Green Knutsen Forrester

Green Knutsen Forrester Politician Espen's page to get us some rewards hopefully and keep our air, forrest and lakes happy an


Maintenancej jobs best possible without capital updates
Maintenace Google social documents for commercial income
UPdate apps to strong reliability robot effectiveness
Strenghten discipline on N**i behaviour healing
Work on new NGO job work assigments
Toughen up on Brussels hope dream and desires no s*x offered at home obvisouly
Strenghten on Lillesand loosers discplines
Focus on formal effects of Captain stage
Work on Nato shape hqs assignments as usueal
Focus efforts towards Good Frankfurt recaptures adequacies stage
Work on steelwire problems of mental stazioverlordships na**sm behaviours in hostpital and føkk team and r'ævva
Focus on fulfilling duties of permissability
Work on strengthening energy efficiencies see if I can handle some "coldfruits" again now
Work on premature maturing obligterations nits and buy more blue and licorice admissably fully anyway on the ellven torture years wuhuuu this is gonna go well no n**i guardians ??????? MURDERERS????????
Try to reassign Brussels ten group paid handsomly for a long healing talk 2 hours easy goings handsome payments were in sir
Work on diffuculties I experience on Sage and Core journal compliancies and exam features recents 8 little encoutered perhaps hire Wonik im in
Truly refocus synergies towards plus500 for adequate incomes and not calling Dad humble embarassments brilliant little job it is

1 win courtcase
2 put on my scripture heals app for the 90 not 10 or 70-80 ehehe (not 120 not 180 Bjorbekk)
3 Sociology and Office Studies for the N**is
4 Broccoli analysis
5 Plus 500
6 Good books on European Union
7 Good books on Political sciences


Whateva I'm Constantin too...

"7 World Wars coming up" antihistamines

You actually do think Yellow Pukescum N**ipirates Mafia wheeeeezling and deeeehhhzzzxling are "the economy save"? I spit back at you yes I do Hrishy and Whose pukers!! Apart from Stazis not handling the work !!! ???? I didn't get the books either sir their shaize pukes and this administrator is a wonderful person Nustad. Yes there's Stazism to it sir of not knowing the big problems too at root cause sir.... To Actually Handle It.... and fffffs no Social Media Secret even final analysis more provided guruism of media than knowledge like the Nike reveal PhD root cause devoured 1 sent to FIVH paid .... Oh get.....



Mood tired

Green Knutsen Forrester




Rigntons hihi

Hurray were so happy we have peace deal


Time passed six h, big decisions 17, small 210 necc strict limits obeyed


I truly can't handle this noise much longer pler candidates okey okey we need jobs yes sir it's interesting temporary prime junta forzed by Nato okey okey

I Edwin Meyer want to run ehhhh okeyyyy green grey yes okeyyy boring committee okey ?? Yeah yeah I allow

I Welsh Nuttier un no unallowed mcchartier okey Fu

Other list here three h ago okey

We in Verdier and sardonistic ar****le from Vienna and Venize like okey a bit fascist but very very sturdy Politics Trains and Busses stuff Workers and Black bottoms on top of black browns okei ?? Good

Slakter Winther real man behind Reynolds Arthur Espen double schooled class and calmsane once Arthur night duty and PLR on three planets admittedly with Espen twice US President Democrat Liberal Christian plenty ok Goddi

Politician Camus our third True Blue Anarchist with Green odd but surprisingly nice combo for more administrative pressures admittedly less focused on than prevv Very schooled in Politics very decent and strong at synergetic flows goooood

Election twenty min Electorate


Whats this nasty nasty nasty fatalism on I based on??

