GenPop Media

GenPop Media GenPop Media is an alternative media production house focused on exposing history's hidden truths th

Whatever hope one might draw from the stories told by our mainstream media, keep the big picture in mind.

Whatever hope one might draw from the stories told by our mainstream media, keep the big picture in mind.

I wonder why this didn't make Dale Carnegie's Top 40 Ways to Win Friends and Influence People.

I wonder why this didn't make Dale Carnegie's Top 40 Ways to Win Friends and Influence People.

Pros & Cons?  Pro: You know what's going on.  Con . . .

Pros & Cons? Pro: You know what's going on. Con . . .

If you want to understand one of the mechanisms dividing our country, family & friends, look into Solomon Asch's experim...

If you want to understand one of the mechanisms dividing our country, family & friends, look into Solomon Asch's experiments on Conformity (which began in 1951). Then compare it with the 4 quotes added to this post. For instance, in Johann Fitche's 1810 quote, he said that they would eventually be able to get a certain percent of the population to think that "snow is black" which would cause those people to fight with others who think "snow is white". So, if we feel certain topics are "too controversial" to broach, odds are that Asch's Paradigm is at work in (at least) one of the parties. The first step in healing is to identify what's causing the sickness.

Just your basic Tuesday in America in 2024. Playing along is one thing. Not realizing everyone is playing along is, well...

Just your basic Tuesday in America in 2024. Playing along is one thing. Not realizing everyone is playing along is, well, embarrassing. Get focused people.

There is no U.S. President, NASA astronaut, Navy fighter pilot, nor regular Joe recording lights in the sky who can tell...

There is no U.S. President, NASA astronaut, Navy fighter pilot, nor regular Joe recording lights in the sky who can tell the difference between a fallen angel and an "alien". So, what makes you so certain about what's in our skies? Do you understand how brainwashing works? FYI, it's not supposed to be noticed by the intended target. There's a million movies about an alien invasion, and none about demons pretending to be aliens. Ever wonder why? Can't you see what's happening? Don't feel bad. We are up against "The Deceiver of the Whole World." For those who'll have to figure this out someday, all we can say is there is ZERO safety in "going with the group" on this one. I'll bet a hamburger that lots of people will eternally regret getting this one wrong. I'll bet another hamburger lots of folks reading this will have to deal with this in their lifetime. Actually, I'll bet a thousand hamburgers.

The beauty is the people who can't (genuinely) think critically are totally unaware they can't. Want more irony? Those w...

The beauty is the people who can't (genuinely) think critically are totally unaware they can't. Want more irony? Those with more college education performed more poorly on Milgram's test. It boils down to this: The kids that followed the rules best and did things like get good grades never stopped to think who's rules they were following. I would know. I was one of them once. Without some authority figure telling them they're doing well, their life would collapse. This is most (but not all) my college friends. Of course, in college it was made clear that it would be silly to consider the bible an authority on anything. Yes, they have high-status jobs and make lots of money, but they're not very entrepreneurial. What did Jesus say about the rich, camels, eyes of needles & getting into heaven? Satan already has them but they can't see it.

It's KGB-defector quote day.

It's KGB-defector quote day.

From Russia with love to my brothers & sisters in America, Australia, England, France, Spain, Germany and, especially, C...

From Russia with love to my brothers & sisters in America, Australia, England, France, Spain, Germany and, especially, Canada.

I didn't believe it - until I looked.

I didn't believe it - until I looked.

Some people, like yours truly, discovered the God of the bible after discovering a type of evil that could only exist if...

Some people, like yours truly, discovered the God of the bible after discovering a type of evil that could only exist if the bible were true. Back then, I'd never read the bible. Only later did I learn that God (speaking through various prophetic books) said Satan would introduce a one-world government soon after Israel was regathered the 2nd time. Israel was regathered the 2nd time in 1948. Flash forward. As of 2021, the New World Order is no longer a secret. And, as has been proven with hundreds of prior quotes in this feed, it's being pushed by people who worship that fallen angel. At some point, allowing coincidences to continue passing under your nose becomes denial. If that book keeps being right, you should know that no one has a future in denial, especially, denial of The Truth.

I recently had a friend (commenting after reading a few quotes in the 401 Book), wonder what cognitive biases were at wo...

