Research in Agricultural Engineering

Research in Agricultural Engineering An international peer-reviewed open access journal published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Česká akademie zemědělských věd pořádá Literární soutěž na zemědělská témata pro žáky mateřských, základních i středních...

Česká akademie zemědělských věd pořádá Literární soutěž na zemědělská témata pro žáky mateřských, základních i středních škol

V rámci 7. ročníku soutěže jsou stanovena dvě témata:

Pro vítězné práce ve všech kategoriích, které vybere hodnotící komise, jsou připraveny odměny.

7. ročník soutěže se koná pod záštitou ministra zemědělství Mgr. Marka Výborného a pod patronátem místostarostky Prahy 6 pro oblast školství Ing. Mariany Čapkové, MBA.

Více o soutěži se dozvíte na:

Děkujeme za sdílení :)

Pozvánka na workshop 📌Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na workshop na téma „Jíme s rozumem III“, který pořádá ČAZV, Odbor potrav...

Pozvánka na workshop 📌

Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na workshop na téma „Jíme s rozumem III“, který pořádá ČAZV, Odbor potravinářské technologie a techniky a Odbor výživy obyvatelstva a jakosti potravin ČAZV.

Workshop se koná dne 14. 11. 2024 od 9,30 do 12,00 hod. ve Velkém sále Domu zemědělské osvěty 100/7 na Praze 2.

Přijďte diskutovat na zajímavá témata týkající se správné výživy a stravování. Workshop je určený široké odborné i laické veřejnosti.

Publish in the Agricultural Journals of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences!Unique collection of 11 scientific ag...

Publish in the Agricultural Journals of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences!

Unique collection of 11 scientific agricultural journals!
10 journals indexed in Web of Science (Core Collection, IF), 11 journals indexed in Scopus and many international databases!


We are pleased to announce that Issue 3/2024 of the Research in Agricultural Engineering has been published online!Thank...

We are pleased to announce that Issue 3/2024 of the Research in Agricultural Engineering has been published online!

Thank you for sharing :).

The effect of parameter adjustment in sago palm classification-based convolutional neural network (CNN) model
Sri Murniani Angelina Letsoin, David Herák

Detecting adulteration in mustard oil using low-frequency dielectric spectroscopy
Venkatesh Mishra, Satyendra Pratap Singh, Sumit Kaur Bhatia, Vishal Singh Chandel, Rajiv Manohar

The effect of stimulants on the responsiveness and biorhythms of young operators of agricultural machinery
Veronika Hartová, Jan Hart

Advancements in fuzzy expert systems for site-specific nitrogen fertilisation: Incorporating RGB colour codes and irrigation schedules for precision maize production in Bangladesh
Bitopi Biswas, Mohammad Tariful Alam Khan, Mohammad Billal Hossain Momen, Mohammad. Rashedur Rahman Tanvir, Abu Mohammad Shahidul Alam, M Robiul Islam Islam

The efficiency of unmanned aerial vehicles application for rapeseed productivity in Ukraine
Fedir Melnychuk, Svitlana Alekseeva, Oleksandra Hordiienko, Oleksii Nychyporuk, Andrii Borysenko, Nataliia Didenko

Effect of physical energy on germination and seedling vigor of alfalfa seeds (Medicago sativa L.)
Ali Hajizadeh Namin, Abbas Akbarnia, Rouzbeh Abbaszadeh, Ali Zenouzi, Majid Masoumia


An international open access peer-reviewed journal published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences and financed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. Published since 1954 (by 1999 under the title Zemědělská technika)

Na sekretariát ČAZV hledáme kolegu/kolegyni na pozici asistentka ředitelky!Více informací na:

Na sekretariát ČAZV hledáme kolegu/kolegyni na pozici asistentka ředitelky!

Více informací na:


Připomínáme náš ONLINE WORKSHOP pro začínající i zkušené autory vědeckých článků ✍️📌

Workshop „Piš a publikuj aneb Jak připravit rukopis pro vědecký časopis“ se uskuteční online v úterý 24. září 2024 od 13 hodin. Odkaz pro připojení naleznete na našich webových stránkách:

Pro registraci nás kontaktujte na emailu [email protected].
Těšíme se na Vaši účast.


