“Ryan Gosling, Audition Gladiator, psychological torture and self tapes.” 🎬🎥🤼
Check out the newest episode of @theactorsagenda w/ special guest @jackinnanen talking about his new FX pilot ‘Snowflakes’ & much more.
Now on Spotify, YouTube and Apple Podcasts!
#theactorsagenda #podcast #actorslife #acting #jackinnanen #mikemanning #auditions
Check out these highlights from Season 1 of @theactorsagenda. All new episodes from Season 2 releasing this week!!!
Clips Ft. @coltontran @leslielluvet @therealrahulrai @davidarchie @michaeltestacasting @leahmckendrick @dambrosiotwins @therealbiancad @therealchiarad @augustmaturo
Full episodes available on @spotify @youtube & @applepodcasts. LINK IN BIO.
#theactorsagenda #podcast #mikemanning #acting #actorslife
Check out the latest episode of @theactorsagenda w/ special guest, author and coach Craig Archibald of @archibaldstudio. Craig offers advice to actors about “building characters,” which he used to work with Mike on @teenwolf, @sonofthesouthfilm and more.
Watch/listen today for free! LINK IN BIO.
#acting #actors #actorslife #theactorsagenda #podcast #mikemanning #teenwolf #auditions
This week’s guest is actor/author/acting coach Craig Archibald of the @archibaldstudio. Check out the POD for tips on how to bring your best self to auditions and performances. 🎤🙌🏼
#acting #theactorsagenda #podcast #archibald #actorslife #mikemanning #audition #actingtips
Hey #actors - how do we feel about #SelfTapes? Are you showing your personality through your auditions?
Listen to what #castingdirector Michael Testa has to say. Full interview = link in bio.
#acting #podcast #theactorsagenda #casting #michaeltesta #mikemanning #actorlife
One of our favorite interview yet. Mike interviews casting director Michael Testa about the current state of the industry, and how actors should take the pressure off of themselves when trying to “book the job.”
Full episode available now on Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts. LINK IN BIO.
Interview w/ @mike_manning_
Intro w/ @iamclementineheath
Produced by @heyjustincrawford
Assistance by @upodcaster
#acting #theactorsagenda #podcast #michaeltesta #castingdirector #casting #mikemanning #actorslife
Have you checked out our latest episode with @leslielluvet? About her journey from Cuba to Miami to Los Angeles, and how she’s using her story to inspire her next film.
#acting #producing #leslielluvet #theactorsagenda #mikemanning #podcast #clementineheath #actor #writing
“…So my goal has always been to create these films that make you feel something that you quite don’t really understand…”
- Leslie Lluvet on The Actor’s Agenda podcast, when talking about art’s ability to open the hearts and minds of its audience
#theactorsagenda #leslielluvet #podcast #acting #producing #mikemanning #actorslife
Check out the latest episode of The Actor’s Agenda! This week, we talk to @leslielluvet about her journey from Havana, Cuba to Miami, Florida to Los Angeles, California, and how she approaches her career with a “just do it” attitude. LINK IN BIO.
#theactorsagenda #podcast #leslielluvet #acting #mikemanning #clementineheath #actorlife
August Maturo talking about the magic of being on set. Check out the newest episode of The Actor’s Agenda on Spotify and Youtube today.
#augustmaturo #actorsagenda #podcast #mikemanning #acting
Remember “Auggie” from GIRL MEETS WORLD? See how that prepared him for the films THE NUN and SLAPFACE. Full audio on Spotify & video on YouTube. Link in bio.
#theactorsagenda #podcast #augustmaturo #acting #augustmaturoedit #mikemanning #actor #actorlife
When one twin can eat the cupcake on set and the other one has to watch 😂.
Full episode on Spotify & YouTube. Link in bio.
#theactorsagenda #podcast #dambrosiotwins #yandr #acting #actorslife #mikemanning #funny