The Pan-Pacific Entomologist

The Pan-Pacific Entomologist The Pan-Pacific Entomologist is published quarterly by the Pacific Coast Entomological Society, in c

The Pan-Pacific Entomologist is published quarterly (January, April, July and October) by the Pacific Coast Entomological Society, in cooperation with the California Academy of Sciences. The journal serves as a refereed publication outlet and accepts manuscripts on all aspects of the biosystematics of insects and closely related arthropods, especially articles dealing with their taxonomy, biology,

behavior, ecology, life history, biogeography and distribution. Membership in the Pacific Coast Entomological Society includes subscription to The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, and Society Proceedings typically appear in the October issue of each volume. The Contents of Recent Volumes are posted here on the Pacific Coast Entomological Society's website, as is the journal's Information for Contributors (PDF). Vol. 1 (1924) to Vol. 51 (1975), price $10.00 per volume of 4 numbers, or $2.50 per single issue. Vol. 52 (1976) to Vol. 57 (1981), price $15.00 per volume or $3.75 per single issue, except for vol. 57, no. 1, $10.00. Vol. 58 (1982) to Vol. 66 (1990), $20.00 per volume or $5.00 per single issue. Vol. 67 (1991) to Vol. 69 (1993), $30.00 per volume or $7.50 per single issue. Vol. 70 (1994) and subsequent issues, $40.00 per volume or $10.00 per single issue. Since some issues are out of print, please ask about availability before ordering.

Attention insect photographers! The Pan-Pacific Entomologist has been printing full-color images in its published articl...

Attention insect photographers! The Pan-Pacific Entomologist has been printing full-color images in its published articles for some time. However, did you know that we now also print the cover in full-color as well? Each issue features a high-quality image selected from a pool of submitted photographs. We hope you will consider sending us a few of your best insect photographs to be considered for the cover of a future issue of PPE.

Photos must be original and feature insects or related terrestrial arthropods (i.e., arachnids, chilopods, or diplopods). Color photos of live subjects in their natural habitat are highly preferred. Photos must be clear, in focus, and properly exposed. Aspect ratio must be portrait (i.e., vertical) or square—landscape (i.e., horizontal) photos cannot be used. A high resolution (300 dpi minimum) version of the photo in TIF or JPG format with a minimum size of 117×181 mm (4.6×7.1 inches) will be required for printing; however, a reduced-sized version may be submitted for initial consideration. Sorry, but smart phone photos are not acceptable, as they do not have sufficient resolution. Please provide a caption with each photo that includes the scientific name of the subject, the date and location the photo was taken, any ecological or other relevant information, and the full name of the photographer along with city and country of residence. Photographers will be notified if their photo is selected and published at no charge. Submitted photos not immediately selected may be retained in a pool of photos and considered for future issues. By submitting a photo to be considered for the cover, the individual provides consent for such use.

All photos should be submitted to the PPE Managing Editor at [email protected]. Please write “PPE cover photo submission” in the subject line, and include the photos as attached files (not embedded within the body of the e-mail).

The final issue of Vol. 98 is hitting mailboxes now. It contains seven papers, two scientific notes, one book review, a ...

The final issue of Vol. 98 is hitting mailboxes now. It contains seven papers, two scientific notes, one book review, a letter from the Managing Editor, a list of Vol. 98 reviewers, and contents and index to Vol. 98. Orders covered include Araneae, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, and Trichoptera. Visit our website ( for more information about accessing the journal online or submitting a manuscript.


Ten years ago today I agreed to be the Managing Editor of The Pan-Pacific Entomologist (after serving for six years as the journal's Coleoptera Subject Editor). It didn't even occur to me to check and see what day my 10-year anniversary fell on until today, so imagine my surprise when I saw it was this very day! If I had waited another 30 minutes to check, I would have found that it was also at the same moment I sent the e-mail accepting the role. !


I am pleased to welcome Michael Forthman to the PPE Editorial Team! Michael will join Sindhu Krishnankutty in the role of Hemiptera Subject Editor.

Michael received his B.Sc. in Biology at the University of Arkansas - Little Rock in 2008 and his Ph.D. in Entomology at the University of California - Riverside in 2016. He was a Postdoctoral Associate at the University of Florida's Entomology Department from 2016–2020 and recently joined the California Department of Food & Agriculture Plant Pest Diagnostics Branch and California State Collection of Arthropods as an Associate Insect Biosystematist specializing on the Heteroptera. Michael’s research has focused on the taxonomy and phylogenetics of millipede assassin bugs (Reduviidae) and leaf-footed bugs (Coreoidea), which has so far resulted in 13 publications.

