Indent Literary Agency

Indent Literary Agency Indent is a full-service agency, based in New York City, representing Spanish, Portuguese and Englis

Read a piece by Silvana Paternostro in The New York Times!

Read a piece by Silvana Paternostro in The New York Times!

Carlos Magdalena, whose botanical adventures have shades of Indiana Jones, was a driving force in saving the world’s smallest water lily and finding the largest one. He has been called the “plant messiah.”

LOS VIVOS—the latest novel by award-winning author Emiliano Monge—is out now with Penguin Libros México! 🎉Hincapié and V...

LOS VIVOS—the latest novel by award-winning author Emiliano Monge—is out now with Penguin Libros México! 🎉

Hincapié and Vestigia are a couple going through a difficult moment. In fact, they’ve given each other some space, and she’s gone to live at her friend Lucía’s for a few days while they decide whether they’re capable of overcoming the issues that seem to have driven them to this point. The underlying problem, which neither of them is fully prepared to recognize, is much larger. Emiliano Monge traps us in a story about the disappearance and appearance of both beings and things, once again untangling a territory full of contradictions. A one-of-a-kind novel about disappearances, the meaning of absence and presence, and the boundaries we tend to assume exist between the living and the dead.

According to Fernanda Melchor, “Only a writer of Emiliano Monge’s caliber could write this exceptional novel. If he had previously already placed himself at the head of contemporary fiction, with Los vivos he achieves a radical rift in the way of writing about our turbulent present.”

More information:

Jazmina Barrera's LA REINA DE ESPADAS (Penguin Libros México) in El País! 🎉

Jazmina Barrera's LA REINA DE ESPADAS (Penguin Libros México) in El País! 🎉

El libro ‘La reina de espadas’ recupera fragmentos de la obra de la novelista y dramaturga mexicana, cartas llenas de anécdotas y pasajes de su diario para contar su vida zarandeada por los acontecimientos del siglo XX

João Paulo Cuenca has been selected for Werner Herzog’s 2024 Film Accelerator! 🎉

João Paulo Cuenca has been selected for Werner Herzog’s 2024 Film Accelerator! 🎉

MECÁNICA POPULAR—a delirious, wondrous, autobiographical story about years of radical and chaotic change in Cuba. by Ped...

MECÁNICA POPULAR—a delirious, wondrous, autobiographical story about years of radical and chaotic change in Cuba. by Pedro Juan Gutiérrez—is out now with Editorial Anagrama! 🎉

Cuba registered radical, dizzying, chaotic, and violent changes during the 60s and 70s. Carlitos is a curious kid who wants to know everything. And he discovers that world with his investigative spirit: his family’s poverty, reading comics, s*x, first jobs to earn some money and help out, his rich and elegant relatives who have been displaced by revolution, and the pain of exile.

Evidently, Carlitos is the author’s alter ego, and he submerges us in a world that we couldn’t have imagined, in the memory of those essential and crazy years. With quick, lucid, effective prose, Pedro Juan Gutiérrez offers us a delirious and wondrous autobiographical story about difficult years.

More information:

COVER REVEAL: Brazilian edition of EL DIABLO DE LAS PROVINCIAS (DBA Editora) by Juan Cárdenas!

COVER REVEAL: Brazilian edition of EL DIABLO DE LAS PROVINCIAS (DBA Editora) by Juan Cárdenas!

💣 REVELAÇÃO DE CAPA // "O diabo das províncias", de Juan Cárdenas é o próximo lançamento do selo DBA Literatura. Nele, o autor narra a história de um biólogo que, após quinze anos de exílio, retorna à Colômbia e se depara com os fantasmas do passado: um irmão morto, uma família desintegrada, amigos mudados e um país mergulhado na violência.

Envolvido em uma trama sombria sobre o desaparecimento de alunas de um internato feminino, o romance se desenrola como um thriller policial, abordando temas como s*xo, política, dr**as e violência.

Juan Cárdenas, nascido em Popayán, Colômbia, é um dos escritores mais destacados de sua geração. Além de "O diabo das províncias", sua obra inclui diversos romances, contos e ensaios que exploram a complexidade da experiência humana e as nuances da sociedade colombiana.

Cárdenas recebeu, em 2019, o Prêmio Narrativo José Maria Arguedas pela publicação deste romance, consolidando sua reputação como um autor de grande relevância literária. Seu estilo, caracterizado pela profundidade psicológica e pela crítica social incisiva, faz de suas obras leituras obrigatórias para aqueles interessados na literatura contemporânea latino-americana.

