Filozofski vestnik

Filozofski vestnik All issues are available online in open access.

Filozofski vestnik is a philosophy journal published by the Institute of Philosophy of the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

TO BE CONTINUED?.... PART IIPhilosophy and Psychoanalysis TodayLjubljana, Atrij ZRC, 16. do 18. april 2024Mednarodna kon...

Philosophy and Psychoanalysis Today
Ljubljana, Atrij ZRC, 16. do 18. april 2024
Mednarodna konferenca, pripravljena v sodelovanju Filozofskega inštituta ZRC SAZU in Univerze v Newcastlu (School X).

Ljubljana, Atrij ZRC, 16. do 18. april 2024 Mednarodna konferenca, pripravljena v sodelovanju Filozofskega inštituta ZRC SAZU in Univerze v Newcastlu (School X).

📣2023 ISSUES NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE 📚No 3: Structures, Limits, ObjectsWhere Did the Unconscious Go? An Approach to Freudia...


No 3: Structures, Limits, Objects

Where Did the Unconscious Go? An Approach to Freudian Metapsychology
Alejandro Cerda-Rueda

The Dialectic of the Limit: Knowledge, Truth, Thinking, and Being after Bataille and Lacan
Holden M. Rasmussen

Habituated to Denial
Tadej Troha

Of Times, Religions, and Revolutions: One Unites into Two
Arsalan Reihanzadeh

Haptic Contagion: The MateReal of Touch in a (Post-)Pandemic World
Mirt Komel

The Object as a Series of Its Acts
Snežana Vesnić, Petar Bojanić, Miloš Ćipranić


Wind on the Beach: Vestiges of Biopolitics Unthought
Vesna Liponik

📣2023 ISSUES NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE 📚No 2: The Body in the Field of Tensions between Biopolitics and Necropolitics: Analyz...


No 2: The Body in the Field of Tensions between Biopolitics and Necropolitics: Analyzing the Future of the Prosthetic Body in the 21st Century

Edited by Marina Gržinić and Jovita Pristovšek

Marina Gržinić, Jovita Pristovšek: Introduction

The Body of (Necro) Politics

Marina Gržinić: The Body in the Field of Tensions between Biopolitics and Necropolitics. Analyzing the Future of the Prosthetic Body in the 21st Century

Sayak Valencia: The Body as Mass Media in the Livestream Regime

Adla Isanović: Differential Body Politic beyond Pacified Techno-Futures

Jonathan Beller: Arbitrage on Life, Differánce of the Flesh Racialization and Colonial Gender Formation as Algorithmic Innovation

Labor-Techno-Racialization in Necrocapitalism

Neferti X. M. Tadiar: Global Refuse, Planetary Remainder

Nina Cvar: Emancipating from (Colonial) Genealogies of the Techno-social Networks or Reversing Power Relations by Turning the Predator into Prey in Jordan Peele’s Nope

Kishonna L. Gray: Killing the Black Body. Necropolitics and Racial Hierarchies in Digital Gaming

Claudia Tazreiter: The Migrant and Marginalized Body in Connection with Digital Technologies as a Prosthesis of the Monstrous

The Body of Affects, (Non)Human Animals, Performativity in Resistance to Oppression and Whiteness Racist Systems

Zarja Vršič: Body in Mind. The Role of the Body in Damasio’s Theory of Emotion

Vesna Liponik: The Tropological Animal Beyond the Body and the Sovereign

Katerina Paramana: The Oscillation of Contemporary Bodies between Biopolitics and Necropolitics. Tania Bruguera’s Wrestling with Power Structures

Adam Rudder: Dancing with Social Death. The Necropolitics of Performing Afro-Slovene(ness)

Bodies of Necrolives

Suvendrini Perera, Joseph Pugliese: “Never Settler Enough” The Double Economy of Terror and Deaths in Custody in Australia

Hiroshi Yoshioka: Experiencing Biopolitics. A Personal Story

Fahim Amir: Drones, Bodies, Necropolitics. Hobbesian Shadows over Afghan Lands

Jovita Pristovšek: Endless Lists. Racialization, Divisions, Abandonment, Seclusion

