New Stories

New Stories New Stories is a creative talent film production company connected with Unlimited Stories AB based in Stockholm, Sweden founded by Poa Strömberg.

New Stories is a creative talent company that has a close connection to Unlimited Stories. We at New Stories share the halls with some of Sweden’s most experienced and eminent
producers. Together with Unlimited Stories we share over 40 feature films and an unlimited experience in film, television and media production that stretched for over three decades. At New Stories our main focus is to embra

ce the experience around us and combine that with exploring new talents in writing, directing and producing. We want to make the Swedish Film- and TV-industry grow. Our main goal and objective is to act as an incubator for new talents and give them the opportunity to tell their stories. The company was founded by Poa Strömberg and is run by Måns Strömberg and our two full-time producers Stefan Henriksson and Isaac Inger.


Skeppsbron 38


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