Publish in the Research in Agricultural Engineering journal!

- International open access journal
- Published quarterly online and in printed version
- Peer-reviewed (double-blind)
- Publication free of charge


„100 let České akademie zemědělských věd“ v časopise AgromanuálV srpnovém čísle časopisu Agromanuál byl publikován článe...

„100 let České akademie zemědělských věd“ v časopise Agromanuál

V srpnovém čísle časopisu Agromanuál byl publikován článek o 100letém výročí České akademie zemědělských věd. V článku se dočtete o historii ČAZV, struktuře odborů a jejich směřování.

Celý článek naleznete v časopise Agromanuál na str. 52-54 nebo na adrese:

Presentation of CAAS journals in WarsawJournals published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences: Plant Protectio...

Presentation of CAAS journals in Warsaw

Journals published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences: Plant Protection Science (PPS), Plant Soil and Environment (PSE) and Research in Agricultural Engineering (RAE) were presented at the 5th International Conference On Enviromental Geotechnology, Recycled Waste Materials And Sustainable Engineering held in Warsaw, Poland. We thank to by Ing. Jan Winkler, Ph.D., member of the Plant Protecton Science Editorial Board for the presentation.

Conference website:

CAAS journals web:

We are pleased to inform you that Issue 2/2024 of the Research of Agricultural Engineering has been published online!Lin...

We are pleased to inform you that Issue 2/2024 of the Research of Agricultural Engineering has been published online!


Location-specific technology transfer model in an agricultural technology park, Indonesia
Harmi Andrianyta, Elisa Anggraeni, Sapta Raharja, Sukardi Sukardi

Drying and color kinetics of decorticated queen pineapple (Ananas comosus Linn.) fiber bleached with hydrogen peroxide solution
Roger Jay Lamadrid De Vela, Arnold Recidocruz Elepano

Application of the physical properties of local cowpea varieties in the development of a multi-variety cowpea cleaner
Babatunde Olusola Adetifa, Elizabeth Ayobami Olumomi, Taiwo Moses Samuel, Ayoola Abiola Babalola

Study on parameters affecting vibration in height adjustment of a combine harvester header model
Kittikhun Prasertkan, Prathuang Usaborisut, Krittatee Jindawong, Kiatkong Suwannakij, Anusorn Iamrurksiri

Influence of soil tillage technology on tillage erosion
Jaroslav Korba, Pavel Brož, Josef Hůla, Petr Novák, Václav Novák

Digital image processing for preliminary detection of infected porang (Amorphophallus muelleri) seedlings
Aryanis Mutia Zahra, Noveria Anggi Nurrahmah, Sri Rahayoe, Rudiati Evi Masithoh, Muhammad Fahri Reza Pahlawan, Laila Rahmawati

IPB University Camarines Norte State College University of the Philippines Los Baños Olabisi Onabanjo University Ago Iwoye Kasetsart University Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze Universitas Gadjah Mada Agricultural Machinery پوهنځی زراعت-پوهنتون پروان Agriculture Faculty of Parwan University Agricultural Engineering Society Njala University - AES JF Agricultural Engineering Výzkumný ústav zemědělské techniky

We are pleased to announce that Issue 2/2024 of the Research of Agricultural Engineering has been published online!Link:...

We are pleased to announce that Issue 2/2024 of the Research of Agricultural Engineering has been published online!


Thank you for sharing :)

Location-specific technology transfer model in an agricultural technology park, Indonesia
Harmi Andrianyta, Elisa Anggraeni, Sapta Raharja, Sukardi Sukardi

Drying and color kinetics of decorticated queen pineapple (Ananas comosus Linn.) fiber bleached with hydrogen peroxide solution
Roger Jay Lamadrid De Vela, Arnold Recidocruz Elepano

Application of the physical properties of local cowpea varieties in the development of a multi-variety cowpea cleaner
Babatunde Olusola Adetifa, Elizabeth Ayobami Olumomi, Taiwo Moses Samuel, Ayoola Abiola Babalola

Study on parameters affecting vibration in height adjustment of a combine harvester header model
Kittikhun Prasertkan, Prathuang Usaborisut, Krittatee Jindawong, Kiatkong Suwannakij, Anusorn Iamrurksiri