Conversation with Jill H. Casid and Anna Campbell By Marina Gržinić, Jovita Pristovšek, and Vesna Liponik


Nina Cvar: Extended Review of Political Choreographies, Decolonial Theories, Trans Bodies



No 1: Economy, Ideology, Psychoanalysis

Towards a Materialist Reading of Thorstein Veblen's Notion of (Economic) Institution
Uroš Kranjc

The Economy of Nature as the Logic of Government: On the Birth of Political Bioeconomy
Marco Piasentier

From Communist Ideology to the Idea of Communism: Transformations in Žižek’s Notion of Communism
Alexander Stagnell

Oedipus Rex and the Mythology of Psychoanalysis: A Tragedy of Desire and Otherness
Arka Chattopadhyay

Unspeakable: Perversion, Psychoanalysis, Prosopopoeia
Arthur Bradley

The Drive of Capital: Freudo-Marxism’s Dialectical Materialism
Adrian Johnston

Reconfigurations of Limits / Varieties of Perversion📣📚 LATEST ISSUE now available onlineReconfigurations of LimitsReza N...

Reconfigurations of Limits / Varieties of Perversion
📣📚 LATEST ISSUE now available online

Reconfigurations of Limits

Reza Naderi: The Place of the Subject in Badiou’s Theory of Discipline

Magdalena Germek: Mathematical Science of Being

Rado Riha: Transfinitisierung der Erkenntnis. Beispiel Kant

Rok Benčin: World at the Border. The Cosmopolitan Ideal between Loss and Multiplication

Marina Gržinić: Capitalism and Death

Jelica Šumič Riha: Disorientation in a Time of the Absence of Limits

Cindy Zeiher: Sensation(all) Ontology

Varieties of Perversion

Peter D. Mathews: The Pleasures of Unpleasure. Jacques Lacan and the Atheism Beyond the “Death of God”

Bara Kolenc: Voyeurism and Exhibitionism on the Internet. The Libidinal Economy of the Spectacle of Instanternity

📣 Emergency!SPECIAL ISSUE now available online:(Edited by Tadej Troha)Caught in the Super-emergencyPeter KlepecFoucault’...

📣 Emergency!
SPECIAL ISSUE now available online:

(Edited by Tadej Troha)

Caught in the Super-emergency
Peter Klepec

Foucault’s Adventure in Iran and His Last “Turn”
Arsalan Reihanzadeh

The Final Countdown: Fascism, Jazz, and the Afterlife
Lidija Šumah

Perverse Disavowal and the Rhetoric of the End
Alenka Zupančič

Reclaiming “Climate Emergency”
David Spratt

Against Environmental Ethics
Henrik Jøker Bjerre

Siren Song to the Last Man: Mary Shelley and the Loss of the World
Marisa Žele

Nietzsche and Badiou: Event, Intervention, “God is dead”
Aleš Bunta

Emergency Revisited
Tadej Troha

📣📚Nova številka Filozofskega vestnika na voljo v prostem dostopu:

📣📚Nova številka Filozofskega vestnika na voljo v prostem dostopu:


- Descartes -

René Descartes: Principi filozofije. Avtorjevo pismo prevajalcu knjige
Matija Jan: Narava idej pri Descartesu
Gregor Kroupa: Descartesovo stvarjenje sveta: rojstvo genetične epistemologije

- Krutost in perverzija -

Aleš Bunta: Nietzsche, krutost, mazohizem, genealogija
Peter Klepec: Premene krutosti v sodobni ideološki krajini (kot jo redefinira vojna v Ukrajini)
Boštjan Nedoh: Materialistična teorija sreče

- Odmevi -

Svit Komel: Kanon in revolucija: vloga pojma znanstvene revolucije pri vzpostavitvi zgodovine znanosti kot discipline
Primož Mlačnik: Virus. Neoliberalni detektiv v imuni slovenski družbi
Vesna Liponik: Gverilska multituda

Tadej Troha: Konec pandemije in sadizem normalizacije»Poleg analize 'objektivne' evolucije pandemije v njenih različnih ...

