
FoodieFlicks Welcome to our cooking page, where we share delicious recipes, cooking tips, and food-related content.



- মুরগি (চামড়া সহ)
- পেঁয়াজকুচি
- রসুন কুচি
-আদা কুচি
-শুকনো মরিচ
- ১ টি হলুদের গুড়ো
- ১ চা চামচ মরিচ বাটা
- ১ চা চামচ জিরা বাটা
- ১ চা চামচ ধুনিয়া বাটা

রান্নার ধাপ:
আস্সালামু আলাইকুম। আজকে আমরা- রান্না করব মুরগীর ঝাল্ কারি আলু দিয়ে। খুবই সহজ রান্না, যে কেউ এই রান্নাটা করতে পারেন। আসুন দেখে নেই এই রেসিপি!
একটা প্যান চুলায় গরম দিতে হবে। আমি প্রেশার কুকার নিলাম।- প্রথমে তেল দিলাম। আলু তেলে ভেজে নিবো। মুরগীতে এইভাবে ভেজে আলু দিলে আলাদা একটা স্বাদ আসে। আলু ভাজা হয়ে গেছে।

এখন তেলে দিয়ে দিবো পিয়াজ কুচি ।বাদামী হয়ে গেলে আদা কুচি এবং রসুন কুচি দিয়ে দিবো। ভাল করে ভেজে নিবো ।বাদামী হয়ে গেলে এখন দিবো শুকনো মরিচ, দুটো তেজপাতা, লং এবং এলাচ। কিছুক্ষণ নেড়ে দিলাম ।এখন জিরা বাটা, ধনিয়া বাটা এবং শুকনো মরিচ হালকা করে বাটা দিলাম। ভাল করে কষিয়ে নিব।

আমি মুরগী পরিষ্কার করে রেখেছিলাম। মুরগী মশলার মধ্যে দিয়ে দিবো। হলুদ এবং লবন দিয়ে ভালভাবে নেড়ে নিবো। পরিমাণ মত পানি দিলাম। এখন কুকারে ঢাকনা লাগিয়ে দিবো। পাঁচটি হুইসেল দিলে চুলা থেকে নামিয়ে রাখব।

আরেকটি প্যান চুলায় গরম দিবো। সরিষা তেল- দিবো।তেলে পিয়াজ দিয়ে ভালভাবে নেড়ে দিব ,বাদামী করে নিবো। এখন মুরগী দিয়ে দিবো এবং ভাজি করা সাথে আলু দিবো। পনেরো মিনিট দমে রেখে দিলাম।

এই সুস্বাদু রেসিপিটি খুব সহজে আপনি রান্না করতে পারেন। সুন্দর করে পরিবেশন করে আপনার পরিবারের সাথে উপভোগ করুন ।
এই ভিডিওটি লাইক ও শেয়ার করতে ভুলবেন না। আমাদের চ্যানেলটি সাব্স্ক্রাইব করতে ভুলবেন না । Happy Cooking!

Savoring every bite from this delicious bowl 🥄

Savoring every bite from this delicious bowl 🥄

Refreshing cucumber yogurt salad and tangy sour cream pairing perfectly together! 🍒🍛

Refreshing cucumber yogurt salad and tangy sour cream pairing perfectly together! 🍒🍛


I want to give a huge shout-out to my top Stars senders. Thank you for all the support!

GM Alamin Sadnan


Thanks for your support

🎉 Just completed level 3 and am so excited to continue growing as a creator on Facebook!

🎉 Just completed level 3 and am so excited to continue growing as a creator on Facebook!


Looking for a simple yet delicious side dish to pair with your main course? Look no further than this Easy and Delicious Roasted Asparagus Recipe! In this video, we show you how to make crispy roasted asparagus that is perfect for any meal. Watch now to learn how to elevate your dining experience with this flavorful dish. Easy and Delicious Roasted Asparagus Recipe | Perfect Side Dish. Watch now!
Thank you for watching! ❤️

Dig into this delicious bowl of creamy and tasty coleslaw salad! 🥄😋

Dig into this delicious bowl of creamy and tasty coleslaw salad! 🥄😋

Nice soda JetBlue thanks alot

Nice soda JetBlue thanks alot


Feasting on a mouth-watering dish of meat and rice served on a beautiful blue plate. 😋

