Bloomingout on WFHB Community

Bloomingout on WFHB Community BloomingOUT is a weekly Public Affairs show that explores LGBTIQ life based out of Bloomington, Indiana. That's right, there is q***r life between the coasts.

Join us every Thursday at 6pm EST, on 91.3FM or live and recorded at

It’s short notice, but would any of my amazing MCCSC current School Board Trustee friends and/or parents of LGBTIQ+ stud...

It’s short notice, but would any of my amazing MCCSC current School Board Trustee friends and/or parents of LGBTIQ+ students currently enrolled in an MCCSC School like to come on the show tonight (Thursday) to talk a bit about the new equity policies enacted in this week’s meeting? BloomingOUT is live from the studio 6-7pm.
No “gotcha” questions, you can remain anonymous, just text or DM before 5-ish? I’ll cover parking.
I can give general info, but I would simply LOVE the thoughts, voices, and experiences of you all!


Just found out that South’s supposedly “safe” bathrooms are called the “trΛииу bathrooms,” and a trans friend of Kat’s was confronted by a group of emboldened guys demanding to know if they were “one of them” people.

Bullying is a problem everywhere, but culture determines how bad it gets. Home and school cultures in regards to LGBTIQ+ folks (and POC and women) have become ever more rancid over the past few years.

Permitting this and allowing the twisted prejudices of the past to infest the minds of yet another generation is nauseating to watch and aggravating to live with. As a society we have to make a decision and take action to end the cycle.

First, uneducated Christian American persecution fetishists blew the hell up in hyperbolic rage over their hypocritical,...

First, uneducated Christian American persecution fetishists blew the hell up in hyperbolic rage over their hypocritical, homophobic misidentification of a performance of a Dionysian feast with a fictionalised painting of The Last Supper, which they didn’t have a problem with when Dump was cast as Jesus in an actual mockery of the original painting. Leonardo was gay or bi as well - don’t tell them!

Now, the outrage queens, having spent the last handful of years crafting the spectre of societal annihilation and imminent violence from transgender girls and women integrating into society as if trans women were a new phenomenon (and trans men didn’t exist), in order to manufacture evidence of their assinine assertions, have begun accusing girls and cisgender women, often but not always Black women, who are in whatever way more skilled or stronger than the fragile storybook fantasy princesses all Real™ women obviously are, of being men in disguise.

To complicate things, there are inters*x women (and men and nonbinary folk) whose bodies defy easy categorisation. The Algerian boxer who broke the Italian bover’s nose had the increasingly popular accusation of sinister covert maleness levied against her. It turns out that she may have a Y chromosome, and this could happen in a number of ways. Simply having a Y chromosome doesn’t mean you will develop as a male. There are two women, mother and daughter, who were born appearing like every other female baby, grew up as such, developed normally as women, got pregnant in the usual way, and turned out to have XY chromosomes. How? Because our bodies are not inherently female or male. Specific hormones secreted by the body or introduced through umbilical cord from medications, cause all of the physical changes to the blank canvas foetuses. Also, the body’s cells have receptors for those hormones, and should the receptors be faulty, s*x differentiation will be disrupted. There is an infinite variety of ways this can express itself, from not being noticeable to children with ambiguous genitalia. And puberty can likewise go in any number of ways that challenge the fallacious concept of the binary. So, we don’t know anything for sure about Imane Khelif’s genetic makeup or physical development. Regardless, she is a woman who grew up in a virulently q***rphobic society. She would not be affirmed in this or any other way if she was trans. The doctor here gets most things correct in his speculative explanation. DSD - Disorders of S*xual Development (not Differentiation) is surprisingly common, about 1:50 births, most not apparent without testing. It took 23 years, an ultrasound, MRI scan, several confused doctors and techs and nurses, and a Karyotype test to figure out what went on with me.

This does not stop the ignorati wailing and frothing and lashing out with all the unsubstantiated vitriol of a bigot’s frothy conviction. If Khelif should be disqualified, where is she supposed to go? She’s not bult like a male boxer. She doesn’t have the hormones levels of one. Should we disqualify all basketball players over 6’ because they’re taller than the average person? What are the acceptable measurements to define a woman or man?

This is way more complicated than most people think - the reality of male/female differentiationUFC and Boxing Videos:

The computer can haz internets, again, after a wipe and reinstall. here is the most recent BloomingOUT episode!