Tadej Troha: Konec pandemije in sadizem normalizacije

»Poleg analize 'objektivne' evolucije pandemije v njenih različnih fazah članek prikaže inherentno sadistično strukturo prevladujočega družbenega odziva. Prav ker je ta odziv meril na dosego nemogoče totalne normalizacije, je pripravil teren, kjer pandemije potencialno mutira v pristno krizo antropocena, endemijo pandemije.«

Letn. 42, št. 3 (2021)

Andreja Vezovnik: Politika perverzije: rasizirana razlika in skupno dobro»Ko so v Bristolu junija 2020 protirasistični p...

Andreja Vezovnik: Politika perverzije: rasizirana razlika in skupno dobro

»Ko so v Bristolu junija 2020 protirasistični protestniki prevrnili kip Edwarda Colstona, so politične elite vzdolž celotnega političnega spektra levo-desno, kljub pripoznanju, da kip trgovca s sužnji ne sme imeti svojega mesta v sodobni politiki, pozvale k odločni uveljavitvi zakona in reda. Članek skozi primer Colstonovega kipa raziskuje, kaj nam lahko Lacanova ideja perverzije razkrije glede razmerja moči med političnimi elitami in protirasističnimi protestniki.«

Letn. 42, št. 3 (2021)

Mirt Komel: Dotik oblasti: štiri forme perverznih oblastnih prijemov»Da Trump naravnost uteleša vse tri oblike »haptične...

Mirt Komel: Dotik oblasti: štiri forme perverznih oblastnih prijemov

»Da Trump naravnost uteleša vse tri oblike »haptičnega fetišizma« (animističnega, blagovnega, seksualnega) se lahko prepričamo že ob bežnem pregledu nekaterih najbolj škandaloznih in obenem najbolj banalnih primerov njegove poslovne in politične 'kariere' …«

Letn. 42, št. 3 (2021)

Peter Klepec: Sadizem, Schadenfreude in krutost»Ne glede na vse te potvorbe »sadizma« in ne glede na neuporabnost 'sadom...

Peter Klepec: Sadizem, Schadenfreude in krutost

»Ne glede na vse te potvorbe »sadizma« in ne glede na neuporabnost 'sadomazohizma' za konkretno analizo delovanja sodobne družbene vezi, pa nek sadizem v splošnem smislu, zlasti glede na vse poprej omenjene družbene in politične spremembe (trole, hejterje), ohranja svojo moč nad družbo. Za podrobnejšo analizo tega je treba vključiti vseprisotna, a malo analizirana fenomena Schadenfreude, zlasti na strani publike, in krutosti kot fenomena, do katerega je družba hkrati distancirana in z njim fascinirana.«

Letn. 42, št. 3 (2021)

Matjaž Vesel: Newtonova kritika Descartesovega pojmovanja gibanja»Newtonovi razmisleki vzbujajo videz popolne abstraktno...

Matjaž Vesel: Newtonova kritika Descartesovega pojmovanja gibanja

»Newtonovi razmisleki vzbujajo videz popolne abstraktnosti, vendar pa je v ozadju teh premislekov zelo konkreten nasprotnik: Descartesova filozofija narave.«

Letn. 42, št. 3 (2021)

René Descartes: Principi filozofije - Principi materialnih stvari»Odkrito namreč priznavam, da ne priznavam nobene druge...

René Descartes: Principi filozofije - Principi materialnih stvari

»Odkrito namreč priznavam, da ne priznavam nobene druge materije telesnih stvari kakor tiste, ki jo je na vsakovrstne načine mogoče deliti, oblikovati in gibati, ki jo geometri imenujejo količina in jo privzemajo za predmet svojih dokazovanj, da pri tej materiji ne motrim prav ničesar razen teh delitev, oblik in gibanj in da o njih ne pripuščam kot resnico ničesar, česar se iz tistih občih pojmov, o resničnosti katerih ne moremo dvomiti, ne izpelje tako razvidno, da je to treba imeti za matematični dokaz. In ker je tako mogoče razložiti vse naravne pojave, kot bo vidno v nadaljevanju, menim, da se ne sme pripustiti nobenih drugih principov fizike in se jih tudi ne sme želeti.«

prevedel Matej Hriberšek

Lovrenc Rogelj: Nietzsche, Wagner, kompozicijski miniaturizem»Wagner je po Nietzschejevem mnenju moderen ravno skozi svo...

