The Observer Zambia

The Observer Zambia For Objective and Balanced News



By Rachel Savage and Karin Strohecker

ZAMBIA'S official creditors including China rejected a deal the country struck with its international bondholders because they believed its "base case" scenario did not deliver debt relief comparable to what they offered in a separate deal, two sources familiar with the talks said.

Official creditors said the agreement in principle, which the International Monetary Fund (IMF) also rejected, did not comply with "Comparability of Treatment", said the sources, who declined to be identified as the discussions are private.

Zambia announced on October 26 that it had clinched an agreement in principle with its international bondholders - a key step for the country whose debt rework has been beset by delays since it defaulted in 2020.

The announcement sparked a sharp rally in Zambia's three outstanding bonds, which has been partially reversed since Zambia said on November 10 that official creditors and the IMF had "expressed reservations" about the deal, sparking fears that the country's drawn-out default could be extended still further.

Both bondholders and official creditors had proposed extending the maturity of Zambia's debt and that it be paid back quicker if the country's economy performs better than expected.

The bondholder deal proposed they would be paid more than $700 million before 2026 in the base case, while official creditors had offered a longer three-year grace period.

Bondholders would need to offer more debt relief in the base case scenario for the deal to be acceptable to official creditors and the IMF, one of the sources said.

"There were marginal deviations in positions and these deviations are being discussed. As it stands, the IMF may be in a position to support the adjusted terms as compatible with Zambia's programme parameters," the second source added.

A spokesperson for Zambia's finance ministry contacted on Wednesday pointed to a statement published on Tuesday that said there were "continuing discussions" with the group of bondholders, but that no further comment could be made as the negotiations are being held under Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs).

An IMF spokesperson referred to a statement on Friday that said that "modifications are needed to bring this initial proposal more fully into line with the requirements of the IMF program" and declined to comment further.

Representatives for the negotiating committee of the international bondholder group declined to comment and the Paris Club, which acts as a secretariat for developed creditor nations, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

China's foreign ministry said all creditors should offer debt relief "in accordance with the principle of 'common action and fair burden'," in faxed comments on Monday in response to Reuters questions about what the "reservations" on the bondholder deal were.


So, wouldn’t it be powerful if President Hichilema, every sitting minister, and every permanent secretary proactively de...

So, wouldn’t it be powerful if President Hichilema, every sitting minister, and every permanent secretary proactively declared their assets now and did so annually for the remainder of their times in public service? Leadership is demonstrated through actions, not just words, and I urge the Zambian people to demand more from your leaders in terms of transparency and accountability. ~ U.S Ambassador Gonzalez

This is just rude! 🤣 😂

This is just rude! 🤣 😂



By Darius Choonya

Some Opposition Patriotic Front (PF) members from Mambwe District, Chipata, have allegedly been left stranded after attending a convention that ushered in Miles Sampa as Party President in Lusaka.

The affected members have told Diamond News that Mr. Sampa promised to pay them an amount of K 250, 000 for each chairman and K10, 000 for ordinary members so that they vote for him.

David Kamanga claims he is scared of going back to the village because the people he mobilized have threatened to kill him if he does not give them the money as promised.

When contacted for a comment, Mr. Sampa denied the allegations, describing the complainants as liars.

POLICE ACCUSED OF STEALING OVER K129, 000 FROM LUSAKA BUSINESSWOMANA Lusaka businesswoman, Philis Sichinga of Matero Tow...


A Lusaka businesswoman, Philis Sichinga of Matero Township, has accused police of robbing her of over K129, 000 cash, during a search for a suspected thief.

The incident which has left the woman and her family traumatized happened on November 17, 2023, when said officers went to pick up the woman's salesman whom police claimed was in possession of a stolen phone.

It was from their operations that the officers entered into the woman's bedroom and allegedly stole said money.

In an interview with Diamond News, Mrs. Sichinga says other things that the officers went away with is her Fridge, Radio and a Kazang machine with a total capital of K30,000.