Sipping on some pink goodness with a touch of green 🌿

Sipping on some pink goodness with a touch of green 🌿

Satisfy your hunger with this hearty meal of meat and rice served on a white plate 🍴

Satisfy your hunger with this hearty meal of meat and rice served on a white plate 🍴


Chicken Jhal Curry | মুরগীর ঝাল্ কারি ।

মুরগীর ঝাল কারি, বাঙালি খাদ্যের একটি প্রমুখ রেসিপি। এটি মুরগির মাংস দিয়ে তৈরি হয়, যা জিরা, ধনে-পুদিনা পাতা, টমেটো, লবণ, ধনে বাটা, লঙ্কা, আদা-রসুন ইত্যাদি সহ ভিন্ন মসলা দিয়ে স্বাদমত রুটি বা ভাতের সাথে পরিবেশন করা হয়।

- মুরগি (চামড়া সহ)
- পেঁয়াজকুচি
- রসুন কুচি
- আদা কুচি
- শুকনো মরিচ
- তেজপাতা
- লং
- এলাচ
- ১ টি হলুদের গুড়ো
- ১ চা চামচ মরিচ বাটা
- ১ চা চামচ জিরা বাটা
- ১ চা চামচ ধুনিয়া বাটা

রান্নার ধাপ-
আস্সালামু আলাইকুম। আজকে আমরা- রান্না করব মুরগীর ঝাল্ কারি আলু দিয়ে। খুবই সহজ রান্না, যে কেউ এই রান্নাটা করতে পারেন। আসুন দেখে নেই এই রেসিপি!
একটা প্যান চুলায় গরম দিতে হবে। আমি প্রেশার কুকার নিলাম।- প্রথমে তেল দিলাম। আলু তেলে ভেজে নিবো। মুরগীতে এইভাবে ভেজে আলু দিলে আলাদা একটা স্বাদ আসে। আলু ভাজা হয়ে গেছে।

এখন তেলে দিয়ে দিবো পিয়াজ কুচি ।বাদামী হয়ে গেলে আদা কুচি এবং রসুন কুচি দিয়ে দিবো। ভাল করে ভেজে নিবো ।বাদামী হয়ে গেলে এখন দিবো শুকনো মরিচ, দুটো তেজপাতা, লং এবং এলাচ। কিছুক্ষণ নেড়ে দিলাম ।এখন জিরা বাটা, ধনিয়া বাটা এবং শুকনো মরিচ হালকা করে বাটা দিলাম। ভাল করে কষিয়ে নিব।

আমি মুরগী পরিষ্কার করে রেখেছিলাম। মুরগী মশলার মধ্যে দিয়ে দিবো। হলুদ এবং লবন দিয়ে ভালভাবে নেড়ে নিবো। পরিমাণ মত পানি দিলাম। এখন কুকারে ঢাকনা লাগিয়ে দিবো। পাঁচটি হুইসেল দিলে চুলা থেকে নামিয়ে রাখব।

আরেকটি প্যান চুলায় গরম দিবো। সরিষা তেল- দিবো।তেলে পিয়াজ দিয়ে ভালভাবে নেড়ে দিব ,বাদামী করে নিবো। এখন মুরগী দিয়ে দিবো এবং ভাজি করা সাথে আলু দিবো। পনেরো মিনিট দমে রেখে দিলাম।

এই সুস্বাদু রেসিপিটি খুব সহজে আপনি রান্না করতে পারেন। সুন্দর করে পরিবেশন করে আপনার পরিবারের সাথে উপভোগ করুন ।
এই ভিডিওটি লাইক ও শেয়ার করতে ভুলবেন না। আমাদের চ্যানেলটি সাব্স্ক্রাইব করতে ভুলবেন না । Happy Cooking!

Chicken jhal curry is another recipe of Bengali cuisine. It is made with chicken meat, seasoned with different spices including cumin, coriander-mint leaves, tomatoes, salt, coriander paste, chillies, ginger-garlic etc. served with bread or rice.

