This big old white oak (Quercus alba) recently fell at the base because of a bad case of butt rot. The tree was known as the London Grove Oak and was estimate to be older than 300 years oldb #soil #plantsoftiktok #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #garden #roots #tree #plants
#plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #garden #roots #tree #plants
We blew away the around this elm which yielded an interesting and rare look at part of a mature system. #plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #garden #roots #tree #plants
Growing in a backyard nursery has been a great learning experience! #plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #garden #roots #tree #plants
I manually remove lesser celandine (Ficaria verna) from my property each year. Its something I hope to stay on top of, because this plant can take over quickly! #plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #Garden #roots #tree #plants
Bradford pears or Callery pears are in bloom here in the Philly area. These were recently banned for sale in PA, which is great! #plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #Garden #roots #tree #plants
Big mature trees along one of the busiest roads in Philadelphia have some severe damage at the base. #plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #garden #roots #tree #plants
A great way to recycle your Christmas tree this year is to give it to the goats! #plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #garden #roots #tree #plants
ere restoring this streambank by planting native live stakes! These are fun and easy to plant, and make a pretty immediate difference. #plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #garden #Roots #tree #plants
Heres a really well-built parking rain garden, full of nice native plants. These should be everywhere! What are your thoughts #plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #garden #Roots #tree #plants
The southern magnolia (M. grandiflora) outside my bedroom window has beauty in every season. I filmed it throughout 2022, and put this clip together. Enjoy! #plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #garden #roots #tree #plants
Stitch with @nativeplanttok - Chinese silver grass (Miscanthus sinensis) is a very abundant invasive in parts of southeastern PA. This is one of the parent species of the hybrid mentioned in Kyles video. #plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #garden #roots #tree #plants
Its time to spread the native wildflower seeds in this portion of my yard that Im converting to meadow! #plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #garden #roots #tree #plants
Every spring, Im surprised by how early the Red Maples (Acer rubrum) and Silver maples (Acer saccharinum) start blooming here in the Philadelphia area. #plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #garden #roots #tree #plants
Our native witch-hazels bloom during late fall and into the winter, and make for great shrubs in the landscape! #plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #garden #roots #tree #plants
#plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #garden #roots #tree #plants
An up-close look at a bald-faced hornets nest! (Dolichovespula maculata) #plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #garden #roots #tree #plants
A population boom of eastern mosquito fern (Azolla caroliniana) at a local pond, believed to be from lawn fertilizer runoff. #plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #garden #roots #tree #plants
We planted a new native street tree in Philadelphia one year this spring, so here's an update about the tree's first year in Philly! #plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #garden #roots #tree #plants
Native violets (Viola spp.) are seriously underrated plants! Many folks consider them to be a weed in their lawn, and put lots of effort into eradicating them. #plantsoftiktok #soil #fyp #forest #trees #urbanforest #garden #roots #tree #plants