Third Task

Third Task Digestible for everybody, educational even for the experts.

A student-led outreach project that produces recorded ”climate conversations” about how we can make the societal transition needed to limit and adapt to the climate crisis.

We are back after the summer break with episode nr 7 premiered this morning at KI Educational congress. How to include s...

We are back after the summer break with episode nr 7 premiered this morning at KI Educational congress. How to include sustainability in curricula? How to do it in critical and empowering way at the same time? In what ways is the barrier between learning and the rest of life false, how we can overcome it, and why should we do so?

More about our presence at the congress soon.

Episode nr 6 – what needs to change for the climate action to be taken? Technology? Society? Culture? Can we find the so...

Episode nr 6 – what needs to change for the climate action to be taken? Technology? Society? Culture? Can we find the solutions by looking for them only from one, western dominated perspective? Is there a bigger underlying problem?

A conversation between an associate professor in human-computer interaction Elina Eriksson (KTH) and toxicology master student Judy Fabienne Kool (KI). They ...

Episode nr 5 is about the industrial transition we need to undergo in face of the climate crisis. How can we relate shor...

Episode nr 5 is about the industrial transition we need to undergo in face of the climate crisis. How can we relate short-term and long-term goals to each other? Is nuclear power a good tool to allow for the transition?

A conversation about the climate transformation between professor emeritus of industrial development Staffan Laestadius (KTH) and bachelor of science in biol...

Episode nr 4 brings us closer to the systemic causes and solutions to the climate crisis. Economy - how do our misconcep...

Episode nr 4 brings us closer to the systemic causes and solutions to the climate crisis. Economy - how do our misconceptions about it hurt us and our planet, and can it be a tool for a fair and sustainable transition?

A conversation between an associate professor and researcher Thomas Hahn (Environmental social science) and bachelor’s student Hanna Lange (Business Administ...

Check out this article that Stockholm University's Communication Office wrote about us! [ENGLISH]

Check out this article that Stockholm University's Communication Office wrote about us!



Video podcast: Climate talk between students and researchers In the video podcast The Third Task, students and researchers discuss how social change needs to be done in connection with the climate crisis.

Episode nr 3 continues on the topic of communication around climate issues, but takes a different perspective. What abou...

Episode nr 3 continues on the topic of communication around climate issues, but takes a different perspective. What about the people who have different values than we do? Can we find a common ground?

A conversation about climate ethics between a post-doctoral researcher in climate ethics Olle Torpman and environmental student Daniel Vamos about climate et...

Episode nr 2 is a conversation about conversations. How do we talk about the climate crisis, what are the difficulties?h...

Episode nr 2 is a conversation about conversations. How do we talk about the climate crisis, what are the difficulties?

A conversation between post-doctorate researcher Linn Rabe (Environmental Sociology) and master’s student Kara Tai (Sustainable Development). From academic p...

Episode nr 1 introduces the perspective of the group of the kind of people who lead the project – the involved students....

Episode nr 1 introduces the perspective of the group of the kind of people who lead the project – the involved students.

A conversation between two students in Molecular Techniques in Life Science (a joint programme between Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm University and KTH), ...

Our episode nr 0, with guests from SEI giving a perfect introduction to the topics of the third task, climate action, an...

Our episode nr 0, with guests from SEI giving a perfect introduction to the topics of the third task, climate action, and how they relate to each other. You can treat it as an introduction to the whole series, but it is also an immensely interesting conversation in its own right. What is missing to tackle the crisis?

A conversation between research associate Nhilce N. Esquivel and senior research fellow Henrik Carlsen, both from Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). The ...


Swedish Higher Education Act of 1977 introduced 3 tasks universities should perform. It said that alongside education and research, academia should reach the wider public and decision-makers. This is its “third task”. To share knowledge and stimulate conversations. To safeguard our future.

Clearly, the long-known insights about the climate crisis, its systemic causes, and potential solutions were not communicated efficiently enough. Otherwise, we would not have to live through it.

The Third Task project led by Klimatstudenterna aims to change it. It is an attempt made by students to bring academic conversations and diverse perspectives, now largely contained behind the university doors, to the wider public and decision-makers.

In March and April this year we have recorded 12 conversations in which students and researchers tackle various climate crisis-related issues – from systemic causes behind the problems to potential solutions and challenges in implanting them. Perspectives of young activists, educators, engineers, philosophers, economists, public health specialists and more can be heard in these conversations.

7 of the conversations are already published. We will use this channel to share them with you, one by one, announce future uploads, and keep you updated on the events coming in the nearby future.




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