NTA Funtua



By Maiwada Dammallam

Although it’s not yet uhuru but certainly a lot has been done in the last few months to restore Katsina State ba k on the path of peace and sanity by the new administration of Governor Dikko Umar Radda, Ph.D. This, however, could only be understood when put side by side the maturity of the problem of insecurity inherited by Governor Radda and other governors in the North west region and of course, when debated with a genuine motive of understanding the problem and developing a more pragmatic template of solving the problem once and for all. Alhamdulillah, in Governor Radda are a very clear manifestation of genuineness of motives and sincerity of purpose needed to change the traumatic story of Katsina State or even the entire North west region.

It’s an undeniable fact that Governor Radda inherited a state already under siege with 23 LGAs under a significant control of bandits. Actually, he’s a first-line charge victim of banditry having lost a brother to the brigandage of bandits and paying ransom to rescue another. He’s one that could be said to have arrived Katsina Government House emotionally charged and very angry with the traumatic condition Katsina State was trapped in for decades. It’s not unexpected then that he hit the ground running with a clear sense of direction and importantly, not unmindful of the complexities and cumbersomeness of the restoration agenda he has in mind. To add to this burden, the porous borders of the state aiding inflow of light and even heavy arms which the Federal Government seemed helpless to curtail worsen and already bad situation. This, rather than discourage Governor Radda, fueled his ambition to make a difference. Thankfully, his determination is paying off.

Undoubtedly when Governor Radda came in, decades of the menace of insecurity has stripped a significant portion of the citizenry of their sources of livelihood and even dignity with many languishing either in IDPs or on the streets of major cities in the state. This, in turn, created a very complimenting and negative conducive problem of unemployment which provided a very large army of ready recruits for banditry and sundry criminality. This justice system did very little to help by not emphasizing in the minds of citizens that crime doesn’t pay. In summary, it’s a combination of many variables that landed us where we are today. This all adds up to make the issue of insecurity a very delicate problem to deal with; one that requires more than the analyzation of “Tik-Tokers” and self-trained bloggers to enlighten and get public buy-in to resolve or even simply make sense of.

To get out of this mess, then we have to consider all variables involved while properly contextualizing the issue of (in)security. We must also separate theories of insecurity, and our security architecture from the conjunctures, actuals and or realities ruling their debates. I’ve always argued that security is one area that one must have not only the requisite background but the finest of information to grasp or debate intelligently. For instance, it’s a general belief — actually a constitutional fact — that the government is responsible for protecting lives and properties of citizens. However, very few people could say with precision which “government” has this responsibility or how protective is this constitutional fact. Not only that, either deliberately or ignorantly, even fewer people could pinpoint the hindrances reducing this constitutional fact to a somewhat inapplicable constitutional theory disguised as a fact.

To be clear and without ifs and buts, the Federal Government is responsible, at least in theory, for the protection of lives and properties. It has the exclusive right to violence which it shares with no other government at any level. It’s the custodian of all security agencies and any other related institution. This is where the conflict begins as, on the other hand, the same constitution which domiciled state violence and protection of lives and properties in the hands of the FG, somehow turned around and made state governors “Chief Security Officers” of their individual states yet without right for violence or authority over security institutions — kind of sending them into the battlefield blindfolded and with both hands tied to their backs. The wisdom behind this contradiction is a complete subject for another day.

The Federal Government itself is a victim of the theorization of the protection of lives and properties of the citizens of Nigeria unless of course, if by any chance it could make sense for the Federal Government to properly police a nation of over 200 million citizens with a combined strength of just about 3 million officers of all the security agencies — also a topic for another day.

Zeroing on Katsina State, Governor Radda has left no one in doubt about his intention and determination to use all the powers at his disposal (even improvise where necessary) to restore peace to Katsina State. He pledged to spend every penny in the treasury if that’s what’s needed to bring peace to the state and with a multibillion Naira investment in the security sector to enhance the functionality of security officials, he’s undoubtedly walking his talk. The recent acquisition of additional 10 new Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs) after an unprecedented expenditure of over N7 billion for security and setting up of the Katsina Community Watch Corp (CWC) are all indicative of Governor Radda’s unshakable resolve to change the security outlook in the state despite the obvious political, financial and even constitutional huddles.