Lovrenc Rogelj: Nietzsche, Wagner, kompozicijski miniaturizem

»Wagner je po Nietzschejevem mnenju moderen ravno skozi svojo dekadentnost, in to lahko obvelja celo za kompliment. Za dekadentni slog je značilno, da celota trpi na račun svojih delov, najmanjši vzgib postane pomembnejši od arhitektonske koherence; Nietzsche aforist in Wagner miniaturist, oba otroka svojega časa, oba dekadenta, le da naj bi se prvi po svojih besedah tega še pravočasno ovedel.«

Letn. 42, št. 3 (2021)

Marisa Žele: Izumrtje in ponovljivost konca: Wells, Cuvier, Nietzsche»Konca kot prekinitve vzpostavljenega reda in kot n...

Marisa Žele: Izumrtje in ponovljivost konca: Wells, Cuvier, Nietzsche

»Konca kot prekinitve vzpostavljenega reda in kot njegovo vrnitev. Svet, ujet v krožnem gibanju, je prešit z mnogoterostjo konca kot gibalne sile sveta, ki ne le sledi, temveč vselej tudi predhaja ter sproža njegovo ponovitev. Za celoto bivajočega sveta je tako značilna določena vtkanost konca, ne kot zaustavitev tega procesa, pač pa kot njen pogoj, kot sprožilec svetovnega krogotoka – kot nekaj temu procesu notranjega.«

Letn. 42, št. 3 (2021)

Voranc Kumar: Rousseau, Nietzsche in vprašanje srca»Le genealogija srca lahko ovrednoti razpoloženja, vpisana v njegov s...

Voranc Kumar: Rousseau, Nietzsche in vprašanje srca

»Le genealogija srca lahko ovrednoti razpoloženja, vpisana v njegov spomin, in tako ustvari mnemografijo srca kot perspektivo, v kateri je mogoče uzreti zgodovino njegovega postajanja.«

Letn. 42, št. 3 (2021)

Aleš Bunta: Misel večnega vračanja v Nietzschejevem zvezku M III. Začetki doktrine in sledi njenega molka»Za  Nietzschej...

Aleš Bunta: Misel večnega vračanja v Nietzschejevem zvezku M III. Začetki doktrine in sledi njenega molka

»Za Nietzscheja bistvo misli večnega vračanja morda sploh ni zajeto v tem, kaj je z njo mišljeno, temveč ga je prej treba iskati v učinku preobrazbe, ki jo misel povzroči na subjektu, ki jo dojame na ustrezen način.«

Letn. 42, št. 3 (2021)

Friedrich Nietzsche: »Fragmenti iz zapuščine: pomlad – jesen 1881 [odlomki]« »Živeti je pogoj spoznavanja. Bloditi pogoj...

Friedrich Nietzsche: »Fragmenti iz zapuščine: pomlad – jesen 1881 [odlomki]«

»Živeti je pogoj spoznavanja. Bloditi pogoj življenja in sicer v najglobljem temelju bloditi. Vednost o blodenju slednjega ne odpravi! To ni nič grenkega! Blodenje moramo ljubiti in gojiti, je maternica spoznanja. Umetnost kot gojenje blodnje – naš kult.«
(prev. T. Troha)

Letn. 42, št. 3 (2021)

Posthumous Fragments: Spring–Autumn 1881 [Excerpts] Authors Friedrich Nietzsche DOI: Keywords: Posthumous Fragments: Spring–Autumn 1881 [Excerpts] Abstract Posthumous Fragments: Spring–Autumn 1881 [Excerpts] Downloads Download data is not yet available. Downl...

Noa Levin: Spectres of Eternal Return: Benjamin and Deleuze Read Leibniz“The late reflections of G.W. Leibniz on eternal...

