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दक्षिण भारतको कर्नाटका राज्यको एउटा शहर गुलवर्गमा एउटा होटलमा काम गर्दै आएका एक सिक्किमे युवकले ज्यानको खतरा रहेको बताउँदै गुहार मागेका छन्
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आगामी 8 सेप्टेम्बरको दिन सरमसा गार्डनमा आयोजना हने राज्यस्तरीय तीज पर्वमा नेपालका ख्यातिप्राप्त गायिका तृष्णा गुरुङले प्रस्तुती दिने
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मनु स्मृति सिल्ड ब्रदरहुड क्रिकेट टुर्नामेन्टको तेस्रो संस्करण आजदेखि राजधानी गान्तोकको नरबहादुर भण्डारी सरकारी महाविद्यालयको खेल मैदानमा आरम्भ भयो।
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हाल राजधानीको मनन केन्द्रस्थित सिक्किम एकाडेमीको ग्यालेरीमा ओभिया आर्ट सर्कल, सिक्किमको तत्वावधानमा आयोजना भइरहेको “ग्रूप आर्ट” शिर्षकमा प्रदर्शनी एवं कला संवाद कार्यक्रमलाई लिएर वरिष्ठ चित्रकार अनि कवि प्रवीण राई “जुमेली”-को समिक्षात्मक टिप्पणी...
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At the flag-off of the Sikkim GLOF Expedition Team, Namrata Thapa, Secretary of the Land Revenue Department, introduced key representatives from six Sikkim government departments and two central agencies. The 36-member team includes volunteer scientists aiming to assess six lakes in Sikkim. Dr. Sandeep Tambe, Secretary of Science and Technology, emphasized the goal of developing a safety model for the Himalayan region. The team is engaging with the communities of Lachen and Lachung to promote safety and foster a sense of belonging. Due to local sentiments, two sacred lakes above Gurudongmar will not be assessed.
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Lachen MLA Samdup Lepcha urged the GLOF Expedition Team of Sikkim to continue studying the 14 lakes in Lachen and Lhachung with the full support of the community. He emphasized that the people of Sikkim hold deep reverence for the 16 lakes, viewing them as sacred deities.
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आगामी 8 सितम्बरको दिन सरम्सा उध्यानमा राज्य स्तरीय सामुहिक तीज पर्व भव्यताका साथ आयोजना हुनेछ। सिक्किम क्रान्तिकारी मोर्चा पार्टी नारी शक्तिको तत्वावधानमा आयोजना हुने उक्त समारोहमा उपस्थित भईदिन समारोह समितिकी मुख्य संरक्षक श्रीमती कृष्णा कुमारी राईले अपील गर्नुभएको छ।
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The Sikkim Football Association (SFA) kicked off the 'B' Division S-League on July 6, culminating in the final today, August 29. The event was graced by MLA Delay Namgale Barfumpa as the chief guest, with Kuber Bhandari, President of the Sikkim Olympic Association, serving as Guest of Honour, alongside special guest R.B. Bishwakarma, Additional Director of Sports and Youth Affairs and General Secretary of the Sikkim Boxing Association, among other dignitaries.
In the final match of the 'B' Division S-League, Denzong Boys faced off against Red Panda FC. Red Panda FC emerged victorious, scoring five goals, while Denzong Boys managed to net only one goal.
शौर्य चक्र लान्स नायक धनबहादुर छेत्रीको शौर्य गाथा
शौर्य चक्र लान्स नायक धनबहादुर छेत्रीको शौर्य गाथा
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Sikkim Football Association is organising the Sikkim Premier League 2024-25 from 31 August to 10 October at Paljor Stadium, Gangtok. Eight premier division clubs have been participating in this league. The inaugural match of the league will be played between Aakraman Football Club and Sikkim Police Football Team at 11:30 AM on 31 August
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पश्चिम सिक्किमकाे गेजिङ जिल्ला अन्तर्गत आरीगाउँ समाज सुधार मण्डलीकाे 41औं स्थापना दिवसकाे अवसरमा आजदेखि शुरू भयो विविध खेलकुद कार्यक्रम । कार्यक्रमकाे उद्घाटन अवसरमा वरिष्ठ सरकारी ठेकादार जामयाङ कुङ्गा काजी मुख्य अतिथि रहेका थिए ।
उनका साथमा स्थानीय विभिन्न समाजका प्रतिनिधि, आरीगाउँ समाज सुधार मण्डलीका अध्यक्ष दिनेश शर्मा, स्थानीय पन्चायत सभापति साेमनाथ शर्मा सहित अन्यकाे उपस्थिति थियो । यसै खेलकुद कार्यक्रमकाे समापन लगायत भलिबल खेलकाे फाइनल खेल आगामी 2 सितम्बरकाे दिन हुनेछ ।
आयाेजक समितिले विजेता दललाई 80 हजार र उपविजेता दललाई 50 हजार सहित उत्कृष्ट ट्रफी प्रदान गर्ने भएको छ।
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The Mangan-Singtam road is blocked at Marchak due to a landslide that has eroded the road's foundation. Traffic is being diverted via the Samdong-Ipsing route.
