Visit our Command center and web site > The ONLY place for Brutally Honest, Conservative RIGHT Political commentary, News & ACTION Alerts, Event Information, SPECIAL EVENTS, EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS, Advocacy opportunities, and Much more! JOIN THE HERD! We want to welcome you to our herd consisting of hundreds of thousands of Patriots, across the country. Passionate Pach
yderms is an eclectic mixture of Patriots, elected officials, (Local, State, and Federal) conservative RIGHT media personalities, Talk Radio hosts, Tea Party leaders, members, and supporters, as well as leaders and members of the Republican party from counties and states all over the country, as well as at the national level. As the founders and leaders of Passionate Pachyderms, we pride ourselves on our reputation for being the "Brutally Honest Elephants In Every Room" and over the past 7+ years have built a stellar Reputation for having our fingers on the pulse of what is going on, what is about to happen, and which way the Conservative population as a whole is or will respond to it. Our Action alerts, Blogs, Breaking News alerts, information, and opinion pieces reach well over 2 million people around the world. We are supported entirely through private donations, supporters, the sale of our "Pithy pins" online, ( and at events we're invited to be a part of & help with all over the country, and through our promotional, "RIGHT minded" video productions and custom designed logo's banners, and graphics we create for individuals, groups, and events at every level across the country. Our "free time" is spent doing research for, and presenting our hour highly interactive educational seminars teaching conservative right minded Americans about Sal Alyinsky's Rules For Radicals, and how to counter them. Our programs take you through the progression from the beginning of the left's diabolical plan, to present day. We show you who the key players are, how they accomplished what they have, what their agenda is, and finally, also most importantly, how to recognize when the rules are being used against you and your community and how to STOP it in its tracks. We offer this highly educational fantastically fun and interactive program to all groups free of charge, requiring only that the group cover our travel & lodging expenses, as well as handle printing/expense associated with printing and providing each participant with their own copy of the over 200 page program booklet which documents all of the information sources, links, and information we go over during the presentation. The time and effort it takes to accomplish doing all of this is donated. No one at Passionate Pachyderms is paid for what we do. All funds made by go toward expenses related to operating, keeping it all going, and keeping our members informed.
**FB has been unfairly targeting Conservative individuals and their pages. We have been victims of this, and have been cut off from our entire contact list and information at least twice. Because of this,
WE ADVISE ALL MEMBERS TO KEEP A BACK UP COPY OR LIST OF ALL FRIENDS AND CONTACT INFO in the event you are FB's next victim. We also encourage you to visit and join us at our National command center and Web site, so you will always be able to keep in contact with us, even in the event Facebook makes us dissapear again. See you there!