And when contacted for a comment, Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga confirmed that the police got the fridge which is allegedly a stolen item.

Mr. Hamoonga has, however, denied allegation of money being stolen adding that investigations have however been instituted.

Credit: Diamond TV

Luvale woman in action 😂 🤣

Luvale woman in action 😂 🤣

Ka witch from Shaka

Ka witch from Shaka

Ka meal perfect for head of the house with a hangover

Ka meal perfect for head of the house with a hangover

Kwena people like inviting problems on themselves!😆 🤣 😂. Ni treason olo espionage iyi!

Kwena people like inviting problems on themselves!😆 🤣 😂. Ni treason olo espionage iyi!

SAD NEWS: Lusaka's Kamwala Secondary School bus along with the headteachers office have been burnt to ashes hours after ...

SAD NEWS: Lusaka's Kamwala Secondary School bus along with the headteachers office have been burnt to ashes hours after Grade 12 candidates completed their final examinations.

The property was torched in the early hours of today and although no-one saw the arsonists, many blame the incident on delinquent former pupils.

(Credit: Kalemba)

PUPILS finishing writing their Grade 12 at Hillcrest National Technical School have allegedly destroyed some fittings in...

PUPILS finishing writing their Grade 12 at Hillcrest National Technical School have allegedly destroyed some fittings in a newly built ablution block at the School.

Under pitcoat government from day 1! 😆 🤣 😂

Under pitcoat government from day 1! 😆 🤣 😂

idya nikudye in combination! Guys, get yourself this combo this weekend

idya nikudye in combination! Guys, get yourself this combo this weekend

Lusaka girl ditches University for marriage to barberman AGAINST her upbringing as a decent Seventh Day Adventist, a 19-...

Lusaka girl ditches University for marriage to barberman

AGAINST her upbringing as a decent Seventh Day Adventist, a 19-year old female student of Rockview University in Lusaka has ditched school and taken herself into an illegal marriage to a barber who is ploughing her day and night like a field of sweet potatoes.

In the aftermath of Chola Kamaya's actions, her disappointed father Chinoya Kamaya aged 49 of Old Kanyama ran to the Lusaka Boma Local Court arguing that there was no way a 27-year old barberman would be staying with and enjoying his nubile daughter without having paid a single ngwee.

The Church elder of Kanyama SDA branch asked the court to compel Mundia pay K13,000 as compensation for eloping with his daughter especially with what he had put into her education.

Kamaya told the court that he had paid his daughter’s University tuition fees and requirements this year, but to his surprise, he found out on August 19, 2023, she had not been school but staying at her boyfriend's place.

He narrated that one night, when his daughter, Chola was during holidays, he asked her younger sister to fetch her for him as he needed to give her money for other remaining school requirements, but that she was not in her room.

She illegally went to spend a night at her lover's house, and only returned home the next day at 06:00 hours.

“I asked her where she spent her night and she lied to me saying that she slept in my house. That angered me and I asked her to leave my presence. But to my surprise, she went back to the same man’s place where she stayed for two more moths,” said Kamaya.

He said his family then later went to Mundia's place and held a meeting with his parent’s where they agreed to pay a sum of K13, 500 as compensation for elopement, in three installments. But that the money was never paid until date, prompting Kamaya to go to court.

“In my surprise, my daughter sent me a message after I asked her boyfriend for the money that I should stop bothering him about the elopement money as the economy is hard on everyone and he will pay at his own convenient time,” Kamaya complained.

Meanwhile, Mundia told court that he was not going to pay the elopement charge because he did not fetch Chola from her place as Kamaya chased her on his own.

He said that he could not take her back to her parent’s house in the two months they cohabitated because he was too busy looking for a job everyday. “am jobless and we eat at my brother’s house. I cant even afford to feed her to talk of paying a K13,500 for elopement,” Mundia said.

But his lover Chola had a different story, she said Mundia had become her husband and that he managed to feed her three times everyday as he runs a barber shop.

