The Vatican Must Be Prosecuted for Crimes Against Indigenous People in Violation of International Law
(This Petition is completely in German)
In 1890, after the last acts of war against the Indigenous population had ceased, re-education homes for Indigenous children were built in the U.S. and Canada, run by the Roman Catholic Church and subsidized by the government. These so-called "residential schools" were designed to keep children away from their culture, language, and identity as Indigenous people. They were brutally punished by both nuns and priests. They were sexually abused by priests and suffered psychological and physical trauma. In Canada, the last re-education home was closed in 1997. Even today, the indigenous population suffers from the horrors inflicted upon them. Alcohol, drugs, and a cycle of violence that does not break with succeeding generations are often part of the daily lives of these people. Let's give people back some of the justice they deserve. Let us work together to ensure that the institution responsible for this is held accountable and must contribute to both the release of documents and the prosecution of perpetrators.
Im Jahr 1890, nachdem die letzten Kriegshandlungen gegen die Indigene Bevölkerung eingestellt wurden, wurden in den USA und in Kanada Umerziehungsheime für Indigene Kinder gebaut, die von der Römisch Katholischen Kirche betrieben und vom Staat bezuschußt wurden. Diese sogenannten "residential Sc...