Influence of soil tillage technology on tillage erosion
Jaroslav Korba, Pavel Brož, Josef Hůla, Petr Novák, Václav Novák

Digital image processing for preliminary detection of infected porang (Amorphophallus muelleri) seedlings
Aryanis Mutia Zahra, Noveria Anggi Nurrahmah, Sri Rahayoe, Rudiati Evi Masithoh, Muhammad Fahri Reza Pahlawan, Laila Rahmawati


Universitas Gadjah Mada Agricultural Engineering Society Njala University - AES Agricultural Machinery Agriculture Engineering Hub Agricultural Science Engineering & Technology Agricultural Technology Management Agency - ATMA West Bengal Výzkumný ústav zemědělské techniky JF Agricultural Engineering AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Agricultural Engineering پوهنځی زراعت-پوهنتون پروان Agriculture Faculty of Parwan University Agricultural Engineering Society Njala University - AES Kasetsart University Olabisi Onabanjo University Ibogun Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State University of the Philippines Los Baños

Babatunde Olusola Adetifa, Elizabeth Ayobami Olumomi, Taiwo Moses Samuel, Ayoola Abiola Babalola

Read this interesting article: "Application of the physical properties of local cowpea varieties in the development of a...

Read this interesting article: "Application of the physical properties of local cowpea varieties in the development of a multi-variety cowpea cleaner"

Babatunde Olusola Adetifa, Elizabeth Ayobami Olumomi, Taiwo Moses Samuel, Ayoola Abiola Babalola"


Read this interesting article: "Study on parameters affecting vibration in height adjustment of a combine harvester head...

Read this interesting article: "Study on parameters affecting vibration in height adjustment of a combine harvester header mode"

Kittikhun Prasertkan, Prathuang Usaborisut, Krittatee Jindawong, Kiatkong Suwannakij, Anusorn Iamrurksiri


Read this interesting article: "Drying and color kinetics of decorticated queen pineapple (Ananas comosus Linn.) fiber b...

Read this interesting article: "Drying and color kinetics of decorticated queen pineapple (Ananas comosus Linn.) fiber bleached with hydrogen peroxide solution

Roger Jay Lamadrid De Vela, Arnold Recidocruz Elepano


Read this intersting article: "Location-specific technology transfer model in an agricultural technology park, Indonesia...

Read this intersting article: "Location-specific technology transfer model in an agricultural technology park, Indonesia

Harmi Andrianyta, Elisa Anggraeni, Sapta Raharja, Sukardi Sukardi


Harmi Andrianyta, Elisa Anggraeni, Sapta Raharja, Sukardi Sukardi

Rozhovor s editorem časopisu Research in Agricultural Engineering prof. Dr. Ing. Františkem KumhálouČasopis Research in ...

Rozhovor s editorem časopisu Research in Agricultural Engineering prof. Dr. Ing. Františkem Kumhálou

Časopis Research in Agricultural Engineering (RAE) vychází již od roku 1954. Tehdy vycházel pod názvem Zemědělská technika. K příležitosti výročí 70 let existence časopisu přinášíme rozhovor s jeho editorem prof. Dr. Ing. Františkem Kumhálou.

Rozhovor s prof. Kumhálou najdete na:

Více informací o časopise najdete na

Editorial Board Meeting – Research in Agricultural Engineering – May 29th, 2024The international Editorial Board (EB) me...

Editorial Board Meeting – Research in Agricultural Engineering – May 29th, 2024

The international Editorial Board (EB) meeting of the journal Research in Agricultural Engineering (RAE) took place on 29 May 2024 as a videoconference. The Editor-in-Chief, František Kumhála, summarised the current situation of the journal, the possibilities of its further development, the development of the value of the Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) and inclusion in the quartile. Another crucial topic was preparing to apply for the RAE journal's inclusion in the Web of Science database. In this context, the members were informed about restructuring the RAE EB's membership base. The Executive editor emphasized the importance of promoting the journal. EB members promised promotion at conferences abroad. It was reminded that in 2024, the RAE journal will celebrate its 70th anniversary, and at the same time, the CAAS publishing house will celebrate its 100th anniversary. At the end of the meeting, the Editor-in-chief thanked everyone for their cooperation and support of the journal. The next meeting of the Editorial Board is scheduled for November 2024.