Commendable as this is, we should assume it’s not going to be an easy ride hence, all hands must be on deck to support and assist Governor Radda restore peace to Katsina State devoid of any interest but that of the state and the Northwest region in general. There’s no simply no room for complicity and complacency. Then, the complexity of the battle and the nature of our politics must all be considered when debating the success of the Radda administration on this matter. Of course, no one will deny that at the moment Katsina State is recording some attacks on soft targets in vulnerable areas. That should be expected. Like corruption, banditry will not die lying down. Overstretched manpower and dearth of funds are another aspect of the problem which bandits will naturally exploit to keep their presence in the system impressed in the minds of citizens.

Attacks on soft targets by bandits is a cheap trick by the bandits to keep hanging to the most basic tool in their arsenal — FEAR! Bandits and insurgents largely succeed by instilling fear in the minds of citizens. This explains why bandits records and release videos of their sinister activities to the public. It’s to impress in the minds of citizens their make-belief power for violence and maintain control on public psyche. Bandits do not release videos to show they are heroes otherwise they won’t be wearing masks in their videos to protect their identities. It’s merely to intimidate and subdue the public albeit in a cowardly manner.

And this is where we all have a big role to play. The alarming manner in which we publicize matters of insecurity — sometimes using even old or unverified videos — is certainly an impediment to government’s efforts to restore peace and sanity. It’s not for the purpose of suppressing public awareness that reports of incidences of insecurity and matters of security should be considered highly sensitive which reportage requires the highest level of responsibility and caution. In our zeal to report issues of insecurity we mostly end up doing more harm than good to the general idea of partnering with the government to keep the society safe. We end up overblowing the activities of criminals and making them appear larger than the law and seemingly uncontrollable hence, calibrating public psyche and denying the government the courage of citizens to participate fully in what should be a joint project between citizens and the government to protect lives and properties.

Without fear of contradiction, let me say, once again, that no government is powerful or rich enough to secure lives and properties in the distorted sense we generally understand the aspect of the Nigerian constitution somehow forced Nigerians to believe the business of providing security for the nation could be done. Just as much, no government is powerful enough to do it alone.

The opposition are not helping matters either. It’s simply unfortunate the manner some people are trivializing issues of security just to hit at the government and score cheap political points. These scores may be cheap but they are deadly and could consume us all. The tendency by the opposition to see any attack by bandits on citizens as a failure of the government yet, without considering variables I mentioned earlier but simply to score cheap political goal is very disturbing. It takes nothing to understand that banditry is no respecter of party affiliations and that we are all in this together and certainly we will swim or sink together in it.

It’s wrong, therefore, to assume that giving the government support and cooperation to fight banditry and other social ills is doing the government a favor. Far from it, our support and cooperation in this regard is a civic duty neglecting which could lead to dire consequences. ALL hands must be on deck to jointly fight the menace. That’s the truest definition of SELF-HELP. We just shouldn’t allow politics of party differences blur our sense of collective safety or patriotism. It’s a fact that the government cannot do it alone. It’s fighting a ghostly army of criminals that could attack the public in one minute and in the next, melt and mingle with the society only to play victims. A typical case of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.

This raises another fundamental question of distrust and disrespect that seem to be the basis of relationship between some citizens and the government, mostly determined by political subscriptions. It’s common to read or watch satirical comments and videos aimed at “enlightening” the public on government activities yet full of distortions or even outright fabrications tailored to ridicule the Governor and the government in the most despicable manner imaginable. Why, for instance, should it be a problem if the governor travels outside the shores of Katsina to build networks that could attract enormous benefits for Katsina State citizens? By the way, who says developing a state is cheap? “Better soup na money dey make am.”

A typical case is Governor Radda’s ongoing trip to Washington DC, USA, alongside 10 other governors from the Northwest region which is being debated like a holiday trip Disneyland when in actual sense a trip to the United Nation (UN) by the governors to exploit ways to co-opt the UN and attract its full attention on the ongoing terror in the Northwest which seem to be defying local solutions. And it’s not like these governors sneaked out of Nigeria. Nigerians were fully informed about their mission and its importance to their individual states yet, we have no problem watching some people putting their honor, commitment and even dignity on the line simply because they answered a call to serve.