Please join me in welcoming Michael to our team of editors and in wishing him success in his role.


It is my distinct pleasure to welcome Alexey Tishechkin to the PPE Editorial Team! Alexey will join Oliver Keller in the role of Coleoptera Subject Editor.

Alexey received his M.S. (equivalent) in Zoology from Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus (then USSR) in 1983. After teaching high school for one year, he spent the next 15 years working as a bird ecologist and conservationist in the USSR and Belarus while pursuing beetle taxonomic and faunistic studies as an avocation. He then came to the U.S. and studied systematics of Neotropical Histeridae under Dr. Chris Carlton at Louisiana State University, earning his Ph.D. in 2005. He continued as a post-doc/research associate in the Louisiana State Arthropod Museum and Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History before going to the USDA Systematic Entomology Laboratory in 2014 to work in the National Museum of Natural History as a Research Entomologist. In 2018, he became an Associate Biosystematist at the Plant Pest Diagnostics Center/California State Collection of Arthropods, California Department of Food and Agriculture, in Sacramento and has since been promoted to Senior Biosystematist.

Alexey has an impressive list of referred journal articles, books and book chapters, symposia proceedings, and online articles spanning nearly three decades and in which he has described or co-described 25 new genera and ~350 new species of beetles, mostly in the Histeridae. He has provided numerous reviews for manuscripts submitted to a wide diversity of taxonomic entomology journals – including The Pan-Pacific Entomologist. Alexey served on the editorial board of The Coleopterists Bulletin as a student representative in 2004–2005, was a subject editor for Subbuteo - Belarusian Ornithological Bulletin from 1999–2015, and was managing editor of Birds and Us (Minsk, Belarus) from 2013–2016). He was also formally or informally involved in editing S. Lingafelter’s books on Anoplophora and Cerambycidae of Bolivia, A. Konstantinov et al.’s monograph on Palaearctic Chaetocnema, and Pensoft’s 2005 I. Lopatin Festschrift.

Please join me in welcoming Alexey to our team of editors and in wishing him success in his role.

Call for Subject Editors!The Pan-Pacific Entomologist (PPE) is seeking subject editors with expertise in taxonomy and/or...

Call for Subject Editors!

The Pan-Pacific Entomologist (PPE) is seeking subject editors with expertise in taxonomy and/or biosystematics of Coleoptera or Hemiptera.

Subject editors are responsible for facilitating the review process of papers, which includes inviting reviewers, ensuring timely reviews, and making final decisions on papers. The expected workload is 5-10 papers per year.

Ideal candidates will have a Ph.D. in Entomology (or M.S. in Entomology with substantial research experience) and a strong publication record. PPE values diversity in its Editorial Team and encourages persons from underrepresented groups to apply.

To apply, please e-mail a copy of your CV to Managing Editor Ted MacRae at [email protected]. Please also feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


With many of us locked down for the time being, now is the perfect time to crank out that manuscript that you’ve been meaning to write (I’m working on one myself). Where to submit? I encourage you to consider The Pan-Pacific Entomologist! Remember, PCES members enjoy NO PAGE CHARGES for the first 20 printed pages per volume! PCES membership is only $25/year (less if you are a student or retired)—some journals charge more than that for just one printed page. We also offer color printing for a very nominal $20/plate. Contact us if you are interested in submitting your manuscript.


To remind everybody about our new page charge and reviewer credit policies, this note will appear in the next issue (Vol. 96, No. 1):

"I am pleased to announce that the Executive Committee of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society (PCES) has approved a new page charge policy for The Pan-Pacific Entomologist. Effective September 16, 2019, page charges were substantially reduced for all PCES members as follows:

- PCES-member page charges are waived for the first 20 printed pages per volume. Pages beyond the initial 20 per volume will be assessed page charges at the member-reduced rate of $35.00 per page.
- Papers authored by all non-PCES members will continue to be assessed page charges at the full rate of $88 per printed page. Non-PCES members who join the society (currently $25 per year for regular membership) at the time of manuscript submission will qualify for the member waiver and rate reduction.

We hope that this new page charge policy will encourage submissions by removing a significant barrier to publication for authors who have research results to share but increasingly find themselves without institutional support to cover the cost of publishing their results. Along these lines, we also offer color printing of plates at the very reasonable rate of $20 per plate, and there is no charge for plates printed in black and white but appearing in color online.

I would also like to remind readers that we are one of the few entomology journals to offer credits to reviewers for timely review of manuscripts sent to them. Reviewers who submit their review within the requested timeframe (typically four weeks for regular papers and two weeks for scientific notes) are eligible to receive one of the following credits:

- $25 honorarium check
- $25 credit towards PCES membership
- $100 credit to offset page charges in The Pan-Pacific Entomologist

Please note that credits may be saved and accrue for up to two years. For more information on redeeming credits, contact Robert Zuparko, PCES Treasurer ([email protected])."


