Agricultural Economics

Agricultural Economics An international peer-reviewed open access journal on Agricultural Economics and Policy WoS IF (2020): 1.711

An international peer-reviewed open access journal published under the auspices of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Read this interesting article: "How does climate shock affect technology adoption in rice production?"Authors: Thai Phan...

Read this interesting article: "How does climate shock affect technology adoption in rice production?"

Authors: Thai Phan Nguyen, Duc Kien Nguyen, Quang Dung Truong


Thai Phan Nguyen, Duc Kien Nguyen, Quang Dung Truong

Read this interesting article: "The role of primary producers in agricultural waste management: Perceptions and challeng...

Read this interesting article: "The role of primary producers in agricultural waste management: Perceptions and challenges in the transition to a circular economy"

Authors: Francisco José Castillo-Díaz, Luis Jesus Belmonte-Ureña, Fernando Diánez-Martínez, Francisco Camacho-Ferre


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Francisco José Castillo-Díaz, Luis Jesus Belmonte-Ureña, Fernando Diánez-Martínez, Francisco Camacho-Ferre

Dear authors,On behalf of the Editorial Board of the Agricultural Economics – Czech journal, we invite submissions in th...

Dear authors,
On behalf of the Editorial Board of the Agricultural Economics – Czech journal, we invite submissions in the thematic issue:

“Bioeconomic strategies and systems as tools for achieving sustainable agriculture and rural development“.

Guest Editors for the thematic issue:
Associate Professor Eva Cudlínová (University of South Bohemia)
Professor Miloslav Lapka (University of South Bohemia)
Professor Sandy Rikoon (University of Missouri)

More information about the thematic issue can be found on:

Manuscript submission information:
Authors are invited to submit original research articles related to the theme of the issue. Submissions must adhere to the journal's guidelines and be submitted through the online submission system. Authors must submit a cover letter, stating their intent to publish in the thematic issue, along with the manuscript. The inclusion of the manuscript in the thematic issue is at the discretion of the Editorial Board.
Manuscripts submitted to this thematic issue will be peer-reviewed and will be subjected to the standard manuscript handling fee.
Papers should be original, unpublished, and not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Detailed Instructions for authors can be found on the journal homepage.

Important dates:
Submission open: May 1, 2024
Submission deadline: January 31, 2025

Subject: Statement on Copyright and Publication Ethics ViolationDear Readers,We wish to inform our readers, authors, and...

Subject: Statement on Copyright and Publication Ethics Violation

Dear Readers,

We wish to inform our readers, authors, and partners that we have identified a serious infringement of copyright and publication ethics involving the unauthorized replication of articles originally published by us. These articles have been reproduced without permission, with changes to author names and formatting, in publications of another publisher. Such actions represent a clear violation of international copyright laws and ethical standards in academic publishing.

We are addressing this matter with the utmost seriousness and have already initiated formal steps to ensure the removal of the unauthorized content. At the same time, we are working to implement safeguards that will prevent similar issues in the future.

As a trusted academic publisher, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethics. We are collaborating with relevant authorities and oversight bodies to resolve this situation transparently and effectively, while continuing to protect the intellectual property of our authors and the academic community.

We deeply appreciate the trust and support of our authors and readers as we navigate this challenging situation. Please rest assured that we remain dedicated to fostering a publishing environment built on respect, ethical practices, and academic excellence. For further inquiries or updates, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

…………………………………….. ……………………………………

prof. Ing. Radim Vácha, Ph.D. Ing. Hana Urbancová, Ph.D., DBA

Chairman of the Publishing Board Director of the CAAS, statutory body

We are pleased to announce that Issue 12/2024 of the Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika) published by the Czec...

We are pleased to announce that Issue 12/2024 of the Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika) published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences has been published online!


Impact assessment of climate change at farm level: A methodological approach nased on integrated biophysical and economic models
Tatiana Bullová, Zuzana Bajusová, Peter Bielik, Erwin Schmid, Rastislav Skalský, Jozef Takáč, Viktória Benďáková, Izabela Adamičková, Natália Turčeková, Ján Jobbágy

Agribusiness resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of credit constraints
Ekin Ayse Özsuca

Agrarian change through sustainable agri-tech adoption in a challenging rice farming region: A panel data analysis
Faruque As Sunny, Juping Lan, Mohammad Ariful Islam

Market entry strategy and export destination in the Spanish wine industry
Raul Serrano, Juan Ramón Ferrer, Silvia Abella, Vicente Pinilla

Agricultural Economics, scientific papers, open access journal, international

Dear authors, reviewers, colleagues and friends,As we close another year, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your valuab...

