Uniaun Filme Timor-Leste - UFTL

Uniaun Filme Timor-Leste - UFTL UFTL is a film union that gathers Timorese filmmaker, actors, producers, directors and editors. The


Saida mak Eklipse Solar ka Loro mate?
Eklipse Solar ka Loro mate akontese wainhira loro, fulan, no rai-klaran hamutuk iha liña loos ida.
Loro mate mos wainhira ema tama iha fulan nia mahon no loro mate mosu ba ema balu de’it iha rai-klaran tanba fulan nian lalatak ki’ik liu.

Mai ita haree video badak ne’e hamutuk hodi komprende liu tan konaba Eklipse Solar ka Loro mate.

Bele mos haree iha YouTube iha link nee:


Tetun:Depois tempu balun ekipa UFTL la halo enkontru, horseik ekipa tur hamutuk hanesan baibaun hodi marka planu atu imp...

Depois tempu balun ekipa UFTL la halo enkontru, horseik ekipa tur hamutuk hanesan baibaun hodi marka planu atu implementa planu no estratejia ne'ebé mak antes ne'e planu ona. Agradese ba CAMSTL ne'ebé sempre fó konsellu no gia UFTL desde inisiu Asosiasaun ne'e harii.

After not having a meeting for some times, yesterday, UFTL team had a meeting to plan for the implementation of the planning and strategic that have designed prior. UFTL is grateful for CAMSTL for always providing advice and guidance since the establishment of the association.

Iha fulan Marsu loron 21, 2020, UFTL hala'o ninia eventu Imajen Moris da toluk iha Munisipio Eskola Katolika Ermera, Erm...

Iha fulan Marsu loron 21, 2020, UFTL hala'o ninia eventu Imajen Moris da toluk iha Munisipio Eskola Katolika Ermera, Ermera Lama. Molok hatudu filme ba estudantes no komunidade lokal sira iha tempu kalan, UFTL hala'o uluk treinamentu baziku nian kona-ba mobile filmmaking ba estudantes liu hosi 100. Hafoin de treinamentu ne'e, estudantes sira produs rasik sira-nia filme badak uza sira-nia telefone. Hetan mos apoiu masimu hosi mana no maun sira hosi TERTIL hodi hala'o treinamentu kona-ba Teatru ba estudantes sira. Atividade ne'e mos hetan apoiu masimu hosi kolega sira hosi DPC (Dili Photography Community), DPC mos haforsa atividade ne'e liu hosi halo aprezentasaun ba estudante sira kona-ba Photography. Aleinde ne'e, UFTL mos hetan apoiu hosi Embaixada Amerika liu hosi Uma Amerika UNTL hodi ba fahe informasaun ba estudantes sira kona-ba programa Uma Amerika nian inklui mos programa embaixada Amerika nian sira seluk hanesan YSEAL nsst.

On March 21, 2020, UFTL conducted its third Imajen Moris event in Ermera Catholic School, Ermera lama. Before the movie night screening, first UFTL organized a basic training on mobile filmmaking to more than 100 students. After the training those students produced their very first short film using mobile phone. This activity also got a full support from TERTIL team to provide a theatre training on students. Not only this, Imajen Moris III was also had a brilliant support from our DPC (Dili Photography Community) friends, DPC reinforced this activity through providing a slide presentation on Photography to students. As well as this, UFTL was also supported by the US Embassy Dili through Uma Amerika UNTL to share information to students on their program including Embassy’s other programs, such as; YSEALI and etc.

U.S. Embassy - Dili, Timor-Leste,

UmaAmerika at UNTL


DPC (Dili Photography Commuinty)


Check this out kolega sira, nee husi Embaixada.

Tetun:Melati Noer Fadjri mahalok-filme foin-sa'e  Indonézia nian ida ne'ebé iha loron 22 Outubru  mai fahe ninia esperié...

