when they took it away, it was subjected to inspection by SFC and CMI operatives.

Anyway, we applied for review of this outrageous tax in accordance with the law, and issued a notice to also sue them before the Tax Appeals Tribunal. After more than two months from the time they impounded it, they wrote to us returning the vehicle, and because they are a bunch of politicians doing Museveni’s bidding, they claimed it was him who instructed them to hand it over. Even then, they claimed that the imposed tax was still outstanding, perhaps out of shame. They have never followed it up again because they know they had no legal basis whatsoever.

Therefore, MUSEVENI DID NOT FORGIVE US ANY TAX ON THAT VEHICLE. URA simply had no legal basis to impound it!

Bobi Wine who is currently out of the country for foreign errands appointed his Deputy President for Northern Uganda Dr Lina Zedriga Walu to occupy his sit and be the party president for 10 days.

The online Parliament Exhibition has unearthed a lot of well coordinated misuse of tax payers money by officials in parliament something the IGG has said will be investigated soon with some calling for the impeachment of Speaker Anita Among over her exorbitant expenditures.

There has also been fears that the Mpuuga issue might leave a big fracture in NUP like how money left FDC split into two packages, one in Katonga another one at the Najjanankumbi offices but Bobi Wine has vehemently stated that if talking about corruption will leave the party divided, so it be.

 # Don't give up, pick your self up and move  # there is alight at the end of the tunnel

# Don't give up, pick your self up and move # there is alight at the end of the tunnel

Check out Dr.davie's video.



Facts by Bobi Wine

On 6th May, 2022 there was a meeting of the Parliamentary Commission attended by Ms. Anitah Among, Hon. Mpuuga and the three NRM Commissioners of Parliament. This was two months after Hon. Zaake was illegally removed from that position. In that meeting, these leaders awarded themselves a collective amount of 1.7 billion shillings. Hon. Mpuuga was allocated 500 million shillings, while the three others were each awarded 400 million shillings. It was not until the minutes of the Parliamentary Commission were 'leaked' to the public almost two years later, that we all got to know about this.

Upon return to the country, I convened an urgent meeting of senior leaders of the Party who included all Deputy Presidents, the Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General, the current Leader of the Opposition, the National Treasurer, Hon. Muwanga Kivumbi and Hon. Betty Nambooze. (Also invited was Hon. Medard Sseggona, who unfortunately was not able to attend.) In the presence of these leaders, Hon. Mpuuga admitted that the leaked minutes were genuine. He admitted that it was wrong and immoral and apologized for the same. He regretted his actions and categorically stated that in hindsight, he should never have involved himself in such.

He was strongly advised to step down from the Commission in public interest because that is what leaders do. He requested for some time to consult with and prepare his family and other stakeholders, which we agreed to, because it was only fair.

When the one day agreed upon passed and following several reminders, we decided to issue a public statement on the matter because it is indeed a public matter for which the people of Uganda expected answers. It is their money we are talking about! Before that, I personally kept in touch with him and implored him to do the moral thing, in order to save his image and that of the Party.

Unfortunately, following our public statement, Hon. Mpuuga has now released a statement apparently moving away from his earlier position and apology. His statement does not address the real issue of the 500 Million Shillings, and instead indirectly tries to justify this extreme act of immorality and corruption.

I have noted that some people do not have the full context of this matter, hence the need for this clarification.

Here are 10 reasons why this money-heist was illegal, immoral and wrong- and totally unexpected from a person we delegated to represent our values in Parliament, and lead the charge against corruption and misuse of public resources.

1. As all former Leaders of the Opposition have confirmed, none of them ever received a 'Service Award'. What was special about the service of Hon. Mpuuga to warrant a Service Award that was never given to his predecessors? Secondly, even if Hon. Mpuuga and the three NRM Parliamentary Commissioners had done anything exceptional, would it be up to them to sit and award themselves for a job well done? I mean, it defeats basic logic for anyone to say they are awarding themselves- moreover with hundreds of millions of tax payers' money. Does that mean that every public servant should now sit in his office and allocate some money to themselves for feeling good about themselves and the work they do?

2. In the widely shared minutes of the Parliamentary Commission, it was clearly indicated that the said money was 'person to holder'- meaning that it would not extend to any of the former or subsequent Leaders of the Opposition. They would be the first and last to receive this money. In our meeting with Hon. Mpuuga, he stated that the reasoning here was that every incoming LOP should negotiate his or her own 'Service Award'. Really? We asked, "What if the next LOP negotiates for 10 billion shillings of tax payers' money as his or her Service Award? How would we explain this?"

