This video is made by Sabrina Wallace. Her parents were part of SAP (Special Access Projects) or black ops — all this fell into Space Force.
The folks that think subjects like Human bio-electromagnetic fields, chakra systems, energy meridians, remote viewing, remote healing, qigong, energy work, auras, vibrations & energy are just new age spiritual woo-woo stuff, will become the new ‘vaccinated’ — as in they’ll be first to be in the line of fire.
The subjects normies think it’s ‘woo-woo’ has not only been researched, with unlimited black budgets, with proof of concept decades ago — been developed, improved many times over & have been secretly weaponized onto ‘unaware dumb Humans’. When I say dumb, it’s only meant as ‘ignorant to the facts of the matter’.
These secret black op projects are ran by the highest levels of military & intelligence agencies — the same usual suspects of CIA, DOD, Pentagon, Darpa, Skunkworks, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, etc.
CONvid was exposed as a bioweapon, with CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats), mRNA & other gene-modifying tech. Many now know what DEW (Direct Energy Weapon) is, the weaponization of 5G/6G, EMF (toxic electromagnetic fields), EMP (electromagnetic pulse) & other potential energy weapons.
6G will invade the Human Body’s aura/bio-field as a receiver & emitter — whether they are aware of it or not, with consent or non.
“The Human body has already been made commercially available to the cloud since 2005. IEEE is the International standards for Electronics and Electrical Engineering.”
This was developed using the same wireless networks for all wireless devices — except the actual machine is the Human Body & the Auric Field, using WBAN (Wide Body Area Network). This does not require any kind of chipping or wearable technology.
Now connect graphene oxide in the vaccines, chip-implants, AI’s ability to read Human thoughts, iPhone’s blood scanning tech, transhumanism, etc — all this to make each Human more transducible, so there will be ‘better wireless reception’. These tech will enslaved any unaware Humans — controlling everything within the body.
We know how evil & satanic these parasites are. These same groups have produced & distributed adrenochrome through elite worldwide human trafficking operations.
This is not fear p**n as we know there is an ongoing Earth Alliance Military White Hats counter operation. There are still many pockets of danger, especially for the unaware. We are seeing how the vaq’d are dying off with much more in the next few years. All dark weapons have been deployed onto the collective. Those that know can counter the attacks. Those that think it’s crazy nonsense ‘woo-woo’ stuff, have the greatest potential to fall into these traps.
The war is here. Protect you DNA. KnowTHYSELF.
Technical Presentation: WBAN on a 6gloPAN and your electromagnetic body part
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