In conducting surveys and focus groups, healthcare management and media representatives have found a growing number of consumers are searching the Internet for the latest local healthcare news and information. The old media (newspapers, radio news, local television news), which were fine twenty years ago, do not provide adequate coverage of local healthcare news, primarily due to time and space co
nstraints. The Scrubs Report is the exception. We pledge to respect the healthcare organizations, and the consumers, by publishing all of the news submitted. The Scrubs Report was created to give the consumer one Internet location where the latest local healthcare news and information for a particular city is available, and updated regularly. No more waiting for the morning newspaper or the local radio or television news. No more time-robbing searches for bits and pieces of local healthcare information. The Scrubs Report is your one-stop source! The Scrubs Report also features a resource guide of local providers that offer a variety of healthcare services. The Doctor's Office section assists medical professionals by providing them with a comprehensive list of companies that provide services for today's busy medical offices... ranging from accounting, to staffing, to telecommunications... and everything in-between. Many of these companies provide services for non-medical offices, as well. The MD Lifestyle page offers a list of companies that provide goods and services for that much needed getaway, or just to enjoy leisure time away from the office. Soon, our readers will be able to visit our page, and sign up for our email alerts via Twitter. In 2012, the Scrubs Radio Network will make its debut, along with our Rewards Card program. We look forward to serving consumers and the healthcare community. Updates and site additions will be added on a regular basis, so make The Scrubs Report part of your daily routine! only to have that news altered, edited and used as "filler". The Scrubs Report is the exception.time and space constraints. We pledge to respect the healthcare organizations, and the consumers, by publishing all of the news submitted by reputable healthcare organizations.