Noa Levin: Spectres of Eternal Return: Benjamin and Deleuze Read Leibniz

“The late reflections of G.W. Leibniz on eternal return have often been dismissed as insignificant as regards his wider philosophy. This may be due to the prevalent championing of his optimistic views on the continual progress of humanity, which seem to contradict the notion of eternal return. Walter Benjamin and Gilles Deleuze both put forward concepts of eternal return that form part of their respective critiques of historical progress, yet these have rarely been read in conjunction with their views on Leibniz. This article argues, first, that for Leibniz progress and return are not contradictory, and second, that Benjamin’s and Deleuze’s concepts of return were informed, in different ways, by their readings of Leibniz, and specifically by his conception of multiple worlds as the spatial equivalent of eternal return.”

Vol. 42 No. 2 (2021): The Concept of World in Contemporary Philosophy

Spectres of Eternal Return: Benjamin and Deleuze Read Leibniz Authors Noa Levin Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin DOI: Keywords: apokatastasis, philosophy of history, repetition, modernity, baroque, multiverse, fold, virtuality Abstract The late reflections of G.W. Leibniz...

Anna Longo: How the True World Finally Became Virtual Reality“The extreme point of nihilism is reached when humans are ‘...

Anna Longo: How the True World Finally Became Virtual Reality

“The extreme point of nihilism is reached when humans are ‘truly’ known or rationally constructed as automatons that perform correct calculations of the actions needed to achieve the given goals in a world reduced to the virtual reality of a game. The extreme point of nihilism corresponds to the reduction of the human to a pattern of information that can be known or modelled in the same way as any other system is known and modelled, i.e. as a series of operations that can be simulated by an algorithm. This stage corresponds, in fact, to the total obliteration of the difference between representation (the constructed phenomenal world) and reality since the representing subject has been finally reduced to a constructible phenomenon whose value is that of a means like any other. In particular, humans – like anything else – are reduced to exploitable resources of information and are thus an object of evaluation according to economic criteria: that is why, according to Nietzsche, a hero or a new species of men is now needed to reverse all values.”

Vol. 42 No. 2 (2021): The Concept of World in Contemporary Philosophy

How the True World Finally Became Virtual Reality Authors Anna Longo Collège international de philosophie, Paris DOI: Keywords: virtual reality, information, knowledge, metaphysics, becoming Abstract As David J. Chalmers claims, “virtual reality is a sort of gen...

Nika Grabar: Architecture and the Distribution of the Sensible“Clearly, Nouvel invokes the rules and conventions of mode...

Nika Grabar: Architecture and the Distribution of the Sensible

“Clearly, Nouvel invokes the rules and conventions of modernist architecture, but with the addition of a critical architectural gesture that creates a sense of space based on a critical reflection on the relation between the building, the natural processes on site, and the aesthetic experience of its visitors. His articulation of form first confuses visitors, but then creates an exceptional encounter with the building that challenges the linear temporality of construction by involving the temporality of natural processes in the architectural form. This creates a critical sense of space revealing an aesthetic politics that challenges the established norms and hierarchies of the dominant architectural and planning discourse. It enables a community of sense to envision a new framing of reality, to imagine a new fiction of a common world.”

Vol. 42 No. 2 (2021): The Concept of World in Contemporary Philosophy

Architecture and the Distribution of the Sensible Authors Nika Grabar University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana DOI: Keywords: architecture, art, aesthetics, politics, space, form, regimes of art, world, fiction, Adorno, Rancière Abstract Followi...

Jean-Jacques Lecercle: Dispersed are we : roman des mondes et monde du roman dans Between the Acts, de Virginia Woolf« N...

