Iha inísiu fulan Outubru ne'e, mai iha Timor-Leste mahalok-filme ema-amerikanu nain rua, Alrick Brown ho Dawn Valdez. U.S. Embassy- Dili, Timor-Leste iha Timor-Leste kolabora ho UFTL ho DIFF hodi lori mahalok-filme nain rua ne'e mai.
Iha 3 Outubru no 6 Outubru mahalok-filme nain rua ne'e halo workshop kona-ba tatoli istória no oinsá buka fundus ba halo filme sira, no kona-ba pitching.
Workshop loron rua ne'ebé halo iha Centro Juvenil, Taibesi ne'e partisipa husi ema Timor-oan hamutuk nain 30 ne'ebé iha profisaun oioin iha área filme ninian hanesan mahalok-filme, produtór filme, roteirista, atríz, atór, editór/a filme, diretór fotografia, universitáriu sira ne'ebé espesializa iha halo filme, nst.
Early this month of October, two American filmmakers, Alrick Brown and Dawn Valdez came to Timor-Leste. The U.S. Embassy-Dili, Timor-Leste worked together with UFTL and DiFF to make this happen.
On October 3rd and October 6th the two filmmakers conducted workshop on story telling and how to raise fund for a film production, as well as on pitching.
The two-day workshop took place in the Centro Juvenil Taibessi was attended by 30 Timorese of varied profession in film such as filmmakers, producers, screen writer, actress and actors, editors, DOPs and even university students who especialized in film making, and so on.