The program is hosted by the renowned “Ambassador of the Great American Songbook,” Michael Feinstein. As host and artistic director, Feinstein uncovers the intimate journey singers and songs take with one another, each changing the other through the course of a lifetime. For Feinstein, American music is really a travelogue, with art that exists only because it has traveled through artists’ lives,
generations, and passions:
"In this series, we talk about songs. How important they are in our lives… how they’ve changed our lives…how sometimes they make life worth living."
–Michael Feinstein
Feinstein welcomes a new guest each week to explore the genre of American Popular Song, examining how these great songs have evolved through the years, changing with each interpretation and artist. Guests as diverse as Joshua Bell, Bette Midler, Cheyenne Jackson, Rumer, Thomas Lauderdale, and Liza Minnelli give intimate performances and share personal insights on how interpreting songs in the end changes the performer. This series is produced by South Carolina ETV, the same team that has produced "Marian McPartland's Piano Jazz" for over 30 years, and produced the original "American Popular Song with Alec Wilder and Friends" in 1977.