We are pleased to announce plans for a "Fred G. Andrews Memorial Issue" of The Pan-Pacific Entomologist. Fred, who passed away April 16, 2019, spent 32 years as an entomologist at the California Department of Food & Agriculture. He helped develop the California State Collection of Arthropods as Curator and was a world-renowned authority on beetles. Fred published numerous scientific research papers and books, a number of which appeared in The Pan-Pacific Entomologist.

To honor Fred's contributions, we are issuing a call for manuscripts, to be assembled in a special memorial issue to be published later this year. Manuscripts are due May 1, 2020—those containing patronyms for or remembrances of Fred are especially welcome and will be given priority. The Pan-Pacific Entomologist offers 20 free printed pages for members of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society (see the PPE website,, for details). Please refer to our website for detailed author instructions regarding manuscript preparation and submission.


New page charges for the Pan-Pacific Entomologist
(Effective September 2019)

- Member’s page charges are waived for the first 20 pages for each volume (not each issue). Pages beyond the initial 20 will be assessed page charges of $35.00 each.
- Non-member page charges ($88/page) remain the same.
- Charges for color plates ($20 each) and line edits ($3 each) remain the same.


It’s been quiet here for awhile, but I intend to change that moving forward. I hope you’ll stay tuned, because in the near future we will be making a BIG announcement!

I just received vol. 94, no. 2 in my mailbox - look for it in yours soon. Seven papers and scientific notes covering Col...

I just received vol. 94, no. 2 in my mailbox - look for it in yours soon. Seven papers and scientific notes covering Coleoptera (two on Cerambycidae, one on Curculionidae, one on Meloidae, and one on histerid predators of Dryophthoridae) and Hemiptera (one each on Acanthosomatidae and hemipteran pests of jackfruit in Mexico).

Look for vol. 94, no 3 to come out sometime around the end of September. Already lined up are papers on Araneae (Theridiidae), Coleoptera (Curculionidae and Staphylinidae), and Psocoptera.

One of the perks of being the Managing Editor is getting to see the first mailed copy of each issue!

One of the perks of being the Managing Editor is getting to see the first mailed copy of each issue!

Issue 94(1) will be mailed on March 30, 2018. The issue contains 2 regular papers and 6 scientific notes covering taxa i...

Issue 94(1) will be mailed on March 30, 2018. The issue contains 2 regular papers and 6 scientific notes covering taxa in the orders Coleoptera (Meloidae), Hemiptera (Adelgidae), Hymenoptera (Apidae & Scerogibbidae), Plecoptera (Perlidae), Scolopendromorpha (Scolopendridae), and Thysanoptera (Thripidae). Our featured image from the issue is Neohydatothrips setosus (Hood, 1927) by W. D. Wiesenborn.


Vol. 93(4) was published 21 Dec 2017 and is showing up in mailboxes now (mine arrived today). This issue contains 9 papers and scientific notes covering Araneae (Salticidae), Diptera (Agromyzidae and Chironomidae), Hymenoptera (Braconidae), Lepidoptera (Danaidae and Gracillaridae), and Thysanoptera (Phlaeothripidae), pluse two articles discussing the use of mass trapping methods for insects.


Volume 93, issue 1 has just been published (24 March 2017). Look for it in your mailbox soon – it includes articles covering Diptera (Chironomidae), Lepidoptera (Noctuidae), Phasmida (Heteronemiidae), and Hymenoptera (Halictidae), as well as an obituary and bibliography of Norm Penny (1946–2016).


An interesting read. What are your thoughts about requiring citation of identification methods and taxon concepts in Materials and Methods instead of original descriptions?

MEIER, R. (2016), Citation of taxonomic publications: the why, when, what and what not. Systematic Entomology. doi: 10.1111/syen.12215


Vince Lee, current Managing Secretary for the Pacific Coast Entomological Society, is stepping down from his role at the end of this year. PCES seeking a new Managing Secretary for 2017 and onwards. Main responsibilities include keeping records of memberships dues and subscriptions, billing for The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, preparing mailing lists, sending out back issues of PCES publications, and other miscellaneous duties. If interested please contact Vince Lee at ('Society Info', 'Society Officers 2016').


Members should have by now received issue 92(2), which was mailed on 22 July 2016. The issue contains papers covering the taxa Apidae, Encyrtidae, and Megachilidae (Hymenoptera); Drosophilidae (Diptera); Gnaphosidae (Araneae); and Miridae and Scutellaridae (Hemiptera); as well as papers on insect trapping methods and avocado fruit borers.