The computer can haz internets, again, after a wipe and reinstall. here is the most recent BloomingOUT episode!

We're going over recent rulings and movements that threaten our nation and the LGBTIQ+ Community in

The parade may have been cancelled, but we’re still doing a live BloomingOUT this evening at 6pm! Justin and I will go o...

The parade may have been cancelled, but we’re still doing a live BloomingOUT this evening at 6pm! Justin and I will go over the last week’s WTFs, what we can expect, and then what to do going forward. 6-7pm every Thursday on WFHB and Apple and Spotify Podcasts by the next Saturday.
Listen in and get OUT there! Despite the seeming setbacks, there’s time enough to take the power back! Love you all!

Happy Pride Month, Loves!!!

Happy Pride Month, Loves!!!

Justin and Melanie Cover good news for almost 3/4 of the show!!! Even Melanie! I KNOW, and I'm she,

Thursday's show!We're on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!

Thursday's show!
We're on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!

Kal bids Bloomington adieu for the wilds of Indy, and then we make a news sandwich. The Vernal Fund

Thursday's show!

Thursday's show!

Justin, Kal, and Melanie discuss the events of the week prior on IU's campus where the President cha

Thursday's show with Spencer Pride's Judith Epp, Lucie Mathieu, and Wendy Wonderly of the center's Rainbow Birders progr...

Thursday's show with Spencer Pride's Judith Epp, Lucie Mathieu, and Wendy Wonderly of the center's Rainbow Birders program!
It's a full house.

And it's the end of our Spring Fund Drive for WFHB, so if you enjoy the programming and want to support award-winning news and shows from your community radio station, please hit the red donate button! When you do, tell 'em BloomingOUT sent ya!

We are joined by the Spencer Pride contingent! Judi Epp, Lucie Mathieu, and Spencer Pride's Rainbow

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridg...

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Wherever you're at on any issue, the fundamental and primary rights afforded to citizens of the US in the First Amendment are, or were, sacrosanct. They were set up as protection against authoritarianism. Notice who wilfully argues and fights against them. Those people should not be in positions of authority and influence. But here we are. We reportedly had a sniper at a BLM rally and a couple at the farmers' market when the N***s were still there and people were protesting them. Anticipating violence from people promoting peace, and committing violence upon citizens who are exercising their First Amendment rights?

My great uncle was a Sergeant with the Indiana State Police before becoming Chief of Police up in the Region. I never knew him to regard anyone so little that he would condone the actions taken at Dunn Meadow or across the country.

You may not agree with a position, but that doesn't matter. Without the 1A, all other rights will fail because the nation will fail. Pay attention. Act accordingly,
Photo Credit: Jeremy Hogan The Bloomingtonian

April 18th's Show!  It's the Spring Fund Drive, and if or when you donate to WFHB to support award-winning news and show...

April 18th's Show! It's the Spring Fund Drive, and if or when you donate to WFHB to support award-winning news and shows at WFHB, tell them BloomingOUT sent you!

Kal brings the history and importance of the International Day of Silence.We discuss this year's leg

Part 2 is up! This time, Kal was out, and Justin was in! Also, Nicki Seven and Chris are joined by Bryce Greene!

Part 2 is up! This time, Kal was out, and Justin was in! Also, Nicki Seven and Chris are joined by Bryce Greene!

Part 2 of WFHB's Nicki Seven and IU Senior Chris, this episode joined by Bryce Greene, in studio wit

It's been a week of extremes. The eclipse was nice, I guess, as they go. My heart is heavy for a friend's ultimate suffe...

It's been a week of extremes. The eclipse was nice, I guess, as they go. My heart is heavy for a friend's ultimate suffering. Gott a call from the Neurologists' office letting me know that they're concerned about the polka-dots in my white matter and have ordered more tests, including a Spinal Tap! My level of stokedness for that is at 11, and I want Druids dancing during the procedure or I'm not doing it.

Looking forward to the continued discussion tomorrow on BloomingOUT with Nicki Seven, Chris, and Bryce Greene on the po|¡tiсλΙ theatrics and real-world violence done by folks like IN 3rd Dist Rep Jiim Banks and stochastic τεягor¡st Chaya Raichik. Check last week's show out and watch the Bloomingtonian video of the event for context and to catch up.

