JSA Performance
The Class of 22 JSA Performance held in McAlister Field House.
The Citadel 2020 Gospel Choir Performance
Captain Paluso, Commandant of the Corps of Cadets, was the reviewing officer for Friday’s retreat parade.
Christmas Candle Light (Sunday Night)
Live from the Summerall Chapel, The Citadel Candlelight Service 2019
The Citadel Candlelight Service 2019 (Saturday Night)
Live from the Summerall Chapel, The Citadel Candlelight Service 2019
Citadel Candlelight Service(Saturday Night)
Live from the Summerall Chapel, The Citadel Candlelight Service 2019
Leadership. Wet leadership.
Christmas 2018 Candlelight Service
ATTENTION TO ORDERS: We apologize for last nights technical difficulties. Thanks to the gracious Mr. Lefter we have some footage from him and from our own camera team, that we will be releasing once we finish the editing process.
With all that in mind we should have corrected all the technical problems tonight and are hoping for good show.
Christmas 2018 Candlelight Service. Friday
Friday night Candlelight Service
Live from Summerall Chapel, the 2018 Friday night Candlelight Service.
2018 Spirit Spot
As the knobs embark on their journey to our rival to the North for tomorrow's game, we have a pre-game Spirit Spot from our Brigadier knobs. #GoCitadel #BeatVMI
Brigadier Interview with MOH Recipient SGT White
In our first ever video interview, Knob Thomakos K'22 speaks to Sergeant Kyle J. White, Medal of Honor Recipient: Operation Enduring Freedom.
SGT. White took time to speak and answer questions with the Class of '22 on 17OCT2018
Live from The Citadel the ring parade