- Chicken (with skin)
- Chopped onions
- Garlic cloves
- Ginger slices
- Dry chillies
- bay leaf
- Cardamom
- 1 turmeric powder
- 1 teaspoon of chili paste
- 1 teaspoon of cumin powder
- 1 teaspoon coriander powder

cooking steps
Assalamu Alaikum. Today we will cook chicken jhal curry with potatoes. Very easy cooking, anyone can do this cooking. Let's see this recipe!
Heat a pan in the oven. I took a pressure cooker.- First I put oil. Fry potatoes in oil. Potatoes fried in this way add a different flavor to the chicken. Potatoes are fried.

Now add chopped onion to the oil. When it turns brown, add chopped ginger and chopped garlic. Fry it well. When it turns brown, now add dry chillies, two bay leaves, long and cardamom. I stirred it for a while. Now I lightly beat the cumin seeds, coriander seeds and dried chillies. I will take it well.

I kept the chicken clean. Put the chicken in the spices. Stir well with turmeric and salt. I gave the amount of water. Now put the lid on the cooker. After five whistles, I will take it off the stove.

Heat another pan in the oven. I will add mustard oil. I will stir the onion well in the oil and brown it. Now add the chicken and fried potatoes. I left it for fifteen minutes.

You can cook this delicious recipe very easily. Serve beautifully and enjoy with your family.
Don't forget to like and share this video. Don't forget to follow our page. Happy Cooking!


Hi Foodieflicks family! today I'm sharing a simple yet delicious recipe for a refreshing Avocado Cucumber Salad. It's perfect for a light lunch, a side dish, or even a healthy snack. So, let's dive right in!

First, let's take our ripe avocado and place it on the cutting board. Make sure the avocado is ripe but not too soft."

Using a knife, carefully slice the avocado lengthwise, rotating it around the pit. Gently twist the halves apart.

Now that we have our two halves, you can see the pit is still in one of them. Instead of using a knife to remove it, here's a trick.

Take the half with the pit and hold it firmly. Slice it into two to three pieces, and gently we can remove the pit with our hand. Be careful, as the avocado can be split.

Now, we can cut the avocado flesh into cubes. Simply slice it lengthwise and then crosswise while it's still in the skin.

Finally, use your hand to scoop out the avocado cubes. They should come out easily and be perfectly sized for your salad.

Next, slice your cucumber. You can cut it into thin rounds or cubes, whichever you prefer.

Slice your tomatoe in half and chopped. These add a lovely burst of color and sweetness.

Now, finely chop half a red onion. This will add a nice crunch and a bit of sharpness to our salad."

And finally, chop a small bunch of cilantro. This herb will give our salad a fresh, citrusy flavor."

Now, let's put everything together. In a large bowl, combine the avocado, cucumber, tomatoes ,red onion, tomatoes, and cilantro.

Drizzle with a bit of olive oil, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Give it a gentle toss to combine all the flavors.

Mmm, so fresh and flavorful! I hope you enjoyed this quick and easy recipe. If you did, don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to Foodieflicks for more delicious recipes. And if you try this salad, share your pictures with me in a comment. See you next time!

When life gives you lemons, put them on top of your food 🍋

Welcome to our cooking page,where we share delicious recipes,cooking tips,and food-related content.

Hi everyone! Welcome back to Foodieflicks. Today, we’re making a delicious and healthy chia seed pudding with mango. Per...

Hi everyone! Welcome back to Foodieflicks. Today, we’re making a delicious and healthy chia seed pudding with mango. Perfect for breakfast or a refreshing snack. Let’s get started!

First, we’re going to take a bowl and add four tablespoons of chia seeds. To this, I’ll add some milk. You can use any milk you like—almond, coconut, or regular dairy milk. Give it a good stir to ensure the chia seeds are evenly distributed. Now, I’ll leave this in the fridge overnight to let the chia seeds absorb the milk and form a pudding-like consistency.

Next, I’m going to take a ripe mango. I’ll peel it and chop it into small cubes. I’ll blend one part of the mango to make a smooth puree and keep the other part chopped for some texture.

Now that our chia seeds have soaked overnight, they’re ready to be assembled into a delicious pudding. I’ll take a small bowl of the soaked chia seeds and add a layer of the blended mango puree in between. This adds a lovely, fruity sweetness. Then, I’ll add about a tablespoon of yogurt for some creaminess. I’ll top it off with another layer of blended mango and finish with the chopped mango pieces for decoration.