She went on to say, she is no longer interested in going to school as all she wants is Marriage with him even if he pays nothing to her father.

“Am okay with him staying with me for free,” Chola told the court.

However, in passing judgement, Magistrate Lombe Chibesakunda upheld the claim of compensation for elopement and ordered that Mundia paid the same agreed upon amount. “The court shall not add or remove from the initial agreed amount. The defendant shall pay K13, 500 for elopement in installments of K500 with K1,000 first installment effective this month end,” said Magistrate Chibesakunda

By Buumba Mwitumwa

Kalemba November 17, 2023

No defective drugs have been distributed in health facilities - Masebo HEALTH Minister Sylvia Masebo has clarified that ...

No defective drugs have been distributed in health facilities - Masebo

HEALTH Minister Sylvia Masebo has clarified that the Zambia Medicines and Medical Supplies Agency (ZAMMSA) has not distributed any defective medical drugs to public clinics and hospitals.

Masebo was speaking parliament as she updated the nation on the non-compliance of Erythromycin drugs procured from Mission Pharma by ZAMMSA.

“I wish to put it on record that ZAMMSA has not distributed any defective health center kits to any public health facility. Therefore, it is incorrect to imply that there has been a recall of medicines because we haven't distributed the commodity in question. All the batches that failed the test have been quarantined at ZAMMSA,” said Masebo.

The Minister revealed that the quarantined batches of drugs by ZAMMSA that failed the test of effectiveness shall be re-tested and that should the results confirm the non-compliance of Erythromycin 250mg once more, then the supplier will be required to replace as per contractual agreement.

She said for 2023, Government through the ministry of health have so far received 14,100 health center kits from 42,000 expected kits being supplied by Mission Pharma.

Masebo said the health center kits were received in two batches of 7,050 each saying the first batch was received in July, 2023 and distribution was concluded in August, 2023 while the second batch was received in the last week of September, 2023.

She said on October 25, 2023, a total number of 58 items in the health center kits were submitted to the Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA) who instituted that all the tablets were compliant except for Erythromycin 250mg tablets with batch number, TK293, according to the dissolution test conducted.

“The house may wish to know that a total of Sixteen (16) batches of Erythromycin 250mg tablets were tested at the NDQCL and two (2) batches (No. TK297 and No. TK291) met the standard procedure test requirements and a Certificate of Analysis was issued, whilst one (1 ) batch (No. TK293) with an expiry date of 5th May, 2026 did not meet one parameter of dissolution requirement.

“Thirteen (13) batches out of the total sixteen (16) are still undergoing quality control test analysis for the final stage 2 and 3 testing and results expected to be ready by 1 6th November, 2023,” said Masebo.

For the safety of Zambians, a third-party independent laboratory, which is The Research Institute of Industrial Pharmacy (RIIP) in South Africa is set to conduct a re-test of samples for erythromycin tablets at the cost of the supplier.

And contrary to public perception that the ministry has ordered a recall of the defective drugs from health facilities, Masebo said no re-call can be made on the Erythromycin drug as it has not yet been distributed to the service delivery points.

But despite the setback on the drug, a focus on the other remaining effective 6,067 health care kits has being set as ZAMMSA is in urgency to begin the distribution of the drugs in health facilities while removing the non-compliance Erythromycin tablets.

“This decision was made after taking careful consideration that some health facilities may struggle to access medicines during the rainy season and that any further delays could adversely impact on the availability of commodities in health facilities, and the 983 health center kits will be distributed as a full kit as the Erythromycin contained in them is compliant and passed the ZAMRA quality control tests,” said Masebo.

By Buumba Mwitumwa

Kalemba November 17, 2023


Ati "he is not my type" but you're busy chewing his money. Ukayapya ka Eliza!



A Scorpion Bus which was destined for the Copperbelt from Kasama with 18 people on board has been involved in a Road traffic accident at Kalense toll gate along the Kasama-Luwingu Road.