On a reel shared earlier of Joy Reid, I started it off with a classic close to a poem that was transformative for the way I conceived of our roles in this world. Misquoted it's usually modernised to "Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee."The poem is by John Donne, and yes his parents were a•holes for giving him nearly rhyming names. Its title was "No Man Is an Island," another memorable line, but the meat of the short piece lies between the two oft-quoted lines.

It is awkward, and at almost 500 years old a bit cringe, but the philosophy of it is eternal, and in the modern Ayn Rand translation of "Mein Kampf" dystopian times we occupy, should be spread to remind folks that we are not removed from one another. Any injustice, violation, or loss of one impacts us all negatively. We are responsible for one another, and despite the constant rebranding of eIεстеd officials as "leaders" they are public servants, serving at the pleasure, and for the representation, of all the people. We're all here together, clod and cliff, and we're all important to the make up of the whole. So, to all those conditioned to complain about taжes and haпdoцts and iпfrλsтгцстцге and wealth геdistгibution, I just want to say, that we are our brothers' keepers, and the bell will toll for thee as well.

No man is an island,
Entire of itself;
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less,
As well as if a promontory were:
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were.
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.

Computer's back up, so here is last Thursday's show with guests Nicki Seven and Chris that had a focus on the surprise J...

Computer's back up, so here is last Thursday's show with guests Nicki Seven and Chris that had a focus on the surprise Jim Banks & Chaya Raichik event at the IMU.
Photo ©2024 Jeremy Hogan

Part 1 of WFHB's Nicki Seven and IU Senior Chris joining Kal and Melanie to discuss the surprise eve


I had thought that there was a sτifIing of p0Iit¡сaI content across меτΛ’s platforms. And there has! There’s a filter you can run off on Insta and threads, but not FВ. Linked Иеωs art¡сIes get pushed further back in people’s feeds, so they don’t get seen to casual scrollers. Whole accounts that regularly post the same kind of content are likewise dropped back on feeds. Currently, with what ¡s hΛρρеη¡иg to my с0mмцniτγ, мυсн of the content l post is р0I¡τιсΛI in nature. So we have to get creative to с¡гcυмvеиτ the Λl κξγш0гδ sсrцббеΓs. DΛМИlТ.

I’ve included two ways to do this in this post, one by text and one with images. Text in photos can be read if unmodified, sometimes even when. Add some cute emojis. Put kitty pics up with the things you want the world to know

It’s open season on trans kids. So disgusted

It’s open season on trans kids. So disgusted

Nex, a nonbinary teen, died by su***de after a high school fight. The Tulsa County District Attorney says the fight was mutual and there's not enough evidence to press charges.


Indiana’s deadly ban on trans healthcare for minors was just reinstated. Love your people, make sure they’re safe! We’re working on solutions, already.

Where this has happened over the past few years, su***des have jumped, immediately.


They released police bodycam footage of an officer taking the statements of Nex and their mom in the hospital after they were assaulted in the bathroom and sent home. Knowing what little we know of the result, it’s a difficult video to watch.

More annoying than sad, knowing how painful it is to also be circumspect about identity and having your parent use the wrong name and pronouns, repeatedly, makes me angry for their last hours of life.

Last night’s BloomingOUT wasn’t just going over the news, it described a coordinated shift towards a culture of intolerance and discrimination against Q***r people - kids and adults - in schools. This behaviour is part typical abusive adolescent culture, and part fueled by a targeted Lavender Scare reboot and the permissiveness of violence as the way to solve it. And the same problem exists where you live, even here in Bloomington.

Link to the vid in the comments


May we have such peace in this life that we need not only hope for it in the next. End hate, fυскers.

Last week's show!

Last week's show!

We have good news and Kal highlights some Q***r American History with a segment on a nonbinary perso

If you thought last year's legislation was damaging to LGBTIQ+ lives, this year is the natural consequence of what happe...

If you thought last year's legislation was damaging to LGBTIQ+ lives, this year is the natural consequence of what happens when we don't put a check on dangerous people. HB1291 would define trans folks out of existence and may be laying the groundwork for future legislation like has been introduced in TN, FL, and most perniciously this year, OH next door where being transgender in public would be a s*x crime.