3. Conflict of Interest. Except under special circumstances, a leader is not expected to take part in a discussion involving self enrichment on his or her part. Section 9(1) of the Leadership Code Act (2002) provides that "A leader shall not participate in the deliberations of a public body or board or council or commission or committee, of which he or she is a member at any meeting at which any matter in which he or she has a personal interest is to be discussed." This law provides that where this provision is violated, the leader must cease to be a member of that public body or Commission and make good the loss caused to the public.

This is intended to prevent abuse and to ensure that decisions are arrived at objectively and legally. If Hon. Mpuuga had excused himself from a discussion regarding these personal monetary benefits, it would perhaps mitigate the problem. But we are confronted with a situation where the LOP and three other NRM Commissioners sat and allocated themselves hundreds of millions of tax payers' money without shame! They themselves determined how much they deserved! How can anyone justify this?

4. The minutes of that particular meeting state that the 500 Million Shillings would be paid to Hon. Mpuuga regardless of length of tenure- meaning that even if he was to serve for only 1 year, he would receive this exact amount. Those likening it to gratuity are therefore wrong, because gratuity is calculated on the basis of how long a person serves in a particular office. In any case, gratuity is paid to someone at the end of their term of office and not during their term. Gratuity must ideally also come in the letter of appointment as one of the entitlements of an office. In this case, the discussion of the 'Service Award' came mid-term.

Relatedly, would it be moral for the LOP and other Commissioners to earn their gratuities as MPs and also award themselves 'Service Awards' at the same time? And the tax payer is expected to shoulder both burdens?

5. Legality. There is no law which provides for a 'Service Award' to a Leader of the Opposition and other Parliamentary Commissioners. Although some regime apologists have tried to liken the LOP to other leaders such as the Speaker of Parliament, Deputy Speaker and Prime Minister, the Administration of Parliament Act specifically provides for their benefits upon retirement. Although we believe that some of these benefits are also excessive and immoral for a poor country like Uganda, at least there is a law under which those payments are made. On the other hand, the so-called "Service Award" was an extreme case of greed not rooted under any law. The citizens of Uganda would want to know where that money came from. We are speaking of a collective amount of 1.7 billion shillings! Under what vote was this money spent? Because Parliament, like every other Institution, must spend in accordance with the approved budget. In addition, the law provides that the LOP is at the same level as a Cabinet Minister and no Cabinet Minister is entitled to a Service Award during or after their term of office.

Very importantly, the Supreme Court of Uganda in 2019 (Parliamentary Commission versus Wilson Mwesigye) held that the Parliamentary Commission does not have the power to impose any charge on the consolidated fund in the absence of a Bill or motion generated by the Executive arm of government. The Court went as far as saying that it is illegal for MPs to increase their salaries and emoluments without such a Bill or motion. In this particular case, Anita Among, sat together with Hon. Mpuuga and three NRM Commissioners, and awarded themselves 1.7 billion shillings off the consolidated fund in which Uganda's tax payers keep their money! The two representatives of the Executive, i.e. the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance were not in attendance. (Not to say that even if they attended, that would take away the other illegalities and immorality). So it was clearly illegal and criminal.

6. The LOP like all MPs earns a salary and allowances. However, on top of that, the LOP also earns extra allowances and gets facilitated by Parliament to enable him or her fulfill the duties of that office. What therefore justifies an extra Service Award for an office which is duly facilitated with a budget for its operations, over and above what ordinary MPs earn?

7. The meeting which passed these illegal benefits sat on the 6th of May, 2022, shortly after Hon. Francis Zaake was illegally pushed out of the Commission on 10th March 2022. Although Hon. Zaake was previously a Member of the Parliamentary Commission who lost his seat illegally, he was never considered for the so-called Service Award! When tasked to explain this, Hon. Mpuuga said that they were waiting for the outcome of the court case which Hon. Zaake filed. Yet in the first place, the award was supposed to be given regardless of length of tenure! It therefore raises questions why the Award went only to Hon. Mpuuga and the three NRM Commissioners and not to Hon. Zaake. It will be remembered that Hon. Zaake's witch-hunt started the day he started asking questions about the conduct of the Parliamentary Commission, where he chaired the Audit Committee! He was immediately kicked out for trying to expose whatever rot was going on there.