Com tradução de Marina Waquil ( ), "O diabo das províncias" estará disponível nas livrarias em agosto.

Read a great review of Magalí Etchebarne's LA VIDA POR DELANTE (Editorial Páginas de Espuma), winner of the 2024 Ribera ...

Read a great review of Magalí Etchebarne's LA VIDA POR DELANTE (Editorial Páginas de Espuma), winner of the 2024 Ribera del Duero Prize, in El País!

La autora argentina desnuda la realidad con una serenidad violenta en estos cuatro relatos llenos de enfermedad, muerte y sentido del humor

Rafael Gumucio's LOS PARIENTES POBRES (Penguin Chile) in El País!

Rafael Gumucio's LOS PARIENTES POBRES (Penguin Chile) in El País!

En ‘Los parientes pobres’ el narrador chileno parte de la fogosa relación de un anciano patriarca con su hermana, la tía Pilar, en un asilo

Read an interview with Diego Zúñiga about his latest novel TIERRA DE CAMPEONES (Penguin Chile) in El País! 🎉

Read an interview with Diego Zúñiga about his latest novel TIERRA DE CAMPEONES (Penguin Chile) in El País! 🎉

El escritor chileno publica ‘Tierra de campeones’, una novela inspirada en la historia de un campeón de caza submarina con el Chile de Allende y Pinochet como telón de fondo

"Diego Zúñiga’s third novel is a descent into a sort of silent hell within fresh water (...) and it’s clear that contemp...

"Diego Zúñiga’s third novel is a descent into a sort of silent hell within fresh water (...) and it’s clear that contemporary Chile, alongside Roberto Bolaño and Alejandro Zambra, has a writer who we must continue reading.”

The Italian translation of TIERRA DE CAMPEONES (La nuova frontiera, tr. Federica Niola) is in TuttoLibri!

Il romanzo di Zúñiga si ispira alla storia vera di un campione di pesca subacquea

Read an excerpt of PINK SLIME by Fernanda Trías (Scribner Books, tr. Heather Cleary) in Literary Hub today! 🎉

Read an excerpt of PINK SLIME by Fernanda Trías (Scribner Books, tr. Heather Cleary) in Literary Hub today! 🎉

When the fog rolled in, the port turned into a swamp. Shadows fell across the plaza, filtering between the trees and leaving the long marks of their fingers on all they touched. Under each unbroken…

Happy US pub day to PINK SLIME by Fernanda Trías (Scribner Books tr. Heather Cleary)! 🎉In a city ravaged by a mysterious...

Happy US pub day to PINK SLIME by Fernanda Trías (Scribner Books tr. Heather Cleary)! 🎉

In a city ravaged by a mysterious plague, a woman tries to understand why her world is falling apart. An algae bloom has poisoned the previously pristine air that blows in from the sea. Inland, a secretive corporation churns out the only food anyone can afford—a revolting pink paste, made of an unknown substance. In the short, desperate breaks between deadly windstorms, our narrator stubbornly tends to her few remaining relationships: with her difficult but vulnerable mother; with the ex-husband for whom she still harbors feelings; with the boy she nannies, whose parents sent him away even as terrible threats loomed. Yet as conditions outside deteriorate further, her commitment to remaining in place only grows—even if staying means being left behind.

An evocative elegy for a safe, clean world, Pink Slime is buoyed by humor and its narrator’s resiliency. This unforgettable novel explores the place where love, responsibility, and self-preservation converge, and the beauty and fragility of our most intimate relationships.

The book is one of PARADE Magazine best new releases, a Teatime Pictures x Dakota Johnson Book Club Pick, and, according to Silvia Moreno-Garcia, “An intimate, melancholic look at an ecologically ravaged future.”

Published by Literatura Random House and Editorial Mantis in Spanish, rights have sold to Scribe Publications (World English), Scribner (English, USA), edizioni sur (Italian), Editora Moinhos (Portuguese, Brazil), Aurora Boreal (Danish), Prosak Förlag (Swedish), Actes Sud (French), Dar Athar (Arabic), Ullstein Verlag (German), Kültür Yayınları (Turkish), Sulakauri Publishing (Georgian), Wydawnictwo Pauza (Polish), Εκδόσεις Carnívora (Greek), Ombra CVG (Albanian), and Panorama Entertainment (Film) so far. More information:

PINK SLIME by Fernanda Trías (Scribner Books, tr. Heather Cleary) is in The New York Times! 🎉

PINK SLIME by Fernanda Trías (Scribner Books, tr. Heather Cleary) is in The New York Times! 🎉

In Fernanda Trías’s novel “Pink Slime,” one woman holds out in her town after an environmental disaster, trapped in a limbo of indecision.