I recently had a friend (commenting after reading a few quotes in the 401 Book), wonder what cognitive biases were at work in me. (For the record, we ALL - including me - have several biases at work in us, which by definition, work outside our own perception). Nonetheless, after I answered him, I realized he asked the wrong question. He should have asked what biases were at work in people like Lynn Catoe (and a few thousand other people quoted in the book). The quotes are by insiders, witnesses and professional researchers, like Catoe. There aren't that many of them. There are only so many U.S. Presidents, ritual abuse survivors and/or Library of Congress Researchers, like Catoe, to draw from. In Catoe's case, she has researched more on the UFO topic than anyone who will ever comment on this post. Yet, for those who've taken the time to learn these things, do we not all come across folks who've studied less than 1% of what Catoe researched who'll try to discredit her conclusion? It's called Cognitive Dissonance. It's a defense mechanism of the human mind. It's not based in logic. It's based in fear. The only thing I want to say about this right now is that it will be WAY LESS fearful to get your mind around these things now, than later.

We are simply too dumb to survive as a species.

We are simply too dumb to survive as a species.

Sometimes, you just have to laugh . . .

Sometimes, you just have to laugh . . .

Thanks to the stellar widespread work of TikTok influencers, Satan has announced his intention to retire early. Despite his 6000-year career of spreading evi...

A time lapse of earth's biggest religions.  Very cool.

A time lapse of earth's biggest religions. Very cool.

The Largest Religions In The World By Total Numbers Of Followers/Worshipers, From 1900 To 2100. Christianity vs Buddhism vs Judaism vs Islam vs Hinduism vs F...

I continue to get a couple of these a month.  It's not about me.  It's happening to everyone everywhere.  They are erasi...

I continue to get a couple of these a month. It's not about me. It's happening to everyone everywhere. They are erasing history and removing anything that could open the eyes of those who are lost. Free speech is over. No, you may not notice it because you don't look in the corners of history. But, the slide down that slipper slope began a few years ago. It's a matter of time before anyone who speaks anything against the powers that be ends up in prison. It's happened a million times in history in dozens of nations. We are no different. I feel bad for the folks who wasted the last 15-20 years ignoring the growth in knowledge we were told to expect in the last days (Daniel 12:4). How close are we to the "last" day now that the growth in knowledge is back to shrinking again? The prevailing opinion of those who work in these dark corners is that we are VERY close. My advice remains the same: Get your spiritual affairs in order while it's legal.

Perhaps, it's because I'm a pessimist when it comes to humanity.  When I look around I don't see hope for the world.  I ...

Perhaps, it's because I'm a pessimist when it comes to humanity. When I look around I don't see hope for the world. I see the worst generation in U.S. history (and maybe world history) coming of age. Or perhaps, it's because I believe the remaining few biblical prophecies will, in fact, happen as precisely as the prior 1,500 or so have. I don't personally believe America (or the rest of the world) will recover from this socio-cultural moral free fall.

We may be damned in groups, but we can still be saved individually. That's where my hope lies. But, it takes guts to leave your worldly support system for God's support system instead. The problem is we are VERY, VERY low on guts (and character, integrity, honesty, etc). I can't reconcile the lessons I learned from a WW2 Navy Pilot father and a mom who lived through the Great Depression with a video I saw yesterday of a grown man wearing makeup and a dress discussing how he/she/it was offended because the waiter misgendered them.

I'm sure God has a better solution, but for the first time in my life, I think a military draft would go a long way to curing our ills. I'd like to see every man-hating feminist in America drafted and sent to the front lines of a battle. I want to see that curly haired girl-man ordered to storm a beach without cover. I want to see every pink-haired antisemitic protester dropped off in the middle of the Gaza strip and told to find their own way home. I want to see everyone in the United States put their money where their mouth is. My dad's generation, and the few remaining bad-asses of this generation would approve.

Because I'm relatively certain those things won't happen, my hope is in Jesus Christ getting his people and leaving those who hate him, and who hate his message, to fend for themselves in a world governed by evil people who hate The Truth. To have hope in this is realistic. God used different words, but this is basically what he promised would happen. And if you knew anything about him, you'd know he's NEVER broken a single promise. I just hope this promise comes true sooner, rather than later.

The modern day University experience.  Thanks Oggie Nash for this one.

The modern day University experience. Thanks Oggie Nash for this one.

Yes, this is a thing.

Yes, this is a thing.

If everyone cared about this nation as much as Phil Schneider, things would be running way more smoothly. Guys like this...