8. We, the people of Uganda, have regularly called out the Museveni regime on its excessive expenditure. The NUP manifesto for 2021 clearly castigated the regime for nugatory expenditure. We pledged that once we take over government, we would substantially cut down the cost of public administration and invest more in public services especially healthcare and education. We pledged to run a lean and efficient government and cut down all forms of wasteful expenditure.

In 2017, the people of Uganda, including Hon. Mpuuga, collectively and unequivocally condemned Museveni's handshake of 6 billion shillings to 42 government officials who participated in an arbitration in London. The regime then described it as a service award to those officials, and claimed the reason was because they saved the government more than 2.4 trillion shillings.

Even then, we all condemned that payment because government officials are paid for the work they do. The select Committee of Parliament which probed the matter concluded that the officials should refund the money because it was irregular. Parliament directed the officials to refund the money and called on the IGG to investigate the heist. As always, Gen. Museveni defied Parliament, defended the illegal payment and the debate ended there.

So, why was it right for us to attack regime officials for this irregular payment even when they tried to justify it, and not now when there is no single justification whatsoever?

9. We believed that as a Party that nominated Hon. Mpuuga to the position of Leader of the Opposition, we should have been consulted on a matter of this magnitude. Indeed, I regularly speak with Hon. Mpuuga on most major issues. But I also learnt about this matter on social media and initially dismissed it as fake propaganda. I couldn't believe that my Deputy President would get involved in a matter of this gravity and not say anything about it- not least, to me. When asked why he didn't discuss this with the Party (or at least the President), he said it was a matter of personal finance! Really?

10. We all know that a matter involving huge sums of money and is not legislated but a matter of negotiation normally involves GIVE AND TAKE. The people of Uganda would love to know what the Hon. Mpuuga gave in exchange for this big favor!

For these reasons, we believe that this was an extreme act of corruption which Hon. Mpuuga admitted initially and apologized for! It is on record. It was both illegal and immoral, no matter how many heavy words are used to justify it.The moral thing for him to do would be to apologize to the nation and step down from the Parliamentary Commission. That remains his choice.

Ugandan singer Juliana Kanyomozi praises Bobi Wine for his big dreams and focus. She respects his ambition, wishing him ...

Ugandan singer Juliana Kanyomozi praises Bobi Wine for his big dreams and focus. She respects his ambition, wishing him success in career and life. Juliana admires Bobi's drive since they met, noting his dreams push towards reality.
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An online pad cast
Power, s*x and money
Coming soon

Being grateful helps us feel positive emotions, relive happy memories, and improve our overall mental health. Plus, noth...

Being grateful helps us feel positive emotions, relive happy memories, and improve our overall mental health. Plus, nothing turns around a bummer of a day like focusing on what we do instead of what we don't. Even on the not-so-good days, we can always dig deep to find something for which to be thankful. *Psalm 118:1-18* "Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever! Let Israel say, “His steadfast love endures forever.” Let the house of Aaron say, “His steadfast love endures forever.” Let those who fear the Lord say, “His steadfast love endures forever.” Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free" Have a blessed weekend and go be a blessing to others Good afternoon.


TODAY'S PRAYER (LUKE 18)* Father, thank You that You are a God of justice, and that You have promised to give me justice quickly. Thank You that I can remind You of my unfair situations and know that You are in a hurry to help me. I believe that things are about to turn around and the answer is on the way. In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit I pray and believe.

There is a reward for those serving God at all levels of life  # follow the link and  be blessed

There is a reward for those serving God at all levels of life # follow the link and be blessed

Check out Dr.davie's video.

Here is your Word to command this Sunday:VERSE: Mark 1: 12-13: "The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert, and he remai...

Here is your Word to command this Sunday:

VERSE: Mark 1: 12-13: "The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert, and he remained in the desert for forty days, being tempted by Satan

• Even after baptism we are not free from temptation; we are led into the desert of life.
• If we were not tempted, we would not grow in our faith.
• Tests help us to get to another level of life.
• God allows testing in the lives of those living a life that pleases Him as preparation for great service.
• We have to hold tightly on Jesus.

*PRAYER:* Lord God, Your Son was tested as a foretaste of what we shall experience.

I ask You to stand by me especially when I am tempted to quit.

Send me Your Spirit to guide me, and may He also provide me the armour and protection; in Jesus Christ's Holy name I pray. Amen

Have a blessed Sunday.

EARLY MORNING PRAYER FOR TODAY(ISAIAH 54)                                                                               ...

