2023, it's a wrap! And it was challenging, wonderful, hard, energetic, busy, heartfelt and, the most important, it was about being together.
We thank all our partners, friends, business people always answering to our calls for meeting up again and again and sharing as much as possible from eachother's knowledge, energy and hope.
May you have the best of time, health and success in 2024, a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday!
Sarbatori cu bine tuturor!
The Diplomat Events
FB May 22 - 1280 The Diplomat
View several snapshots of the recently held Financial Forum 2022.
The conference reviewed the updates in the financial banking -related in a debate of key opinion leaders and managers from financial, fintech, capital market and banking industries.
The event benefitted from the support of:
GOLD PARTNERS: FirstBank SA, Fintech OS, OTP Bank Romania, SAS Software, Software Group , Orange Money
STRATEGIC PARTNER: Asociatia Romana A Bancilor
SUPPORTING INSTITUTIONS: ARIR.ro - Asociația pentru Relații cu Investitorii la Bursă din România , British Romanian Chamber of Commerce (BRCC), Belgian Luxembourg Romanian Moldovan Chamber of Commerce, Cluj IT Cluster, ANIS Romania, ADAA-Association for the Development of Local Entrepreneurship, Lovering & Partners - Business Performance Consultants HIM Public Affairs, Wave
MEDIA PARTNERS: Automotive-Today.ro , Outsourcing-Today.ro, Financial Intelligence, Redactie Economistul, România Durabilă, ClubEconomic.ro , Ziarul Bursa