"Love God with All Your Heart" Mark 12:30:
“From your whole heart "From your whole soul "From your whole mind "Your whole strength.”
•Do we even have the ability to love Him with our whole being?
As we enjoy God’s love, we’ll love Him in return more and more.
Our emotion is a part of our heart, but our heart also includes our mind, will, and conscience. Our feelings, thoughts, decisions, and the sense of condemnation or guilt we feel when we’ve done something wrong all arise from our heart.
When our heart is turned away from the Lord and set on things such as sins, selfish preoccupations, and worldly pleasures, it has a veil on it. Cor 3:15-16.
We can turn our hearts to the Lord by
•In prayers.
•Confessing our sins.
•Reading His Word. These simple practices can remove the veil from our heart, restore our fellowship with the Lord, and rekindle our love.
"But when we turn our hearts to the Lord, our love for Him grows.
Loving God from our whole mind, Our mind is the leading part of our soul. It directs the rest of our being and influences what we love Rom 8:6.
One way to set our mind on the spirit is to read the Bible.
Loving God with strength
This refers to physical strength of our body.
Loving God with our whole being is an exercise. We can start the day by turning our hearts to the Lord.
•Pray with me, “Lord Jesus, cause me to love You more today than I did yesterday. I want to love You with my whole being.