Journal website:

An international open access peer-reviewed journal published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences and financed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. Published since 1954 (by 1999 under the title Zemědělská technika)

Srdečně Vás zveme na workshop pořádaný Českou akademií zemědělských věd:,,Piš a publikuj aneb Jak připravit rukopis pro ...

Srdečně Vás zveme na workshop pořádaný Českou akademií zemědělských věd:

,,Piš a publikuj aneb Jak připravit rukopis pro vědecký časopis“, který se bude konat dne 18. 6. 2024, od 13:00h – do 15:00h,
Velký sál Domu zemědělské osvěty, Slezská 100/7, Praha 2.

Workshop je určen pro začínající i zkušenější autory vědeckých článků. Prosíme o sdílení na Vaše kolegy, a především na PhD. studenty. Děkujeme.

Harmonogram workshopu:
1. Úvod
2. Představení ČAZV jako organizace
3. Proč publikovat a jak začít psát
4. Podmínky pro přijetí rukopisu do recenzního řízení
5. Životní cyklus článku
6. Redakční systém
7. Publikační etika, citace
8. Diskuze
9. Závěr

Přijďte získat informace důležité pro začínající i zkušené autory vědeckých článků. Těšíme se na Vás.
Z důvodu omezené kapacity sálu, přihlášení na akci probíhá na emailové adrese [email protected].

Účast na akci je zdarma. Více informací na

Publish in the Research in Agricultural Engineering!Traditional European journal - this year Volume 70 is being publishe...

Publish in the Research in Agricultural Engineering!
Traditional European journal - this year Volume 70 is being published!

Thank you for sharing :)

- Open access international journal
- Peer-reviewed (double-blind)
- Published online and in print
- Traditional european journal - this year Volume 70 !
- International Editorial Board
- Published in English

Follow the journal on X:
Journal website:

Zhytomyr State Technological University Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, MATE - former SZIU Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University Agricultural Engineers University Of Debrecen Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University Agricultural Technology Management Agency - ATMA West Bengal Dr.Annasaheb Shinde College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology,Rahuri Agricultural Engineering/Agricultural & BioSystems Engineering Agricultural Engineering - AAED Farmers Technology Agricultural Learning Center

Publish in the Research in Agricultural Engineering!- Open access international journal- Peer-reviewed (double-blind)- P...

Publish in the Research in Agricultural Engineering!
- Open access international journal
- Peer-reviewed (double-blind)
- Published online and in print
- Traditional european journal - this year Volume 70 !
- International Editorial Board
- Published in English

Journal website:

Děkujeme za sdílení 🙂Srdečně Vás zveme na workshop pořádaný Českou akademií zemědělských věd:,,Piš a publikuj aneb Jak p...

Děkujeme za sdílení 🙂

Srdečně Vás zveme na workshop pořádaný Českou akademií zemědělských věd:

,,Piš a publikuj aneb Jak připravit rukopis pro vědecký časopis“, který se bude konat dne 18. 6. 2024, od 13:00h – do 15:00h,
Velký sál Domu zemědělské osvěty, Slezská 100/7, Praha 2.

Workshop je určen pro začínající i zkušenější autory vědeckých článků. Prosíme o sdílení na Vaše kolegy, a především na PhD. studenty. Děkujeme.

Harmonogram workshopu:
1. Úvod
2. Představení ČAZV jako organizace
3. Proč publikovat a jak začít psát
4. Podmínky pro přijetí rukopisu do recenzního řízení
5. Životní cyklus článku
6. Redakční systém
7. Publikační etika, citace
8. Diskuze
9. Závěr
Přijďte získat informace důležité pro začínající i zkušené autory vědeckých článků. Těšíme se na Vás.

Z důvodu omezené kapacity sálu, přihlášení na akci probíhá na emailové adrese [email protected].
Účast na akci je zdarma. Více informací na

We are pleased to announce that Issue 1/2024 of the Research in Agricultural Engineering has been published online!Thank...

We are pleased to announce that Issue 1/2024 of the Research in Agricultural Engineering has been published online!