Melati Noer Fadjri mahalok-filme foin-sa'e Indonézia nian ida ne'ebé iha loron 22 Outubru mai fahe ninia esperiénsia iha mundu filme nian.
Timor-oan 15 resin ne'ebé nu'udar membru UFTL rasik, universitáriu sira, sosiedade sívil, dramatugu sira no mahalok-filme maka partisipa.
Melati produz ona filme badak 5 no entre filme hirak ne'e ida maka filme KALAPAKU (2016) ne'ebé ekszibe iha Climate Changr Conference iha París iha 2016.
Mahalok-filme ne'e mós sai hanesan fundadora ba Uma-produsaun balu, no nia mós produtora filme ida.
Agora dadaun Melati ho nia ekipa hala'o hela programa ida iha fatin 16 iha indonézia (inklui Bali, Java, Borneo, nune'e mós iha NTT) hodi servisu hamutuk ho komunidade lokál, liliu foin-sa'e sira, hodi haree ba oinsá hakerek script, halo peskiza no halo filme.


Melati Noer Fadjri is an Indonesian young filmmker who in October 22 shared her own in experience in film here in Dili. More than 15 timorese who were from UFTL itself, some of them were university students, civil society representatives, playwrights and filmmakers.
Melati has produced 5 short films, one of which was KALAPAKU (2016) which was screened at Climate Change Conference in Paris in 2016.
Melati is not only a filmmaker, but she is also the founder of some production house, and she is also a producer.
Currently, Melati and her team is implementing a program at 16 places in Indonesia (including Bali, Java, Borneo, as well as NTT) to work the local communities, particularly the young people on to how to write scripts, research and to produce a film.

Iha loron 5-6 fulan Outubru, UFTL orgniza sira nia eventu Imajen Moris ba daruak. Iha eventu daruak ne’e, sira hatudu fi...

Iha loron 5-6 fulan Outubru, UFTL orgniza sira nia eventu Imajen Moris ba daruak. Iha eventu daruak ne’e, sira hatudu filme badak 10 husi mahalok filme Timor sira no estudante komunikasaun UNTL nian sira no photo slide show rua husi fotógrafu diak ida Bernardino Soares no Conservationist Potenzo Lopes. Eventu ne’e mos harame ho TERTIL (TEATRU TIMOR-LESTE), Teatru REBENTA. Hetan mos prezensa husi maun Etson Caminha, DJ Joe Williams hodi harame eventu ne’e to’o rohan ho sira nia talent muzika nian.
UFTL hakarak fó obrigado no agradese ba parseiru sira ne’ebé ajuda ona eventu ne’e hanesan; Gembel Art Collective, Super Bock no ba maun Etson ho nia ekipa furak sira no mos ba Malkriadu Sinema ba laran luak hodi bele mai loke sira nia filme "Ema Nudar Umanu".
Hein ami nia eventu Imajen Moris tuir mai, lakleur tan.

On October 5th-6th, UFTL organized their second event of “Imajen Moris”. In this second event, they screened 10 short films from the Timorese Filmmaker and Communication students from UNTL and two slide show photos by one of the best Photographers Bernardino Soares and a Conservationist Potenzo Lopes. This event was also entertained by two famous theater groups, such as; TERTIL and REBENTA. Maun Etson Caminha, DJ Joe Williams were also there to entertain the audience till the end of the event with their music talents.
UFTL would like to thanks and gratitude the partners that helped this event, such as; Gembel Art Collective, Super Bock and to maun Etson and his wonderful team as well as to the Malkriadu Sinema for willingness to share their film 'Ema Nudar Umanu".

Stay tuned for our next “Imajen Moris” event, soon.

Hasoru ami nia maun Joe Williams, Sound Engineering ida hosi Englatera. Joe iha esperiensia barak konaba Sound Design no...

Hasoru ami nia maun Joe Williams, Sound Engineering ida hosi Englatera. Joe iha esperiensia barak konaba Sound Design no nia mos remata nia mestradu iha Sound. Iha Dominggo horseik Joe fahe nia tempu balun hodi forñese nia matenek iha Sound Design nian ba ekipa UFTL nian no tokador famozu muzika nian balu inklui mos maun Etson Caminha. No workshop ne'e halao iha sentru maun Max Stahl nian.