And there you have it! A beautiful and nutritious chia seed pudding with mango. It’s simple to make and packed with flavor. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more delicious recipes. Thanks for watching, and see you next time on Foodieflicks!


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Hi everyone! Welcome back to Foodieflicks. Today, we’re making a very healthy and nutritious dish: roasted asparagus. Le...

Hi everyone! Welcome back to Foodieflicks. Today, we’re making a very healthy and nutritious dish: roasted asparagus. Let’s get started!

First, I’m going to take some fresh asparagus and cut off the bottom part. This part can be tough and woody. Next, I’ll rinse the asparagus thoroughly with water and dry it with kitchen towel.

Now, I’ll place the asparagus on a baking tray. I have a lemon here, which I’ll finely slice. Then, I’ll sprinkle some salt and black pepper over the asparagus. A quick spray of oil to coat them evenly, and we’re almost ready. I’ll arrange the lemon slices nicely on top of the asparagus and add a tablespoon of lemon juice for extra flavor.

To finish it off before baking, I’ll top the asparagus with some parmesan cheese. This will give it a lovely, savory crust. Now, into the oven it goes. I’ll bake it at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes.

Now that the asparagus is roasted to perfection, it’s time to serve. I’ll transfer the asparagus onto a plate. For a refreshing side, I’ll add some cucumber slices. A little bit of mayonnaise for dipping, a sprinkle of black pepper on top, and a final touch of grated parmesan cheese.

And there you have it! Delicious and healthy roasted asparagus. It’s simple, nutritious, and packed with flavor. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more tasty recipes. Thanks for watching, and see you next time on Foodieflicks!

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Please like and share our video and subscribe 😍

The perfect Kunafa Recipe Crispy and Silky | Cream Filled Kunafa Recipe. Get ready to satisfy your sweet tooth with our latest Foodie Flicks episode! Join us...

Welcome to our kitchen! Today, we will prepare a delicious and savory dish featuring chicken gizzards and chickpeas. Let...

Welcome to our kitchen! Today, we will prepare a delicious and savory dish featuring chicken gizzards and chickpeas. Let's go ahead and get started.
First, we’ll take a cup of chickpeas and soak it in water for 30 minutes. we'll drain and rinse the chickpeas. We will boil the chickpeas and then add a teaspoon of salt.
First, heat some olive oil in a pan over medium heat.
Add the chopped onion. Saute until the onions are translucent.
Add the raw masala spices: cinnamon, cardamom, bay leaves, and cloves.
Season the mix with ground cumin, paprika, garlic, ginger, turmeric, and coriander. Add some water to prevent it from burning.
Cook until the spices are fragrant and release oil.
Add the chicken gizzards to the pan. We cleaned the chicken gizzards beforehand and rinsed them with water.
After cooking our chickpeas properly, pour them into the pan and stir everything together.
Cover the pan and let it simmer for 15-20 minutes, or until the gizzards are tender and cooked.
Heat mustard oil in a separate small pan and add dry red chili, cumin seeds, mustard seeds, and chopped onions. Fry until brown.
Add the fried spices and onions to the pan with the chicken gizzards and chickpeas.
And there you have it—our flavorful Chicken Gizzards with Chickpeas are ready to be enjoyed!

Thanks for joining us in the kitchen. and don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more tasty recipes!" Stay tuned for more delicious recipes!
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Crazy way to make Bengali-style Chana dal with chickpeas recipe

Crazy way to make Bengali-style Chana dal with chickpeas recipe

Welcome to our kitchen! Today, we will prepare a delicious and savory dish featuring chicken gizzards and chickpeas. Let's get started.First, we’ll take a cu...


Today I will show you how to make this creamy coleslaw with plenty of crunch.There's no need to buy a big tub of coleslaw with an annoyingly short expiration...

The Best Homemade Creamy Coleslaw, Ready in 5 Minutes!Today I will show you how to make this creamy coleslaw with plenty...

The Best Homemade Creamy Coleslaw, Ready in 5 Minutes!
Today I will show you how to make this creamy coleslaw with plenty of crunch.

There's no need to buy a big tub of coleslaw with an annoyingly short expiration date when you can whip up a perfectly sized batch of homemade coleslaw in 5 minutes.