The accident happened this morning around 05 hours with No death recorded.

And driver of the bus, UBERT SIMWALA who was by press time at Kasama General Hospital under observation told Mano News that the bus developed a fault on the brakes.

Meanwhile, Kasama General Hospital Medical Licentiate LAMECK MUWANA has disclosed that 14 accident victims were received at the Hospital around 05:30 hours.

Dr. MUWANA says 8 accident victims with minor injuries have been discharged while 6 others are still under observation adding that they are in a stable condition.

By Elijah Mumba
The observer Zambia
November 17 2023


When someone activates WhatsApp disappearing messages on you, it's either you're not that important or they're cheating on you!

CHAMA MAN B£ATS HIS DRINKING PARTNER TO D£ATH.A drinking session between two friends took a turn for the worst in Pondo ...


A drinking session between two friends took a turn for the worst in Pondo village of Chama District in Eastern province, resulting in the d£ath of one and the detention of the other in Police custody.

It is allegedly that Willie Zimba aged 50 and his friend Isaac Kaluba , both of Malomba area in Pondo village in Chief Chikwa on Tuesday night,14 November, 2023 had gone to drink local beer together within the same abode, where the two picked up a quarrel.

The argument is said to have ensued when Willie now the dec€ased told his friend that he is foolish, alleging that he had c@rn@l knowl€dge of his biological moth€r.

It was out of the remarks uttered on him by the deceased that Kaluba got up angry with his friend and stood up to beat Mr. Zimba but luckily he was stopped by people around the drinking spree.

The two parted ways after the quarrel they had.

As it that was not enough, it is allegedly that Kaluba followed his friend at his home around 01:00, where he beat up his friend.

Mr. Zimba now the deceased was heard by his wife shouting for help and when the wife came to rescue his husband, angry Kaluba beat up her as well.

It was at this point in time, when the defeated wife went to alert other people in the neighborhood to help rescue her husband.

On sad a note, when the wife and other people who had come to rescue Mr. Zimba from the beatings, only found him laying down in the pool of blood.

Muchinga Province Deputy Commanding Officer Mr. RONALD ZAMBO confirmed the incident which occurred on Tuesday night around 01:00 hours.

Mr. ZAMBO said Andrew Lungu of the same abode reported the incident to Chama Police station.

The Deputy Commanding Officer said the incident happened after the duo picked a quarrel after a drinking spree.

He added that fists are alleged to have been used in the act.

He says the suspect is in Police custody-Kwenje Radio

By Elijah Mumba
The observer Zambia
November 16 2023

16-year-old girl killed while heading for holiday in ChipataA 16-YEAR-OLD girl of Lusaka’s 10 Miles has died in Chipata ...

16-year-old girl killed while heading for holiday in Chipata

A 16-YEAR-OLD girl of Lusaka’s 10 Miles has died in Chipata after being hit with a stick by an unknown person while being taken to the farm for holiday by her cousin on a motorbike.

The girl, who recently completed writing her Grade 7 examinations, has been identified as Diana Banda, younger sister of Zambia Daily Mail transport officer Astin Phiri.

Eastern Province police commanding officer Limpo Liywalii said the incident occurred on Monday around 19: 00 hours on Magwero road.

After being hit, Diana fell off the motorbike and was rushed to Chipata Central Hospital but died while receiving treatment.

On arrival in Chipata, she was picked at Kapata bus station by her cousin, Josephat Banda, on a motorbike, which is now the most popular form of transport locally in the city.

“While on the way to the village along Magwero road, as they were approaching Chiko farm, she was hit with a stick by an unknown person and fell off the motorbike,” Mr Liywalii said.

Diana is said to have sustained cuts on the head and on the ribs while the cousin came out unhurt. Police have since launched investigations to bring the suspect to book while Diana’s body was in Chipata Central Hospital mortuary awaiting post mortem.

Mr Phiri explained that her younger sister was visiting the village from Lusaka after writing her Grade 7 exams.