Meet our brother Joe Williams, a Sound Engineering from UK. Joe has loads of experiences in Sound Design and he also completed his master study in Sound Design. On last Sunday, Joe shared some of his spare times to provide his knowledge in Sound Design to UFTL's team and some famous musicians including maun Etson Caminha. The workshop was held at maun Max Stahl's centre.

Iha inísiu fulan Outubru ne'e, mai iha Timor-Leste mahalok-filme ema-amerikanu nain rua, Alrick Brown ho Dawn Valdez. U....

Iha inísiu fulan Outubru ne'e, mai iha Timor-Leste mahalok-filme ema-amerikanu nain rua, Alrick Brown ho Dawn Valdez. U.S. Embassy- Dili, Timor-Leste iha Timor-Leste kolabora ho UFTL ho DIFF hodi lori mahalok-filme nain rua ne'e mai.
Iha 3 Outubru no 6 Outubru mahalok-filme nain rua ne'e halo workshop kona-ba tatoli istória no oinsá buka fundus ba halo filme sira, no kona-ba pitching.
Workshop loron rua ne'ebé halo iha Centro Juvenil, Taibesi ne'e partisipa husi ema Timor-oan hamutuk nain 30 ne'ebé iha profisaun oioin iha área filme ninian hanesan mahalok-filme, produtór filme, roteirista, atríz, atór, editór/a filme, diretór fotografia, universitáriu sira ne'ebé espesializa iha halo filme, nst.

Early this month of October, two American filmmakers, Alrick Brown and Dawn Valdez came to Timor-Leste. The U.S. Embassy-Dili, Timor-Leste worked together with UFTL and DiFF to make this happen.
On October 3rd and October 6th the two filmmakers conducted workshop on story telling and how to raise fund for a film production, as well as on pitching.
The two-day workshop took place in the Centro Juvenil Taibessi was attended by 30 Timorese of varied profession in film such as filmmakers, producers, screen writer, actress and actors, editors, DOPs and even university students who especialized in film making, and so on.




Olá kolega sira, atu fó hatene deit ba sira ne'ebé mak semana hirak liu ba ne'e tuir workshop iha PBI ho Garin Nugroho, imi nia sertifikadu prontu ona iha PBI. Bele ba vizita PBI hodi foti. Obrigado

Obrigado barak ba Embaixada Indonesia no PBI hodi fo oportunidade mai UFTL hodi ajuda organiza workshop ho diretor no Pr...

Obrigado barak ba Embaixada Indonesia no PBI hodi fo oportunidade mai UFTL hodi ajuda organiza workshop ho diretor no Produser famozu Indonesia nian Garin Nugroho. Obrigado mos ba partisipante hadomi filme nian sira ne'ebe ho entuasizmu bo'ot hodi tuir programa ne'e to'o nia rohan.

Heaps thanks to the Indonesian Embassy and PBI for giving a chance to UFTL to assist in organizing the workshop with one of the Indonesians famous film director and producer "Garin Nugroho". A huge thanks also to the films lovers participants' whom with massive enthusiasm attending the program until the end.

UFTL hamutuk ho embaixada Indonesia sei halo workshop konaba screen writing no directing hamutuk ho diretor/sutradara Ga...

UFTL hamutuk ho embaixada Indonesia sei halo workshop konaba screen writing no directing hamutuk ho diretor/sutradara Garin Nugroho, husi Indonesia. Workshop ne'e sei Hala'o iha loron Segunda feira, dia 9 de Setembro husi tuku 10 dader to'o tuku 5 loraik, fatin Pusat Budaya Indonesia (PBI, Mercado Lama.
Workshop nee loke ba ema hotu ne'ebé iha interese atu aprende no serbisu iha area filmazen nian.

Tanba iha limitasaun ba numeru partisipante nian, ami sei halo selesaun ba partisipante sira.