If everyone cared about this nation as much as Phil Schneider, things would be running way more smoothly. Guys like this would never exchange free speech for playing the pronoun game with some college punks who don't know a damned thing about a damned thing. I doubt you'd see him at an antisemitism rally, too. I still can't believe we lost an entire generation of young adults. My fellow CEOs won't hire a single one of them. Personally, I'll take my chances with an AI Robot instead of some poison pill-cancer lurking in my company. The whole crop is lost. And the tragic beauty of the deal is that they paid (or borrowed) good money to be made this way (i.e. unemployable), which means they are going to have that debt for a long, long, long time. I doubt more than 1% of them know who Phil Schneider was, or will ever know a thing about what he had to say. So we have that going for us.

Look at the dates.  Dr. Day knew about the heart attack gun six years before the CIA confessed it existed (at Church Com...

Look at the dates. Dr. Day knew about the heart attack gun six years before the CIA confessed it existed (at Church Committee hearings). The bad guys don't discuss these things for the fun of it. They have a VERY specific plan. They've been telling us this plan will occur. The people who discovered this by reading the bible have also been telling us this plan will occur. They both say it'll occur right about now.

I have MANY loved ones who are going to hell because they refuse to open their eyes. They just won't or can't do it. Satan got to them too young. They simply refuse to believe the bible could be true. It's not intellectual. It's psychological. It means some people I love have no future. They are dead souls walking. They can't see it (yet), but they're fu**ed. When Jesus said it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to go to heaven, I've learned the hard way, he is telling the truth.

I have this fantasy of being on the Titanic just after the iceberg cut the hull. In this fantasy, I get on the PA system and yell to everyone onboard, "This fu**er is going to sink. It's a mathematical certainty. The captain knows it. The CEO of White Star Lines knows it. And the designers of the ship know it. Get to a fu***ng lifeboat right fu***ng now." But you know what? I don't think it would have changed much. There is a MASSIVE flaw in how a "rich" or "educated" person thinks. (I put those terms in quotes because they aren't really rich, nor are they educated). I carried that flaw for 40 years. By God's grace he revealed it to me. The point is that I think the same people would still be at the bottom of the Atlantic and/or hell, because a camel can't fit through the eye of a needle.

Who discovered America?  If you trust the government, you might say Columbus. If you understand history, you might know ...

Who discovered America? If you trust the government, you might say Columbus. If you understand history, you might know that the Phoenicians were mining copper from Michigan 3,000 years ago; and you might know that a significant amount of Egyptian Hieroglyphics have been found in places like the Grand Canyon.



How is actress Nicole Kidman possibly be tied to this quote?  Read the backstory to find out. On a personal note, I foun...

How is actress Nicole Kidman possibly be tied to this quote? Read the backstory to find out. On a personal note, I found the God of the Bible because I found organized, biblical evil. The subtitle of the upcoming book is "Finding God by Finding the Devil in the Details". This post has one of the uglier details. You don't need to know how Satan operates to be saved. But personally, it has brought me closer to God in ways that are too long to list here. I'll try to convey the point with a semi-rhetorical question: If studying one's opponent is wise, what do you call a failure to do so?

One of many names for the New World Order is "the Hidden Rome".  It's because the Bible predicted the Roman Empire will ...

One of many names for the New World Order is "the Hidden Rome". It's because the Bible predicted the Roman Empire will never fall, but go hidden. If so, where is it hiding?

You know who you are.

You know who you are.

If you had to pick one, whose voice do you hear more?

If you had to pick one, whose voice do you hear more?

They always find a way to slide a 666 into their material, don't they? Yes, the Beast is a man. It's also a system. If a...

They always find a way to slide a 666 into their material, don't they? Yes, the Beast is a man. It's also a system. If an ancient book warned that that an evil system would use 666 to identify itself, you have two logical choices.

A) God was telling the truth. Or . . .
B) A cabal of rich idiots claimed their ancestors wrote a perfectly precise book to reveal their own clandestine operations to their enemies.

No matter how you slice it, the choice is to trust a cabal of evil lying rich idiots, or trust the God who provided a way out of the coming mayhem planned by this cabal of evil lying rich idiots.

If you have kids under 20 and/or you want to connect how the Illuminati operates from Grade School to the Bohemian Grove...

If you have kids under 20 and/or you want to connect how the Illuminati operates from Grade School to the Bohemian Grove and up into Hollywood, Government, etc., this is a MUST watch.

Zachary King, a former satanic high wizard, used to be part of the satanic elites, being a member of the Illuminati and visiting places like Bohemian Grove. ...

From our "Truth in Memes" series comes this bullseye that proves Matthew 10:22 & John 15:18 are, in fact, true.

From our "Truth in Memes" series comes this bullseye that proves Matthew 10:22 & John 15:18 are, in fact, true.


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