“Family members have already arrived in Chipata to pick the body today (yesterday) and they will travel to Lusaka the whole night for burial tomorrow (today),” he said.

By Elijah Mumba
The observer Zambia
November 16 2023

Kanshi the husband to Mwizukanji is also very famous! Anyway, your secret is safe with us ka nakulu. Pass our regards to...

Kanshi the husband to Mwizukanji is also very famous! Anyway, your secret is safe with us ka nakulu. Pass our regards to uncle daddy PAUL C - Zambia


Nobody samwaz like tuma graduating nurses!


Pa last it's better cadre amponona ninshi ninjikuta than insala ukumponona!



Golden Party of Zambia GPZ President Jackson Silavwe says it is disheartening that President Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND are deliberately setting up the country for conflict.

In an interview Mr. Silavwe said the blatant abuse of State Institutions such as the police and parliament to silence perceived political opponents by the UPND Government will plunge the country into chaos.

Mr. Silavwe adds that President Hichilema and his Government should use state institutions for the benefit of Zambians instead of trying to narrow the democratic space and instilling fear in citizens with divergent views.

The GPZ leader said trying to kill the Patriotic Front using institutions such as the Registrar of Societies will undermine the peace that the country has enjoyed since independence.

We have a Government that promised to abide by the rule of law but what they are doing is the exact opposite. State institutions should carry power on behalf of the people and not a abusing them. The fair application of the law by the police will make them legitimate in the eyes of the public, if the people can't go to the police because they fear that they favor those with political power, where are they going to run to," Mr. Silavwe said.

" The UPND Government is r@ping our democracy and must be called to order and we should not allow them to use State institutions to kill the Patriotic Front party. President Hichilema is setting up this country for conflict by curtailing freedoms of citizens and using colonial ways of dealing with political opponents, " He adds.

And Mr. Silavwe said the UPND Government has taken the country backwards and are hiding under the guise of democracy when their actions are dictatorial.

By Elijah Mumba
The observer Zambia
November 14 2023

Finally, some ice cream for adults!

Finally, some ice cream for adults!


Chi Solochi patali! Say 'Solochi' or 'Tina' in the comments we inbox you the video 🔥 🔥

Sugo akumana na ZIALE paper!  🤣 😂

Sugo akumana na ZIALE paper! 🤣 😂

Married men when dispatching side chicks before rushing home!

Married men when dispatching side chicks before rushing home!

She be like "I'm ready to settle down with God fearing man", Mutinta, really! 🤣 😂

She be like "I'm ready to settle down with God fearing man", Mutinta, really! 🤣 😂

Beautiful Shadaya.... why is the chest falling apart though?

Beautiful Shadaya.... why is the chest falling apart though?

Chichi Daisy Official is that you? 😍

Chichi Daisy Official is that you? 😍



A traditional healer has been sentenced to nine years imprisonment with hard labour for stealing 11 c0ws worth about K40,000.

Dennis Phiri, 38, of Katete, has been punished for stealing the livest0ck, which he later sold at K26,000 at an abattoir.

Chipata senior magistrate Felix Kaoma said he needed to impose a stiff punishment on Phiri considering the prevalence of the offence and aggravating circumstances.
Facts are that between October 12 and October 13, Mr Ng’wane had released his 11 head of c attle for grazing near his house.

The court heard that the accused later went to the grazing area, got the animals and took them to Chipata abattoir.

The same evening, the complainant went to get his animals from the grazing area but did not find them.

The matter was reported to police and investigations revealed that Phiri sold them at the abattoir on October 15.

Mr Ng’wane went to the abattoir, where he identified his missing animals. Magistrate Kaoma convicted Phiri of the offence.

By Elijah Mumba
The observer Zambia
November 13 2023

K10,000 cash or date with her?

K10,000 cash or date with her?