Thank you for sharing :)


The state of agricultural digitalisation in Hungary - Review
Dániel Fróna

Enhancing melon yield through a low-cost drip irrigation control system with time and soil sensor
Thawatchai Thongleam, Kriengkrai Meethaworn, Sanya Kuankid

Fabrication and performance test of a multipurpose ohmic heating apparatus with a real-time data logging system based on low-cost sensors
Diang Sagita, Dadang Dayat Hidayat, Doddy Andy Darmajana, Ari Rahayuningtyas, Hari Hariadi

Energy and carbon dioxide emission analysis of a batch-mode paddy drying process in a rotary dryer
Dewi Qurrota A’yuni, Dede Kurniawan, Muhammad Pradhipta Irwanda Prayoga, Andri Cahyo Kumoro, Mohamad Djaeni, Agus Subagio

Comparison of experimental and numerical results on flow uniformity of seeds transmitted from the studded feed rolle
Mustafa Gokalp Boydas

Reconstructed military machine for unique field testing of agricultural machinery capabilities
Kornél Szalay, Jiří Souček, Gábor Bércesi, Adrienn Bablena, Kovács Lászlo, Sayakhat Orazovich Nukeshev, Savelii Kuharets, Volodymyr Kravchuk, Gennadii Golub, Antonín Machálek, Aleksandr Vladimirovich Dobrinov

University of Debrecen University Of Debrecen Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University ตึกedu Npru Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University. Watermelon Breeding Universitas Diponegoro Universitas Diponegoro Atatürk University Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, MATE - former SZIU Hungarian University of Fine Arts Výzkumný ústav zemědělské techniky Kazakh Agrotechnical University Zhytomyr State Technological University National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Agriculture Engineering Hub Agricultural Engineers Agricultural Engineering - AAED Agricultural Science Engineering & Technology Agricultural Machinery

Read this interesting article: "Comparison of experimental and numerical results on flow uniformity of seeds transmitted...

Read this interesting article: "Comparison of experimental and numerical results on flow uniformity of seeds transmitted from the studded feed roller"

Authors: Mustafa Gokalp Boyda

Thank you for sharing :)


Atatürk University Agricultural Engineering Society Njala University - AES Agriculture Engineering-Alexandria university Agriculture Engineering Hub Department of Agricultural Engineering, Peradeniya Agricultural engineering Agriculture machinery for sale..... KISAN Agriculture Academy Agricultural Machinery Faculty Of Agricultural Engineering,UAF Faculty of Agricultural Engineering &Technology Agricultural Engineering - Parul University Faculty of Agricultural Engineering &Technology Department of Agricultural Engineering, Peradeniya Agricultural Engineering Department Bahawalpur Official Agricultural Machinery Transport Vehicles, Wheeled , Tracked Machi Agricultural Machinery Agricultural Machinery & Technologies

Read this interesting article: "Energy and carbon dioxide emission analysis of a batch-mode paddy drying process in a ro...

Read this interesting article: "Energy and carbon dioxide emission analysis of a batch-mode paddy drying process in a rotary dryer"

Dewi Qurrota A’yuni, Dede Kurniawan, Muhammad Pradhipta Irwanda Prayoga, Andri Cahyo Kumoro, Mohamad Djaeni, Agus Subagio

Thank you for sharing :)


Published Online First in the Research in Agricultural Engineering!

Universitas Diponegoro Universitas Diponegoro Carbondioxide Carbondioxide Agricultural emissions research levy Agriculture machinery Agriculture Engineering Hub KISAN Agriculture Academy Agriculture Engineering-Alexandria university Pollution Control Officers in the Agriculture & Livestock Industry Agriculture Research Pakistan Agriculture Research Federal college of Animal Health and Production, moor plantation ibadan Agriculture Technology Dr.Annasaheb Shinde College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology,Rahuri


Slezská 100/7



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Pošlete zprávu Research in Agricultural Engineering:


Research in Agricultural Engineering

International open access peer-reviewed scientific journal.

Thematic scope

original scientific papers, short communications, information, and studies covering all areas of agricultural engineering, agricultural technology, processing of agricultural products, countryside buildings and related problems from ecology, energetics, economy, ergonomy and applied physics and chemistry.

Mediálních Společností v blízkosti

Ostatní mediálních společností ve měste Praha

Ukázat Vše