Dear authors, reviewers, colleagues and friends,

As we close another year, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your valuable contributions to the success of our journals.

May this holiday season bring you peace, joy, and cherished moments with loved ones. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year filled with happiness and success!

Warm regards,
The Agriculture Journals Team

Visit the unique collection of the scientific agricultural open access journals published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences:

Invitation for authors: THEMATIC ISSUE - BIOECONOMIC STRATEGIES AND SYSTEMS - thank you for sharing :)Submission deadlin...

Invitation for authors: THEMATIC ISSUE - BIOECONOMIC STRATEGIES AND SYSTEMS - thank you for sharing :)

Submission deadline: January 31, 2025 !!!

Dear authors,
On behalf of the Editorial Board of the Agricultural Economics – Czech journal, we invite submissions in the thematic issue:
“Bioeconomic strategies and systems as tools for achieving sustainable agriculture and rural development“.

Guest Editors for the thematic issue:
Associate Professor Eva Cudlínová (University of South Bohemia)
Professor Miloslav Lapka (University of South Bohemia)
Professor Sandy Rikoon (University of Missouri)

More information about the thematic issue can be found here:

Editorial Board Meeting – Agricultural Economics – Czech, December 17th, 2024On December 17th, 2024, an online meeting o...

Editorial Board Meeting – Agricultural Economics – Czech, December 17th, 2024

On December 17th, 2024, an online meeting of the Editorial Board of the journal Agricultural Economics (AE) took place. The meeting was conducted in English and included international participants, underscoring the journal's international orientation. The meeting was led by the Editor-in-Chief, prof. Ing. Lukáš Čechura, Ph.D. The Executive Editor, Ing. Zdeňka Náglová, Ph.D., presented the current status of the journal, focusing on its citation metrics and an overview of editorial processes. The subsequent discussion primarily addressed the planning of thematic issues and collaboration with the IAMO Forum conference.

Journal website:

Publish in the agricultural scientific journals published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences!A unique collect...

Publish in the agricultural scientific journals published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences!

A unique collection of 11 peer-reviewed scientific journals covering most of the branches of agricultural and food production areas!

Indexed in main world databases: Web of Science (10), Scopus (all), DOAJ (all), and many others.

Read and publish in the CAAS journals:

We are pleased to announce that Issue 11/2024 of the Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika) has been published on...

We are pleased to announce that Issue 11/2024 of the Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika) has been published online!


Unravelling risk factors in Turkish wheat in a changing global landscape
Huseyin Tayyar Guldal, Ozdal Koksal, Osman Orkan Ozer, Onur Terzi, Erdogan Gunes, Aysegul Selisik

Credit evaluation and rating system for farmers’ loans in the context of agricultural supply chain financing based on AHP-ELECTRE III
Shangjia Guo, Rong Niu, Yanbo Zhao

Did the COVID-19 pandemic disturb intra-EU trade in agrifood products? Evidence from a counterfactual forecasting approach
Mariusz Hamulczuk, Karolina Pawlak, Daniel Sumner, Grzegorz Szafrański

Micro-data efficiency evaluation of agricultural companies: The case of Germany and neighbouring countries
Kevin Nowag, Jitka Janová

Dear authors,On behalf of the Editorial Board of the Agricultural Economics – Czech journal, we invite submissions in th...

