Please use our wall to discuss the news, share the news with others, submit article ideas, ask questions, provide your own reports about breaking news, give us constructive criticism and engage with your community.
While we encourage the free flow of thoughts and the expression of opinion, we have a responsibility to our readers to not allow our wall to devolve into a platform for spam,
arguments and profanity.
Comment guidelines:
• No profanity, even in abbreviated or partially censored form
• No racial slurs, race-based stereotyping or hate speech
• No name calling or personal attacks
• Threats will be deleted and a copy sent to police
• Do not use our wall to organize article-sharing or broadcast ways to circumvent our paywall
• Limit posting of events or community announcements to one post. Posting on our wall does not ensure that the announcement will appear in the print or online edition. If you would like to submit your item for consideration to run once for free in our Area Digest section, submit it to [email protected]. If you would like your event to appear multiple times online and would like to specify dates, wording and appearance, contact our advertising department at 404-304-7023.
• Do not post items you have for sale or other items that would generally go in our classified section. Contact our marketing department at 404-304-7023.
• Do not post material that is copyrighted by others, i.e. newspaper articles by other publications, photos that do not belong to you, etc. Instead, please post a link or use the Facebook "share" option.
Comments that violate our posting policy will be deleted. Depending on the volume or the severity of the violations, the user may be blocked from posting on our wall. Questions: Contact Dre at [email protected] or 404-304-7023.