# not a swatskikaaaakaaakaaaaakaaajævel !!!!!


The fun thing is we do have to accept a thesis before we, can write fully professors :%%%%%%%%%%%%%


yes Jens Ottars thesis on china us ties in trade with globalisations resistances ... yes we had to be careful aboyt exposing you guys thanks lillesand and venice trieste cascais casablanca too a bit less reading vagabond the kids yes ;( yes i have security privelege for a few reveals and our own issues apology apology okok fufufufufu we argue the 30 grand wont make them globetrotters but productive jonas, finally hit home we had four ma students write it yes sir Financial Tines you may write lse approved Jens Ottar and head back too Espen sparked a revolution at the Fed heard yes :% we invited the poor chap to tech it him f self too btw hihi ehehe


shes doin real welfare percents blueprumps now? yes sir it was twenty thirty percent five years ago no? It dosent take mobney?? Ehehehe


I had deck of cards une #2 Gunnar Johnson on me yes and #4 and #8 ia yes if Ødegård isn't the real ok king 1 #14 yes Osman too he's rather okey compared yes he's extreme in person sir oh, so he's a bit fixable yes ok we found #3/5 Olav Kyrre Bjugn too and Older youth yes theire rank une not uno yes ok I think they punch out a Gunnar K and three more top thirty fifty no twenty?? Fifty ttytt GK oh great confirmed so GK is the real terror admiral bit bison yes that was my "scoop" on the deck but Tvedt Tarik Ingamas and Silja Elia Andersen are sick important hiddens too they keep evil disclosure going we figured yes and real bossing apart from sl Qaida osmansk fighting them and mexico they, say a good number four after Medellin with Gunnars "standards" pirates half attached ok ok fifth yes uncle Michael and the bootrumpies blacks?? Believe black market is the real s**t yes and smuggling ok ok rising his head you have Mia yes it's a Mercianos ;( ;) ok ;) okey :) tias condition our backyards get confirmed Mom he's not a client btw no what then he's proud to gift a little :) :) I think Luciano Moussi is roaming around Europe organizing to the interbases fascistafieds fu ØØ yes confirmed rather true globals bingo

To The Gorilla I, Magnus M, is Torau Naud, I work ID


1 I apologize humbly for victims of Opus Dei and their Crime church with Buddah robbers class Shaizing on the Capitals Work regulations and Wallets.

2 I apologize humbly for victims of NYC UN HQ and White House staff Shaizing on The Good Plus World and our Property and Front figures, work regulations and Wallets of Capital and Social Leaders figthers.

3 I apologize humbly for victims of Banc of America and Dubai and Opus Dei Diond Smugglers Antwerp T2 effect Shaizing on Capital Wallets and properness.

4 I apologize humbly for victims of Crime Inc RHK dismissed and GK Shaizing on Capital Wallets and Work Regulations and Botherments.

5 I apologize humbly for forty percent of 5000 made it's not donating their adequate share of profits neither good collection by 30 percent of good benefied donators from corporates profits.


i just regained some consciousness,

"" is there a peoples uprising against economic dependecies churning from the us to nordics and fifth world disruption whitieyellow agression ambition cøntries dismantling mncs corporate power and interdependencies hitching on to n**i hackers bums and reegon criminals with china regain target and a reprump blue excuse conscience for real denialism? yes sir stipendiat at law :) albeit to them politically eatable ? confd and predominant n**i mafia exploit GK takover plan of deep power stazisteel herringfood society target from the seven european "army bases" of yellowwar to brown authoritarianism backed by a hestitant California? yes confd ;(, Lillesand? yes confd ;( and UN HQs rather unwittingly even?? ""

confirmed sir Secret General its a fourty year plan meeting problems on democracys popularity sir

1 We didnt get to globalization travel sir and spent it for real on home beauty beyond.

maybe we should bite it ceos colleagues too and apologize for stuff i need a vacation bad too okok ;(

2 China is taking all the gold and cash.

3 whatever we do were not good enough for a sit down c zero job that oslo West has trumped tjaa maybe?? yes true ;( osloeast ;( were all students sir too.