It is so good as a side dish for summer barbecues and lazy lunches or as a topping for crispy chicken burgers.

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Creamy cucumber salad with sour creamI don't know if there's a salad that says summer more than a salad with cucumbers. Dill and onion pair perfectly with th...

Chia Seeds Benefits - Proven Health Benefits of Chia Seeds - চিয়া সিড -chia seeds for weight lossচিয়া সীড পানীয়ের অনেক উপকারিতা আছে যেমন ভালো প্রোটিনের উৎস,...


Watch this video to learn how to peel pomegranates quickly, easily, and with zero stress. Check out this video if you love pomegranates like I do but hate to...

CARROT HALWA RECIPE: A SYMPHONY OF FLAVORS AND TRADITIONCarrot Halwa, also known as Gajar Ka Halwa, is a beloved North I...


Carrot Halwa, also known as Gajar Ka Halwa, is a beloved North Indian dessert that transcends cultural boundaries. This iconic recipe, made with the simplest of ingredients—carrots, milk, milk solids, and dry fruits—has become a global sensation, celebrated for its simplicity, rich flavors, and cultural significance.
The Essence of Halwa
Halwa recipes hold a special place in Indian culinary traditions, often associated with festivities and celebrations. While these sweet treats are commonly prepared during the winter season for their comforting warmth, certain variations, like Carrot Halwa, have transcended seasonal constraints, becoming an all-season delight.
Carrot Halwa, traditionally prepared by grating carrots and slow-cooking them with full cream milk, takes on a modern twist with the introduction of the pressure cooker. This adaptation eliminates the laborious task of prolonged sautéing and grating, making the process efficient and accessible. The use of orange-colored carrots, though unconventional, adds a vibrant touch to the dish, making it a visual and culinary delight.
Choosing the right carrots is crucial for achieving the desired bright color and juicy texture in the halwa. Fresh, tender, red-colored carrots are recommended for authenticity, although orange-colored ones can be a suitable alternative. The addition of khoa or mawa, combined with full cream milk in the pressure cooking process, elevates the halwa's texture, ensuring a rich and creamy consistency.


The ingredients list reads like a poetic composition:
1. 3/4 cup grated carrot
2. 1 cup sugar
3. 2 tablespoons ghee/clarified butter
4. Cardamom powder
5. 9/10 pieces of chopped cashew/kaju
6. ½ cup liquid milk
7. Powdered milk

A Culinary Ballet: Step-by-Step Delight

1.Peel and finely grate fresh carrots, ensuring their freshness and avoiding aged or soft carrots.
2. Fry and sauté the carrots until they reach a tender state.
3. Introduce 1 cup of sugar, ensuring thorough mixing and cooking until the sugar dissolves and the mixture thickens.
4. Add 2 tablespoons of ghee to the mixture, sautéing until a slight change in color is achieved.
5. Incorporate ¼ tsp cardamom powder and 9/10 pieces of chopped cashew/kaju.
6. Pour ½ cup of liquid milk, stirring well, and boil for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
7. Continue boiling until the carrots are fully cooked, and the milk reduces.
8. Once the milk thickens, introduce powdered milk, cooking until the halwa achieves the desired thickness and ghee releases from the sides.

Serving Suggestions: A Symphony Finale

Serve this delectable Carrot Halwa with additional dry fruits, offering a symphony of textures and flavors. Whether enjoyed chilled or warm, consider adding a vanilla scoop ice cream topping for an extra layer of indulgence.

About Carrot Halwa:

Carrot Halwa, or Gajar Ka Halwa, holds cultural significance, traditionally made and served during various festival celebrations and occasion feasts. While the classic preparation involves grating and slow-cooking, the pressure cooker method simplifies the process without compromising authenticity.

Carrot Halwa stands as a testament to the adaptability and timelessness of traditional recipes. Whether prepared through the classic slow-cooking method or the contemporary pressure cooker approach, the result is a dessert that encapsulates the rich heritage of Indian sweets. So, embark on this culinary journey, savor the flavors, and relish the cultural richness of Carrot Halwa.

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Whipped tres leches cold coffee is a delightful and indulgent beverage that combines the rich flavors of tres leches cake with the refreshing and invigoratin...


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