In case you have this ka minyama animal for sale, please don't call me for business!  😆 🤣

In case you have this ka minyama animal for sale, please don't call me for business! 😆 🤣


Tay Grin & Yo Maps Yo this Area 43 🇲🇼 you talk about in your hit song, is it like Kabulonga or Forest 28?

Former foreign affairs minister Hon Joseph Malanji and former secretary to the treasury Mr Fredson Yamba have appeared b...

Former foreign affairs minister Hon Joseph Malanji and former secretary to the treasury Mr Fredson Yamba have appeared before the Lusaka Magistrate court.

In this case, Hon. Malanji and Mr Yamba are charged with willful failure to comply with procedure relating to procurement and,being in possession of property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime.

The matter which was scheduled to take place this morning has been adjourned to, tomorrow, Tuesday 14th November 2023 for continuation of trial.
By Elijah Mumba
The observer Zambia
November 13 2023


..In view of this information, your actions in acknowledging the letter from Mr. Morgan Ngona were a nullity and should be abandoned forthwith...

Lusaka-13th November, 2023

Lawyers for the Patriotic Front(PF) have demanded that the Speaker of the National Assembly, Ms. Nelly Mutti reverses immediately, the changes she made to the leadership in Parliament.

Makebi Zulu Advocates stated that the action by the Speaker was extremely malicious as no changes have been effected to the list of Office Bearers at the Registrar of Societies.

By order of the Lusaka High Court, the Registrar of Societies has released the current status of Office Bearers of the Patriotic Front.

As at today, the 13th November 2023, the Office Bearers have not changed as per attached copy.

"Had you been diligent and truthful in the discharge of your duties, you would not have disregarded the communication to you by the Patriotic front party, who stated in no uncertain terms that there had been no change of office bearers and that Mr. Morgan Ngona was NOT the secretary general of the party."

During the sitting of Parliament and subsequent communication, Ms. Mutti claimed that she conducted a search at the Registrar of Societies which formed basis of her changes at Parliament.

In light of the official information at the Registrar of Socities, Ms. Mutti has been advised to abandon the changes she made and reverse them.immediately as they were illegal and malicious.

The lawyers have given her 24hrs to do so.
On 1st of November, Ms Mutti replaced leader of Opposition, Hon. Brian Mundubile with Mafinga MP, Robert Chawinga on the pretext that she received a letter of instructions from a Mr. Morgan Ngona.

She also replaced Stephen Kampyongo as Opposition Whip with Kantanshi MP, Anthony Chanda Mumba.

Below is the Demand Letter written to Spealer of the National Assembly.


We have been retained by the Patriotic Front Party.

Kindly note our interest.

Reference is made to the above captioned and your address to the National Assembly where you purported to replace Hon. Brian Mundubile, as Leader of the Opposition with
Hon.Robert Chabinga.

In your address to the House on the 1st November 2023, and media briefing signed
by the Clerk of the National Assembly dated the 7th November 2023, you deliberately and or negligently misled the House and the Nation at large, by maliciously and
mischievously suggesting that your search at the Registrar of Societies revealed that there had been a change of Office Bearers.

Had you been diligent and truthful in the discharge of your duties, you would not have disregarded the communication to you by the Patriotic Front party, who stated in no uncertain terms that there had been no change of office bearers and that Mr. Morgan Ngona was NOT the secretary general of the Patriotic Front party.

Especially that this was communicated to you way before you announced the change in parliament, thus making your announcement malicious, unreasonable and illegal.

Our diligent inquiry, by an order of the Court, has reviewed that as of today the 13th November 2023, the office bearers have not changed as per the attached copy.

In view of this information, your actions in acknowledging the letter from Mr. Morgan Ngona were a nullity and should be abandoned forthwith.

You thus have 24 hours to reverse your decision failing which we shall be left with no option but to commence proceedings against you.

Kindly oblige to avoid the rigmarole of court process.


Chile One MrZambia ati shani chi December song wekapondo?

Chile One MrZambia ati shani chi December song wekapondo?

Just like these notes, not all women are the same

Just like these notes, not all women are the same







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