4 Global Power is rather unsympathetic we admit but corporate sector managememts wants less trade.

5 You told me so RHK this comparative advantages s**t is unpopular as hell yes sir ;( you win Espen you win too RHK cynically absurd to me yes were not loosers like Sulli sir ok point n o t on i anymore what is china selling now rub it in jula is technical bancrupt sir. we enligthened the ns no yes sir. im on blue storage no? yes sir :% lets gift you krf instead naaa hihi i think i need oslo or "better" ttytt agreed Mom


Go figure, I guess my good old China is a bit steels, korky, stuck up and beautifully masochistic religious totalitisms confused. :D i admit i shouldn't admit to that

It's smhw the easiest life place to live on Earth sir ;)


Next few Days; Top nitch Folks Books on Problems of Being Annoying Coverage and I. Sunday April 7th 2024. Please suggest more
Six Months Global Reading Challenge.
Southlands, Norway, I :^%D. (Respect of Pope Benedict The Better Analyst.)
Yes its an awful country and oppesens are pretending not and punctuatings and white blazers and filimores and cockroaches.
Wundermagic and your Sartre Pe*******on and Shaggy, Disney Snowhite and the 7 dwarfs ABBA 5 Girls 5 Boys Songs Album Youtube. Pen*spride problem.
41 percent problem 17 percent read.
69 percent problem 21 percent read.
60 percent read 8 percent problem and upload plz.
QT? 216.841.881.128.122.384 percent
Power punctuating problem.
31 percent SL 3 percent read.
14 percent Norway 7 percent read.
Reading 20 percent est.and upload article plz. New Popular Power book.
QT? 716.548.900.234.211.413.279.861.619.796.413 percent
okok Why C**kroaching Sucks and your Beneficiary Ideas of Marketing Verge Approach, Verge problem. Its civil rights and freedom movements real enemy all such books help. "Madonna's Theory" book encouraged.
65 percent problem 2 percent read. None verges.
7,1 percent problem 41 percent read.
80 percent read 2 percent est probl pick up Why CckrS again plz 20-40 percent new.
QT 894.412.874.769.618.796.222.651.319.189 percent
C**k Rightwinger Extrist Janti Pride Problem, Why C**kfigthing in Bali is Disgusting frmly Rune,
QT? 1.321.314.135.976.712.981.614.413.496.718.976.519.651.219.891 percent
Filimore problem. Making people feel Disgusted, Disobediance Crimes Allowances Monster Yellow. Coldplay Yellow Song. Mobster Methodologies Activities its best in Grisham books ?? yes confirmed Espen read two. Read Three, more sir. Gangs of New York musical. confirmed sir. watched. Oliver Twist yes confirmed ;( our new production of OT got hammered btw. Youtube cartoon rec 8-10 min.
6 percent SL ?? confirmed we hate that s**t haha ok quanti percent 97,4
18 percent Norway Quanti percent 65,1
0 percent Espen.
QT; 899.761.651.713.916.814.786.122.456.894.516.312.869.197.916.413 percemt
Piracy Vormit Problem. Making people feel scared,, queasy and real death remorse and fear. Monkey Island game until disgusted. Zorro the movies & youtubes.
QT: 516.793.261.233.761.349.711.237.611.243.910.690.411.279.631.311 percent
Premadonna. Disney The Pea Princess Thornclouds, My Copenhour Why I didnt Lauf at Sexuality,
QT: 413.619.238.617.411.411.674 percent
White Snipe Murder. We included racism sir. Its the hugh method. Its black womens books.
QT: 319.617.514.238.989.789.915.411,601 pwrcent
Pussyjuice and goat monster. Nancy Colleen Moms Abortions arent Srxual Article. and book sir. Griifithmeyers Why Flirting isnt Evil. Copenhour mine Why I didnt Lauf at Sexuality.
31 percent SL
60 up from 56 percent Norway.
0 percent you.
679.816.741.611.698.,611 percent.
Egon. Mine The Egons Effect on Women in Sulawesi. Mine The Koran.
QT: 618.318.418.614.563.327.187.911.911.911.911.891.871.311 percent
Why Yellow Gold is Worshipping Yourself not The Divine and/or Morals Problem, The Richest Man in Babylon Erik As? yes, and When Babies Dont Matter More Than Cash, Article Handicapforbundet friend thanks yes plz.Samartine Samartine also heals it.
61 percent SMVC.
41 percent Norway.
1,2 percent You.
QT: 249.871.641.189.210.711.651.411.231.711.611.711
Oppesen N**i Twist Problem. Combinationof minuses of crime personality Twisted to Fakeladder Beverly Hights. Beverly 901smth series, Sheet on Alturistic Dumping Tree new mine in Book of Judgements.
est 70 percent Sodorlands.
41 percent Norway.
0 % Ian Braade.
QT; 7.769.871.419. 000.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000900000000000000000000000000000,911 percent. I guess GK isnt worried 😉 😃 nouuuu å fytti he***te Im laufing sonny
on The Monsters of Evil. Mine Bible, Mine Koran Theology prof yessir 😉 Erling S Faustian Dump. mine the Waybearer Co.s Blog Book.
21 percent Sodorlandsbyene Met City?? we ffffs picked up the ffffs sundaybible sirs and mds prouds!!!
59 percent Norway????? haha ok he asked?? yes ok 9,8 fine Meningsmåleren?? 87,1 ??? ;(
4 percent you.
QT: 651.719.417.
QTIanBraade: 63 percent mostly Power and Prestige, and Wundermagic and Premadonna new 41 percent ok.
New? 19 percent on? Rdr, eight percent on Sarcofag depression today and ten percent on Sacreliege we found hey unfair... ok 0 percent two percent on yellow gold and evil? No just yellow gold love. Okok heals? Try Sunday bloody Sunday again youtube and why I didnt die book from amazonalexia. Yellow gold try Try Samartine samartine heals it.
percentage winner country:
moral winner country:
individual winner frmr criminal:
2 nd place:
3 rd place:
Time Challenge Winner;
2 nd place;
,3 rd place;
100 y challenge; ..


I hail Norway for it more neutral stance on non violent action in Ukraine in the midst of war. Fu were barbarians we only fight for ourselves the Romans wanted the Nordics sir oh ok, were Nordic Ukraine Were Nordic too Russia ergo ?? ,Jonas?? Ok no war fine, shieldmaiden anon. Were quite frankly Nordic halfs for real Germsny ahah yes Belgium yes you do Nordic stuff unlike us haha we do most Nordic stuff to be better okey Belgian Chumpamonsterarar


I brutal sue certain google photo and icloud vault employees for deleting my music and photoes and docs.

Court open.

We plead guilty.

I plead for fire murder revenge by army. Judged.

Court closed.


I want to pressure the banc and the s**theads up there a little again okeey? Ok sirokokokokokokokokokokokonok go for it okeeey.

We need a fourth deal on capital only I'm gonna say for Our, buisness and promotion skills and w***e and bazooka problems okeey okeeey

B to C1 1/4 accepted. 125 excellent!!!!! Accepted. Accepted. Accepted.

Now we really discuss some feta with olives and tomatoes BIIIG with balsamico and whhheehigihihihi ok stay sane buddy ok !

Your, C1 has 8,7 billion forze moved 8 BN to the valve account yes :% Advokat Øyvind Tvedt thanks for apoing for the wallet sir :% Old Grumpy General.

Marked? Yes sir... Marked C1C2.

Your turn ØT?? Okonokokokokokok Ono onono onononononononnonono

Shiiiit I'm below ;( øy


What's roughly my new mortgage? 12700 sir ;( I need 8000 for food and sig on my 21.900 there's 1000 in utilities 500 on telephone and internet and 2500 in electricity currency. My home is cheap.






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