Among other things, the mission to the UN by these governors will allow them a window to address problems of insecurity with international implications like inflow of light and heavy arms being dumped in Africa mostly from Europe, Asia etc. it will also give them access to funding and expertise and collaborations with international partners for intelligence sharing, training programs for local security forces, and even exploring options for financial aid dedicated to fighting banditry. In addition, it will help them build relationships with international stakeholders, including security agencies, NGOs, and private sector entities with resources and expertise relevant to combating banditry. So, which of these potential benefits is not worth spending money to achieve? Criticism is critical in a democracy but it must be intelligent and constructive authored with the best of intentions and devoid of any consideration but that of the society. Let’s not by our silly methods throw away the baby with the bath water.

Maiwada Dammallam is the Director General Media to the Governor.

PRESS RELEASENNPC Ltd, Partner Unlock 12,000bpd Production from Awoba Unit Field  Keen on optimising production from the...


NNPC Ltd, Partner Unlock 12,000bpd Production from Awoba Unit Field

Keen on optimising production from the nation’s hydrocarbon assets to boost revenues and meet the nation’s OPEC production quota, the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPC Ltd.) and its Joint Venture partner in the Awoba Unit Field, Newcross Exploration and Production Ltd., have restarted production from the Awoba field which last contributed production to the Bonny Terminal in 2021 and was finally shut down in February 2022 due to evacuation issues and crude oil theft.

Since the restart of the Awoba field by NNPC Ltd and it partners on April 13, 2024; production from the field has averaged 8,000 barrels per day and is expected to plateau at 12,000 per day at full ramp up within 30 days. Awoba is also expected to significantly boost gas supply to the power sector and other gas-based industries.

The Awoba Unit which straddles OMLs 18 and 24 is located in the mangrove swamp south of Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Both OML 18 and OML 24 assets are under the management of the NNPC Upstream Investment Management Services (NUIMS).

NNPC Ltd. has been recording a string of production successes from the JV portfolio which have significantly lifted overall national production. Besides the recent start of production at the Madu Field by the NNPC Ltd/First E&P JV, the company has achieved the restart of production at OMLs 29 and OML 18 in late 2023 which have steadily contributed an average of 60,000bpd to the nation’s production output since their restart.

Speaking on the development, the Group Chief Executive Officer of NNPC Ltd., Mallam Mele Kyari, ascribed the achievement to the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu administration’s success in providing enabling operating environment for businesses to thrive.

He expressed appreciation to all stakeholders (staff, operators, host communities, government security agencies, and private security contractors) who played a pivotal role in achieving the feat.

Olufemi O. Soneye
Chief Corporate Communications Officer

23 April, 2024.




The Minister of Sports Development Senator John Owan Enoh has been honored with an award of excellence by Yucateco Boxing Promotions, in recognition of his outstanding performance since assuming office in the last eight months. The event came during the maiden Yucateco Boxing Lifetime Achievement Merit Award held recently in Lagos.

According to the orgaizers, the award was also in recognition of the Minister's continuous support and identifying with the group in times of need.

Yucateco extends similar awards to some identified Nigeria's boxing heroes to recognize and celebrate their contribution to the growth of boxing in the country and for the glory they brought to the nation through the sport.

The minister noted that all the objectives being pursued by Yucateco aligned well with his vision on athletes recognition and appreciation by way of honoring them in the best possible way.

He maintained that it is this shared vision between Yucateco and the ministry that will serve as the main ingredient in the soon-to-be formalized partnership between the two bodies.

It should be noted that partnership with private sector and corporate bodies is one of the key elements the present administration is pursuing within the framework of sports sector reform.

The minister congratulated the CEO of Yucateco Omonlei Yakubu Imadu for his patriotic gesture in organizing the award ceremony and "for single-handedly providing the prize money" in the ceremony.

Earlier in his remarks the Yucateco CEO, Mr. Imadu hinted that "Our attention is also on the younger generation of boxers; subsequently, we hope to incorporate various award categories where they can be duly recognized as well.

The Minister of Sports Development Senator John Owan Enoh was honored with an award of excellence, for what the group called his outstanding performance as minister of sports, as well as his continuous support and identifying with the group.

Other awardees for this year's event includes but not limited to the President of the Nigeria Boxing Federation, Lt. Gen. Kenneth Minimah (rtd), late Hogan Bassey, former national boxing coach Joseph Mensah, women boxing pioneer Edith Ogoke, boxing umpire Abdullahi Masha, one of Nigeria's most decorated boxing umpires Adesanya Ayodele and Abdurrahman Abdulwahab who was awarded a car.

