Yi Magazine is a printed magazine with a minimum of 10 000 copies distributed to school/colleges/universities by our ambassadors, organizations and through events across the Western Cape and eventually plan to distribute across Africa as we already have ambassadors in other provinces and countries. Articles or features which do not get published in the bi-monthly print mag would go up on our socia
l sites and website
Yi Magazine has a commitment to be a platform for the African youth to make their voices heard where it matters. Youth Interpreter aims to be the vessel representing the youth in an accurate and real way, reflecting the present day mirror image without burning the picture of the past. We speak to a large audience of racially and socially diverse young Africans from high school to beyond tertiary level. The majority of our readers fall between the ages of 16 to 30, residing in urban and rural areas with access to the internet via mobile/desktops/laptops. Our Youth have their own voice and appreciate unrestricted, unedited and unapologetic perspectives on the African youth experience.