CRUNCHY FROG The independent record label that brought you The Raveonettes, Junior Senior and so much more. All the latest of the latest:


Today 100% of Bandcamps proceeds are donated to help the victims of the wildfires in L.A.
So if you were thinking of getting a vinyl or some merch, today is a better day than ever to get it.
Our thoughts go to all those impacted by this catastrophe ❤️

A legend celebrated his 40th anniversary in this business called show today. We couldn’t make it to Progress (English fo...

A legend celebrated his 40th anniversary in this business called show today. We couldn’t make it to Progress (English for Aarhus) to pay tribute to Jesper but we had one of our minions ( ) deliver somma that Pinot Noir. He looks happy as a camper. See you at Spot. And congratulations to as well. 15 more years, please!

We sent Thorhallur Jonsson to India to attend India International Music Week! These are some snaps of his day so far!

We sent Thorhallur Jonsson to India to attend India International Music Week! These are some snaps of his day so far!

DER VAR FULD SMADDERFEST TIL 100%WET Læs mere om 100%wet's koncert i Store VEGA!

Læs mere om 100%wet's koncert i Store VEGA!

Soundvenues udsendte tog til Vegas Udvalgte og fik set et spændende virvar af optrædener fra seks bud på dansk musiks fremtid.…

Today is intern Julie's last day! As always Yebo is furious to see the free labour go, but we can with absolute certaint...

Today is intern Julie's last day! As always Yebo is furious to see the free labour go, but we can with absolute certainty say that we endorse this product!

Even though half of the office was M.I.A. we kept to our ago old tradition of eating a couple of rugbrødshapsere at Restaurant Sundby Sejl - amazing food as always! We wish Julie the best of luck in her future ventures

Poe, Seb, Julie & Yebo attended the first ever Danish Indie Awards show called “Den Uafhængige” last night. 4 Crunchy ar...

Poe, Seb, Julie & Yebo attended the first ever Danish Indie Awards show called “Den Uafhængige” last night. 4 Crunchy artists were nominated: The Entrepreneurs (band), Yune (artwork), The Concrete Boys (artwork) and Ki (album). All our bands are WINNERS of course, but only TCB’s cover art designer Thit Bitsch received an award for “Sucking The Pope - and All That Vatican Dope” and was joined on stage by The Pope. His speech was short and to the point: “See you all in HELL!”.
Find links for all the nominated Crunchy releases in the comments and please consider buying these fine vinyl records.
Btw: The receiver of the first lifetime achievement award was Anekdote Michelsen, named after the famous song by Tothe International (link in comments). What an honour for Tothe.


Ki Change My Mind feat. Camilla Florentz - Music Video - OUT NOW!

Watch now:

Director: Peder Pedersen
Partner in crime: Jimmy Falinski
Starring Camilla Florentz & Christian Ki


New Ki! music video out tomorrow! 🥰


We are working on the new D/troit album, and the vinyl test pressing just arrived! Sounding crisp!


SIGN UP NOW! We spend so much 💲money💲 on this visual update of our newletter! We changed the background colour slighty!!! 😱
And it's actually a really fun read 🤓

New music video from Ki! will be out in 2 days! ✨Stay tuned, and in the meantime listen to the new album here: https://o...

New music video from Ki! will be out in 2 days! ✨
Stay tuned, and in the meantime listen to the new album here:

Director: Peder Pedersen
Partner in crime: Jimmy Falinski�
Starring Camilla Florentz & Christian Ki

Superheroes Igloo fylder 25 i år, og GAFFA Danmark har den med på deres jubilæumsliste! ❤️

Superheroes Igloo fylder 25 i år, og GAFFA Danmark har den med på deres jubilæumsliste! ❤️

En lang række store albums fra 2000 kan fejre jubilæum i år. Hvilket album er dit yndlings?

This bad boy turns 15 years today! 🎂As a birthday gift we give you, the Hands Of Light fan a deep-dive fun fact 🎈When do...

This bad boy turns 15 years today! 🎂
As a birthday gift we give you, the Hands Of Light fan a deep-dive fun fact 🎈
When doing promo for the album in France, the band visited 3 radio shows doing in-studio performances in two of them. On the same programmes they had another guest. An elderly French gentleman that liked the music and spoke fondly of the band in his interviews. This was by coincidence. It turned out to be the legendary French cartoonist Jean Giraud aka Moebius, which made label boss Yebo lose his s**t completely!
Now that you know this go get one of the 3 remaining CD's! Vinyls unfortunately sold out a looong time ago. 🩵


Nyrnberggade 29

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