Mrs. Kehinde Ajayi
Director Press and Public Relations.




As the World Bank-IMF Spring Meetings winds up, the Federal Government of Nigeria has stated that it plans to float a Diaspora Bond to attract funds held abroad by Nigerians at home and in the Diaspora.

The Honourable Minister of Finance and Co-ordinating Minister of the Economy, Mr Wale Edun, disclosed this yesterday during his Wrap Up 2024 Spring Meetings' media briefing held in Washington DC, United States of America.

He observed that remittances are certainly one of the ways the nation can increase the supply of foreign exchange and investment in the country.

The Minister informed that *there are Nigerians abroad who are doing very well. Even Nigerians in Nigeria with funds abroad that can be counted as remittance and in order to increase the supply of foreign exchange into the economy, government is looking at attracting those funds through a Diaspora kind of instrument, a Diaspora Bond we think, that will be attractive enough for Nigerians abroad and for foreign holdings of foreign currencies and look to having a substantial issue later in the year*, he said.

As part of the efforts of the administration to increase foreign exchange inflows, Mr. Edun informed further
that Nigeria has qualified for the processing of a $2.25 billion World Bank facility.

*Nigeria has qualified for the processing of a total package of World Bank $2.25 billion, well there is no free money, but it is close to a grant for 40 years, moratorium of 10 years and about 1 percent interest. So that is also part of the flow that you can count*, the Minister said

In addition, he explained that *there is a similar Budgetary Support, low-interest funding from the African Development Bank and clearly, there is also on-going discussions with Foreign Direct investors. Some of these things take longer than you expect, but there are relatively advanced discussions on major foreign direct investment inflows into the country, specific transactions with companies, institutions and authorities*

The Minister said that the Spring Meetings presented an opportunity to engage the international audience on a global stage. *We have had the opportunity of speaking to international investors, portfolio investors and those International Direct investors that will bring what I will describe as quality funding. The kind of funding that builds factories and creates jobs*, he stated.

Mr. Edun noted that the response from all of them, *I can say, without exception, is that of greater confidence in the economic management of the country and greater interest and willingness to invest.*

*But in addition, not just the international community that we addressed, it is also critical that we are a private sector-driven economy and that is the policy of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, to encourage private domestic and foreign investment to grow the economy, create jobs and reduce poverty*
*But also we have other partners - the multilateral organisations , development banks, bilateral financiers, grant-givers, foundations such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and others. The whole eco-system of international finance, we have engaged with all of them*

*We have come away with funding to provide electricity to 300 million people in Africa that the largest portion will come to Nigeria. And you know what the provision of electricity does to increasing productivity and poverty reduction*.

*We can also say that we have a bigger say for Africa through an additional Chair on the Board of Directors of the International Monetary Fund. I think it is a major success for Africa as a whole.* the Minister concluded.

While speaking on the sources of international funding to the Nigerian economy, he listed diaspora remittances, foreign portfolio investments, and facilities from the World bank as well as other international development partners.

Edun also tapped on issuing dollar-denominated securities specifically targeted at Nigerians in the diaspora and those with foreign-denominated savings in Nigeria as another measure to attract forex inflows into the country.

He disclosed that the Federal Government hopes to issue the bonds later this year and highlighted the efforts of the fiscal side of the economy in complimenting the recent monetary policy reforms by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

According to the Minister, *the issuing of government securities at an interest rate closer to the CBN’s monetary policy rate (MPR) is an indication of the collaboration between both sides of the economy in tackling inflation in the country and attracting forex inflows*.

He listed the agricultural sector as one area the President Bola Tinubu-led Administration is looking to spur growth in the medium term, noting that efforts in that area include the distribution of fertilisers and seeds to reduce food prices and enhance food security.

Other programs, according to the Minister, are: increasing power generation to about 6000 megawatts within six months, provision of infrastructure, especially housing with the goal of making low-interest mortgages available to Nigerians, revamping of the social investment program and proposed economic stabilisation plan.

The end of the 2024 World Bank-IMF Spring Meetings media briefing was attended by the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Mr Olayemi Cardoso, Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Finance, Mrs Lydia Shehu Jafiya and other top government officials.

