An empowering podcast with positive birth stories hosted by Swedish midwife Åsa Holstein; health ca
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About the podcast
I am a Swedish midwife, health care entrepreneur and mother of three, who has set out on a mission to let the strong and positive stories about birth to be told. In Sweden, I am already hosting two podcasts called “Gravidpodden” and ”Babypodden”.
In this new podcast, the focus will be on the superpower all women have, and on how you can find it during your preparation for birth. Tapping into that power during birth, can and will make all the difference for your birth experience. And birth truly matters. We carry our birth experiences with us through life. And it takes time to heal from a less good experience.
I have worked many years in helping women and their partners during birth. In Sweden, The system for maternity care and child birth in Sweden is run by midwives. That means, that if you have a healthy and low-risk pregnancy and birth, you will be taken care of only by a midwife. Midwives attend to all normal pregnancies and births, and you will only see a doctor if any complications occur. In other words, we midwives know our s**t.