Our Story
PubAffairs brings together every dimension of the European Union policy making process
PubAffairs EU News & debates is the page of the PubAffairs Bruxelles Editorial team. Since 2013 PubAffairs Bruxelles has been providing its followers with the latest cutting-edge EU-related issues.
Pubaffairs Bruxelles (www.pubaffairsbruxelles.eu) is a membership-based organisation created to foster understanding, transparency and participation in the work of the European Union.
PubAffairs Bruxelles aims at creating an open platform for debate, information exchange as well as the development of ideas among its members, establishing a diverse community. PubAffairs Bruxelles welcomes participants from public and regulatory bodies such as associations, federations, NGOs, as well as regional, national and European Institutions.
We also welcome participants from the private sector, including consultancies, corporations and business. In addition, as one of PubAffairs Bruxelles fundamental principles is to represent as far as possible the range of individuals concerned with the European Union policy making, we believe that the participation of academics, think-tanks, researchers, the media and the wider civil society enriches the debate further