As the leading Disney and Marvel publisher in the Greater China Region, Brilliant International Group (BIG) has long positioned itself as a first-class platform in Asia for cultural and creative (C&C) works. Brilliant International Group offers a diverse selection of high-quality books, with a long-term commitment to recruiting and developing exceptional creative talents in the Chinese-speaking wo
rld. BIG’s proven record in marketing and distributing creative works in different languages to the world’s various regions has attained many international partners’ trust for representation. Unlike the traditional publishing houses, BIG has progressively advocated for “integrated value chains” and “one source multi-use.” The Company prides on its long-term commitment to the integration of the publishing industry—from the content origin such as rights management with authors and foreign-based publishing companies to the delivery of value-added content via different channels such as classes, activities, seminars and exhibits. This approach has enabled the Company to diversify the delivery and presentation of creative content and embark on large-scale cross-industry collaboration with digital platforms and distribution channels. With professional consultant teams comprising executives and talents from the private, public and academia sectors, BIG has quickly advanced its corporate advantage to be recognized as the industry’s trusted leader for creative works and education advisor.