Mohammed Manga *FCIA*
Director, Information & Public Relations
April 21, 2024




The Honourable Minister of Defence, H.E. Muhammed Badaru Abubakar CON, mni, has called on Libyan Government to join hands with the Nigerian Government to tackle the proliferation of small arms and light weapons as well as the trafficking of illicit drugs from Libya to Nigeria.

The Minister made the call when he had audience with the delegation of Libyan National Security Agency on the side line of the high level African Counter terrorism meeting in Abuja.

He said that for the safety and stability of both countries and their citizens, there was the need to work together in checking the wide spread arms and light weapons proliferation.

Badaru and the Libyan delegations led by General Mahammed Azain discussed other pressing security issues affecting both countries.

Furthermore, they discussed on cooperation , sharing of intelligence and Information that would assist in policy planning and direction among the two countries.

Henshaw Ogubike Mnipr FCAi Fsca Fcpe
Director ( Information and Public Relations)

Office of the Honourable Minister of State for DefenceFederal Republic of NigeriaPRESS RELEASEApril 22, 2024MATAWALLE AT...

Office of the Honourable Minister of State for Defence
Federal Republic of Nigeria


April 22, 2024


Today, the Honourable Minister of State for Defence, Dr. Bello Muhammed Matawalle MON, joined His Excellency Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR, the President and Commander in Chief of the armed forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the opening ceremony of the African Counter-Terrorism Summit in Abuja.

The summit organized by the Federal Republic of Nigeria with the support of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), brought together high-level stakeholders under the theme, "Strengthening Regional Cooperation and Institution Building to Address the Evolving Threat of Terrorism".

The primary objective of the summit was to bolster multilateral counter-terrorism cooperation, emphasizing African-led and African-owned solutions to combat terrorism on the continent.

Dr. Bello Matawalle highlighted the critical importance of collaborative efforts in reshaping the international community’s response to terrorism, particularly within Africa. The summit provided a pivotal platform for evaluating the nature and severity of the terrorist threat across the continent.

Among the distinguished attendees were Ms. Amina Mohammed, the United Nations Deputy Secretary-General; Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, National Security Adviser; and Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, the Under-Secretary-General for Counter-Terrorism, UNOCT. Also present were the Chief of Defence Staff, General C.G Musa OFR, high-level government officials, representatives of international organizations, and members of civil society, among others.

Dr. Bello Muhammed Matawalle MON also reaffirmed the Ministry of Defence's unwavering commitment to combating terrorism and expressed gratitude to all participants for their invaluable contributions towards advancing regional cooperation in addressing this critical security challenge.


Ahmad Dan-wudil
Personal Assistant on Media
Office of the Honourable Minister of State for Defence
April 22, 2024

ABUJA,UPDATE ON SOLDIERS ALLEGED THEFT AT DANGOTE REFINERY Two soldiers of the Nigerian Army involved in alleged theft a...


Two soldiers of the Nigerian Army involved in alleged theft at the Dangote refinery Lagos have been dismissed.

The Director Army Public Relations Major General ONYEMA NWACHUKWU
says the dismissal is sequel to
investigation into the alleged theft of armoured cables at the Dangote Refinery premises on the 14th April 2024, involving Corporal Innocent Joseph and Lance Corporal Jacob Gani.

After a thorough investigation conducted in collaboration with the management of the company, the two soldiers were found to have abandoned their duty post and were in possession of the materials.

The have been handed over to the relevant authorities for further prosecution.




President Bola Tinubu will on Tuesday, April 23, depart Abuja for the Kingdom of the Netherlands on an official visit.

On the invitation of the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, President Tinubu will engage in high-level discussions with the Prime Minister, as well as hold separate meetings with His Royal Majesty, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Kingdom. The Queen is the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA).

While in the Netherlands, the President will participate in the Nigerian-Dutch Business and Investment Forum that will bring together heads of conglomerates and organizations in both countries to explore opportunities for collaboration and partnerships, especially in agriculture and water management towards innovative solutions for sustainable farming practices.

There will also be extensive discussions with the Dutch officials on port management operations for which they have world-renowned expertise.

