Nature Tales produces spaces, events & music using modern technology, community culture and philosophy to tailor transformative experiences.
The aim is to create an increased state of authenticity and contact to one’s own nature, functions and habits, combining cultural life and celebration with body-awareness and wellness.
By creating spaces and events where activities like relaxation, yoga, meditation and dance, are accompanied by live music and DJ’s, we turn self-discovery and transformation into a playful journey, that inspires mental and physical wellness by simply feeling safe, comfortable and free to be.
Nature Tales produce therapeutic soundscapes with a focus on organic, electronic music based on field recordings from nature locations around the world, in combination with ancient instruments such as didgeridoos, flutes, singing bowls, gongs, etc.
Nature Tales Soundcloud Channel release regular live sets and DJ mixes, from an international network of artists and collaborators sharing a vision of listening to nature.
Since the foundation in 2018, Nature Tales has produced several festivals, parties, yoga & sound relaxation workshops, dance workshops and is working in collaboration with The Vesica Project, Cacao Copenhagen and Ecstatic Dance Copenhagen.
Nature Tales is founded by Jakob Ulrik Ahlers (Ishtadi) & Markus Trige Frandsen (Respira) in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Nature Tales Vibroacoustic Studio
We tailor experiences using our pioneering vibroacoustic subsonic technology built in on each module of our floor, accompanied with modern nature-based electronic music that is specially produced to inspire tuning into one’s own body and mind. The vibroacoustic floor effectively stimulates the nervous system, thereby pushing the boundaries of how fast we can enter the self-healing and deep meditative states of being. (1)
The music and vibration in combination inspires the body and mind to be present in the moment, decreasing the brainwave activity, de-stressing, and allowing us to enter alpha, theta or even delta brainwave states. In these states the deep relaxation stimulates particularly the vagus or ”main” nerves to restore, heal and rebuild. (2)
Discoveries of the leading subsonic doctor and researcher Dr. Peter Michael Nielsen shows the stimulation of the vagus nerve to be vital for our survival and well-being, and that it is in fact our earliest mode of communication, as infants in the womb. (3)
The subsonic frequencies that create vibrations, have been shown to be revolutionary and groundbreaking treatment for relieving stress and pain, allowing relaxation of bones and muscles, regulating heartbeats and respiration, lowering blood pressure, reducing anxiety and depression, improving sleep, memory and cognition, as well as stabilizing the hormonal balance and mood swings, among many others health benefits. In short the stimulation of the nervous system to regenerate the body is an essential in every treatment, proving this technology and music in combination to be one of today's best answers for a general health impact. (4)
Nature Tales Vibroacoustic Studio is a comfortable, cozy, safe and warm space created to host self-immersive, contemplative, healing and transformative sound experiences.
Inspired by ancient and contemporary practices like meditation, yoga nidra, mindful listening and relaxation therapy, our sessions work as different entryways to being more healthy and comfortable with oneself and the community.
Listen to our sound journeys and mixes
Made for you by the Nature Tales Community.
Joining us, our cultural partners of Cacao Copenhagen, Move Copenhagen, Wake Collective.
1, Yoga Nidra, Mindfulness & Meditation Research:
2, Brainwave & Sleep States Research
3. Dr. Peter Michael Nielsen Subsonic-Frequency HALF-MIS treatment:
4. Physical & Mental Benefits Research: