And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], "uff," and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word.
(Sura: Al-Isra, Verse: 23)
Allah doesn’t reward one who is rewarded in the world but he rewards those who are punished for no fault of him.
All Relationships are Transactional but the Connection Ought to be More Important than the Transaction.
When everyone in a family is responsible and treats each other responsibly, other family members feel no pain in their hearts, everyone has a smile on their face.
I am speaking from my experience. If you respect others, you will get respect yourself, and this is eternal truth.
Those who are always slandering behind people's backs, jealous, selfish, liars, cheaters, stay away from them, the only way to keep yourself safe,
Speaking from experience,
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
People are very ungrateful, selfish and jealousy.
Don't waste time worrying about others, because time is precious, Think about yourself.
Every negative word will be answered with a positive word.
Allah loveth not those who trespass beyond bound 🙏
তারা যখন আপনাকে দেখে, তখন আপনাকে কেবল বিদ্রুপের পাত্ররূপে গ্রহণ করে, বলে, এ-ই কি সে যাকে আল্লাহ ‘রসূল’ করে প্রেরণ করেছেন?
(সূরাঃ আল-ফুরকান, আয়াতঃ ৪১)
এই পৃথিবীর সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ মানুষটির ও সমালোচক ছিল। নিউটনের সমালোচক ছিল। সক্রেটিসের সমালোচক ছিল। আইনস্টাইনের সমালোচক ছিল। পৃথিবীর সকল বিখ্যাত মানুষদের সকলেরই সমালোচক ছিলো। সমালোচকরাই একমাত্র আপনজন। সমালোচক ব্যতীত কখনোই অভিজ্ঞতা অর্জন করা সম্ভব না।