Javier Sinay’s DESPUÉS DE LAS 09:53—a map of the AMIA bombing that took place in 1994 in Argentina that explores a story...

Javier Sinay’s DESPUÉS DE LAS 09:53—a map of the AMIA bombing that took place in 1994 in Argentina that explores a story that is still being investigated today—is out now with Sudamericana! 🎉

85 victims. A theory that was held since the first few hours: a car bomb. A predominant investigative line, the so-called “Iranian clue.” And other hypotheses. Conspiracy theories. Distrust. Flimsy proof. Cover-ups. Infiltrators among intelligence agents. Police corruption. A judge and two prosecutors removed from the case. A dead prosecutor. A former used car salesman who is now a successful criminal lawyer welcomed in prison. Eight international arrest warrants. No arrested responsible parties. Trying to understand what happened means entering a maze with no way out. This is a map of that maze: a perspective that includes the testimonies of the protagonists back then and now—Investigators, victims’ family members, leaders of the Jewish community—that shows how each line twists or is blocked. And how the story of the AMIA bombing is still being written.

More information:

¡Sábado en CDMX!

¡Sábado en CDMX!

Sara Mesa's LA FAMILIA in Le Monde! 🎉

Sara Mesa's LA FAMILIA in Le Monde! 🎉

L’autrice espagnole s’est imposée en quelques romans où se déploient des relations oppressives. Ainsi de « La Famille », qui se rapproche de ce qu’elle-même a pu vivre dans son enfance.

Diego Garrido’s debut novel LIBRO DE LOS DÍAS DE STANISLAUS JOYCE, the fictionalized diary of the author of Ulysses’s br...

Diego Garrido’s debut novel LIBRO DE LOS DÍAS DE STANISLAUS JOYCE, the fictionalized diary of the author of Ulysses’s brother, is out with Editorial Anagrama!

Stanislaus, the second son in a destructive line of drunks, would like to believe that literature saves, much like his older brother. “All human beings,” he notes on May 12th in his diary, or Book of Days, “spend our lives creating fictions in our minds, and only a few manage to put them onto paper and feel more or less satisfied. I have that obsession without the capability. The more I write the more I have it.” But at his side is Jim, likely either an idiot or a genius who makes his younger brother’s growing obsession pale.

What choice is left for Stanislaus, who is trapped in the ruins of the declining middle class that is his home? He doesn’t want to be like Jim, who is irresponsible, completely senseless, and able to get excited about any stupid thing and renew his enthusiasm without feeling absurd; he wants to be even less like his father, a sort of violent Irish Abraham who was fond of singing and drowned himself in alcohol. Or like his brother Charlie, a priest in the making and a drinker addicted to brothels; or like his many poor sisters, heirs to their mother’s silence.

What is the way out for poor, rigid Stanislaus, who doesn’t want to be one thing or another? His momentary refuge: silence and writing. His hope: a life far away from his country next to the person he loves.

Translation rights represented on behalf of Editorial Anagrama. More information:

"Guasch makes his English-language debut with this starkly beautiful postapocalyptic novel. (...) This is arresting."A s...

"Guasch makes his English-language debut with this starkly beautiful postapocalyptic novel. (...) This is arresting."

A starred Publishers Weekly review for NA**LM IN THE HEART by Pol Guasch (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, tr. Mara Faye Lethem), out in August! 🎉

Gausch makes his English-language debut with this starkly beautiful postapocalyptic novel. The narrator ekes out an existence wi...

LA LIGEREZA, a new essay by Juan Cárdenas, is out now with Editorial Periférica! 🎉What separates a work of art that is v...

LA LIGEREZA, a new essay by Juan Cárdenas, is out now with Editorial Periférica! 🎉

What separates a work of art that is valuable from one that is not? Is it merely a matter of taste, experience, canon, accessibility, marketing? Juan Cárdenas goes out on a limb with his theory in this book: “All great works of art carry with them the mark of lightness.” Distinguishing what is light from what is heavy isn’t easy, but one thing is clear: the primary source of lightness is pleasure. Art is pleasurable not because it imitates life, but because it is capable of translating its secret laws into the language of sensitive forms.

In his effort to unravel this concept, the author takes us through a series of essential questions to determine what we consider worthy of admiration today. An original, written journey that is, ultimately, also a way to clarify the mechanisms of his own creation.

