Why do we pay so much in taxes when the government can just print money anytime it wants?
If the dollar is the monetary standard for the planet why do we owe so much money to other countries?
If we print the money and set its standard globally who exactly do we owe all this debt to, and why are we made to feel personally responsible for it?
If the federal reserve bank has absolutely nothing to do with the actual federal government (I’ve heard it’s about as federal as federal express) then why would we ever allow any private entity to control so much of our national currency and debt?
Why are they allowed to control inflation especially knowing they often make mistakes in their calculations?
We have to believe in the system in order for it to work.
We have to believe our money is worth something.
We have to believe in democracy for it to work.
We have to believe our hard earned tax dollars are going towards worthy endeavors, pursuits, and causes.
Truth is they collect your hard earned tax dollars because they can.
They collect it to keep up the illusion that you individually make a difference in the economy, the nation, its systems, and don’t question the status quo.
They collect your money to keep you a broke, obedient, and patriotic slave.
They do it to retain control over your life so you give it up to increase the country’s GDP so they can keep stealing the wealth of other nations under the guise of international business relations.
Money isn’t real. It’s made up, imaginary. All the problems that money creates are imaginary too. We collectively choose to make it real.
We can also collectively choose an alternative way as well.