Jean-Jacques Lecercle: Dispersed are we : roman des mondes et monde du roman dans Between the Acts, de Virginia Woolf

« Non pas un monde du roman, mais un roman des mondes – mondes singuliers, en séparation semi-chaotique, qui ne parviennent pas à constituer un monde. Et pourtant. Dans cette dispersion, dans ce semi-chaos, l’aspiration à l’unité, à la négociation d’un transcendantal partagé persiste : elle renaît après chaque échec, relançant sans arrêt la dialectique. »

Vol. 42 No. 2 (2021): The Concept of World in Contemporary Philosophy

Dispersed Are We: The Novel of Worlds and the World of the Novel in Virginia Woolf’s Between the Acts Authors Jean-Jacques Lecercle Université Paris Nanterre, Paris DOI: Keywords: ideological apparatus, Benčin, transcendental framework, literary canon, dialecti...

Rok Benčin: Worlds as Transcendental and Political Fictions“To claim that the structure of such worlds is fictional is n...

Rok Benčin: Worlds as Transcendental and Political Fictions

“To claim that the structure of such worlds is fictional is not to deny that there is a logic to their construction. Rather, it is to claim that there is a logic of fiction that supplements the mathematical logic Badiou uses to explain the construction of worlds. Badiou’s logical apparatus might explain in detail the way the transcendental operates, once a world is given, but on its own it cannot account for the very moment of setting a frame upon a selected piece of the ontological multiplicity that ‘interpellates’ it into a world. Worlds are generated by this transcendental framing, which forms the fictional dimension of worlds.”

Vol. 42 No. 2 (2021): The Concept of World in Contemporary Philosophy

Worlds as Transcendental and Political Fictions Authors Rok Benčin ZRC SAZU, Institute of Philosophy DOI: Keywords: multiplicity of worlds, possible worlds, fiction, Badiou, Deleuze, Kant, Rancière Abstract By examining the idea found in the works of several cont...

Marina Gržinić: World(s)“What we see all around us in this time of neoliberal global capitalism is that we are increasin...

Marina Gržinić: World(s)

“What we see all around us in this time of neoliberal global capitalism is that we are increasingly confronted with a political and social amnesia that profits from the almost complete obliteration of the past, the intensifying processes of de-historicization and de-politicization. Central to these processes is the logic of (neoliberal) repetition that produces at least two different procedures of (de)historicization. On one side, we have the logic of the neoliberal Western world that works as a pure trans-historical machine, and on the other, in the regions in the East and in the South of Europe, we detect a forced technique of embracing historicization as totalization.”

Vol. 42 No. 2 (2021): The Concept of World in Contemporary Philosophy

World(s) Marina Gržinić ZRC SAZU, Institute of Philosophy DOI: Keywords: colonialism, financial capitalism, necro-capitalism, racial/colonial divide, imperial/colonial divide Abstract The main thesis of this text is that for a critical evaluation of the instituti...

Nick Nesbitt: Capital, Logic of the World“Despite his longstanding silence regarding Marx’s Capital, I wish here to argu...

Nick Nesbitt: Capital, Logic of the World

“Despite his longstanding silence regarding Marx’s Capital, I wish here to argue that Badiou has in fact, in the three volumes of Being and Event, produced the materials for a contemporary logic of the capitalist social form. He has done so, however, in the form of an arsenal of abstract concepts that have yet to be precisely measured against Marx’s critical and formal reproduction of capitalism, the systematic exposition of which consumes the three volumes of Capital.”

Vol. 42 No. 2 (2021): The Concept of World in Contemporary Philosophy

Capital, Logic of the World Nick Nesbitt Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey DOI: Keywords: Badiou, Marx, Logics of Worlds, Capital, Lacan, logic Abstract Despite his longstanding silence regarding Marx’s Capital, I wish here to argue that Badiou has in f...

Magdalena Germek: The Anatomy of the World“We want this anatomy to show what the world is hiding under its skin, what th...

Magdalena Germek: The Anatomy of the World

“We want this anatomy to show what the world is hiding under its skin, what the world’s inner constitution looks like, to reveal the internal organs of the world, to make them worldly – in short, to expose the world to the world. But it is precisely at this point where an unexpected issue arises. For an anatomy of the world to be carried out, we need a co**se of the world. And to have the world’s co**se, the world needs to die first. Just how can the world die? (…) In order to obtain the co**se and perform a dissection of the world, we need a specific theory of the world, where the world is able to live and die.”