There is language that would set up a trigger law in anticipation of Obergefell's fall, nullifying and banning same-s*x marriage in Indiana.

Join us on BloomingOUT tonight where we'll go over this and more. WFHB 91.3 FM 6pm-7pm every Thursday.

Some of the language:
A BILL FOR AN ACT to amend the Indiana Code concerning
general provisions.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana:
3 2024]: Sec. 8. (a) The following definitions apply to the construction
4 of all Indiana statutes concerning s*x discrimination and benefits
5 or services that are designated based upon s*x:
6 (1) "Boy" means a male person less than eighteen (18) years
7 of age.
8 (2) "Father" means a male parent of a child.
9 (3) "Female" means a person with a reproductive system that,
10 but for a medically verifiable genetic disorder of s*x
11 development, at some point produces ova.
12 (4) "Girl" means a female person less than eighteen (18) years
13 of age.
14 (5) "Male" means a person with a reproductive system that,
15 but for a medically verifiable genetic disorder of s*x
16 development, at some point produces s***m for fertilization
17 of ova.
(6) "Man" means a male person at least eighteen (18) years of
2 age.
3 (7) "Medically verifiable genetic disorder of s*x development"
4 means having:
5 (A) both ovarian and testicular tissue; or
6 (B) external biological characteristics that are ambiguous
7 resulting from having a 46,XX karyotype with virilization
8 or 46,XY karyotype with undervirilization.
9 (8) "Mother" means a female parent of a child.
10 (9) "S*x" means the biological, genetic identity of a person as
11 either male or female. This term does not include gender
12 identity or any other term that conveys a person's subjective
13 identification of a term other than male or female.
14 (10) "Woman" means a female person at least eighteen (18)
15 years of age.
16 (b) The definitions in this section do not apply to any state or
17 federal requirements for an entity to report statistics based upon
18 an individual's s*x or gender.

12 FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2024]: Sec. 1. (a) Only a female
13 may marry a male. Only a male may marry a female.
14 (b) A marriage between persons of the same gender biological s*x
15 is void in Indiana even if the marriage is lawful in the place where it is
16 solemnized.


“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”

It’s so common a quote as to be dismissed as trite, but when I read what was published of Anne Frank’s diary in Jr. high, this stood out in its tragic hindsight. I wondered in my own years of hiding, if she reconsidered this hopeful, earnest belief after her betrayal, internment, and final illness. What kind of heart could hold that thought in the midst experiencing human’s deepest depravity? I wanted to pick that up and carry it forward, to live up to her words’ hope.

I’ve been trying to improve things in my small way, when I can. If I have done anything, it’s not enough. I thought Anne’s influence would inspire everyone who read her words and her story. How could it not? That was my youthful hope for the goodness in people, even those I had to hide from. Look at our corner of the world. Look at the entire world. Indifferent violence, ignorant hate, and continual exploitation that know no restraint here and everywhere.

My ebbing hope for 2024 is the same as it has been since Jr high, that we all not wait to start improving the world in whatever ways we can, and don’t quit until no child or adult has to hide or die in fear of another person.

BloomingOUT with musical guest and visiting co-host Christy Crandall, and State Senator Shelli Yoder on a new Interviews...

BloomingOUT with musical guest and visiting co-host Christy Crandall, and State Senator Shelli Yoder on a new Interviews In Cars talking about her run for re-election and new legislation she will be proposing!

Christy Crandall joins Melanie to play music and discuss news. Melanie presents another episode of I

In swift and secretive ways, the conservative “leadership” of IU are voting to dump the Kinsey Institute due to disingen...

In swift and secretive ways, the conservative “leadership” of IU are voting to dump the Kinsey Institute due to disingenuous and baseless politically-motivated arguments. This is not an academic issue, it’s caving into the Christian Nationalist propaganda. If you can make it, tomorrow, please attend the public meeting. Call the trustees’ offices and register your thoughts. Or do nothing and allow the further slide into anti-intellectual ideological ignorance.

The Indiana University Board of Trustees will convene on November 9, 2023, at the Madam Walker Legacy Center in Indianapolis to discuss a range of agenda items. The two-day meeting, scheduled from November 9 to November 10, will feature various committee sessions and a business meeting, among other....



108 W 4th Street
Bloomington, IN


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