Issue 92(1) was mailed today. This issue contains papers on Coleoptera (Cantharidae, Cerambycidae, Chrysomelidae, Elmidae), Chilopoda (Scolopendridae), Diptera (Chironomidae), Hemiptera (Aphididae, Delphacidae), and Trichoptera (Lepidostomatidae). We are now putting together manuscripts for issue 92(2), which will publish on or about June 30th.


Did you know that The Pan-Pacific Entomologist will print your figures in color for only $20/plate? One of the best deals around!


Issue 91(4) was mailed on 6 Jan 2016. This issue contains papers on Coleoptera (Buprestidae, Coccinellidae, Curculionidae, Scarabaeidae), Diptera (Drosophilidae, Tephriditdae), and Trichoptera (Hydroptilidae). We are now putting together manuscripts for issue 92(1), which will publish on or about March 31st.

We are saddened by the passing of Charles "Mich" Michener, who died Saturday, October 30, 2015 at the age of 97. Michene...

We are saddened by the passing of Charles "Mich" Michener, who died Saturday, October 30, 2015 at the age of 97. Michener was one of the 20th century's most important workers on social evolution in bees, influencing the likes of E.O.Wilson and helping set the stage for the sociobiology revolution of the 1970s. In a career of scientific publishing that spanned an astounding 80 years, The Pan-Pacific Entomologist had the great honor of publishing 20 of Michener's papers, including—remarkably—both his first (1935, vol. 11, pp. 23–24) and last (2015, vol. 91, pp. 128–134). Accompanying his last paper in that issue is a tribute to Michener's 80 years of scientific publications and a bibliography of his papers that appeared in The Pan-Pacific Entomologist (, and further details about Michener and his career can be found in a Wikipedia article by Doug Yanega (

Ted C. MacRae (2015) Charles D. Michener: 80 years of scientific publications. Pan-Pacific Entomologist: Vol. 91, No. 2, pp. 207-209. doi:

** BIG NEWS **Volumes 1–78 (1924–2002) of The Pan-Pacific Entomologist are now archived as PDF scans at our website (htt...

** BIG NEWS **
Volumes 1–78 (1924–2002) of The Pan-Pacific Entomologist are now archived as PDF scans at our website ( All members of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society have FREE ACCESS to these files. If you've been considering membership but haven't yet joined, now is the time to do so. It is still just a nominal $25/year and includes a subscription to current issues of The Pan-Pacific Entomologist and greatly reduced page charges for publication of papers—click on the "Membership" link at our website for details.

A nice interview with Charles "Mich" Michener in today's issue of Nature. At the end of the interview he mentions that h...

A nice interview with Charles "Mich" Michener in today's issue of Nature. At the end of the interview he mentions that he currently has a paper in press—that paper will appear in the next issue of The Pan-Pacific Entomologist (vol. 91, no. 2), and quite remarkably his first paper back in 1935 was also in The Pan-Pacific Entomologist. We are including in the issue a small tribute to congratulate his 80 years of scientific publication.

Charles Michener has been studying bees for more than 80 years, and, although he has seen many changes in the field, his interest in these insects has not diminished. Now aged 96, he contributes to bee research as a Watkins distinguished professor emeritus at Kansas University in Lawrence.


Issue 91(1) will be mailed on Mar 31. See the previous post for a summary of the insect taxa that will be comvered.

Have you stopped considered traditional print journals because of the high cost of printing color plates? If so, you'll be interested to know that last year we drastically reduced charges for color printing to only $20/plate. We look forward to receiving your manuscripts!


Files have just been submitted for Volume 91, number 1, which should mail on or about March 30. Look for papers on noctuid moths, butterflies, fruit flies (the real ones, not drosophilids), flat bugs, beneficial insects, and spiders. If you're disappointed to see no papers on beetles, just wait until 91(2) comes out!


Issue 90(4) will be mailed on Dec 24. Many thanks to our colleagues at Sheridan Press on beating the end-of-year deadline for this final issue of the 2014, and for their fine job during this first year as our printer.

Some say editing is a thankless job. This note in my e-mail inbox this morning from a recent author proves otherwise: "I have been publishing papers for 20+ years and you have been the best managing editor I have dealt with…" My sincerest thanks!

The new website for the Pacific Coast Entomological Society is now live, go check it out!

The new website for the Pacific Coast Entomological Society is now live, go check it out!

The Pacific Coast Entomological Society


55 Music Concourse Drive
San Francisco, CA


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