Vol. 42 No. 2 (2021): The Concept of World in Contemporary Philosophy

The Anatomy of the World Magdalena Germek Independent researcher, Ljubljana DOI: Keywords: Badiou, world, anatomy of the world, truth, Rembrandt, Donne Abstract In this article, we discuss Badiou’s concept of the world through the somewhat unusual metaphor of “...

Jan Völker: The End of Life Is Not the Worst: On Heidegger’s Notion of the World“If human beings want to avoid the eradi...

Jan Völker: The End of Life Is Not the Worst: On Heidegger’s Notion of the World

“If human beings want to avoid the eradication of life, it is imperative to not simply stop the most dangerous technologies from unfolding their explosive threats, but to think the world. Today, we see that we cannot think the world as something we have at our disposal, something we can handle, something we can master. We see that a world which we can master is only the futile image of a will to mastery which has directed itself into an impasse.”

Vol. 42 No. 2 (2021): The Concept of World in Contemporary Philosophy

The End of Life Is Not the Worst: On Heidegger’s Notion of the World Jan Völker Bauhaus University Weimar, Weimar DOI: Keywords: Heidegger, world, earth, truth, anthropocene Abstract The article proposes to reconsider the late Heidegger’s examination of the co...

Ruth Ronen: The Actuality of a World. What Ceases Not to Be Written"Without a world, possibilities, which cannot be asse...

Ruth Ronen: The Actuality of a World. What Ceases Not to Be Written

"Without a world, possibilities, which cannot be assessed, are easily manipulated or hover atomistically with nothing to place them in relation to each other. It can be argued, in other words, that the absence of world is tantamount to equivalent possibilities lacking the option of actualization, that we have lost the sense in which a world differentiates its fake states from its factual ones. The question of what makes a world actual, and of whether the actual can indeed be articulated in the absence of a world as support, is hence a question of pressing urgency (and actuality)."

Vol. 42 No. 2 (2021): The Concept of World in Contemporary Philosophy

The Actuality of a World: What Ceases Not to Be Written Ruth Ronen Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv DOI: Keywords: actuality, possible worlds, impossibility, Aristotelian modalities, Lacan and the sexual relationship Abstract “There is no longer any world,” wrote ...

Roland Végső: On Acosmic Realism“In order to be able to capture our contemporary Weltschmerz, the article turns to the y...

Roland Végső: On Acosmic Realism

“In order to be able to capture our contemporary Weltschmerz, the article turns to the young Walter Benjamin’s suggestion that the task of this age is to produce an “objective” (rather than subjective) Weltschmerz. However, the most effective tools to conceptualise this objective Weltschmerz come from the traditions of philosophical acosmism. It is a notable philosophical development of our times that some elements of the acosmic tradition have recently resurfaced in speculative realism. Thus, speculative realism could be described as a possible site of our contemporary Weltschmerz: its acosmic metaphysics is repeatedly tamed by a mournful longing for the world.”

Vol. 42 No. 2 (2021): The Concept of World in Contemporary Philosophy

On Acosmic Realism Roland Végső University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska DOI: Keywords: Weltschmerz, Weltliteratur, Benjamin, acosmism, speculative realism, Meillassoux, Harman Abstract In order to be able to raise the question of the “world” today i...

Peter Klepec: World? Which World? On Some Pitfalls of a Concept“The concept of the world, the grasping of the world, mus...

Peter Klepec: World? Which World? On Some Pitfalls of a Concept

“The concept of the world, the grasping of the world, must reflect the fact that the world, if there is one, is constantly in disorder, change, and flux. As a concept, it must even embody the end of the world, that is, the end and impossibility of its own object. In this sense, the end of the world is implicit in its concept.”

Vol. 42 No. 2 (2021): The Concept of World in Contemporary Philosophy

World? Which World? On Some Pitfalls of a Concept Peter Klepec ZRC SAZU, Institute of Philosophy DOI: Keywords: world, world-view, philosophy, Lévy, Marx, Ruda, Freud, Heidegger, Adorno, Nancy, Badiou Abstract “The world” as a concept necessarily involves many...




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