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Commerce and Industries Department hosted a workshop on anime and manga at Chintan Bhawan in Gangtok. The event included insights from Commerce and Industries Secretary Karma R. Bonpo - IAS, Gangtok Mayor Nell Bahadur Chettri, and Sonju Private Limited Director Sonam Gyaltshen Tenzing, along with his partner, who explored the potential of the anime and manga industry in Sikkim.
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आर्थिक विपन्नताको कारण दुवै किड्नी फेल भएका बाबुको उपचार गर्न असमर्थ एक छोराको पुकार...
पूर्व सिक्किमको खाम्दोङ सिङ्गताम समष्टीअन्तर्गत सिरवानी वर्कशप निवासी मनबहादुर प्रधानले सरकारका सम्बन्धित निकाय र दयालु मन भएका सर्वसाधरणसम्म आफ्नो पुकार पुऱ्याइदिने अनुरोधको साथमा Summit Times लाई यो भिडियो पठाएका छन्। सिक्किम सरकारको पीडब्ल्यूडी विभागमा खलासीको अस्थायी नोकरी गर्ने प्रधानकाअनुसार उनका करिब 70 वर्षीय बाबु चन्द्र कुमार प्रधान पछिल्ला करिब एक वर्षदेखि बिमार छन्। उनको दुवै किड्नी फेल भएको छ। हाल उनको एसटीएनएम अस्पतालमा डाइलेसिस चलिरहेको छ। खलासीको 15 हजार वेतनले तीन छोरा-छोरी, स्वास्नी र आमा-बाबा गरी जम्मा सातजनाको परिवार धान्दै आएका प्रधानले हप्तामा दुईपल्ट बाबालाई एसटीएनएम अस्पताल ल्याएर डाइलेसिस गराउन गाह्रो परेको भन्दै सबैलाई सहय
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Grand Janmashtami Celebration at Tadong Durga Mandir Attracts Large Crowds; Minister Arun Upreti Joins Puja Ceremony
A vibrant Janmashtami celebration was held at Tadong Durga Mandir, drawing a significant number of devotees. The event was filled with devotion and spiritual energy. Minister Arun Upreti attended the puja ceremony, joining in the festivities.
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The summer league archery (compound) tournament, organized by Phurba and Bhaichung, has reached its thrilling final stage today at Navey-Sothak. The match between Sochyagang and Green Tara captivated the audience. Attendees included Chief Guest T.T. Lepcha, Secretary of the Power Department, Government of Sikkim, Guest of Honour T.G. Lepcha, a social worker from the 23rd Shyari constituency, and other dignitaries. In a closely contested match, Green Tara emerged victorious with a score of 1-0, finishing 18-17.
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53 स्वर्ण पदकको साथमा गान्तोक जिल्ला बन्यो सिक्किम स्टेट कराटे च्याम्पियन 2024
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Denzong Sherpa Association Celebrates Sherpa Community Summer Festival Phag-Nyin 2024 at Sherpa Bhawan in Sherwi Khangba, Perbing graced by MLA Sanjeet Kharel as the Chief Guest.
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आज दार्जीलिङमा सम्पन्न मगर जातिको तेस्रो महाधिवेशनमा सिक्किम विधानसभाकी उपाध्यक्ष श्रीमती राजकुमारी थापाले जनाइन सहभागिता
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शिक्षाविद हरी प्रसाद छेत्रीको पुस्तक “आत्मकथा” को गरियो लोकार्पण