EARLY MORNING PRAYER FOR TODAY(ISAIAH 54) Father, thank You for the freedom from any sense of shame I have about what happened to me in my past. Thank You that You are going to make my life so blessed and rewarding that I won’t even remember the shame or the reproach. I declare that I am putting on the new labels of what You call me. In Jesus’ Name I pray and believe.

WhatsApp Group Invite

Please subscribe to this youtubeThanks, it will help you avoid losses in your  business

Please subscribe to this youtube
Thanks, it will help you avoid losses in your business

A MATTER OF THE HEART IJohn 13:22-24_"The disciples looked at one another, uncertain of whom he spoke. One of his discip...


John 13:22-24
_"The disciples looked at one another, uncertain of whom he spoke. One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was reclining at table close to Jesus, so Simon Peter motioned to him to ask Jesus of whom he was speaking."_ [ESV]

The name Judas Iscariot has become so synonymous with betrayal that the one who betrays another is called a Judas. So it is easy for us to think that Judas Iscariot was visibly and evidently a betrayer. That was not the case. In fact, when Jesus announced to the disciples that one of them was to betray Him, they could not tell it was Judas. They just looked at one another.

Beloved, sin is not always manifest to an onlooker. In fact, we all look better in our own eyes than we really are when measured against the high standard of God. So let it be known to you dear beloved that God looks at the heart and not the outside. You may put up appearances of goodness and fool men but God cannot be fooled. Come to Christ and He will change your heart.

Glorious Father, I acknowledge that you do not look at the outside but the heart. So I come before you to cleanse my heart and change me. Amen.

*Meditation Note:*
_"God looks at the heart and not the outside."_

Receive it, believe it, say it, see it and live it.

2024 - The Year of the Kingdom and Priesthood

Good morning radiates family I take this opportunity introduce to you this Life changing TikTok account in the names of ...

Good morning radiates family
I take this opportunity introduce to you this
Life changing TikTok account in the names of pr. Andrew semakula
of UCC Mukono
Please reach and tap to follow today for life changing sermons, live stream services and prayer sessions
May God richly bless you all for supporting the work of God

Check out PR.ANDREW SEMAKULA's video.


Please create time to rest, it is not a sin to sit down , put up your legs on the table and pick popcorn whilst reading a book or just relaxing

Take time and study the word of God and your life will be blessed

Take time and study the word of God and your life will be blessed


John 13:4-5
_"Jesus rose from supper. He laid aside his outer garments, and taking a towel, tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him."_ [ESV]

Our theme scripture is the continuation of what we read yesterday. Jesus, knowing that He was from God and was going back to God, he girded himself with a towel and begun to wash his disciples feet. He was driven to serve because of the knowledge He had of God. He knew He was from Him and was going back to him and that was motivation enough for him to serve.

Beloved, how much inspiration to serve do you draw from the fact that you belong to God and you are bound to be received into His glorious presence at the end of your lifetime? This ought to be at the very heart of all that you do - knowing that you belong to God. There is no higher calling than to belong to the Father and if you have indeed received the call by believing in Christ, then let it inspire you to extend the same grace to others by ministering the gospel to them.

Glorious Father, I am grateful for the opportunity given me in Christ to belong to you. I pray that it may move me to serve and minister the gospel to others. Amen.

*Meditation Note:*
_"This ought to be at the very heart of all that you do - knowing that you belong to God."

Pastor David lujja
Christianity mission centre
Miracles still happen

THE HEART OF SERVICE John 13:4-5_"Jesus rose from supper. He laid aside his outer garments, and taking a towel, tied it ...

John 13:4-5
_"Jesus rose from supper. He laid aside his outer garments, and taking a towel, tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him."_ [ESV]

Our theme scripture is the continuation of what we read yesterday. Jesus, knowing that He was from God and was going back to God, he girded himself with a towel and begun to wash his disciples feet. He was driven to serve because of the knowledge He had of God. He knew He was from Him and was going back to him and that was motivation enough for him to serve.

Beloved, how much inspiration to serve do you draw from the fact that you belong to God and you are bound to be received into His glorious presence at the end of your lifetime? This ought to be at the very heart of all that you do - knowing that you belong to God. There is no higher calling than to belong to the Father and if you have indeed received the call by believing in Christ, then let it inspire you to extend the same grace to others by ministering the gospel to them.

Glorious Father, I am grateful for the opportunity given me in Christ to belong to you. I pray that it may move me to serve and minister the gospel to others. Amen.

*Meditation Note:*
_"This ought to be at the very heart of all that you do - knowing that you belong to God."_







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