After his engagements in the Netherlands, the President will proceed to attend a special World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting scheduled for April 28-29 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

At the World Economic Forum meeting, which focuses on Global Collaboration, Growth and Energy for Development, President Tinubu and his entourage will use the opportunity of the gathering of over 1,000 leaders from business, government, and academia to engage in discussions in furtherance of his Renewed Hope Agenda for the country.

The President will be accompanied by some ministers and other senior government officials.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

April 22, 2024

    for Tuesday 23rd April, 2024. (14th Shauwal, 1445AH)

for Tuesday 23rd April, 2024. (14th Shauwal, 1445AH)


Uwar Jam'iyyar APC ta Jihar Katsina ta gudanar da taron masu ruwa da tsaki akan shirye shiryen fara saida Form na masu sha'awar tsayawa takarar shugabancin karamar hukuma, da kansiloli a Jihar Katsina a karkashin Jam'iyyar APC a zaben kananan hukumomi da za'a gudanar a shekarar 2025 mai zuwa.

Shugaban Jam'iyyar APC na Jiha Alh. Muhammad Sani JB Daura, da mataimakinsa Alh. Bala Abu Musawa ne s**a Jagorancin taron a dakin taron na masaukin shugaban kasa dake gidan Gwamnatin Jihar Katsina.

A lokacin da yake jawabi a madadin uwar Jam'iyyar APC ta Jiha Mataimakin Shugaban Jam'iyya Alh. Bala Abubakar Musawa ya bayyana cewa uwar Jam'iyya ta kira taron masu ruwa da tsaki da s**a hada da shugabannin Jam'iyyar APC na kananan hukumomi talatin da hudu (34) na Jihar Katsina domin sanar da masu son tsayawa takara kudin sayen form da uwar Jam'iyya ta Jiha ta amince ga duka mai sha'awar takara.

Alh. Bala Abubakar Musawa ya bayyana cewa uwar Jam'iyya ta Jiha ta amince
da kudi Naira Miliyan biyar N5,000,000 a matsayin kudin sayen form na takarar shugaban karamar hukuma, sai Naira miliyan daya da rabi N1,500,000 a matsayin kudin form na takarar kansila ga kowane mai sha'awar takara a Jam'iyyar APC Jihar Katsina.

Isah Miqdad,
SSA Digital Media to Katsina State Governor.

20th April,  2024Governor Inuwa Yahaya, Aliko Dangote Lead Dignitaries as Emir of Gombe Hosts Grand Wedding Fatiha for K...

20th April, 2024

Governor Inuwa Yahaya, Aliko Dangote Lead Dignitaries as Emir of Gombe Hosts Grand Wedding Fatiha for Kwairanga's Daughter

Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya, CON earlier today, led dignitaries to partake in the nuptial rites of Dr. Maryam ( Kamila) Kwairanga, daughter of Chairman of Nigeria Exchange Limited, Dr. Umaru Kwairanga ( Sarkin Fulanin Gombe) and her hearthrob, Khalid Dahiru Buba Biri.

The wedding fatiha which took place at the Palace of the Emir of Gombe, witnessed the presence of high profile dignitaries, including Africa's richest man, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, renowned banking and financial sector leader, Alhaji Umar Mutallab, former Governors of Gombe and Sokoto States; Alhaji Ibrahim Dankwambo and Aminu Tambuwal, Acting National Chairman of PDP, Amb. Damagum, members of National and State Assemblies, members of political and business classes from within and outside the state, family members and associates.

The Emir of Gombe and Chairman of Gombe state Council of Emirs and Chiefs, Alhaji Abubakar Shehu Abubakar III, CFR witnessed as the Chief Imam of Gombe central mosque, Sheikh Muhammadu Umar Pindiga presided over the wedding and contracted the marriage between Dr. Maryam and Khalid in line with Islamic injunctions.

Governor Inuwa Yahaya served as Waliy for the bride and gave out her hands in marriage on behalf of the Kwairanga family. The sum of 500, 000 Naira was pronounced as the dowry.

Shortly after the wedding fatiha, the Emir of Gombe hosted dignitaries to a royal launcheon at the palace's Stable, known as Muri.

Governor Inuwa while congratulating the couple and their parents, noted that marriage as an institution requires mutual trust and understanding, urging the bride and her groom to respect one another and adhere strictly to islamic teachings in their matrimony.

Ismaila Uba Misilli
DG ( Press Affairs)
Government House







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