Favor kontaktu ba:
Mana Lena Caminha: 77399509
Email: [email protected]
(hakerek ba ami tanba sa mak ita iha interese atu envolve iha workshop ne'e)

Profile Garin Nugroho nian:
Garin Nugroho Riyanto; Seniman, Sutradara

Garin Nugroho Riyanto lahir dengan nama Nugroho Riyanto pada 6 Juni 1961 di Yogyakarta. Dia merupakan salah satu produser dan sutradara Indonesia yang populer. Garin adalah lulusan dari fakultas Sinematografi Universitas Kesenian Jakarta (IKJ).
Sutradara ini telah banyak menerima penghargaan dari dalam dan luar negeri. Penghargaan-penghargaan tersebut antara lain adalah Film terbaik Asia di Osian’s Cinefan Festival ke-7 lewat Rindu Kami Padamu pada 2006, Penulis Skenario Cerita Adaptasi Terbaik Festival Film Indonesia pada tahun 2006 p**a, Silver Leopard Video di Festival Film Internasional Locarno untuk Puisi Tak Terkuburkan pada tahun 2000, dan banyak lagi lainnya.

Film terbaik Asia di Osian’s Cinefan Festival ke-7 lewat Rindu Kami Padamu (2006)
Penulis Skenario Cerita Adaptasi Terbaik Festival Film Indonesia (2006)
Silver Leopard Video di Festival Film Internasional Locarno untuk Puisi Tak Terkuburkan (2000)
Penghargaan Khusus di Festival Film Bandung (1999)
Special Jury Prize di Festival Film Internasional Tokyo untuk Daun di Atas Bantal (1998)
Best Director Festival des 3 Continents di Nantes, Prancis (1997)
FIPRESCI dari Festival Film Internasional Berlin untuk film Bulan tertusuk Ilalang (1996)
Sutradara Pendatang Terbaru Asia Pasific Film Festival (1992).

Semana hirak liu ba ekipa UFTL halo enkontru ho ekipa husi Embaixada Indonesia nian hodi serbisu hamutuk ba eventu "Fest...

Semana hirak liu ba ekipa UFTL halo enkontru ho ekipa husi Embaixada Indonesia nian hodi serbisu hamutuk ba eventu "Festival Film Indonesia" (FFI) ne'ebé mak sei realiza fulan oin iha Pusat Budaya Indonesia. Iha enkontru ne'e mos koalia konaba posibilidade hodi hametin liu tan serbisu no kolaborasaun iha area filme nian iha futuru.

A couple of weeks ago UFTL team had a meeting with the Indonesian Embassy's team at the embassy to work together for "Indonesian Film Festival" event which will be held at Pusat Budaya Indonesia next month. We also discussed about the possibility of strengthen the work and collaboration in the film area in the future.

Bom dia ba kolega sira hotu.Sexta agora iha eventu "Imajem Moris" sei hatudu filme hosi Mahalok Filme Timor Oan Sira;Meh...

Bom dia ba kolega sira hotu.

Sexta agora iha eventu "Imajem Moris" sei hatudu filme hosi Mahalok Filme Timor Oan Sira;

Mehi Aas La Hare Ba Riku ou Kiak - Produz iha Timor
Riven - Produz iha Nova Zelandia
Kaktus- Produz iha Nova Zelandia
Mau Soko Kaben Ho Asu-Produz iha Timor
Hapara (Teaser trailer)- Produz iha Timor
No Documentariu rua hosi Max Stahl (Blockade no Falintil Moris
No mos sei halo rame no anima hosi;

Etson Caminha
TERTIL - Teatru Timor-Leste
Dili Acoustic
Magia/Sulap - Oscar
Stand Up Comedy- Ary Bargon
Poezia - Mena Reis no Mochar
Karan Band
Eduardu Nunes- DAA4
Nunez Kbiit, No seluk-seluk tan

Hein ami nia informasaun tuir mai kona ba eventu "Imajem Moris"

Mai asiste ami nia eventu "Imajem Moris"

Mai asiste ami nia eventu "Imajem Moris"


Bairro Pite





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