Spanish (excl. Argentina) rights are with Periférica. All other rights are free so far. More information about the book and author:


“Testo seducente e complesso nonostante un’esibita semplicità, Terra di campioni” si può leggere allo stesso tempo come romanzo di iniziazione, come storia di sopravvivenza e solidarietà, come ritratto di una zona di frontiera […] A fare da sfondo è un ventennio di storia cilena, dagli anni ’50 all’elezione di Allende, fino all’improvvisa ferocia della dittatura, così da suggerire anche una lettura politica, insinuata dall’autore in modo indiretto ma inequivocabile, a conferma della sua intenzione di «pensare il mondo» allontanandosi dalla pura testimonianza e da ogni intento didascalico per adottare uno sguardo attento soprattutto ai processi narrativi, ma non per questo meno capace di proporre una riflessione su un passato da cui nasce il convulso presente del paese.”

📚 Oggi su il manifesto trovate una splendida lettura di “Terra di campioni” di Diego Zúñiga firmata da Francesca Lazzarato

📌 In libreria: Diego Zúñiga, Terra di campioni / traduzione di Federica Niola / illustrazione in copertina di Luca Tagliafico

Aura García-Junco’s MAY GOD BLAST THE WOMAN WHO WRITES ABOUT ME (tr. Heather Cleary) is out now in the UK with MTO Press...

Aura García-Junco’s MAY GOD BLAST THE WOMAN WHO WRITES ABOUT ME (tr. Heather Cleary) is out now in the UK with MTO Press and was launched this weekend at the Hay Festival in Wales! 🎉

In this novel, the ‘protagonist’ inherits approximately 10,000 books from her father, the eccentric teacher, underground writer and cultural promoter H. Pascal, after his death, and it is through her (re)connection with this library that she decides to investigate both her fractured relationship with him and her own relationships with literature, materiality and society. This familial archaeology ultimately serves as both a ritual of mourning and as the celebration of a life lived through and because of the written word.

“An extraordinary book by one of the leading Mexican writers.” —Juan Villoro

Originally published in Spanish with Editorial Sexto Piso, rights have sold to MTO Press (English), Editora Nós (Portuguese Brazil), and SCRIBD (Spanish Audio) so far. More information:

"Trías’s prose, in Heather Cleary’s terrific translation, pulls you in slowly until you find you can’t put the book down...

"Trías’s prose, in Heather Cleary’s terrific translation, pulls you in slowly until you find you can’t put the book down."

PINK SLIME by Fernanda Trías (Scribner Books, tr. Heather Cleary) is one of Literary Hub's 18 New Novels You Need to Read This Summer! 🎉

One of the greatest pleasures in life is reading outdoors, something that becomes eminently more possible—at least for those of us living in the American Northeast—after Memorial Day. Well, here we…

"An extraordinarily beautiful depiction of an extraordinarily ugly—and wholly credible—world in the making."A starred Ki...

"An extraordinarily beautiful depiction of an extraordinarily ugly—and wholly credible—world in the making."

A starred Kirkus review for NA**LM IN THE HEART by Pol Guasch (tr. Mara Faye Lethem), out in August with Farrar, Straus and Giroux! 🎉

Editorial Anagrama

A bleakly brilliant novel of a near future in which humankind has descended into unspeakable brutality.

"Stunning writing makes this a startlingly powerful novel."A starred Kirkus review for PINK SLIME by Fernanda Trías (tr....

"Stunning writing makes this a startlingly powerful novel."

A starred Kirkus review for PINK SLIME by Fernanda Trías (tr. Heather Cleary)! 🎉 Out soon with Scribner Books

A town is decimated by a horrifying epidemic in this dark novel.

PINK SLIME is one of the Los Angeles Times's Most Anticipated Summer Books! 🎉"In writing about the ways folks hold toget...

PINK SLIME is one of the Los Angeles Times's Most Anticipated Summer Books! 🎉

"In writing about the ways folks hold together during difficult times, Trías untangles the myths and realities of resilience."

Here are 20 upcoming books — publishing between late May and August — that we recommend to kick off the summer reading season.

A starred Library Journal review for PINK SLIME by Fernanda Trías (tr. Heather Cleary)! 🎉"With her eerie and unnervingly...

A starred Library Journal review for PINK SLIME by Fernanda Trías (tr. Heather Cleary)! 🎉

"With her eerie and unnervingly probable plot, strong narrative voice, and focus on the small, beautiful moments of life amid disaster, Trías’s (...) tale will continue to haunt readers long after they turn the final page."

Out with Scribner Books in July.

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