Dear authors,
On behalf of the Editorial Board of the Agricultural Economics – Czech journal, we invite submissions in the thematic issue:
“Bioeconomic strategies and systems as tools for achieving sustainable agriculture and rural development“.
Guest Editors for the thematic issue:
Associate Professor Eva Cudlínová (University of South Bohemia)
Professor Miloslav Lapka (University of South Bohemia)
Professor Sandy Rikoon (University of Missouri)
More information about the thematic issue can be found here:

Journal website:

Manuscript submission information:
Authors are invited to submit original research articles related to the theme of the issue. Submissions must adhere to the journal's guidelines and be submitted through the online submission system. Authors must submit a cover letter, stating their intent to publish in the thematic issue, along with the manuscript. The inclusion of the manuscript in the thematic issue is at the discretion of the Editorial Board.
Manuscripts submitted to this thematic issue will be peer-reviewed and will be subjected to the standard manuscript handling fee.
Papers should be original, unpublished, and not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Detailed Instructions for authors can be found on the journal homepage.
Important dates:
Submission open: May 1, 2024
Submission deadline: December 31, 2024

Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na interaktivní seminář na téma„Výpočet uhlíkové stopy v zemědělství“, který pořádá Česká akade...

Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na interaktivní seminář na téma
„Výpočet uhlíkové stopy v zemědělství“,
který pořádá Česká akademie zemědělských věd (ČAZV).

18. 11. 2024, v čase 9:30–12:00
Velký sál Domu zemědělské osvěty, Slezská 100/7, Praha 2

Harmonogram akce:
09:30 – 09:45 Úvodní slovo a představení programu
09:45 – 10:30 Přednáška: Výpočet uhlíkové stopy v zemědělství
10:30 – 10:45 Přestávka na občerstvení
10:45 – 11:30 Workshop: Praktické zkušenosti se sběrem dat
11:30 – 12:00 Diskuze: Propojení na dotace a nefinanční
reporting dle CSRD

Víte, jak se vypočítává uhlíková stopa v zemědělství a jak
ovlivňuje dotace a reporting firem?

Přijďte se dozvědět více o těchto aktuálních tématech!

Česká akademie zemědělských věd pořádá Literární soutěž na zemědělská témata pro žáky mateřských, základních i středních...

Česká akademie zemědělských věd pořádá Literární soutěž na zemědělská témata pro žáky mateřských, základních i středních škol

V rámci 7. ročníku soutěže jsou stanovena dvě témata:

Pro vítězné práce ve všech kategoriích, které vybere hodnotící komise, jsou připraveny odměny.

7. ročník soutěže se koná pod záštitou ministra zemědělství Mgr. Marka Výborného a pod patronátem místostarostky Prahy 6 pro oblast školství Ing. Mariany Čapkové, MBA.

Více o soutěži se dozvíte na:

Děkujeme za sdílení :)

We are pleased to announce that Issue 10/2024 of the Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika) jourhal has been publ...

We are pleased to announce that Issue 10/2024 of the Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika) jourhal has been published online!


Thank you for sharing :)

Are there trade-offs between animal welfare and egg-producing farm efficiency?
David Hampel, Markéta Matulová, Martina Lichovníková, Jitka Janová

Driving factors of green production behaviour among farmers of different scales: Evidence from North China
Yong Liu, Jixin Yang, Guanghong Zhang, Xufeng Cui

Strategic interactions and market equilibrium in China’s agricultural catastrophic insurance
Xiaolan Wang, Xinli Wang, Jundi Liu, Jing Wang

How does urbanisation affect agricultural economic resilience? Evidence from China
Ruihan Wang, Zheng Lu, Chunyu Tang

Agricultural Economics, scientific papers, open access journal, international

Pozvánka na workshop 📌Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na workshop na téma „Jíme s rozumem III“, který pořádá ČAZV, Odbor potrav...

Pozvánka na workshop 📌

Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na workshop na téma „Jíme s rozumem III“, který pořádá ČAZV, Odbor potravinářské technologie a techniky a Odbor výživy obyvatelstva a jakosti potravin ČAZV.

Workshop se koná dne 14. 11. 2024 od 9,30 do 12,00 hod. ve Velkém sále Domu zemědělské osvěty 100/7 na Praze 2.

Přijďte diskutovat na zajímavá témata týkající se správné výživy a stravování. Workshop je určený široké odborné i laické veřejnosti.

Read this interesting article: "Are there trade-offs between animal welfare and egg-producing farm efficiency?"David Ham...

Read this interesting article: "Are there trade-offs between animal welfare and egg-producing farm efficiency?"

David Hampel, Markéta Matulová, Martina Lichovníková, Jitka Janová


Mendelova univerzita v Brně

David Hampel, Markéta Matulová, Martina Lichovníková, Jitka Janová


Slezská 100/7


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